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international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday May 18, 2013 06:40 by Brian Clarke
A commoner in British Occupied Ireland, can be designated a “terrorist” on the secret, unaccountable dictat of the unelected British Viceroyal Villiers, without notice and without a trial. Under CMPs(Closed Material Procedures) any Irish person may be jailed, simply on vaguely-defined, highly paid “material support,” against any person or group, labeled by the Viceroyal as “terrorist.” Any political dissent, such as wearing green, as in a recent incident, or singing a 'Celtic Song', or holding a piece of paper at an Easter ceremony, can be labeled as “terrorism” or “material support for terrorism,” read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Friday May 10, 2013 19:40 by Brian Clarke
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The following article was published in some Irish American newspapers on May the 8th. It is another another insight in to the standard of healthcare in Ireland under the leadership Minister James Reilly, with the support of the Irish Labour Party.It is well known fact worldwide, even in the third world that Ireland is one of the worst places to get sick. In this article April Drew an American certainly agrees from first hand experience. read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / feature Friday May 10, 2013 17:26 by Rossport Solidarity Camp
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Call Out: Come to the Rossport Solidarity Camp, Pullathomas, Co. Mayo for a week of action in June against Shell’s Corrib Gas Project. This week has been called to coincide with one of Shell’s busiest work times. Come to act in solidarity with the 13 year old campaign in Mayo against Shell’s Corrib Gas Project. The week will be jam packed with a wide variety of actions! There will be something useful for everyone to do, regardless of your experience and skills. The Rossport Solidarity Camp is being erected specifically for this week, and will be taken back down when the week is completed. So if you are planning on traveling to Mayo this summer – make it this week! read full story / add a comment
dublin / consumer issues / event notice Tuesday May 07, 2013 15:09 by asdf
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Join us on a worldwide march against MONSANTO on May 25th in Dublin and Cork at 2pm and Clare at 2:30pm
Events are taking place worldwide on May 25th against MONSANTO who are taking over our food and spreading GM crops everywhere. The genes are designed to make crops resistant to heavy doses of their herbicide RoundUp but this ends up in our food and kills the soil and destroys biodiversity. This is something every single person should be concerned about as it directly impacts your health. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Saturday May 04, 2013 11:17 by Brian Clarke
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On March 14th, 2013 Provisional Sinn Féin MLAs Jennifer McCann and Sean Lynch, met with Vice royal Theresa Villiers, regarding the continued internment of Marian Price and called for the immediate release of Marian Price according to MLA Jennifer McCann. Since that time there has been a complete media print blackout on the political internment of Marian Price. read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum / opinion/analysis Sunday April 28, 2013 16:03 by Brian Clarke
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As someone who grew up in the culture of child abuse in east Galway, which now seems to be leading the country's policy on abortion or more accurately the lack thereof, I have always wanted to ask two principal questions, primarily to the enablers of systemic child abuse in Ireland. Currently despite all the publicity about the culture of child rape in Ireland, the priority is the protection of the unborn to the detriment of the already born. I ask any decent person, if there still exists such a specimen on our island, with an ounce of nature left in them, to think about what I have written and have the courage to make a reply, that makes sense without getting personal. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday April 27, 2013 07:52 by Brian Clarke
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In his book "Born Free and Equal" : Ansel Adams documented life in internment camps, set up during the second world war for the Japanese. Internment of civilian nationals was also carried out in World War Two in Britain, where all Germans, Austrians over the age of 16 and some Italians, were called before special tribunals and divided into one of three groups: read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday April 22, 2013 23:33 by Dublin Marian Price committee
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Free Marian Price picket Friday 26th, 3pm Tourist office, 'Northern Ireland' tourist board Suffolk Street Dublin 2 read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday April 18, 2013 00:12 by Brian Clarke
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The human suffering in British Occupied Ireland, by elderly political internees like Marian Price and Martin Corey, is markedly similar to the political internment, introduced forty years ago by the British, which escalated from crisis to disaster, culminating in the deaths of 10 Irish hunger strikers. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 16, 2013 13:10 by Brian Clarke
John Pilger is I believe, one of the few remaining ethical mainstream journalists, who reports accurately and truthfully. The elite currently own the Mainstream Stream Media, the Government and the Banking system. The proletarian 99% of "1984"continue to require but bread and circus. It seems like, it is probably all they will ever want while watching TV. The ruling elite or establishment worldwide know this, they have always known this. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 16, 2013 02:46 by fred
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Today, for a brief moment, America knows how awful it feels to live in one of the states they have invaded or that they have helped reduce to sectarian nightmares with imported jihadist mercenaries, CIA advisors, funds and weaponry, such as Iraq, Syria or Libya, where explosions like this occur every other day
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wicklow / environment / event notice Sunday April 14, 2013 00:00 by Hiker
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This walk in the woods is to highlight the campaign to stop the government’s plan to sell off the harvesting rights to Ireland’s public forests under the EU/IMF “Troika” programme and to maintain them in public ownership. The sell off of the harvesting rights will mean that the government will lease the land for 99 years to private companies. There will be absolute no guarantee of public access and the companies will be under no obligation to provide it. This will affect all the different people who use our national forests such as hikers, walkers, bikers, horse riding, tourists, cross-country runners, sports people and many others. It also affects access rights for your children and their children. The event will feature music, readings and poetry with musicians Christy Moore and Paddy Casey, Actors Jeremy Irons and Sinead Cusack read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Saturday April 13, 2013 11:10 by fred
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For those of you following events in Syria, WSWS has an interesting analysis of how the "petty bourgeois" left has given it's support to a CIA backed coup by right wing religious fundamentalists in Syria. Worth a read. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Wednesday April 10, 2013 18:23 by The Undertaker
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I hereby reveal the following copy due for publication in one of Britain's papers today, but which was suppressed by the editors 'for security reasons'. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Monday April 08, 2013 14:35 by Lover
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I know various parts of Britain are hosting gatherings to remember the dark legacy of Maggies reign but I think that in Dublin we should all come together tonight on O Connell Street to collectively remember all effected by the woman, particularly the hunger strikers, shoot to kill victims, Argentines, miners the list goes on. SO just throwing it out there and open to suggestions but this occassion should not pass with out challenging the message that Thatcher represented. Needless to say the media will be quick to have revised sanitised versions of her life being beamed over the airwaves. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Sunday April 07, 2013 20:37 by Brian Clarke
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Chomsky spent an inordinate amount of time on climate change, in Dublin, which a small part of environmental damage, resulting from the current unregulated greed of capitalism, without any sense of social responsibility particularly in contemporary Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday March 31, 2013 14:01 by Brian Clarke
British human rights group Amnesty International and legal charity Reprieve have condemned the British government's secret courts passed in the House of Lords as a “terrible day for British justice” read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Friday March 29, 2013 18:19 by Brian Clarke
A Complete List of Ireland's Easter Republican Commemorations 2013 read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday March 25, 2013 13:41 by Brian Clarke
Tory Minister Ken Clarke is this week accused of lying to parliament, with disinformation to confuse British legislators, a few days ahead of the Tory government's plan, to introduce secret courts, before a backdoor critical vote in the House of Lords, to rubber stamp internment, without a proper trial. Currently with the internment of veteran Irish republicans, Marian Price and Martin Corey, the British have been conducting once again experiments, with Irish guinea pigs and the resulting public reaction , once again, in the backwater police state laboratory, that is British Occupied Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday March 21, 2013 17:24 by fred
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The top US commander in Europe told a Senate hearing Tuesday that the US military and NATO are drawing up plans for direct military intervention in Syria. Adm. James Stavridis, head of the Pentagon’s European Command, speaking at a hearing by the Senate Armed Service Committee, said that the US military is “looking at a variety of options” and is “prepared if called upon to be engaged.” read full story / add a comment |