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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link New Elite Needed. Please Apply Here Mon Mar 03, 2025 09:00 | Dr Nicholas Tate
Out with the old elites, in with the new, says Dr Nicholas Tate ? preferably ones who don't sneer at the people they rule, shove woke dogma down our throats or fail spectacularly as leaders.
The post New Elite Needed. Please Apply Here appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Who Said That the WHO Is the Executive Arm of the Greatest Experiment in Social Control in History? ... Mon Mar 03, 2025 07:00 | James Alexander
While Trump dithers on the WHO, Milei goes for the jugular, says Prof James Alexander ? calling it the enforcer of history?s biggest social control experiment and slamming lockdowns as a crime against humanity. Good!
The post Who Said That the WHO Is the Executive Arm of the Greatest Experiment in Social Control in History? (Clue: Not Starmer) appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Mon Mar 03, 2025 01:19 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Gender Pay Gap Goes Into Reverse Amid ?Crisis of Masculinity? Sun Mar 02, 2025 19:00 | Richard Eldred
Young women now out-earn men by ?2,200 as a "crisis of masculinity" leaves boys struggling to keep up in education and work, with men falling behind in everything from grades to pay.
The post Gender Pay Gap Goes Into Reverse Amid ?Crisis of Masculinity? appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link GCHQ Dumps Stonewall As Trump?s Anti-DEI Drive Triggers a Funding Crisis Sun Mar 02, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred
Once proud to be a "Diversity Champion", spy agency GCHQ has ditched Stonewall in a fresh setback for the LGBT charity, as Trump's anti-DEI push sparks a funding crisis.
The post GCHQ Dumps Stonewall As Trump?s Anti-DEI Drive Triggers a Funding Crisis appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?122 Fri Feb 28, 2025 12:53 | en

offsite link France, unable to cope with the shock of Donald Trump, by Thierry Meyssan Wed Feb 26, 2025 12:08 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?121 Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:50 | en

offsite link US-Russian peace talks against the backdrop of Ukrainian attack on US interests ... Sat Feb 22, 2025 05:40 | en

offsite link Putin's triumph after 18 years: Munich Security Conference embraces multipolarit... Thu Feb 20, 2025 13:25 | en

Voltaire Network >>

international / miscellaneous Saturday November 29, 2008 - 00:28 by anticopyright   text 3 comments (last - tuesday april 13, 2010 - 09:46)   image 1 image
http://anticopyright-tr.blogspot.com/ ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism Friday November 28, 2008 - 13:01 by redjade
Solidarity needed - even during the era of President Obama. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Friday November 28, 2008 - 10:46 by Peter O´Callaghan   text 10 comments (last - monday december 01, 2008 - 16:41)   image 1 image

The terrorist assault on Mumbai’s five-star hotels was well planned, but did not require a great deal of logistic intelligence: all the targets were soft

Read full article :


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national / miscellaneous Friday November 28, 2008 - 10:28 by Steerpike   image 1 image
There has been much in the news lately about shoppers taking their money (or credit, more likely) up north, despite government appeals to "patriotism"... a word that should always set the alarm bells ringing off their mountings. ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Wednesday November 26, 2008 - 13:46 by redjade
''A US appeals court has ruled that the Vatican can be sued for the sex abuse committed by US priests.

The Vatican had tried to block a class action lawsuit alleging that it orchestrated a cover-up of sexual abuse by clergy with the argument that it was protected by laws granting sovereign states immunity from most US civil proceedings.....
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national / anti-capitalism Wednesday November 26, 2008 - 11:41 by Michael Taft
A new 10-point programme for economic recovery and renewal ... read full story / add a comment
dupla vey
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday November 23, 2008 - 23:07 by redjade   text 2 comments (last - monday november 24, 2008 - 09:56)   image 2 images
It was thought that George W Bush and his immediate family would being going into exile in Paraguay after January 20th 2009 - but Paraguay had the misfortune of recently electing a left of centre government.

Thus, George had to make new plans.... ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism Friday November 21, 2008 - 14:49 by Darren C
A massive tide of anger has swept over Ireland following the Fianna Fail government’s draconian Budget announced in October. Bernie McAdam from the League for the Fifth International reports on a wave of struggle and calls for militant action to defeat the bosses' attacks.

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dublin / miscellaneous Wednesday November 19, 2008 - 22:13 by beth   text 6 comments (last - wednesday december 24, 2008 - 22:53)
the next few days I will be going around with hopefully a few sleeping bags and blankets for the homeless. If you have any to donate and you are in Dublin in the next few days please donate sleeping bags or blankets. This year I can use the seomraspraoi building as a collection point. thanx guys.
so please donate your unwanted sleeping bags. ... read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media Wednesday November 19, 2008 - 10:31 by Aragon   text 5 comments (last - friday november 21, 2008 - 01:54)
Sarah Carey is apparently a responsible 'yes' voter when it comes to Lisbon. We will all therefore appreciate the terrible position she was put in when she discovered that The Times of London (Irish version) was banning all pro Lisbon pieces in its pages. Carey went along with this - for a good long while, in fact. She has just fetched up however in the pages of the Irish Times, that bastion of balanced and fair journalism (not), armed with a revivified conscience, describing the horrors of the editorial interference of Frank Fitzgibbon at the London Times and wishing she had had the courage to bring the truth of his editorial perfidy to the world before. Read her heart-rending tale here:


Sarah tells us that when reading anything in a newspaper, we had better be asking ourselves who is writing it and what is their agenda. Quite so.

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national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday November 18, 2008 - 16:38 by Paul McAndrew   text 1 comment (last - sunday november 23, 2008 - 14:49)
The report found many gays are isolated

A new study of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in the West of Ireland has found that nearly 70% of them have suffered some form of discrimination.

90% felt isolated at times because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

The report was commissioned by LGBT West - a consortium of statutory and voluntary service providers in counties Mayo, Galway and Roscommon, including county councils, rural and city partnership companies and lesbian and gay groups.

50% of those who had experienced discrimination were verbally abused and 20% had been physically attacked ... read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice Tuesday November 18, 2008 - 09:13 by A.J Fozdyke
Features the signatures of Queen Elizabeth II: all in top right-hand corner, all without Seals and all forged by Strawman Jack. ... read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism Monday November 17, 2008 - 14:51 by tomeile   text 16 comments (last - thursday july 08, 2010 - 15:06)   image 1 image
On Nov 11 the Irish Anti War Movement’s website posted a statement under its news section expressing delight at the victory of Barack Obama in the recent US Presidential elections. The IAWM statement , a reprint of one issued the day previously by the UK’s Stop the War Coalition, notes Obama’s “ forthright opposition” to the Iraq war and advises the British government to work urgently with him to end the occupation .
... read full story / add a comment
international / housing Monday November 17, 2008 - 10:03 by Terence
In a clear example of the hollowness of politicians in the current economic crisis, where they claim the bailouts to the wealthy are designed to help the ordinary people, a British court ruling has now up the ante on the attack against the people by allowing a ruling which permits people to be evicted from their homes after missing just 2 monthly payments ... read full story / add a comment
U.S. Army helicopters begin moving troops and equipment from Saddam Hussein’s former Baghdad palace.
galway / anti-war / imperialism Thursday November 13, 2008 - 19:37 by Dunlo Tom   text 1 comment (last - friday november 14, 2008 - 14:21)   image 1 image
In the scoop of the millenium, today's edition of the New York Times announced the sudden and totally unexpected reversal of the American war machine: "Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom were brought to an unceremonious close today with a quiet announcement by the Department of Defense that troops would be home within weeks".

“This is the best face we can put on the most unfortunate adventure in modern American history,” Defense spokesman Kevin Sites said at a special joint session of Congress. “Today, we can finally enjoy peace — not the peace of the brave, perhaps, but at least peace.”

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national / miscellaneous Monday November 10, 2008 - 09:08 by Steerpike   text 3 comments (last - wednesday november 12, 2008 - 11:30)
Have the Irish switched - in one generation - from being the victims of racism and prejudice, to being the perpetrators? The following, taken from the Gombeen Nation blog, would seem to agree.

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cork / rights, freedoms and repression Saturday November 08, 2008 - 10:46 by Michael Cronin   image 4 images
On the 15th November 2008, a conference was organised by the Irish National Forestry Foundation and held at the Silversprings Hotel, Cork. A protest by forestry contractors was present at the conference, claiming pollution of Irish rivers from harvesting of timber, also another peaceful protest was held at the National Ploughing Championships on the 23rd September 2008 (Photos of which are attached). ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Friday November 07, 2008 - 15:30 by Stephen Boyd   text 57 comments (last - wednesday november 19, 2008 - 17:52)
Socialist Party publishes new critique of the SWP ... read full story / add a comment
Obama cosying up to Emanuel at the Illinois Delegation party at a restaurant in Boston
cavan / rights, freedoms and repression Thursday November 06, 2008 - 17:47 by Terry   text 1 comment (last - friday november 07, 2008 - 11:37)   image 1 image
Electronic Intifada is reporting : "Obama picks pro-Israel hardliner for top post" whilst Haaratz describing the the choosing as: "Obama kick-starts transition, picks Israeli Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff" http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1034635.html

As Ali Abunimah puts it in his EI article: "During the United States election campaign, racists and pro-Israel hardliners tried to make an issue out of President-elect Barack Obama's middle name, Hussein. Such people might take comfort in another middle name, that of Obama's pick for White House Chief of Staff: Rahm Israel Emanuel ... Rahm Emanuel was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1959, the son of Benjamin Emanuel, a pediatrician who helped smuggle weapons to the Irgun, the Zionist militia of former Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin, in the 1940s. The Irgun carried out numerous terrorist attacks on Palestinian civilians including the bombing of Jerusalem's King David Hotel in 1946. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Tuesday November 04, 2008 - 16:22 by Ronnie   text 4 comments (last - sunday january 17, 2010 - 02:46)
Indymedia users will be aware of the longrunning dispute between the trade union UNITE (formerly ATGWU) and a number of Shop Stewards sacked by ICTS in Belfast in2002.
. ... read full story / add a comment
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