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dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / photo-essay Wednesday January 27, 2016 14:30 by T
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There was a reasonable turnout at Saturday's Water Charges protest in Dublin. There were two main assembly points, Christchurch and Connolly station and both groups met up on O'Connell street outside the GPO where the speeches were given and crowd generally entertained with music at the start and end. Estimates for the numbers are hard to come back as it seems RTE, the government and media like to play down the numbers while the estimate from Right2Water seemed a bit high but it was probably somewhere between 10,000 and 20,00 in Dublin. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / environment / press release Monday January 25, 2016 20:30 by Ban Fox Hunting in Ireland
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High Profile foxhunter caught redhanded assaulting two farmers...dramatic video footage exposes bullying and thuggery! read full story / add a comment
dublin / housing / other press Sunday January 24, 2016 02:09 by 1 of Indymedia
Homeless has steadily risen in the last few years and is now at crisis level. However the state is not interested and likes to imply high rates means the economy is doing well. It actually means we're just being screwed even more. The eviction last week with the full support of the Garda shows where the State's loyalty is and that is with landlords. In this case we have a house abandoned for years, but once they realize there is a squat there no resources are spared to evict people out on the street even if they have to smash up the place to do so. Bottom line is that they would rather wreck a house than have people paying no rent. Notice also how the law doesn't apply to them. See the report below from the WSM. Monday (Jan 18th) saw an eviction without court order in Dublin involving Garda and private security / builders at Villa Park, Dublin 7. The house had been left abandoned for at least two years according to neighbours before being brought back into use last October by people who needed a home. One of them told us that it was a “Beautiful house that was to be demolished in order to make a new route to warehouse / bakery behind it but neighbours objected and planning permission was refused. The person claiming ownership seemed to be very wealthy and is listed as a director of over 28 companies.” read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / economics and finance / event notice Friday January 22, 2016 14:22 by 1 of Indymedia
A coalition of 40 Irish Civil organisations are launching the Robin Hood Tax Campaign Ireland, united in the belief that it is time to make Irish financial institutions pay their fair share in tax to help clean up the mess they have helped create, and to help avoid another financial crash happening by curbing speculative trading. The Nevin Economic Research Institute is estimating a net gain in the range of 320 to 360 million Euro each year from the Financial Transaction Tax to the Irish exchequer. Ten other European countries are about to introduce the tax while the Irish Government is NOT taking this opportunity. The campaign aims to change this Government position and campaigns for Ireland to join the other European countries and introduce a Financial Transaction Tax. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Friday January 22, 2016 12:58 by Paddy Hackett
Utilitarianism is the hidden basis for the moral and philosophical basis of much of the Irish Left read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday January 21, 2016 18:21 by Justin Morahan
Mary-Anne Grady Flores a grandmother from upper State New York was jailed for six months and started her sentence on Tuesday last for taking pictures of an anti-drone protest. The letter below has been sent to the US Ambassador along with the Democracy Now account of the jailing read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / public consultation / irish social forum / event notice Thursday January 21, 2016 11:43 by anon
The Annual Assembly of Claiming Our Future organisation takes place this Sat 23rd Jan in the Teachers Club in Parnell Square from 11am to 2pm. The agendas that concern us are changing and proliferating in every direction. To name a few... At a global level there are: Climate Change and COP 21; permanent war zones; refugee and migrant flows and the failure to respond to these; UN Sustainable Development Goals; the need to reclaim EU values and solidarity to agree on strategies for the refugees and threats of EU downsizing or breakup At a national level there are: growing homelessness; inadequate health care; an uneven economy; privilege for the 1%;; the constant stop/go of the Good Friday Agreement; political corruption and political disaffection. How does civil society respond? Do we work harder in our own areas or improve interconnection with other movements? Do we concentrate on lobbying the state, especially in election periods, or give up on t failing states and advocate community solutions? read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday January 20, 2016 22:29 by lasc
In the northern highlands of Peru, in a region known as Cajamarca, indigenous-campesino communities are struggling to protect their land and their water supply from destruction. A multinational mining corporation, backed up by the World Bank, wants to turn the mountain lakes, the source of water for tens of thousands of subsistence farmers, into immense open pits. This would be the biggest extractive project that Latin America has ever seen. Speaker: Lynda Sullivan Weds 27th Jan @ 7pm read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / press release Wednesday January 20, 2016 21:53 by right2water
The Right2Water campaign said today (Wednesday January 20th) that water charges are being used to give tax breaks to corporations and the wealthiest in our society. Pointing out that households only use 10 percent of water but are now expected to pay up to 78 percent of all costs while corporations and agriculture use 90 percent of all water but will only pay 22 percent of the costs, Right2Water said that water charges amount to a ‘transfer of wealth’. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / event notice Tuesday January 19, 2016 14:20 by Laurence Cox
Social movements and communities can seem to be up against overwhelming odds at times. Personal burnout, organisational collapse and movement decline are all familiar experiences – taking energy, skills, networks and whole communities out of the fight. How can we sustain ourselves and our movements so as to bring about the really big transformations that are needed? And how can we bring more creativity, solidarity and liberation to our relationships with others who are struggling for change? read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday January 18, 2016 16:05 by Una Feely
Rare visit by international peace activist and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Professor Jeff Halper, to Cork, Limerick and Dublin. Dr. Jeff Halper (below) will speak and launch his new book ‘War Against The People – Israel, the Palestinians and Global ‘Pacification’ at the following locations in Ireland: Tuesday, January 19th at 8pm Clarion Hotel Cork Wednesday, January 20th at 7.30pm, The Absolute Hotel, Limerick Thursday, January 21st at 7.00pm, The Academy Plaza Hotel, Dublin read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Monday January 18, 2016 12:51 by Billy Fitzpatrick
The level of involvement by women in the 1916 Rising is historically unprecedented. This is recognised and welcomed in the Proclamation. The Rising, and the Proclamation which attempted to explain it, is of international significance. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / event notice Monday January 18, 2016 12:38 by right2water
Campaign warns public opposition to water charges will be reflected in ballot boxes The Right2Water campaign has announced details of local events planned for Saturday January 23rd to highlight the campaign’s ongoing demand for the abolition of water charges. Nearly 30 different events are planned in a range of locations from Cavan to Dublin to Cork. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / other press Monday January 18, 2016 12:03 by 1 of Indymedia
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This article by David Gibney from the Right2Water website has been republished here in light of the upcoming water charges protest on this Sat 23rd Jan in advance of the election due in the next few weeks. It highlights the scam and lies around Irish Water and how it is fully intended to privatise it. If and when the TIPP agreement is signed between the EU and USA, privatisation will be unstoppable not just for our water but for all services right across the board. THERE are three obvious agendas behind the imposition of domestic water charges. If you were to believe the government spin, you’d think it was about conservation. But the three real reasons are: Shifting the burden of paying for water from commercial enterprises to households; Giving tax breaks to the wealthy while imposing water charges on everyone else; and Lining up the future privatisation of our water industry. There are a number of ways we can prove the conservation argument is a farce. The first and most obvious is through direct comparison with other countries that already have domestic water charges in place. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Saturday January 16, 2016 16:38 by Fusion Sundays
International Stalls, World Street-Food, Interactive Workshops, and Live Music read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Wednesday January 13, 2016 19:01 by S.C. Carroll
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Fine Gael canvas through the letterbox for an election they have not even announced. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / history and heritage / event notice Wednesday January 13, 2016 13:08 by Save Moore Street
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There will be a Rally to Save Moore Street at Leinster House tomorrow (Wednesday 13th January) to coincide with the return of the Dáil after the Christmas break. It will take place at 1pm. Please help protect our 1916 heritage and join the rally. #jointherising #savemoorestreet — with Marty Gahan. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / press release Tuesday January 12, 2016 23:10 by foie
STATE QUESTIONED OVER INSURING FISH NOT PEOPLE Friends of the Irish Environment have had no response to their letter to Minister Simon Coveney questioning his decision to ‘supplement and complement commercial insurance arrangements’ for salmon farms against ‘natural disasters’ and ‘adverse climatic events’ when the State will not do so for people. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday January 12, 2016 22:55 by Emilio José Lemos de Lima
Brazilian blogger accuses senator of commanding the invasion of his computing systems and of harassment. Brazil: Censorship on the Internet read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / crime and justice / event notice Tuesday January 12, 2016 22:50 by II
There is 'a plan' for tomorrow, Wed Jan 13th folks at Castlebar Courthouse - where we hope and intend to (peacefully) place the spotlight on the outrageous abuses of the law and the Constitution which are ongoing daily in our so-called 'Courts of Justice!' Amongst the issues we wish to highlight are: (1) NO more private or secret Courts. (2) NO more illegal assaults on the public. (3) Registrars and Judges to abide by the law. (4) Proper sanctions for fraud, perjury and contempt of Court (by authority figures). (5) Proper action on legitimate citizen's arrests. (6) Equality for lay litigants. (7) ..and an end to multiple abuses of our fundamental rights by politically-appointed Judges and Registrars. TV cameras are expected, so let's make the most of it! read full story / add a comment |