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international / arts and media Thursday May 04, 2006 - 14:35 by iosaf mac diarmada
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Reporters without Borders published their annual report on the freedom of the press and internet yesterday to co-incide with the United Nation's World Press freedom day. It is important for readers and contributors alike to remember that the idea of "journalism" can not really trace a history longer than Mayday and the struggle for workers' rights, or indeed the emancipation of American slaves, or the long ardous and brave road to full suffrage. The first journalists, did just what the word implies - they contributed as writers to small circulation journals, and often went without collecting their stipends, and thus decided to form the first "unions". There appeared to be no special qualifications other than literacy. Today we send children to universities to study * how to spell. * how to ask the questions "what? when? where? why?" and then of course how to manipulate it all. an Anglo-saxon model of the "reporter" has taken global hold, and the founders of the "industry" such as Hersch raised to the pedastal. ... read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment Wednesday May 03, 2006 - 18:19 by Green Ink
Full text of the TAG report available online. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday May 03, 2006 - 16:29 by redjade
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'...actually handing over to Muqtada al-Sadr, whose bloc controls the provincial government...' ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday May 03, 2006 - 15:32 by For a Workers International
Tools of Imperialism? You decide ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday May 03, 2006 - 14:10 by Shell to Sea
The Irish government's report on how the Rossport pipeline scheme is completely safe is due today. A casual observer might ask when the report finally sees the light of day: If there are genuine questions about the safety of the high-pressure scheme as Shell proposed to build it last year, then weren't the Rossport Five justified to protest against it? So will the government be making a formal apology to the five men, and compensating them for their imprisonment? Will Shell be censured for their conduct? Of course not. This report will come out, say the pipeline was safe as proposed, but with a few cosmetic changes it will be even safer (the gas will still be raw, untreated, odourless, and high pressure). The economics will still be the same (Nigeria gets a better deal from Shell on their natural resources). So the Irish people will still get nothing for letting a multi-national destroy a community. Let's hope Noel Dempsey realises that the pipeline will never be built, so the time to get out is BEFORE the election. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday May 02, 2006 - 18:55 by IPAI
BAHAR KIMYONGÜR WAS ARRESTED IN HOLLAND Bahar Kimyongür, spokesman of the DHKC Information Bureau in Brussels and one of the defendants in the “DHKC-trial” in Belgian Brugge, was arrested in Holland in the night from 27th to 28th of April, after the Dutch police stopped him in a car together with another person, approximately 40 kilometres from Amsterdam. From there he was brought to the detention center at the Schipool Airport, under the pretext of an international arrest warrant. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Tuesday May 02, 2006 - 18:31 by ollie
WASHINGTON --Venezuela will expand its discounted oil program for poor New Englanders next winter under a politically sensitive new deal brokered by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, U.S. Rep. William Delahunt, D-Mass., and former Massachusetts congressman Joseph Kennedy ... read full story / add a comment
international / history and heritage Tuesday May 02, 2006 - 16:05 by Pushkin
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Here is a story about Gareth Jones who exposed a famine in Stalins Soviet Union which killed up to 10 million people. It was a manmade famine caused by Stalins insane purging of the Kulaks and the creation of agricultural "plans" which had set dates for planting and harvesting regardless of local conditions or the state of the crops. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday May 01, 2006 - 17:05 by dingo
No greater tragedy has beset the Australian nation than at the present time. Everything that is un-Australian masquerades as the leader of the nation; is it necessary to name John Howard as the personification of everything that is un-Australian? A cowardly, cringing, lying, weevil does not an Australian make! Howard is the most grotesque, obnoxious flea that has ever inhabited political office. A perfect coward and pathological liar has won the last two elections by default. The local population desperately sought a viable opposition but found NONE; a high school student could have beaten Howard but not the present opposition; no greater congregation of self-centred, self-destructive, inept fools has ever sullied the floor of parliament. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Monday May 01, 2006 - 16:01 by Coilín ÓhAiseadha
Freedom of the press and national security collide after two journalists used classified military reports to question the government´s arguments for joining the Iraq War, the Copenhagen Post reported last week. Two journalists who printed classified military reports about Iraq´s weapon capabilities could follow their source to jail, if District Attorney Karsten Hjorth has his way. The DA said Berlingske Tidende’s two journalists, Michael Bjerre and Jesper Larsen, broke the law when they printed classified military reports leaked to them by Major Frank Grevil, Defense Intelligence Service (FE). ... read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media Monday May 01, 2006 - 14:03 by David Manning
The media has for some time now been discussing the probability of military action against Iran, based on the purported but unsubstantiated threat posed by the current regime. The thrust of the argument being that Iran can not maintain a peaceful nuclear programme, therefore the civilised West must consider, and plan for, perhaps even nuclear pre-emption. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday May 01, 2006 - 11:27 by Felicity Arbuthnot
3 years to the day after President Bush announced Mission Accomplished on the decks of the USS Abraham Lincoln, Felicity Arbuthnot examines the devestating effect that the war and occupation has had on Iraq. The results from the radiological wars raged in both Iraq and Afghanistan are now beginning to fully reveal themselves in the hospitals, graveyards, both in the civilians populations as well as the returning soldiers of the occupational forces. What then has been Accomplished? ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday May 01, 2006 - 01:53 by Trish Schuh
The United Nations Security Council, under heavy US-Israeli pressure- finds Iran noncompliant to the NPT. The next Security Council resolution will include a 'chapter 7' option which allows military attack on Iran. The fuse is lit. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / arts and media Sunday April 30, 2006 - 18:47 by Rastavidhead
Each day when I wake up I think, In this world I assume, I’m a failure, no lies. But knowing that, each night, I can dream, Imagine being free, I project my self and observe, I fly far from your hellish world, Where there are eyes that penetrate. They look, they judge, criticising, censoring, punishing. Mirror, mirror what do you see? You are deaf, blind and mute, And what I say, you believe, Where are my mistakes? I’ve been looking for years. I’ve revised my past, my body floats through the present and in the future is my mind, Resolving problems. Existence is a dilemma, In my opinion, he who thinks the most, reaches the answer first. I see myself moving closer. How nice life is when there is no hassle, The landscape is still green and on high the clouds are stretching by. The air is clean and free flows the wind, Through the fields. I get up and stretch, I walk and sing, the birds follow me and I smile, hearing melodies in the chirp, chirp, chirp. Or the tranquillity of the music of a river instead of city trains, cars and screams. Aiee, its my paradise. There’s no need, and I have no fancy mobile, I have no motorcycle, I step on no accelerator, there is no requirement. I’m alive and the taste is so exquisite. For so many awaited and by not many appreciated, let’s not talk about them because they’re finished. We have to try again, be born again, love and see ourselves flourish, Mind the earth, because in the end, it’s going to be drained, it’s going to be drained. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday April 30, 2006 - 18:17 by Shell to Sea
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Shell recently made a big deal out of covering and securing the pipes which are lying around in Mayo, so that the weather can't do any more damage to them. However the rest of the experimental pipeline is rusting away in Donegal it seems...,,2091-2158255,00....html ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism Friday April 28, 2006 - 22:12 by Seán Ryan
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Limerick Leader offers insult to Anti-war protesters, Shell to Sea protesters and everyone else. It suggests we are Anti-Semitic and Anti-American. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / miscellaneous Friday April 28, 2006 - 21:46 by SP Online
The April 2006 issue of The Socialist (#15) is now online at the Socialist Party website. See below for contents... ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Friday April 28, 2006 - 10:58 by Dave
SWP international theoretical featuring in thjis issue an analysis of the ongoing revolutionary upheavals in Nepal, a look at how the bolshevik revolution related to the large islamic minority in trhe Soviet Union, more on tyhe movement in Venezuela, and much morte full story list below. Follow thios link: ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / environment Friday April 28, 2006 - 10:50 by Shell to Sea
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The appalling story of Shell's contamination of the drinking water in Mayo was confined to those who read indymedia, and some local papers in the west of Ireland. Shell to Sea came up with a plan to give out glasses of tap water from Erris to the civil servants at the Dept of Local Government (today 1-2PM at the Customs House, Dublin) and now the story is being covered by virtually every media outlet in the country*. It just goes to show what a press release, a fold-out table and a white suit can do. Put "Shell to Sea" in the search on Google news to see the full effect. *except RTÉ of course. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday April 27, 2006 - 19:43 by pat c
Another contribution to the Marijuana debate. The debate is seesawing back and forth - good for you; bad for you. I'm a confirmed agnostic on the subject myself; but make your own mind up. Full story at link. pat ... read full story / add a comment |