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offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link Gender Pay Gap Goes Into Reverse Amid ?Crisis of Masculinity? Sun Mar 02, 2025 19:00 | Richard Eldred
Young women now out-earn men by ?2,200 as a "crisis of masculinity" leaves boys struggling to keep up in education and work, with men falling behind in everything from grades to pay.
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offsite link GCHQ Dumps Stonewall As Trump?s Anti-DEI Drive Triggers a Funding Crisis Sun Mar 02, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred
Once proud to be a "Diversity Champion", spy agency GCHQ has ditched Stonewall in a fresh setback for the LGBT charity, as Trump's anti-DEI push sparks a funding crisis.
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offsite link The Australian Perspective: Britain Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought Sun Mar 02, 2025 15:00 | Sallust
Australia is watching our "unmanaged decline" with a mix of dismay and pity, says Simon Heffer in the Telegraph. It seems Britain's decline isn't just obvious at home ? it's blindingly clear from 11,000 miles away.
The post The Australian Perspective: Britain Is in Worse Shape Than You Thought appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link ?You Don?t Have the Cards Right Now? ? ?I?m Not Playing Cards Mr President? ? ?Oh You?re Playing Car... Sun Mar 02, 2025 13:00 | Richard Eldred
Zelensky's global PR tour has made him one of the most obnoxious political figures in recent memory, says Eugyppius, and his recent train wreck of a meeting with Trump will have historians dissecting it for decades.
The post ?You Don?t Have the Cards Right Now? ? ?I?m Not Playing Cards Mr President? ? ?Oh You?re Playing Cards, You?re Gambling With the Lives of Millions of People? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Police Apologise for ?Unacceptable? Hate Crime Probe Into Newcastle Fan?s Social Media Posts Sun Mar 02, 2025 11:00 | Richard Eldred
Northumbria Police has apologised to Newcastle United fan Linzi Smith after a baseless hate crime probe into her trans-critical social media posts got her banned by the club.
The post Police Apologise for ?Unacceptable? Hate Crime Probe Into Newcastle Fan?s Social Media Posts appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

offsite link France, unable to cope with the shock of Donald Trump, by Thierry Meyssan Wed Feb 26, 2025 12:08 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?121 Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:50 | en

offsite link US-Russian peace talks against the backdrop of Ukrainian attack on US interests ... Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:40 | en

offsite link Putin's triumph after 18 years: Munich Security Conference embraces multipolarit... Thu Feb 20, 2025 13:25 | en

Voltaire Network >>

national / environment Thursday November 09, 2006 - 17:21 by anon
Gardaí in Waterford city are investigating a fire at a mobile phone mast at a well-known GAA ground.
The fire, which is being treated as arson, destroyed the Meteor Mast at Ballygunner.
It is the second time in five months that the mast has been destroyed by arsonists.
The siting of the mast at the pitch is currently the subject of an appeal to An Bord Pleanála.

Telecommuncation masts have been sawed, pulled down blocked and set on fire. Large groups residents have blocked workers from getting on sites to install masts.For the last nine months residents have prevented Vilicom - telecommunications consultants for the Office of Public Works - from erecting the mast at Shankill.

Another Rossport
More apt a a title then you think with regard to exemptions of planning, styming projects from the start. ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Thursday November 09, 2006 - 14:06 by C Murray   text 3 comments (last - friday november 17, 2006 - 19:38)
"We urge an inquiry into the extent to which higher level officials in the
state government of Oaxaca have been involved in Brad's Murder and other
human rights violations.

We also condemn and seek an immeadiate end to the illegitimate arrests
and ongoing harassment of the press corps in Oaxaca".

http://nyc.indymedia.org/en/2006/11/79073.html ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Thursday November 09, 2006 - 12:37 by Terence   text 1 comment (last - thursday november 09, 2006 - 14:43)
Donald Rumsfeld who is one of the leading terrorists in the world because he has been instrumental in orchestrating the deaths of hundreds of thousands and terrorizing millions has resigned and is now to be replaced by another terrorist, Robert Gates who is a former deputy director of the CIA. Going by the record of Gates' CV, it is a certainty that the war of terror will be stepped up and many more people will be murdered whilst at the same time using up valuable global resources ... read full story / add a comment
national / housing Thursday November 09, 2006 - 12:09 by The Unwelcome Guest   text 1 comment (last - thursday november 09, 2006 - 12:24)
"If you accept that the bubble has popped, which most casual observers would, then we will have a period of rising inventories, falling sales and static price growth. There is nothing supporting current valuations, no supply deficit, potential investment returns, prospects of cheaper financing or outside macro economic developments.

We are on the slope of hope." - Duplex @ thepropertypin ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 19:26 by Dáil observer   text 3 comments (last - saturday november 11, 2006 - 16:44)
Today in the Dáil, Minister for Finance Brian Cowen was questioned by Joe Higgins T.D. on the significance of the results of the US Midterm Elections and the Irish Governments continued facilitation of the US Military at Shannon Airport. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 18:24 by finch
One medium size cauliflower, $3.46, bananas remain at $13/kilo at Coles Meyer supermarkets as of 8/11. Australian food prices at the grass roots Mr. (incompetent economic manager) Howard. John Howard is without doubt Australia’s biggest liar, racist, war criminal and scoundrel Prime Minister; he is also proving to be a thoroughly incompetent economic manager – just across the Tasman bananas remain at $2/kilo. The hard times (water shortages) haven’t hit yet but they soon will; can you imagine Howard’s performance in a real crisis if the above prices are an example of his management in relatively easy times? ... read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 17:47 by Miriam Cotton   text 3 comments (last - saturday november 11, 2006 - 15:43)
In recent years many people have realised fantastic health benefits from an approach to diet based on whole, organic food supplemented by high quality food supplements to make up for the cumulative loss of vital minerals, vitamins and other essential nutrition resulting from consumption of the denatured food which most of us are forced to buy throughout our lives. There is a huge groundswell of interest in this issue as people convert in droves to a truly healthy way of eating. A prominent UK exponent of this approach to diet who regularly arranges seminars in Ireland on this topic has spoken to capacity audiences of up to 300 people around Ireland who are turning away from pharmaceutical driven medicine to taking control of their own health by learning about how to nourish their own bodies properly - something the medical profession itself is still profoundly and shamefully disinterested in. ... read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 14:29 by Brian Wardlow   text 3 comments (last - monday november 20, 2006 - 21:19)
Informative interview of a lifelong Irish republican that will provide the viewer/listener with an inside prospective on the struggle for Irish freedom ,and the history and promotion of Eire Nua (New Ireland) an Irish formulated solution for a just and lasting peace in Ireland in the context of a British intent to withdraw from Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 14:10 by Niamh Nic Carthaigh
Against a backdrop of poverty, failing rains and increasing drought, delegates from 189 countries are meeting in Nairobi, Kenya to discuss climate change. Christian Aid is there too, urging the world’s environment ministers and their climate change negotiators to agree a new framework for rapidly and dramatically cutting carbon emissions to safeguard people’s lives and livelihoods in the future. ... read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 03:59 by TJ   text 2 comments (last - monday november 13, 2006 - 11:05)
Through "purity of arms" at least 50 Palestinians have been butchered, forty homes destroyed and 400 damaged in the IDF's latest invasion of the Gaza Strip, ... read full story / add a comment
national / environment Wednesday November 08, 2006 - 00:48 by paddyweb   text 1 comment (last - saturday november 11, 2006 - 16:45)
How Kildare County Council treats it's tennants. ... read full story / add a comment
where the ruffians and loveable rogues do business & banking is where children are sold, birds have flu, and misery is cheap.
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday November 07, 2006 - 23:01 by iosaf   text 1 comment (last - wednesday november 08, 2006 - 23:26)   image 1 image
In the last week this year's "transparency org" world corruption perception report has been published. It's a report which is taken seriously by some, and certainly no country looking for foreign investment wants to be at the bottom of the 163 states ranked this year. (Interestingly the world boasted 158 states for last year's report)

But both the annual list of "corruption perception" and "bribery perception" indices, can not be understood as isolated statistics. Just as Greenspan's biographer assured us he takes stock of over 4000 weekly indicators, we can not consider just one single country or economy when discussing corruption or bribery. Nor can we refuse to draw in other human development indicators, (the UNHDR report) all the usual "facts and figures" and internal data.
... read full story / add a comment
Tammy Duckworth, Iraq War Vet and Democrat running for House of Reps & Anti-Iraq War
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday November 07, 2006 - 22:35 by redjade   text 22 comments (last - wednesday november 15, 2006 - 18:22)   image 6 images
In the US of A on November 7th 2006 mid-term elections will be held for 33 of 100 Senate seats, 36 of 50 governor seats, and for all 436 seats of the House of Representatives. George Bush's party is predicted to lose, Big Time.... ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday November 07, 2006 - 17:32 by Maryam Namazie
A 21st century worthy of human beings is difficult to envision when our lives, our rights, our children, cities, schools and homes – are caught in the crossfire in a war of terrorists.
... read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality Tuesday November 07, 2006 - 11:32 by pat c
Yet another example of the compassion and mercy of Islam. Women are treated so well by those men who interpet the Koran and administer justice in the name of Allah.

Full story at the link.

pat c ... read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections Monday November 06, 2006 - 17:38 by C Murray
Central American Free Trade Agreement- Hugo Chavez's got a new Friend.

Ortega promised to uphold the trade agreement and will probably be buddies
with Hugo Chavez, which will displease Bush, however given Ortega's recent
aqquistion of God and anti-women voting- not overtly concerned.

The exit polls are suggesting Ortega is in the lead after 15% of the Ballots
have been opened, the liberal party are polling 7% and they are the nearest
political rivals. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Monday November 06, 2006 - 17:10 by Cian   text 2 comments (last - thursday november 30, 2006 - 18:27)
The 2007 Budget was ratified by a large majority in the government. The current budget continues the policy of attacking the Israeli workers’ living conditions. Welfare benefits are frozen; the privatisation of the most basic social services continues; and unemployment benefit for workers under the age of 28 are simply cancelled. The government forces us – the workers, the unemployed, the pensioners and the youth in the country – to pay the price for its military adventure in Lebanon. And while the government attacks all the working women and men in Israel, it does not forget to take care of its real friends – the capitalists. This budget will grant them benefits and tax cuts.

... read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment Monday November 06, 2006 - 11:48 by supp   text 9 comments (last - friday november 10, 2006 - 21:07)
Fresh talks may take place between Shell Ireland and local residents in north Co Mayo in an effort to resolve the long-running dispute over the Corrib gas terminal site.

The Shell to Sea campaign, which represents residents opposed to the pipeline, is due to outline a new initiative aimed at breaking the ongoing deadlock.

Details have not been disclosed, but reports this morning say the proposal could allow for fresh dialogue between Shell, the Government and the local community. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday November 06, 2006 - 01:54 by John Meehan
The story is at this link :


Rosie Kane was jailed for participating in an Anti Trident Direct Action outside the Scottish Parliament -

pictures here :

http://www.scottishsocialistparty.org/inpictures/triden...x.htm ... read full story / add a comment
Murat Kurnaz
international / anti-war / imperialism Sunday November 05, 2006 - 20:42 by Yusuf   image 2 images
German born Murat Kurnaz (23) was arrested by Pakistani police in 2002 while there on holidays. He was then sold to US forces and brought to Afghanistan where he was tortured by US and German forces before being transported to Guantanamo where he was illegally held and tortured by the US, with the complicity of the German Government for four years.
... read full story / add a comment
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