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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

Public Inquiry >>

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Lord Barwell?s Threat Against the Daily Sceptic Says it All About Elite Derangement as Net Zero Face... Tue Mar 04, 2025 09:00 | Chris Morrison
Theresa May's ex-Chief of Staff Lord Barwell has been issuing implied threats against the Daily Sceptic over our climate coverage. It says it all about elite derangement as Net Zero faces a humiliating global collapse.
The post Lord Barwell’s Threat Against the Daily Sceptic Says it All About Elite Derangement as Net Zero Faces Humiliating Global Collapse (and Ed Milliband May be Sacked) appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Journal Retracts Paper That?s Unflattering to the Woke Tue Mar 04, 2025 07:00 | Noah Carl
A paper documenting the association between Left-wing views and poor mental health has been retracted on trumped-up grounds. One of the complaints is that the authors used "judgemental language".
The post Journal Retracts Paper That?s Unflattering to the Woke appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Tue Mar 04, 2025 01:26 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Ramadan Begins in Londonistan Mon Mar 03, 2025 19:00 | Tim Dieppe
Ramadan has begun in Londonistan. It's another sign of how Islam is encroaching on Western culture, says Tim Dieppe. It's a long time since critics of any other religion were imprisoned. But don't you dare insult Islam!
The post Ramadan Begins in Londonistan appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Britain Paying ?180,000 an Hour to Switch Off Wind Farms Mon Mar 03, 2025 17:57 | Will Jones
Britain is paying almost ?180,000 an hour ? ?4.3 million per day ? to switch off wind farms because there is?nowhere for the excess power to go.
The post Britain Paying ?180,000 an Hour to Switch Off Wind Farms appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

offsite link France, unable to cope with the shock of Donald Trump, by Thierry Meyssan Wed Feb 26, 2025 12:08 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?121 Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:50 | en

offsite link US-Russian peace talks against the backdrop of Ukrainian attack on US interests ... Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:40 | en

offsite link Putin's triumph after 18 years: Munich Security Conference embraces multipolarit... Thu Feb 20, 2025 13:25 | en

Voltaire Network >>

international / anti-capitalism Wednesday May 18, 2011 - 21:59 by T   text 15 comments (last - friday july 01, 2011 - 14:59)
Two recent articles make the strong case that IMF chief Strauss-Kahn has been caught up in a palace coup as it were from the extremist side of the IMF.

While it is easy to hate the IMF and row in with the corporate media and pronounce him guilty we have got to remember to step back from this story and examine the context. What is also interesting is the way that this is the same media that so eagerly brought us the Afghan War, Iraq war, bailout of the rich and austerity and impoverishment for the rest of us, here they are now attacking one of the key figures in this global institute. It is all rather strange ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism Sunday May 15, 2011 - 22:44 by Near FM   text 1 comment (last - monday may 16, 2011 - 08:07)
LINK-"Opposing the British Queen's Visit to Ireland"- Radio Interview with John, Mark and Memet from the Irish Anti-War Movement Activists and Catholic Worker/ Plowshares activist Ciaron


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international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday May 15, 2011 - 19:28 by Katyb   text 1 comment (last - monday may 16, 2011 - 14:36)
Any land activists out there? ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday May 14, 2011 - 04:49 by 17/5   text 11 comments (last - sunday may 15, 2011 - 13:25)
The Irish Times reports this morning that the public will be completely banned from outside all of the sites to be visited by the queen of England.
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national / animal rights Thursday May 12, 2011 - 21:12 by Bernie Wright   image 1 image
Dear Sir/Madam,
While we are relieved that Bord na gCon was denied permission to export Irish greyhounds to China, we remain alarmed that they are nevertheless going to attempt to develop and manage racetracks there. This is not just a cynical move, but a sinister one. They will have to get greyhounds from somewhere for this cruel sport. ... read full story / add a comment
here we go.......
international / anti-capitalism Sunday May 08, 2011 - 11:02 by V for vendetta   text 4 comments (last - sunday july 24, 2011 - 11:15)   image 1 image
Morgan Kelly has done it again. He has cut through the Nonsense coming from our government and the media and got to the core of the matter. This article is the best summary of our current state of affairs in regard to the banking debt and our future that I have seen to date. I hope those idiots in Lenister house and the great sir Patrick Honahan are reading their sunday times today. Because its the only real sense I've seen on the matter lately, buried deep on the comments page as it was ... read full story / add a comment
galway / miscellaneous Sunday May 08, 2011 - 02:48 by FYI
The Galway Advertiser - a free paper - has undoubtedly the biggest readership in the county. Every week in its Grassroots column anonymous authors comment on the local political scene. This week a hard-hitting article has contrasted the Reagan visit to Galway with recent political developments. It is worth a read. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday May 07, 2011 - 08:11 by Prison Solidarity   text 1 comment (last - sunday may 08, 2011 - 08:49)
Bradley Manning's jail conditions improve dramatically after protest campaign

Switch of WikiLeaks whistleblower suspect from maximum security jail means more rights and liberties in runup to trial

Bradley Manning's new jail conditions were hailed by the Ohio Democratic congressman Dennis Kucinich as a victory for Manning's supporters, who claimed his original treatment amounted to torture. ... read full story / add a comment
Zombies in Soho Square: victims of police
international / anti-capitalism Friday May 06, 2011 - 20:09 by pat c   text 5 comments (last - saturday may 07, 2011 - 22:57)   image 1 image
Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group was among those arrested for attempting a street theatre performance to coincide with the royal wedding. They were accused of 'conspiracy to cause a public nuisance' and detained for more than 24 hours. Chris on a previous occasion was accused of incitement to violence because he had an Eat The Rich placard around his neck. Here he speaks to Peter Manson. Full story at link.

I’ve been saying all along that, despite what they claim about this being a private wedding, the fact is that it was taxpayers who paid for this party - the security costs were by far the highest component. So it was our party and we had every right to be part of the proceedings. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Friday May 06, 2011 - 14:48 by Reporter
This could spell trouble for Ahmadinejad. It all depends on witch way he reacts. Full text at url.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, who is described as 'the actual president of Iran' by allies of the country's supreme leader. Close allies of Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have been accused of using supernatural powers to further his policies amid an increasingly bitter power struggle between him and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Several people said to be close to the president and his chief of staff, Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, have been arrested in recent days and charged with being "magicians" and invoking djinns (spirits). ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday May 06, 2011 - 08:42 by Solidarity with Hancock 37   text 2 comments (last - friday march 02, 2012 - 14:19)
Fiction as Reality: Two Perspectives, Two Drones, One Demonstration,
and 37 Bodies

VID (18 mins) http://indytv.blip.tv/file/5089236/
... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Wednesday May 04, 2011 - 13:37 by Boris   text 5 comments (last - wednesday may 04, 2011 - 20:31)   image 4 images
It may already be too late to stop climate change. Full paper at url.

Global climate change is anticipated to bring more extreme weather phenomena such as heat waves that could impact human health in the coming decades. An analysis led by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health calculated that the city of Chicago could experience between 166 and 2,217 excess deaths per year attributable to heat waves using three different climate change scenarios for the final decades of the 21st century. The study was published May 1 edition of the journal Environmental Health Perspectives

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international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday May 04, 2011 - 08:43 by Prison Solidarity   text 4 comments (last - wednesday july 20, 2011 - 06:16)
* PHOTO - Frank & Steve outside G.P.O Dublin for Bradley Manning

**LONDON YOUTUBE Frank & Steve blockading Downing St. on Good Friday
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international / history and heritage Monday May 02, 2011 - 13:52 by Mark Fischer   text 6 comments (last - monday may 02, 2011 - 23:13)
Mark Fischer interviews Clive Bloom on his new book 'Restless revolutionaries'. A book which examines the legacy of Republicanism in British history. Full text at url.

You talk about the history of republicanism’s “crushing failures” in the book. One way that these struggles are crushed, of course, is that the victor writes the histories ...

Exactly. You have to unearth these histories, the documentation. You have to search for the graves where these people are buried - there are no monuments to guide you. More than that, you have to reconstruct the politics of the time to understand these rebellions in their context.

In the case of William Courtney and the 1838 rebellion in Dover, for example, there is a plaque on the church wall commemorating the dead. But why, when this guy turned up preaching as he did, were people prepared to believe it and to die for it? When we understand that, then history comes alive for us and speaks directly to how we live now, the struggles that surround us in today’s world. ... read full story / add a comment
Execution of Charles I in January 1649: communists want to do more than get rid of kings and queens
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday May 02, 2011 - 13:27 by Eddie Ford   text 2 comments (last - tuesday may 17, 2011 - 22:58)   image 1 image
Eddie Ford writes why it is in workers interests not just to get rid of the monarchy but also the whole system attached to it. Full article at url below.

Apparently the marriage of William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor and Catherine Elizabeth Middleton represents a “lovely fairy tale” - a “beautiful love story” of ideal romance and courtship. Or so Johnny Rotten, former fake anarchist turned monarchist propagandist, dribbled in the pages of The Sun when the royal couple’s engagement was officially announced.[1] The same sort of things were said about Charles Windsor and Diana Spencer - who were supposedly wafting about on cloud nine, when in reality they were miserable participants in a nightmarish charade, with the then naive Diana finding herself the victim of a cruel deception. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday April 25, 2011 - 20:02 by Emma Sharma-Hayes   video 1 video file
Protesters for Bradley Manning go to Obama's expensive fund raising dinner and sing to free Bradley Manning. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Monday April 25, 2011 - 13:26 by Tom Stokes
If citizens thought that they might play a meaningful part in commemorating the 1916 revolution on its 95th anniversary at the epicentre of the revolution they were wrong. The State had its plan, and ordinary people would play no part in it other than as curious and distant observers. ... read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality Saturday April 23, 2011 - 19:43 by Maryam Namazie
Full story with vids at url.

To mark and celebrate 100 years of International Women’s Day, a one day conference was held on 12 March 2011 to discuss the impact of religion on the lives of women. The conference was organised by One Law for All and the International Committee against Stoning, Iran Solidarity, and Equal Rights Now.

The day started with an opening address by renowned philosopher A C Grayling which was followed by a hugely successful conference with speakers from across the world creating a vibrant and very important debate. ... read full story / add a comment
North Kildare's Liffey Champion spreads the warning
national / sci-tech Sunday April 17, 2011 - 01:00 by getouttamyhead   text 9 comments (last - wednesday april 20, 2011 - 13:54)   image 3 images
With the government leasing frequencies to companies world-wide to test their electromagnetic equipment in a live environment, word is finally spreading of the dangers associated with new technology. The DOnegal Democrat and the Liffey Champion have both noted community resistance to placement of towers near homes, schools and businesses. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Saturday April 16, 2011 - 17:58 by V for vendetta   image 3 images
Of all people, the french are in a tizzy over a risque anti smoking advert. How would this "go down" in Ireland I wonder! ;-) ... read full story / add a comment
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