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international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday September 12, 2007 - 18:31 by watcher
Rendition' through Shannon investigated Human rights officials have announced an investigation into Ireland's role in "extraordinary rendition" - the illegal transfer of a person from one state to another. The review is due to be done by the end of the year. Rights body probes 'terrorist' air transfers Annual Report 2006 ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Wednesday September 12, 2007 - 17:22 by Ali al-Fadhily
This article illustrates how the US invasion and occuption of Iraq has destroyed what was previously a secular society. Power has been put into the hands of reactionary clerics. Full article at the link. Religious clerics are beginning to play an increasingly powerful role in Iraq. Many Iraqis now fear that they are endangering human rights and religious freedom in the once largely secular country. Clerics began to play a major role since the U.S.-led occupation began in April 2003. Despite the promises of U.S. President George W. Bush to turn Iraq into a secular and free country, clerics have become the real leaders, and are beginning to control most political matters. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Sunday September 09, 2007 - 21:46 by Red Banner
€2 / £1.50 from Red Banner sellers, good bookshops or from the above address ... read full story / add a comment
international / consumer issues Sunday September 09, 2007 - 16:30 by Fu Manchu
As if proof were needed of how the idyllic peaceful ways of Ireland are different from Ilford London along comes this next story in foreign silliness - One small town entrepeneur & champion of street crime victims in Rumford, North East England is making consumer news at the moment. The "Bladerunner" company has been making kevlar gloves for some years now, but this year began production of stylish stab proof hooded jackets which are now proving a street cred must amongst the ever more paranoid & cautious parent of i-pod back to schoolers. Testimonial writers & satisfied customers even tell tales of their foiled stabbing at bank machines - "your hoody saved my life". ... read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism Sunday September 09, 2007 - 12:43 by Pulchra Dooley
In a Counterpunch article, Alexander Cockburn probes the liklihood of a US attack on Iran and yup, looks like, its on? : ... read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media Saturday September 08, 2007 - 14:04 by infanticide
Naomi Klein has written a new book examining what she calls "the shock doctrine" which based on Friedman's economic theories has seen Globalised Capitalism built on successive "shocks" to societies and states. She likens the shock approach to market changes and cut government spending to interrogation techniques developed and still used by the CIA in the late 1940's for individuals. As part of the launch, "The Guardian" has a short movie clip by Alfonso Cuaran & Klein ff just under 6 minutes duration which brings you through it quite neatly ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Friday September 07, 2007 - 15:56 by pat c
A small victory, part of the "Patriot" Act has been declared unconstitutional. Now the FBI etc will have to get a court order before they can secretly obtain records from ISPs. A federal judge struck down parts of the revised USA Patriot Act on Thursday, saying investigators must have a court's approval before they can order Internet providers to turn over records without telling customers. U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero said the government orders must be subject to meaningful judicial review and that the recently rewritten Patriot Act "offends the fundamental constitutional principles of checks and balances and separation of powers." ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / rights, freedoms and repression Friday September 07, 2007 - 14:22 by DSF
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Micheál Ó Seighin wrote a long article for An Phoblacht this week. His continuing analyses of the controversial Shell scheme to install a polluting refinery fed by a high-pressure production pipeline in the previously peaceful and serene Mayo countryside have been an enormously useful resource for Republicans and others. Here he takes stock of the current situation: ... read full story / add a comment
national / environment Wednesday September 05, 2007 - 18:36 by Tara Networker
Tara Tara Tara -new film out as actions increase at Tara. Tara Intense action week 1-7th Sept ( and all Sept) Autumn Equinox celebration around Sep 21st. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / worker & community struggles and protests Wednesday September 05, 2007 - 11:16 by Roja Bamdad
This is the latest edition of Workers Bulletin. It carries articles on the imprisonment and torture of Mansour Ossanlou, 11 workers sentenced to prison and flogged for celebrsating Mayday, news from the Tehran Busworkers and other stories. The full text of issue 14 is at the link. Trade Union leader Mansour Ossanlou is being tortured in Evin Prison according to the group Human Rights Activists in Iran (Iran HRA). Ossanlou has been physically tortured whilst under interrogation and has suffered heavy injuries to his ribs. Furthermore, it is said that he is having extreme difficulty walking. Ossanlou is being held in section 209 of the prison which is under the control and authority of Sepah intelligence (Revolutionary Guards). The organization claims that its intelligence is based on reports from inside the prison, which is notorious for its human rights violations. No War or Sanctions, No to the Iranian Regime! ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / consumer issues Wednesday September 05, 2007 - 09:20 by fu manchu
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Just as the British ministry of Defence admit they're on the long list of Western military offices hacked by the People's Republic of China - & gun-ho patriots demand surgical strikes on China, the esteemed advocator of family & caucasian values of beauty and healthy living which is the Mattel Toy Corporations announce their 3rd product recall this year. Less than 150 years ago, a female kid was happy to play with a bit of sackcloth stuffed with straw or a male kid was encouraged to tie a bit of pig gut to a forked stick. Posh kids (of the male variety) were offered lead soldiers to re-enact regimental glories at Waterloo and posh kids (of the child girl variety) were offered endless coloured ribons of the Laura Ingles "little house on the prarie" type. Then Mattel came along and sold us Barbie. ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Wednesday September 05, 2007 - 03:07 by R
"Comrades. If we don't do it, who will? Will the narrow, dogmatic economism of the Socialist Party do it? Will the will-o'-the-wisp politics of the endless frenetic protesting and sloganeering of the SWP bring change? Will Sinn Fein deliver, or are they now treading the well-worn path of electoralism, reducing the working class to mere election cannon-fodder? Will a middle dominated organisation like the Labour Party deliver, wedded as it is to coalition?" - Eugene McCartan, General Secretary of the Communist Party Of Ireland. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday September 04, 2007 - 15:09 by pat c
Interesting story which suggests the Pentagon has plans to launch a blizzard of "surgical strikes" Iran. With 1,200 targets I wonder how much collateral damage will be caused? Somehow I see creches being hit more easily than command-centres. Full story at link. The Pentagon has drawn up plans for massive airstrikes against 1,200 targets in Iran, designed to annihilate the Iranians’ military capability in three days, according to a national security expert. Alexis Debat, director of terrorism and national security at the Nixon Center, said last week that US military planners were not preparing for “pinprick strikes” against Iran’s nuclear facilities. “They’re about taking out the entire Iranian military,” he said. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Monday September 03, 2007 - 11:36 by pat c
This is a statement from the Iraq Freedom Congress, a Secular Non-Ethnic organisation which campaigns on behalf of ordinary Iraqi people. It opposes both the US Occupation and the Islamist Militias. Here it deals with fighting between two Islamist Militias which is causing untold hardship to the Iraqi people. Full text at link. Since yesterday, and the militia groups (Sadr and the Islamic Supreme Council) turned many cities of Iraq to battlefields and military barracks; and the atmosphere of terror has dominated the lives and livelihoods of people as if they needed more killings and crimes. This came after fighting erupted between supporters of the two groups in the city of Karbala (95 Km southwest of Baghdad) in a religious event. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday September 02, 2007 - 17:07 by Georgi Chicherin
After it was defeated in its war with Iraq, in 1988 the Iranian Regime massacred thousands of political prisoners. The majority of these were socialists and communists. This is the story of a commemoration which is held each year in honour of these martyrs. Full text and more photos at the link. In Iran , every year on the 31st of August the families of those executed , gather in Khavaran , an unmarked cemetery where thousand of communists and socialists were buried , to commemorate the lives of communists executed in the regime’s jails. This year the families arrived with the same smile and courage that have marked these commemorations for years. Elderly mothers who lost their sons in that period were joined by younger members of the families as well as students and supporters of those executed in 1988. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Sunday September 02, 2007 - 16:28 by Dorothy Gale
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In yet another blow to the SWP George Galloway has now issued a document which severely criticises the SWP and the way in which it is mismanaging RESPECT. The document is available in full at the url below. "Unhealthy" internal relations, a lack of democratic decision-making, financial crisis and looming "oblivion". Last week, the Respect MP sent a scathing eight page document to all members of the Respect National Committee. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday September 01, 2007 - 14:39 by tom eile
In the face of a concerted anti-Arabic and Islamophobic campaign , Yemeni born teacher , Debbie Almontaser , has resigned as principal of the Brooklyn based Khalil Gibran International Academy . Almontaser’s earlier failure to “instinctively denounce” a NYC Intifadia T-shirt in terms satisfactory to Rupert Murdoch’s New York Post had resulted in a witch hunt being organized against her and the school she helped found by right-wing Zionists, Christian fundamentalists and Islamophobes . Instead of offering support to the veteran teacher , United Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten ,added her voice to the racist campaign . ... read full story / add a comment
international / environment Saturday September 01, 2007 - 14:01 by Reza Fiyouzat
Here an Iranian Socialist and Anti-Imperialist explains why it is not a good idea for Iran to develop or to maintain Nuclear Power stations. Full text at the link. Those in the Iranian socialist opposition arguing for a nuclear-free Iran have either been absent from the Western left's discourse or have been getting the short end of the stick from some in the US left. Trapped in a mentality as simplistic as that of George Bush's, a good part of the US left has been repeating a similar logic, by saying that either you go along with the imperialists' plans and support Bush or find excuses to support Iran's government's pursuit of nuclear energy. ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday August 31, 2007 - 17:34 by MichaelY
George W. Bush’s speech Tuesday makes clear his plan to attack Iran, and how the intelligence, as was the case before the attack on Iraq, is being “fixed around the policy.” The Aug. 28 speech to the American Legion came five years after a very similar presentation by Vice President Dick Cheney. Addressing the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Aug. 26, 2002, Cheney set the meretricious terms of reference for war on Iraq. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday August 30, 2007 - 13:07 by +
Many Irish people will have missed the pomp & ceremony, smells and bells which launched Europe's latest lowcost airline on ¨Monday. Despite its obvious competition with two of our most cherished little earners & institutions. The Holy See is offering cheap flights from Rome to Lourdes which I need not tell you will surely undermine both Ryanair and Knock. The Vatican is promoting the service as an opportunity for the faithful to maintain a proper atmosphere conducive to such religious devotion and prevent their journey falling into some Chaucer like tale. Needless to say unlike Ryanair they won't be charging wheelchair users any extra money either. But already it has run into TERROR problems. read on & learn - ... read full story / add a comment |