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international / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Monday May 13, 2013 20:10 by Turing
Press statement: Joe Higgins TD Joe Higgins TD seeks topical issue debate tomorrow in Dáil on Bus Eireann strike Challenge Minister Varadkar on his desire to engineer privatisation of company Despite possibility of talks there is no basis to call of strike until cuts in pay and conditions are rescinded Following on from his previous statement of support for the striking Bus Eireann workers and his subsequent visits to the picket lines in Broadstone and Busaras Joe Higgins TD has today submitted a request to the Ceann Comhairle for a topical issue debate to be held in the Dáil tomorrow on the dispute: "I want an opportunity tomorrow to put directly to Minister Varadkar the points that the workers on the picket line made to me about this dispute. It is undeniable that Minister Varadkar supports the wholesale privatisation of Bus Eireann and is willing to use his position in government to help engineer that end. I want to put to him directly points that were made to me about the levels of six figure executive pay in the firm, recent pay hikes these top brass have obtained and the €70 million that has been banked by CIE. It has been raised with me and party colleagues by some of the workers that the government want the company to financially sink as a prelude to selling it off. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Monday May 13, 2013 17:17 by Paddy Hackett
But the key problem is that there exists no revolutionary communist party to provide leadership in the class struggle. The Socialist Party, the SWP and the People Before Profit are merely reformist organisations that seek to provide a more benevolent capitalism. In this sense they are Utopian and seek to inculcate illusions within the working class. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Monday May 13, 2013 01:36 by Frank Hayes
And so, today, a group of Irish workers stand firm in front of a vicious right wing government’s bullying, harassment from the state media lie machine, the scandalous complicity of some reactionary Trade Union ‘leaders’ whose only vision is to compromise and collaborate. Forced to defend their class interests from conscious ruling class attacks, they are the first to step forward on their own terms, in their own time, with their class dignity and power. In 2013, this is not a defeated rabble! But their strike action is also a thing in itself, which starkly changes the very balance of class forces in this crippled capitalist state. It is, objectively, a political action, because the Austerity Politics and anti-public service Friedmanite ethos which it confronts, is itself, a conscious politically co-ordinated strategy on the part of the ruling class. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Friday May 10, 2013 02:42 by Republican Sinn Féin Galway
With the release of the survey by the National Youth Council of Ireland stating that over 300,000 Irish people have been forced to emigrate from the state in the last four years we should stand back and take stock of what is once again happening in this country. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Thursday May 09, 2013 15:10 by Turing
9 May 2013 Press statement: Joe Higgins TD Supreme Court ruling on Registered Employment Agreements poses need for organising drive by union movement as first step in protection of conditions Commenting on today's Supreme Court ruling that Registered Employment Agreements are unconstitutional Joe Higgins TD said: "The striking down by the Supreme Court of the REAs will be seen by employers and sub contractors as a signal for a savage attack on the wages and conditions of workers. The trade union movement should immediately declare that any such attacks will be met by all out action and must now go on the offensive to ensure that wages and conditions provided for by the REAs remain intact. "Today's ruling is further proof that the judiciary in the final analysis contains an inherent bias against the interests of working people. Employers have allies in the top echelons of the state who are prepared to strike down the legal underpining of conditions in the private sector that exceed the statutory minimum wage. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Wednesday May 08, 2013 11:32 by dublin1916society
Formation of Dublin's first 1916 society read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Wednesday May 08, 2013 10:22 by JK
2013 James Connolly Commemoration, Sunday 12th May. Assemble at Arbour Hill cemetery, Dublin, at 12.30pm. Followed by James Connolly Commemorative Lecture 3pm, 12th May, The Cobblestone. Public Lecture on the revolutionary politics of 1913-1916. Speakers to include Aindrias O' Cathasaigh(Historian and author of a number of books including '1916 Seachtar na Casca', 'Daol na Réabhlóide' and 'James Connolly- The Lost Writings') and Dick Carroll (Lifelong socialist republican activist and member of the Independent Worker's Union; grandson of councillor Richard Carroll). Organised by éirígí. All Welcome. read full story / add a comment
dublin / education / event notice Tuesday May 07, 2013 22:46 by MSSS Ltd
Survivors of Irelands Industrial School's are been robbed by the minister for education (Minister Ruairi Quinn TD). Who against Survivors wiishes set up a Statutory Fund, using Survivors Reparation Money! read full story / add a comment
wicklow / history and heritage / event notice Saturday May 04, 2013 15:05 by saoirse
Republican Sinn Féin will be marking the 90th anniversary of the death of Commandant Neil ‘Plunkett’ O’Boyle at the hands of Free State forces with a commemoration in Knocknadruce, Co Wicklow on Sunday May 12 at 3.00pm. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday May 03, 2013 23:49 by Turing
Yes, the attempt to blame Stria for the use of Chemical Weapons just won't stick. It looks as if the "rebels" were responsible. Col. Lawrence Wilkerson – the former chief of staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell under President George W. Bush – said yesterday that the Syrian chemical weapons could be a “Israeli false flag operation”. Vid and full story at link. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / opinion/analysis Thursday May 02, 2013 11:41 by Pádraig Ó Ruairc.
Hello All - Here is my review of the controversial TV3 Irish War of Independence documentary "In the Name of the Republic" which was presented by Prof. Eunan O'Halpin of Trinity College which has just been published in the May/June issue of History Ireland Magazine. Enjoy: IRA leader, Tom Barry, once likened the more unsavory aspects of the War of Independence to being dragged “down into the mire”. The two-part documentary, 'In The Name of The Republic', presented by Professor Eunan O'Halpin, explored that mire by examining the uglier aspects of the period. These included the assassination of RIC men, the killings of unarmed British soldiers and the execution and secret burial of alleged British spies. The first episode focused on Ashbrook Farm, Laois. The owner of the farm related how a predecessor, Jack Walpole, told him that three bodies were dumped there in the 1920's. Walpole, who was described as “a bit eccentric”, claimed to have buried one of the bodies himself. The supernatural was a strong feature of Walpole's tale and he stated his horse could sense the location of the graves, refusing to draw a plough over them. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Thursday May 02, 2013 06:42 by dubaltg8
In his Ceasefire review, Dan Glazebrook examines Maximilian Forte's withering indictment of liberal humanitarianism and its collusion in imperialist designs on Africa, as seen in NATO's Libya campaign of 2011. read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality / press release Wednesday May 01, 2013 15:46 by Turing
Press Release from Action On X Abortion Bill will deter despairing women and put lives at risk Expert Group recommendations ignored Chilling factor must go – decriminalise abortion Action on X today welcomed the publication of the government's draft Bill on abortion, but regard it as having many shortcomings. Spokesperson Sinead Kennedy said: “The proposal to make a despairing, suicidal woman or girl go through at least three, and possibly six examinations in order to end an unwanted pregnancy shows a callous disregard for women's lives. Faced with the possibility of refusal by one or more doctors and an onerous appeals procedure, a woman is likely to go overseas. Those who are too poor or too ill to travel are likely to become more despairing, increasing the risk to their lives.” read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday May 01, 2013 05:00 by Anthony Ravlich
Includes a brief description of neoliberal absolutism and a plan for youth to fight for their individual rights in a globalized world requiring a global ethical human rights approach. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 30, 2013 11:44 by Gavin R. Putland
It's possible to shift the tax burden from labour to consumption without raising prices or widening after-tax wages relativities. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday April 30, 2013 11:29 by Paddy Hackett
The current Minister of Agriculture is forever defending the farming community while his government are forever attacking the Irish working class. The farming community must be exposed as a parasitic category. read full story / add a comment
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Monday April 29, 2013 20:35 by Independent Workers Union
Independent Workers Union May Day Event. Commemorating the Centenary of the Dublin Lockout in Speech, Prose and Song. Wednesday 01/05/2013. Ceremony at the James Connolly Statue, Beresford Place near Liberty Hall and the Custom House, Dublin, starting at 5.30 p.m. Gathering afterwards in Cleary’s Public House, 36 Amiens Street for light refreshments. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Monday April 29, 2013 12:32 by ...
Cheap clothes in Pennys = cheap lives in Bangladesh read full story / add a comment
international / gender and sexuality / other press Sunday April 28, 2013 19:34 by Turing
The Pro-Choice Alliance Cork condemns Fianna Fail's decision to oppose women's access to their existing constitutional right. It calls on all parties to face up to their responsibility not just to pass legislation on X but to repeal the 8th Amendment. Spokeswoman Sandra McAvoy said "It looks as if church gate collections matter more to Fianna Fail than their responsibilities to the women of Ireland. They took the same position that women had no right to control their fertility during the long fight to legalise contraception. Their Ard Feis vote could hardly have shown more clearly that they are the party of the past. Fianna Fail’s stance is further proof that the major parties lack common sense, compassion, empathy.” “They have learned nothing about women’s rights to life, health and to make their own decisions, from the scandals of symphysiotomy and Magdalen homes. But then, they have never shown an interest in the needs and interests of our women citizens.” read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Sunday April 28, 2013 14:05 by Turing.
Fracking is so very safe. Full text at url. A truck carrying drill cuttings from a fracking site set off a radiation alarm at a landfill in Pennsylvania. Emitting gamma radiation ten times higher than the permitted level, the waste was rejected by the landfill. After the alarm went off, the MAX Environmental Technologies truck was immediately quarantined and sent back to the Marcellus Shale fracking site it had come from in Greene County, Va. The 159-acre Pennsylvania landfill site accepts residual and hazardous waste, but the cuttings were too radioactive for the site to safely dispose. read full story / add a comment |