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dublin / environment / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 19:20 by Martin Giannini
Australian David Holgrem is best known as the co-originator with Bill Mollison of the permaculture concept. For over 25 years permaculture has provided a coherent design framework for a broad range of empowering strategies for living with less and less energy. While the understanding and adoption of these strategies has been slow in an era of abundant energy, the emerging era of energy descent will make many radical permaculture solutions natural and obvious. As well as constant involvement in the practical side of permaculture, David is passionate about the philosophical and conceptual foundations for sustainability that are highlighted in his latest book, Permaculture: Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability. In this lecture David will provide a refreshing and unorthodox approach to the environmental issues of our time. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Monday June 20, 2005 18:44 by Colombia Solidarity Network
When: Departing on the 24th June 2005 – Returning on the 13th of July 2005 The delegation comprised of members of the Trade Union movement and student activists will travel to Colombia where they will be hosted by the Columbian Trade Union Sinaltrainal. This Trade Union has launched the international campaign to boycott all Coca Cola products due to the ongoing campaign by paramilitaries to crush trade unions within Coke bottling plants. Eight Coca Cola workers have been murdered in recent years due to their trade union activism read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Monday June 20, 2005 17:38 by Gregor Kerr
Stand Up For Your Rights Minutes of meeting held in WSM office on Wed. 15th June read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 17:03 by rory hearne
Meeting to discuss campaign against ASBOs and the Criminal Justice Bill 4pm Wednesday 22nd June USI offices Grattan St Dublin 2 contact 086 1523542 for info read full story / add a comment
dublin / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Monday June 20, 2005 16:28 by Concerned Reader
Elite thugs get newspaper backing read full story / add a comment
antrim / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Monday June 20, 2005 15:57 by Davy Carlin
Dear friends, it is with much regret and disappointment that I write this short article. read full story / add a comment
dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 15:23 by Michael Gallagher
The North Inner City section of the Dublin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign will be holding a 'white line picket' on Wednesday, 22nd June at the Canal Bridge, Dorset Street, Dublin 1, from 4-5pm. We will also be distributing copies of the latest campaign newsletter. All welcome. read full story / add a comment
dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 15:15 by Michael Gallagher
The North Inner City section of the Dublin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign are holding a 'white line picket' on Wednesday 22nd June at the Canal Bridge, Dorset Street, Dublin 1, from 4-5pm. We will also be ditributing copies of the campaign newsletter. All welcome. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / other press Monday June 20, 2005 15:15 by Hans Beckman
Review of Sustainable Technologies for eradicating Hunger and for Real economic Progress. Many Links to organic and sustainable technology web sites. read full story / add a comment
dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 15:09 by Michael Gallagher
The North Inner City section of the Dublin Anti-Bin Tax Campaign are holding a 'white line picket' at the Five Lamps, North Strand, Dublin 1, from 4-5pm on Tuesday, 21 June. We will also be distributing the latest newsletter from the campiagn. All welcome. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday June 20, 2005 15:07 by Sean Dowling
The Mayor of Sligo and former Sligo/Leitrim TD, Declan Bree, is to face an internal party investigation following his criticism of two party councillors on Sligo Borough Council, who voted against plans to house Travellers. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Monday June 20, 2005 12:38 by Henk Ruyssenaars
If one as an investigative journalist wants to stay alive, one way to do it is 'serving' the explosive information in portions. First fifty%, then 25, and the last 25% is a kind of 'life guard': used until a 'case of emergency' erupts, like when the journalist or whistleblower is "suicided". read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday June 20, 2005 11:57 by Martin Giannini
On Thursday, June 30th, from 10.00 to 13.00, Cultivate hosts a Young People's Forum: "Exploring the Millennium Development Goals." From 13.30 to 14.30 we will be showing "The Student, the Nun and the Amazon." And from 14.30 to 18.00 there will be a Make Poverty History Convergence to prepare for the evening's MPH Rally. read full story / add a comment
international / racism & migration related issues / opinion/analysis Monday June 20, 2005 02:16 by Mago.Merlin
The free movement of workers is claimed within the EU but now with reduced, curtailed rights, workers moving from one country to another find themselves discriminated against. In effect they are being recast as second class EU citizens, only achieving first class status when it comes to pay taxes. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / other press Monday June 20, 2005 01:09 by -
Two Dissent! activists manage to get a decent criticism of MPH into the mainstream media. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-capitalism / press release Monday June 20, 2005 00:21 by JC
Odáise Phoblachtánach Sóisialach: Roddy Connolly Léacht Poiblí Bhí ról lárnach ag Roddy Connolly (mac le James Connolly/Séamas Ó Conghaile) i saol poiblí na hÉireann ó bhí sé ina dhéagóir go dtí go bhfuair sé bás i 1980. Tá a shaol pholaitiúil mar bhunús na léachta atá eagraithe ag an Chumann Staire na nOibrí, i nGaillimh. Beidh an léacht ar siúl in Óstán an Imperial, Faiche Mór, Gaillimh, Máirt 21 Meitheamh ag 8.00 i.n. Is é an Dr. Charlie McGuire a bhéas i mbun na léachta ar an oíche. Tá taighde ollmhór déanta ag an Dr. McGuire ar Roddy Connolly agus is cinnte go raibh saol fíor-spéisiúil aige. Beidh iniúchadh ar leith a dhéanamh ag an léachtóir ar a bheatha mar chaomhnóir oidhreacht Uí Chonghaile: read full story / add a comment
national / arts and media / opinion/analysis Sunday June 19, 2005 09:28 by RobbieSaoririseoir
Reclaim our Media III (and following on from thread at As the printing press faciliitated the Reformation, ‘Informaation Technology’ and open publishing are enabling a progression of the trend away from authoritarian structures and the mass-illusion of powerlessness. Indyradio is an attempt to combine community radio and indymedia, and its implications for everyday listening and understanding are potentially amazing. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Sunday June 19, 2005 01:28 by Jon Glackin
Following a week of mixed signals from the US Administration about the future of the Guantánamo Bay detention camp, Amnesty International said that the Administration's announcement that it is to expand the prison is the wrong decision and will fuel worldwide concern over the stories of torture and ill-treatment, religious humiliation and arbitrary detention that are seeping from the facility. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Saturday June 18, 2005 22:18 by David Arthur Walters
There is really nothing new about lawlessness read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Saturday June 18, 2005 19:26 by Richard Simmons
Anti-racism activists say they fear for their safety after uncovering evidence that white supremacists plan to set up a “hit list” website called Redwatch Downunder. The site will feature names, photographs, home and work addresses, car registrations and family details of anti-racism campaigners, refugee advocates, gay rights activists and other at-risk minorities. read full story / add a comment |