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international / miscellaneous Monday February 14, 2005 - 16:18 by -
in 1917 on May 13th some shepherd children reported that the BVM had appeared to them. And told them some secrets. 1- the end of the first war. 2- the conversion of Russia. 3- the last one, which dealt with an attack on a man in dressed in white. The last of the Fatima 3, Sister Lucía de Jesús Dos Santos, who lived in a Carmelite convent, died yesterday the 13th of February 2005 at the age of 97. The front pages of the world media showed other things depending on their point of view, is it not so? ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Monday February 14, 2005 - 14:30 by pat c
The SSP have elected Colin Fox as their new leader and have rejected uncritical support for Iraqi Rebels. Instead, the SSP Conference, held in Perth gave a qualified expression of support to the popular resistence. ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Sunday February 13, 2005 - 00:26 by nightime
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less than a day since the Spanish state and French state sent the Guardia Civil and Secret police to raid monastries of the benedictine order for presumed coloboration with ETA, and the simultaneous meeting of the President Chirac and President Zapatero of the French Republic and Kingdom of Spain who jointly share the responsibility for the state of Andorra under the treaty of Utrecht just about back then - when we started using this nifty calander and collecting art to put on display, et cetera, et cetera, vote in your referendum, vote, tell us what you think please, Europe has launched the biggest satelite without a silly name ever ever and only yesterday Chirac and ZP but where was the big man doesn't say much Shroeder? with flu along with burlesconi with flu imagine it. where are we all going? we have aids and insecurity they have flu and national debt. It is truly the wisdom of God. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday February 12, 2005 - 18:47 by Keith Harris
What is the best way for progress in Northern Ireland? Do you think Northern Ireland should become fully independent as a self-governing country? Should it drop its UK status and fully merge with and become part of the Republic of Ireland, without borders? Or should it continue as part of the UK with its own parliamentary Assembly? Vote and have your say at ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / eu Saturday February 12, 2005 - 15:37 by ZERO FIVE Television
Empire Campaign Alert ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Saturday February 12, 2005 - 14:10 by redjade
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and Bushies claimed they never thought of planes flying into towers.... ... read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections Friday February 11, 2005 - 17:38 by An Informer
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Young Fine Gael have launched an new e-zine called the Infomer which is available from the Link below. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday February 11, 2005 - 15:28 by redjade
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''UK airports are believed to be operational bases for two executive jets used by the CIA to carry out 'renditions' of terror suspects.'' ... read full story / add a comment
waterford / politics / elections Friday February 11, 2005 - 12:43 by Rosebud
Waterford is the constituency of Mr Martin Cullen who, as minister for the environment, introduced the aborted e-voting system. The State's bill for storing e-voting machines in Co Waterford is four times higher on average than anywhere else in the State. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Thursday February 10, 2005 - 11:49 by pat c
Well, theres an IKEA Store coming to an area near you quite soon. Watch out for the stampede! ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Thursday February 10, 2005 - 11:42 by Evanna Murphy
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Charles to marry Camilla ... read full story / add a comment
international / sci-tech Wednesday February 09, 2005 - 22:58 by -
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Hi ye all, we're in clone alert ... again. As you may be aware Prof. Wilmut the mad scientist of the UK who cloned Dolly the Sheep has just been given a license to clone human embryos which will not be allowed develop beyond 16 days to investigate a therapy for the desiese that David Niven star of such movies as "the curse of the Evil Pink panther" (1983), Guns of Darkness (1962), The Elusive Pimpernel (1950) and Magnificent Doll (1946) died from in Château-d'Oex, Switzerland. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday February 09, 2005 - 21:09 by Jeremy Beagle
WASHINGTON – Less than a year after its May 14 debut, the Pentagon Channel is taking to the stars -- more precisely, the Pentagon Channel is taking to EchoStar Communications. EchoStar's Dish Network satellite TV service announced it is now offering the Pentagon Channel to its more than 11 million viewers. Programming will be distributed 24 hours a day, seven days a week as part of Dish Network's public interest channels. This means the programming will be provided at no cost to customers. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday February 09, 2005 - 13:09 by Rosebud
dublin / animal rights Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 18:03 by Helena Escoda
Please, help Spanish bulls: Every year a lot of f bulls are cruelty killed in bullfights because this is one of the Spanish traditions. What can you do? ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 16:32 by David Higgins
Bush's DIrty War In Colombia ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 15:28 by John rowe
Unqualified medics 'did amputations' at Abu Ghraib ... read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 14:40 by unretireable
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Zimbabwean politicians are joining in the years' religious style weirdness, which has naturally followed on from the end of 2004 "renewed interest in the spirit" front covers of the global corporate media magazines with renewd interest in what the Roman Pontiff called "the message of baby Jesus in the stable". Well now the global media zeitgeist has turned to- "Lost Souls" & what we ought do about them. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 14:14 by Paul McAndrew
Gay Wedding For Philippine Communist Rebels Two communist rebel fighters in the Philippines have tied the knot in a ceremony at a jungle base. The pair are members of the New People's Army, rebels who have been fighting for independence in rural areas since the late 1960s. The NPA added same-sex relationships and marriage to its independence manifesto policy in 1998. But, the Philippine government which has been waging war against the communists does not recognize gay relationships and in much of the country homosexuality remains a taboo. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Tuesday February 08, 2005 - 12:40 by pc
Good summary of story of threat to Tara/Skryne Valley
from pagan writer
The question becomes, What is Tara Where are the boundaries of the ancient site says Gavin Bone, prominent Pagan author and resident of Kells, on the M3 route. The Roads Authority has defined the sacred precinct of Tara as the small area currently fenced off. But in truth the site is much larger: it sprawls across several hilltops, and includes the whole Skryne Valley. |