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national / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday December 07, 2005 - 15:42 by cynical
national / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday December 07, 2005 - 13:48 by byshe
uk socialist worker ... read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights Wednesday December 07, 2005 - 13:00 by Association of Hunt Saboteurs
Countryside Alliance fails ASA truth test The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has ruled today (December 7) that the Countryside Alliance (CA) made untruthful and unsubstantiated claims in its attempt to promote the alleged benefits of game shooting. In its recently published glossy brochure, On the Front Foot, the CA falsely claimed that a shooting school in Berkshire had raised £1 million for good causes in 2004. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday December 07, 2005 - 05:13 by furlong
The present international instability could result in one or numerous other horrendous scenarios. However, the one glaring consistency or constant in today’s international political arena is the hatred that America has attracted from the rest of the world. Regardless of any other consideration, a nation despised by all is doomed. The USA has earned its reward by its blatant double standards, hypocrisy and the serial exploitation of weaker nations. These are the direct causes of the retaliatory response on American interests worldwide. The so-called “terrorists” are only a minor distraction while the real war unfolds. ... read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage Wednesday December 07, 2005 - 00:17 by Muireann Ni Bhrolchain
Irish Times - Chief archaeologist only has basic degree Frank McDonald, Environmental Editor, 5th December 2005 ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Tuesday December 06, 2005 - 18:59 by Louise
Minister for Education Mary Hanafin TD tonight confirmed the Government's support for the workers in the Irish Ferries dispute is little more that a face saving sham. The Taoiseach's carefully choreographed charade is now in tatters following her statement that teachers who leave the classroom on the ICTU’s National Day of Action will be docked their pay. Hanafin who isn’t known for making mistakes has surely committed a massive one on this occasion. It remains to be seen what our “Socialist” Taoiseach’s response will be! http://www.unison.ie/breakingnews/index.php3?ca=9&si=83459 http://www.rte.ie/news/2005/1206/irishferries.html ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Tuesday December 06, 2005 - 17:48 by Socialist Party
international / worker & community struggles and protests Tuesday December 06, 2005 - 14:35 by No to Nice campaigner
It's interesting that the SIPTU leadership and De Rossa who both were condescending to NO campaigners in recent referendum have awoken to the threat in light of the Irish Ferries rubicon. If it wasn't so sad we'd laugh and tell you we told you so. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday December 06, 2005 - 14:28 by Tom Chelston
New Song/WMV "BushWhacked" run time 3:48 ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Tuesday December 06, 2005 - 05:19 by Dr. Coilín Oscar ÓhAiseadha
A physics professor at a university in Utah has written a scientific paper that undermines the hypothesis that fires caused the collapse of three buildings in the World Trade Center on 11 September, 2001. He lists many indicators of pre-positioned explosives as a more plausible hypothesis. This would neatly account for discrepancies, including the rapid, symmetrical and total collapse of building WTC-7, which was not struck by an aeroplane. Jones’ analysis raises the level of scepticism about the official explanation for the events of 9/11 into the scientific domain. Jones’ distinguished academic career includes a PhD from Vanderbilt University, post-doctoral research at Cornell University and research for the US Department of Energy. In his paper, Jones points out that the explosive demolition hypothesis cannot be dismissed out of hand as a “conspiracy theory”. Such thinking “departs from good science as well as from numerous historical precedents of empirical conspiracies”. ... read full story / add a comment |