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laois / arts and media / event notice Friday August 08, 2014 10:13 by Tadhg
The best of recent Irish Short Films will screen in Bergin's/ Horseshoe Inn, Abbeyleix, Co. Laois on Wednesday 13th August, starting at 6.00 pm. Admission is free agus beidh fáilte roimh Gaeilge ar an óiche. After, the 6.00 screening of Irish Shorts, the night will proceed at 8.00 with a screening of the very stimulating PERIPHERAL VISION, the latest documentary by Donnacha Ó Briain (synopsis below) []. read full story / add a comment
kildare / arts and media / event notice Friday August 08, 2014 10:06 by Tadhg
The best of recent Irish Short Films will screen in Kildare in August. The screening will take place in Teach Dara, Kildare town [www.facebook/teachdara] on Tuesday 12th August, starting at 6.00 pm. Admission is free agus beidh fáilte roimh Gaeilge ar an óiche. After, the 6.00 screening of Irish Shorts, the night will proceed at 8.00 with a screening of the very stimulating PERIPHERAL VISION, the latest documentary by Donnacha Ó Briain (synopsis below) []. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Tuesday August 05, 2014 22:20 by William Wraithwrite
Benjamin Netanyahu ‘s own words: “Terrorism is the deliberate assault on civilians to inspire fear for political ends. Though one might quibble with this definition, for example by broadening ‘political ends’ to include ideological or religious motives, it nonetheless captures the essence of terrorism—the purposeful attack on the innocent, those who are hors de combat, outside the field of legitimate conflict. In fact, the more removed the target of the attack from any connection to the grievance enunciated by the terrorists, the greater the terror.” From “Fighting Terrorism: How Democracies Can Defeat the International Terrorist Network, 2001 Edition Chapter 1, page 8.” read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Monday August 04, 2014 14:34 by Mick MacThomais
Der Spiegel have recently uncovered evidence of spying from within the European Union by figures in authority whom leak confidential information to the FBI whom give it to the NSA. The Garda Commissioner in Ireland Noreen OSullivan is a graduate of this foreign security agency which have an atrocious human rights record ,which range from the "injecting of prisoners with syphllis experiments" and possibly the most scandalous, the refusal to act and save New York from the attacks of September 2001. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / press release Friday August 01, 2014 12:51 by Mick MacThomais
The average Iris person is presumed to create 17 tonnes of carbon a year. This is called our carbon footprint. Since the ratification of the Kyoto agreement by Ireland 2002 which seen quotas on carbon been produced,the value of the carbon credit has realised real wealth. The average carbon credit in "laymans terms" trades on the open market for E20 per tonne. Companies with a big carbon production rate say 40,000 tonnes and a quota for only 10,000tonnes ,must purchase the deficit of carbon credits (30,000 tonnes) on the open market or invest in new carbon reducing machinery. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Thursday July 31, 2014 22:24 by shannonwatch
Niall Farrell of the Galway Alliance Against War is to be arrested on Friday, 1st of August on his return from abroad and sent to Limerick Prison for his involvement in a peace protest with Margaretta D'Arcy last September on the runway at Shannon airport. In June they were found guilty of having "interfered with the proper use" of Shannon airport and given a two week suspended sentence and what approximates to a €100 fine. Both refused to pay the fine or sign a so-called peace bond and Ms D'Arcy has since been imprisoned for her failure to comply with the Ennis District Court's ruling. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / news report Wednesday July 30, 2014 22:23 by Mick MacThomais
Disturbing discoveries relating to glyphosate—the active ingredient in Monsanto’s broad-spectrum herbicide Roundup—keep emerging. No less than two shocking discoveries recently went public on the same day... Earlier this month, groundbreaking research was published detailing a newfound mechanism of harm of the chemical. Now, testing shows that people in 18 countries across Europe have glyphosate in their bodies1, while yet another study reveals that the chemical has estrogenic properties and drive breast cancer proliferation in the parts-per-trillion range2. As reported by “Does this help explain the massive mammary tumors that the only long term animal feeding study on Roundup and GM corn ever performed recently found?” Meanwhile, a new EU-US free trade agreement3,4 known as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), has again cracked the door open for genetically engineered (GE) crops and foods into Europe. This may effectively negate the hard work Europeans have done to limit the proliferation of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in their food supply, and with genetically engineered “Roundup Ready” crops and the food made from it come increased glyphosate exposure... read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Wednesday July 30, 2014 00:47 by KM
Did Abbot really think he could suppress a story like this? He seems intent on turning Australia into a dictatorship. KM Today, 29 July 2014, WikiLeaks releases an unprecedented Australian censorship order concerning a multi-million dollar corruption case explicitly naming the current and past heads of state of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam, their relatives and other senior officials. The super-injunction invokes “national security” grounds to prevent reporting about the case, by anyone, in order to “prevent damage to Australia's international relations”. The court-issued gag order follows the secret 19 June 2014 indictment of seven senior executives from subsidiaries of Australia's central bank, the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA). The case concerns allegations of multi-million dollar inducements made by agents of the RBA subsidiaries Securency and Note Printing Australia in order to secure contracts for the supply of Australian-style polymer bank notes to the governments of Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and other countries. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Tuesday July 29, 2014 23:29 by wsm
Mark Bray author of 'Translating Anarchy: The Anarchism of Occupy Wall Street' will be giving this talk in the WSM space in Seomra Spraoi, 19.30, August 18th as part of a European speaking tour. Translating Anarchy tells the story of the anti-capitalist anti-authoritarians of Occupy Wall Street who strategically communicated their revolutionary politics to the public in a way that was both accessible and revolutionary. read full story / add a comment
offaly / arts and media / event notice Tuesday July 29, 2014 11:21 by Tadhg
The best of recent Irish Short Films will once again screen in Daingean at the end of the month. The screening will take place in Seery’s, Daingean [www.facebook/seerys bar] on Thursday 31st July, starting at 7.00 pm. The closing short film RUNNER will have local filmmaker, Paddy Slattery in attendance. As always, admission is free to the bilingual screening agus beidh fáilte roimh Gaeilge ar an óiche. After, the 7.00 screening of Irish Shorts, the night will proceed at 9.00 with a screening of the very stimulating PERIPHERAL VISION, the latest documentary by Donnacha Ó Briain (synopsis below) []. read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday July 28, 2014 15:35 by reporter
Galway City Council granted planning permission for a Mosque in Galway City last year however it seems it may not be a Mosque at all. The Sharia Council maintain that the Ahmadiyyas Mosque is an insult to Islam and this group have been banned from attending the Hajj in Mecca since the 1970s following a conference in Pakistan which seen Saudi Arabia bann this group from entering its most sacred territory. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Thursday July 24, 2014 10:50 by KM
We are doctors and scientists, who spend our lives developing means to care and protect health and lives. We are also informed people; we teach the ethics of our professions, together with the knowledge and practice of it. We all have worked in and known the situation of Gaza for years. On the basis of our ethics and practice, we are denouncing what we witness in the aggression of Gaza by Israel. read full story / add a comment
dublin / eu / event notice Wednesday July 23, 2014 09:30 by PM
Meeting on Building the People's Network This is an important discussion for the future: * Summing up the experience of the elections. * How do we strengthen the movement? Ideas on the table are .... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Wednesday July 23, 2014 01:27 by Anarchist Action Network and Stop NATO Cymru
Stop NATO Cymru Week of Action, Sat 30th Aug - Fri 5th Sep, Newport, South Wales plus Newsletter: read full story / add a comment
dublin / history and heritage / other press Monday July 21, 2014 17:53 by Joe Keegan
The Summer Series of the Easter Rising walking Tours has started. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday July 21, 2014 09:49 by Mairead Calvert
The public and animal welfare organisations feel let down by the Irish judicial system. E.G A.R (EAST GALWAY ANIMAL RESCUE) Moyglass, Loughrea Run by Sarah Gunther. Miss Gunther was charged with eight counts of animal cruelty and received a fine of 250 euro at Galway District Court.on the 09/07/2014. Many people have been appalled by the leniency of the judge in passing sentence on Miss Gunther and the state of the dogs found in her care. Dogs which were removed from her care were ordered to be placed back into her care.With no surety that this will never happen again. Miss Gunther in her own words called it an "Error of judgement". Many believe she has showed no/little remorse for her actions and many worry that this will happen again and again. It cannot be allowed to happen. What message has this just sent to the Irish public? Miss Gunther has been very outspoken regarding individuals and rescues in the past and has been quick to point the finger at many Irish rescues regarding their standard of care. She was also implicated in an on-line hate campaign directed at the family of Lennox. dog seized and destroyed by Belfast council on the 12/07/2012. There are questions to be answered and larger issues to be addressed.Why was her fine so small? Why was she not banned from keeping animals? Why can she continue as a charity and receive public donations? This case highlight the need for regulation within Irish animal welfare groups, qualifications, transparency, adequate support and perhaps a sentence that fits the crime of animal abuse. And that Miss Gunther closes her rescue for good. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Sunday July 13, 2014 23:25 by foie
PRESS RELEASE - FRIDAY 11 JULY 2014 - ACCIDENT REPORT REFUSED Simon Coveney has refused to release the Department’s Report on the loss of 230,000 salmon in Bantry Bay last February. His decision claims that the work is not completed and that the public interest would not be served by the disclosure of the Department of Marine’s Engineering Division report. The storm on February 1, 2014, saw a cage break loose from its mooring and upend itself into another cage at Gerahies. Alex O’Donovan, Secretary of Save Bantry Bay [SBB] said in March of this year that after the official count on 19 February 2014 they understood that the farm had been ‘virtually wiped out’. Minister Simon Coveney subsequently confirmed the loss of 230,000 Salmon in the extreme weather event of 2 February 2014. Despite repeated requests, Friends of the Irish Environment [FIE] and Save Bantry Bay have been refused the Report, breaking Minister Coveney’s previous precedent of releasing such documents regarding salmon farm escapes. read full story / add a comment
roscommon / arts and media / event notice Sunday July 13, 2014 19:22 by M.M.
Douglas Hyde Conference Friday 18th July 2014 Roscommon County Council is once again delighted to bring together many leading thinkers, academics, poets, writers, musicians and speakers to discuss, debate and provide an opportunity for an interesting and challenging day‚s reflection for this year‚s Douglas Hyde Conference. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Sunday July 13, 2014 13:00 by Luke Eastwood
An analysis of what the IMF is really about... read full story / add a comment
cork / sci-tech / opinion/analysis Sunday July 13, 2014 12:43 by Corkonian
Visit by Dáil Committee toTyndall National Institute, UCC, Monday 14 July. Questions need to be addressed in regard to departures of iconic researchers following SFI funded research work. In particular the iconic work on the junctionless transistor. read full story / add a comment |