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dublin / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday November 06, 2007 12:44 by Phil Og
On the 21st November 1920 events outside of the G.A.A brought politics into the heart of the Association. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Tuesday November 06, 2007 11:29 by Eoghan Ryan
IWU Table Quiz, all welcome read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday November 06, 2007 08:56 by Watcher
With Iraq in ruins and the oil resources secured, the neo-cons that run the west have now turned their malign attention to Iran. All media is now saturated with propaganda putting Iran in the role of aggressor and a threat to world peace.Others day and daily place stories in the media portraying the internal position as one of oppression and brutality in which the Iranian people are supposedly yearning to be liberated by the west. Nothing could be further from the truth. Iranians want noting to do with western style "democracy" Medialens has collated a number of examples of how the media is being manipulated by the neo-cons as they whip up support for an attack on Iran We should take great care of what and who we give credance to in this very dangerous game in which Iran and it's perople are targeted and placed in deadly danger. read full story / add a comment
national / animal rights / press release Monday November 05, 2007 20:41 by Ciaran Long
The AOHS would like to refute the claims by farmers that Crows are attacking lambs. We accept that birds live on carrion but the statement that birds are attacking live animals is ludicrous. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 15:41 by SR
90th Anniversary of the 1917 October Revolution: When Workers Took Power --- The Ideas Of Leon Trotsky Today Venue: Wynn's Hotel Date: November 7th Time: 8PM read full story / add a comment
donegal / arts and media / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 15:16 by Searc
Art auction and social evening read full story / add a comment
kildare / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 14:51 by Grassroots Dissent
NUIM Sociology Society presents A discussion on Debt and Development This Tuesday November 6th @ 6.30pm John Hume LT3 with Nessa Ní Chasaide Co-ordinator Debt and Development Coalition Ireland read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Monday November 05, 2007 13:58 by TD
Tariq Ali in his Counterpunch article illumines the provenance of Pakistan's latest coup and , surprise, surprise, the US is the Svengali in the parlour: "The two institutions targeted by the Emergency are the judiciary and the lively network of independent TV stations, many of whose correspondents supply information that can never be gleaned from politicians. read full story / add a comment
kerry / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 12:45 by sean moraghan
Tralee Anti-War Group presents An Afternoon of DVDs showings including "Route Irish" Route Irish is a NEW feature-length film on the campaigns against Irish facilitation of the US/UK Invasion of Iraq. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Monday November 05, 2007 12:32 by Funny Girl
This document to Respect members marks the definite division of Respect and the end of Respect as it has been heretofore. Almost all the non-Socialist Workers Party members of the Respect National Council have called this Conference. It coincides with the scheduled Respect Conference which the signatories have claimed has been packed by the SWP and would be pointless to attend. Readers interested in balanced and detailed information on the crisis in Respect (the broad leftwing Unity Coalition in England and Wales) since August are referred to the 'Socialist Unity' blog. Though it looks like much can be salvaged from the old Respect, it is a shame that yet another attempt at the development of a new left appears to have fallen foul of left sectarianism. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday November 05, 2007 12:06 by John Cornford
Jamers Turley outlines the history of the WRP and how it recieved money from despots such as Saddam and went to pretend that Iraq was a democracy. This raises questions as to why the SWP support the Iran Regime and portray it as progressive. It is now indisputable that Healy was looking beyond his own members and supporters for funds. It was this that led him in 1976 to send a WRP delegation to visit the Libyan government of Mu’ammar al-Qaddafi and to request money for a new printing press. Healy himself apparently visited Libya the following year.6 It is unclear the extent to which financial assistance was ultimately procured from Qaddafi. In his investigative documents relating to the 1985 split, David North claimed over £1 million in total from Libya, Ba’athist Iraq and the Palestinian Liberation Organisation.7 read full story / add a comment
dublin / animal rights / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 11:46 by Laura Broxson
LET'S FIGHT THE FUR TRADE! read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday November 05, 2007 11:44 by Nessa Ní Chasaide
The World Bank is coming to Dublin on Monday November 12th and Tuesday November 13th. This provides us with a huge opportunity to highlight our massive concerns about Ireland’s engagement with this influential institution. Join our Photo Stunt! Sunday November 11th, 11.30am, Dáil Eireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 1 We want to send our message loud and clear to Finance Minister Brian Cowen that Ireland’s aid should not be supporting World Bank economic conditions. So join us at 11.30am on Sunday 11th November, outside Dáil Eireann on Kildare Street and help us create a photograph for the media. We want to create a picture that involves us shouting our message into Brian Cowen’s ear. Please come wearing a suit (jacket, trousers, tie), as we want to make a scene of many Minister Cowens that will look eye catching for the media. This action is being organised by Debt and Development Coalition Ireland, Comhlámh, Latin America Solidarity Centre and Trócaire. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / news report Sunday November 04, 2007 21:50 by Jc fwding ASher
Prior to the Police raids of October 15th, the editorial collective had three main editors - all had been editing for some time and so were experienced with what needs to be done.... read full story / add a comment
international / eu / news report Sunday November 04, 2007 19:25 by Henk Ruyssenaars
And that goes for you too, so, Irish friends: have a referendum! Because: "The European Commission is to put forward, tomorrow Tuesday 6 November, a proposal to collect personal data (PNR) on everyone flying in and out of the EU." Without informing 99% of the 490 million people in the 27 EU countries, a NO FLY control list is slyly shoved down their throat by the EU profiteers. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / news report Sunday November 04, 2007 16:19 by UCD
The UCD Shell to Sea campaign have organised a public picket for this Wednesday 7th of November at the Donnybrook Shell Station at 5pm. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Sunday November 04, 2007 16:18 by rogy
Heard about this new idea called “animal rights”? Sure, you say, heard about that idea years ago; groups of people against cruel animal experiments, circuses and fur shops. Aren’t these the people who claim that animal testing is wrong because it does not work? All that is true: but permit me to introduce you to a relatively new idea about nonhuman animals and their rights. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Sunday November 04, 2007 13:30 by Anti Fascist
Craigavon Trades Union Council event to commemorate anti-fascists in the Spanish Civil War read full story / add a comment
dublin / animal rights / event notice Sunday November 04, 2007 13:17 by Laura Broxson
LEAFLETING SESSIONS TUES. 6TH NOVEMBER read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Saturday November 03, 2007 21:17 by PaddyK2
Academy Times Lecture Half Gone: Peak Oil Meets Climate Change Dr Jeremy Leggett, Geologist and internationally renowned energy campaigner 6pm, November 7 2007, Conference Centre Dublin Castle read full story / add a comment |