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international / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday September 25, 2008 15:41 by Maryam Namazie
The Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain presents its first international conference: Political Islam, Sharia Law, And Civil Society Date: Friday 10 October 2008 International day against the Death Penalty Time: 10am-6pm (Registration begins at 9am) Venue: Conway Hall 25 Red Lion Square London WC1R 4RL (Closest station: Holborn) read full story / add a comment
cork / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday September 25, 2008 09:24 by John Jefferies
According to an article in today's Irish Examiner a Cork based company, Cubic Telecom, is supplying the US military with what it describes as "innotive mobile phone SIM cards" which the US forces in Afghanistan and Iraq are currently testing. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Wednesday September 24, 2008 18:05 by Con Carroll
Photographic exhibition read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Wednesday September 24, 2008 16:46 by Eugene Mc Cartan
Seminar/ Seimineár Is “social Europe” dead? ECJ judgements and workers’ rights read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Tuesday September 23, 2008 18:52 by The Oh-Aissieux
The storytelling club that "knows no boundaries and succumbs to few taboos" is delighted to offer another evening of innovative and international storytelling, featuring a new adaptation of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves. With The Oh-Aissieux and guest performers, Adam Wilson and Michael Phelan. Library Bar Extension, Central Hotel, Exchequer Street, Dublin 2. On Tuesday 30 September 2008 only. Doors 7.30. Show starts 8pm sharp. Admission EUR5, concessions EUR2. Book to avoid disappointment. Text names to 086 060 3818. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday September 23, 2008 17:22 by Johnjo
Lots of negative comment on McAleese' visit to Romania read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / other press Tuesday September 23, 2008 13:18 by Cailean Bochanan
The latest editorial from Inthesenewtimes offering an opinion on the unfolding great bank robbery. read full story / add a comment
cork / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday September 22, 2008 21:55 by anarkitty
Thursday the 25th September starting at 8:30 sharp in the Victoria Hotel, Patrick Street, Cork read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / news report Monday September 22, 2008 16:17 by Soundmigration
At this stage its unsurprising in the least to read Royal Dutch Shell propoganda being presented as "journalism" by the Irish Independent and its stable mate, the Sunday Indo. Most readers of this site will be only too aware that the paper's owner 'Sir' Tony O Reilly has a very practical and profitable interest in the vast amounts of oil and gas of the West coast of Ireland. However even by the hack standards of journalism, and right wing opinions, that grace the paper, yesterdays piece by Maeve Sheehan suggest not just the usual biased and unnuaced 'presentation of facts' but has an almost willful ignorance of the facts on the ground. Combined with a willingness to present Shell and Police PR without any simple background checks or colloratory evidence over such an 'extensive' (read: its got a big word count) this article would be most useful for any who sought a practical example of what Noam Chomsky describes as the 'manufacturing of consent' read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday September 22, 2008 00:41 by kevin
Thursday 25th September, 8pm, Shamrock Pub (upstairs) Finglas Village read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Sunday September 21, 2008 23:26 by Ciaron
Anti-War Vigil *GPO Monday September 22nd.. 4pm-6pm "Stop Irish Participation in the War!" "U.S. Military Out of Shannon & Iraq!" *Outside GPO, O'Connel St. Dublin Come join Mairitn, Colim, Damien, Ciaron, Steve, Emira & others at the vigil! Drop by for a short time and get updated on the war on Iraq, Afghanistan & elsewhere! Get updated on nonviolent resistance to war and war preparations in Ireland and elsewhere read full story / add a comment
cork / anti-capitalism / event notice Sunday September 21, 2008 20:21 by Joe Moore
As major banks and insurance companies in the US are collapsing, we ask "Is This the end of Capitalism?" A public meeting to discuss this question will be held in the Victoria Hotel, Patrick St., Cork on Thursday 2nd October 2008 at 8.00pm. Speaker, Donal McFhearraigh, editor Socialist Worker. read full story / add a comment
wicklow / environment / press release Sunday September 21, 2008 17:46 by Mr.Peter Brady Alias.
This is our third statement. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / event notice Saturday September 20, 2008 02:01 by The Unwelcome Guest
Long mooted, it has become clear in recent weeks that despite all advice to the contrary from International think tanks and anyone with a modicum of sense, Fianna Fail, perhaps aided and abetted by the Green Party are moving closer to rolling out a bailout scheme for their developer buddies. This scheme will be disguised as "assistance" to the low paid, it will be advertised as much needed relief for the First Time Buyer but in reality is nothing but a misuse of Tax Payer's funds and a direct contribution to keeping already too high Property Prices where they are and bailing out the Brown Envelope Brigade, the Developers who have bankrolled FF forever... read full story / add a comment
national / environment / news report Saturday September 20, 2008 00:47 by Contaminated Crow
A quiet week -airport objections and an oral hearing read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Friday September 19, 2008 22:10 by Brian Guckian & Tadhg Crowley
MODIFICATIONS to the current M3 construction project that would remove tolls, improve quality of life and facilitate the early building of the Navan Rail Link remain on the table with government and can be implemented at any time, according to the promoters of the innovative Meath MASTER Plan, transport researcher Brian Guckian and environmental campaigner Tadhg Crowley. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday September 19, 2008 19:41 by Cormac Mac Gall
Dublin Committee condemns latest action of Spanish state in banning yet another Basque political party as part of a campaign of repression against all democratic and peaceful expression of Basque left-nationalist aspirations. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Friday September 19, 2008 15:45 by big_ron
This evenings vigil has been cancelled because Maura has come off her hunger strike due to the departure of the solitaire from Irish waters. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday September 19, 2008 15:25 by pat c
Yes, it was a War Crime but I won't hold my breath waiting for NATO to bomb Tel Aviv. Full text at link. A report to the UN Human Rights Council on Israel's shelling of Beit Hanoun in Gaza almost two years ago says it may have been a war crime. The report compiled by Archbishop Desmond Tutu casts doubt on Israel's explanation that the shelling resulted from a flawed artillery firing system. It calls on Israel to pay compensation to the victims, 19 of whom were killed. Archbishop Tutu went to Beit Hanoun in May, after objections by Israel delayed his mission several times. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / other press Friday September 19, 2008 13:59 by Eugene Mc Cartan
As we approach the 40th anniversary of the first civil rights march on the 5th October 1968 organised by the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association (NICRA) . The Communist Party of Ireland has produced a special supplement to mark this important event and presents its understanding of the relevance of NICRA and the important lessons that the CPI believes can be brought into todays struggles. read full story / add a comment |