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national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 20:20 by doug foxvog
Helium balloons loaded upwind of the castle can carry sheets with antiwar messages past the castle. Use two helium balloons and a stiff wire/bamboo pole to keep the two apart. If the cops try to keep Bush from seeing protests, this can overcome such actions read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 19:38 by skandalska
Thousands of anti bush protestors in Sprucefield. Yeehah. The DUP organised a pro war rally for brit soldiers and in support of al kakecka associate George dumbwar bush, but only a handful of die hard DUP party faithful like paedophile Bertie baxter turned up. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 19:03 by James Conole
What is going to happen when this war ends? What is america's next plan? read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 19:01 by Ailin
Another vicious feud is breaking out in Limerick and people are going to be killed unless action is taken now to prevent any escalation, the local branch of Republican Sinn Féin said today. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 18:44 by Justin Moran
Sinn Féin Chairperson Mitchel McLaughlin will address the No to War rally outside Hillsborough this evening. Also attending the protest will be Aengus Ó Snodaigh TD, Arthur Morgan TD and party Assembly members led by Conor Murphy MLA. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 18:33 by Max
George W. Bush Is Here read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 17:42 by Avi H.
This article was written by a friend of mine in the UK. It illustrates the current climate of yobbish anti-Semitism, so much of which can be found in Ireland also. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 17:33 by RedButterfly
Forgive our Stupid Country, we are obsessed with fashion whores, plastic surgery, McDonalds, consumerism and the fear of more "terrorist attacks". read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 17:18 by steve
Please do not comment this article, that way i can update it with new information as it breaks. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 17:10 by Graham Caswell
Members of the Green Party left Dublin today on their way to Belfast for a protest meeting against the visit of George W Bush. Party Chairman, John Gormley, T.D., who is speaking at the Belfast rally said that “Mr Bush, Mr Blair and the Taoiseach should be in no doubt about the opposition of the Irish people to this illegal war in Iraq". read full story / add a comment
down / anti-war / imperialism / feature Monday April 07, 2003 16:18 by IMC Editorial Group
The trip announced at the last minute left Irish anti-war activists scrambling to
nevertheless two days of protests occurred across the province. In Derry the famous “you are now entering free Derry” mural was covered in
at Bush's presence. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 16:03 by steve
The first anti-war activists have reached Hillsborough and have started a demonstration. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 15:47 by Brian Cahill
The most recent issue of the Socialist Party's newspaper is now available on line. It includes a special feature on the war in Iraq, articles on the big school student strikes which have taken place and, as usual, workplace news. Short summaries of the articles included. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 15:27 by steve
The buses that are going are leaving from Culturlann on the Falls, City Hall and the University at 16.30. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 15:10 by siege of hillsborough
Just to repeat, for those arriving for the *Siege of Hillsborough* we have set up on short notice a centre to come to, a legal support team, and a housing and welcome contact number, and hopefully soon some better internet connectivity. bring your pots and pans! #Housing,Info & Welcome line (General info)07720863770 #Legal Support Contact Line 07773918535 #Media contact 07773918589 #Buses from Belfast info 07817802438 read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 15:04 by Kevin-Scott
Security is heavy in the North awaiting Airforce One to land. is reporting that Hillsborough, Co Down has been sealed off to outsiders. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 15:01 by skandalska
Close associate and business partner of al kakeekas, George dumbwar Bush, slides into belfast tonight. George, business partner of unclesama bin liner's oil baron brother, slides into belfast tonight with his sidekick Tiny tony blahh. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 14:06 by Mark
Drogheda Against The War General press release. 7/04/03 Drogheda against the war group stage successful local demonstration. Members of Drogheda against the war travel to Hillsborough demonstration. Drogheda against the war group to mobilise Louth-Meath area anti-war activists for Shannon demonstration. Local press invited to travel to Shannon demonstration. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 13:58 by kokomero
The injured American, Brian Avery, 24, was being treated for head wounds in an Israeli hospital yesterday. Tobias Karlsson, a Swedish fellow volunteer who was with Mr Avery when he was shot, accused Israeli troops of firing at them even though they were clearly identified as human shields. They had their hands up, he said, and were wearing red fluorescent vests with a white reflective cross. The shooting comes 3 weeks after Rachel Corrie was deliberately crushed to death by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to protect Palestinian homes. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / news report Monday April 07, 2003 13:41 by kokomero
While the world's back is turned Ariel Sharon has brushed aside an appeal by the White House to stop an unprecedented move by Jewish settlers into a Palestinian district of Jersualem which his critics say will further hinder a political settlement. This marks a major escalation in terms of settlement activity as it is the first time a Jewish settlement has been built in a Palestinian area of Jerusalem since Israel seized control of the entire city in 1967. The last such provocation by Sharon in Jerusalem restarted the Intifada, and no doubt this move has been timed so as to stir up trouble and prevent the re-activation of the peace process once the Americans and British have finished the war in Iraq. read full story / add a comment |