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Iran: Imperialism finds new pretext for threats 23:30 May 15 5 comments more >>Blog Feeds
The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Human Rights in IrelandPromoting Human Rights in Ireland |
national / politics / elections Wednesday May 06, 2009 - 17:14 by Chris.M.
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Why have we not been given reasons to vote yes? ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday May 05, 2009 - 16:10 by Marek Lenarcik
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Please switch off the voice recorder. I will tell you about the arrest and interrogation. It’s not for my safety, but for yours. I am afraid that they will search you when you will be leaving the country. A woman in her late 20-ies opens the door to the hotel Firouzeh in central Tehran. She is dressed in blue jeans and a purple hijab covering her faultless shape. Headscarf which is supposed to cover her hair is struggling to stay somewhere on the back of her head. Delicate smile on her cheerful face is assisting a firm handshake. It’s Maryam, an activist of the One Million Signatures Demanding Changes to Discriminatory Laws towards women. “Marek jaan (dear), welcome to Iran!” ... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism Tuesday May 05, 2009 - 10:05 by Paul Bowman
At the beginning of April, the G20 group of major world economies met in London. Media attention focused as much on the confrontation between police and demonstrators outside the conference as on what was going on between the suits inside. The London police were their usual charmless selves and even managed to kill an uninvolved man, Ian Tomlinson, on his way home from work. ... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression Sunday May 03, 2009 - 16:30 by Michelle Clarke
What can we, the plain people of Ireland, contribute to the Theorists, Government politicians, the Bankers, the professions, the economists - to those who have constructed NAMA. These are the people we must learn to trust and if this is so, we the plain people of Ireland must be able to contribute our views, in a collective way, as part of the people grassroots press. The common sense view is free and this is about democracy. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Friday May 01, 2009 - 17:01 by Sean Matthews
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The recent G20 summit in London brought into sharp focus the level of police violence and intimidation in our society. ... read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests Friday May 01, 2009 - 15:42 by Yassamine Mather
The present financial crisis and its destructive consequences for the working class around the world is yet to spread its ominous specter on the everyday life of the Iranian workers; But the injustices they suffer is nothing but the outcome of the rule of the Iranian capitalist class. Injustices such as: Wages that keep workers under the poverty line, Widespread layoffs, Withholding of workers’ wages for months, Imposition of temporary and blank contracts on workers by companies, Imprisonment and flogging of workers in order to inhibit disobedience and resistance, The absence of fair and legal contracts, are not problems which have emerged in Iran with the new wave of economic crisis. Such injustices have existed in Iran for many years and the crisis is increasingly deepening every year. ... read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage Friday May 01, 2009 - 09:38 by Irelandseye
A cry for help by the Urban Explorers of Ireland ... read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous Friday May 01, 2009 - 00:59 by Saoirsí
Dundalk shops around for printing a few miles to the north, and it's an international incident. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Thursday April 30, 2009 - 20:13 by Unitetheunion member
McCann Interview ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression Tuesday April 28, 2009 - 17:08 by Hilary, Mary, Andrew, Sinead
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Three speakers talk about the pro-choice struggles in Ireland they were involved in over the last three decades. These include the 1983 anti-referendum campaign, the Womens' Information Network, the SPUC v students case, Dublin Abortion Information Campaign, X-Case, Repeal 8th Amendment, 1992 Referendum, Dublin Abortion Rights Group, Alliance for a No Vote, 1998 referendum, Choice Ireland and the D-Case. ... read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests Monday April 27, 2009 - 18:56 by Passenger And Private Sector Worker
Congratulations to the Drivers from Clontarf and Harristown Garages for resisting the savage cuts to Dublin Bus Services, which will severely impact on passengers like myself. Hopefully the other Dublin Bus Garages will join in the Strike in the next day or two. Shame on the 'Unions' (SIPTU and NBRU) for agreeing to these draconian cuts, and for forcing Dublin Bus Workers to accept these cuts. This slashing of Dublin Bus Services will hit the poor, the old and the disabled the worst. To use the infamous phrase that Fianna Fáil used to win the 1987 General Election, and which they then tore up as soon as they got into power: "Cuts Hit the Old, the Sick and the Handicapped!" ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / anti-capitalism Monday April 27, 2009 - 15:13 by WSM National Conference
Two weeks back the Worker Solidarity Movement had its spring conference in Dublin at which the members debated and vote on the following position paper on the capitalist crisis. It moves from a a general description of the crisis at the global level, thought the specifics of Ireland and the resistance to date before looking at prospects for the future. ... read full story / add a comment
international / eu Saturday April 25, 2009 - 23:25 by Abdullah Elneihum
Investigating the European Union's decision on building a European trade agreement with a country that reportedly severely abuses the most basic of human rights of another nation of people. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Saturday April 25, 2009 - 14:59 by Amancay
Oil multinationals might be behind the mercenaries killed in Bolivia. Let's share information and support each other. ... read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / history and heritage Monday April 20, 2009 - 00:15 by Pat
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A good turn out for todays protest in Moore Street, Full story to follow later. Enjoy some Photos for now. ... read full story / add a comment
antrim / miscellaneous Sunday April 19, 2009 - 15:57 by Sean Matthews-personal capacity
If truth be told, should we be surprised by revelations in recent weeks concerning the expenses of ‘our’ politicians? ... read full story / add a comment
international / eu Friday April 17, 2009 - 13:11 by Lemuel Gulliver IV
While European Commission President José Manuel Barroso is concerned that the Lisbon Treaty has fallen hostage to "domestic problems" in the Czech Republic, humanist Jan Tamáš spoke at the recent NATO counter-summit to outline the NATO-related defence issues that undermined the government. The Lisbon Treaty now faces a stormy course to approval. ... read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests Friday April 17, 2009 - 12:21 by PADDY HACKETT
The Irish budget deficit has rapidly grown to an enormous size. The growing budget deficit is a symptom of the deepening global economic crisis. It is not the cause of it. The crisis can only be solved by eliminating its cause --capitalism. ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous Friday April 17, 2009 - 01:14 by Philip O' Rourke
When I was young we used to be out from 10 o'clock in the morning til 10 o' clock at night. The boys would be playing football while the girls would be making up dance routines or talking about the boys they fancied. Times have changed? But what has changed them? ... read full story / add a comment
national / eu Wednesday April 15, 2009 - 13:44 by Richard Whelan
The Lisbon Treaty was rejected by Irish voters last year, amidst the backdrop of an inept Government, a No campaign run by vested interests and a general level of ignorance as regards content of the Treaty. These are the reasons why we should vote Yes, why we shouldn't trust No campaigners and how the Lisbon Treaty is our ticket to a more transparent and democratic Europe, with Ireland at the centre of a stronger EU. ... read full story / add a comment |