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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
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national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Tuesday May 28, 2013 17:48 by Congalltee
Should we abolish TDs' immunity from arrest (if coming to/from Dail)? Article 15.13 "The members of each House of the Oireachtas shall, except in case of treason as defined in this Constitution, felony or breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest in going to and returning from, and while within the precincts of, either House, and shall not, in respect of any utterance in either House, be amenable to any court or any authority other than the House itself." read full story / add a comment
dublin / summit mobilisations / event notice Tuesday May 28, 2013 13:49 by Turing
Come and hear why you should join the protests against the G8. speakers include Richard Boyd Barret TD Nessa Ní Chassaide (Debt and Development Coalition) Eamonn McCann (Journalist) Joan Collins TD UNITE Trade Union speaker & Others Gresham Hotel O'Connell Street, Dublin 1. 7:00pm, Tuesday 28 May. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Tuesday May 28, 2013 08:39 by Solidarity
VID (6 mins) - Bradley Manning is in jail for us, We're on the streets for him! - Mobilise Sat June 1st read full story / add a comment
national / gender and sexuality / press release Monday May 27, 2013 21:01 by Turing
After hearing the comments from the Minister for health we urge you to help us continue to fight this very important cause. Here is a template we ask you to send to as many TD'S SENATORS AND COUNSELORS. Not just in your own area but to them all I will post all their addresses also. Again Thank you so much for your support if we all pull together we can make this happen.... Please can you share this and encourage your friends to do so as well. read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / press release Monday May 27, 2013 20:00 by Turing
The CAHWT today responded to a claim by Revenue spokesperson, Vivienne Dempsey, that payment of the property tax is "inevitable". CAHWT spokesperson, Ruth Coppinger, said : "There is nothing inevitable about paying the property tax. People can and will choose to take part in a boycott as a way of exerting political pressure on the government. Hundreds of thousands are likely to take part in an organised boycott of this unjust bondholder tax. Many have simply decided they have no more to give." read full story / add a comment
national / environment / event notice Friday May 24, 2013 19:27 by Slugwoman
Public meeting about recent EU draft legislation, adopted 6th May on the quiet, effectively banning seeds...
Protest march in Castlebar 1.30pm, meeting at The Mall (grassy area near library) and heading to End Kennys office. Saturday. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday May 23, 2013 19:22 by No Fracking Ireland
Press Conference / Public welcome - Friday 24th - Dublin in Buswells Hotel - 4pm on Molesworth Street opposite Dail Entrance How and Why the Irish EPA must ensure Human Health and our Environment are Protected Against the "Fracking" Industry Internationally renowned researcher and campaigner Dr.Mariann Lloyd Smith and Juliet Duff, Chairperson of Irish Doctors Environmental Association on the impacts of 'fracking' (unconventional gas extraction) read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Thursday May 23, 2013 18:08 by Systemic Disorder
Regardless of what the actual total of livestock contribution to global warming, it is part of the problem and we ignore it at our collective peril. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / press release Thursday May 23, 2013 12:34 by Return Fire
Our new zine Return Fire is now available. It's a diverse mix with liberatory aims, which we hope to be informative and inspiring for anyone who decides to make their life a weapon against the dominant order. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / press release Thursday May 23, 2013 10:44 by Eugene Mc Cartan
Building the people’s resistance and presenting an alternative direction for all our people, north and south—beginning the difficult but necessary re-conquest of Ireland for and by its people—is the task that the National Executive Committee and all the party have set themselves as we begin to prepare for our 25th National Congress in 2014. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Thursday May 23, 2013 08:46 by Ciaron
Last week, we made our way to the book launch of Dirty Wars - the world is a battlefield" by former New York Catholic Worker now celebrated investigatory journalist Jeremy Scahill Jeremy gave an excellent speech naming Guantanamo as the most visible point of a massive iceberg of a U.S. policy of torture and assassination. So if Obama closes Guantanamo and escalates his assassination program while maintaining other black site torture chambers we will know our work is far from over. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / press release Wednesday May 22, 2013 11:58 by Turing
Anarchists Condemn G8 Scaremongering - press release Date: Wed, 2013-05-22 09:37 In response to yesterday’s Irish News (Mon 20 May 2013) front page article, “Police to Occupy hundreds of vacant premises in Belfast during G8”, the Workers Solidarity Movement condemned security forces scaremongering in the media. A spokesperson for the All-Ireland anarchist organisation said: “These kind of absurd and over-the-top scare stories are aimed not so much at intimidating anarchists, but the concerned citizens, trade unionists and others wanting to show their opposition to the offensive waste of money on this pointless G8 charade. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / news report Wednesday May 22, 2013 07:01 by wageslave
Well respected blog "NamaWineLake" has made it's final post. This is a great loss to the Irish online community. Thanks for all your great work NWL! read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Sunday May 19, 2013 18:37 by Fionuala Ni Cionnaoith
First of all i would like to introduce a misson as to what direct democracy would like to achieve: What is direct democracy? Direct democracy is a form of democracy in which the people have the right to: Select their own candidates to represent them. Call a referendum on any topic if a sufficient number of people deem it necessary, by gathering a set number of signatures. Create legislation and put it to a referendum if a sufficient number of people agree with it, by gathering a set number of signatures. Recall, remove from office, any representative deemed to have acted in breach of their terms of employment. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / other press Sunday May 19, 2013 04:06 by John Cornford
In this week's issue: SECTARIAN LEFT: SVENGALIS OF LEFT UNITY BLOCK UNITY Peter Manson examines two contrasting views of the new attempt to revive Labourism ZIONIST MYTHS: HEBREW VERSUS JEWISH IDENTITY This is an expanded version of the talk given by Moshé Machover at the March 3 London conference, ‘Reclaiming an Alternative Jewish Culture and Identity’ The latest edition of the Weekly Worker is now available online at read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / other press Saturday May 18, 2013 20:13 by Lara Montesinos Coleman and Gearoid O Loingsigh
An analysis of the Colombian peace process that takes on the myths about "peace" and the rush to support yet another defeat for workers and peasant movements in Colombia. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Friday May 17, 2013 21:55 by Turing
Interesting report on the State attacks on British Muslims and the role played by private think tanks. This report attempts to understand the current climate of fear being whipped-up against Muslims in Britain by examining two right-wing think-tanks: the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC) and Policy Exchange. The report maintains that the arguments advanced by these thinktanks represent a reversion to the failed counter-subversion strategies of the past. The report also argues that right-wing think-tanks have understated the rise of Islamophobia on the far-right and in some cases condoned the rise of groups such as the English Defence League (EDL) because of their own links to the counter-jihad movement. read full story / add a comment
national / housing / opinion/analysis Friday May 17, 2013 19:07 by Joe Mc
From Justice Minister Alan Shatter's statement on mortgage default and repossessions ,Dec 2012 "All mortgages contain remedies that may be exercised by lending institutions in cases of mortgage default. Repossession in the event of such default is, therefore, an existing contractual right. In a well-known 2011 case (Start Mortgages), the High Court found that enactment of reforming legislation in 2009 may have had the unintended consequence in certain cases of restricting lending institutions from asserting their repossession rights. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Thursday May 16, 2013 20:04 by T
In the last week or so it was announced by the government that they were seriously considering extending the current free Pre-School year to a second free pre-school year. The government has been giving it a positive spin but also on the table as part of the deal is the suggestion that child benefit would be reduced by €20 per month. A lot of figures have been bandied about but the real question is: are the government trying to pull a fast one yet again and how do the numbers stack up? We attempt to look at the figures here. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Monday May 13, 2013 20:10 by Turing
Press statement: Joe Higgins TD Joe Higgins TD seeks topical issue debate tomorrow in Dáil on Bus Eireann strike Challenge Minister Varadkar on his desire to engineer privatisation of company Despite possibility of talks there is no basis to call of strike until cuts in pay and conditions are rescinded Following on from his previous statement of support for the striking Bus Eireann workers and his subsequent visits to the picket lines in Broadstone and Busaras Joe Higgins TD has today submitted a request to the Ceann Comhairle for a topical issue debate to be held in the Dáil tomorrow on the dispute: "I want an opportunity tomorrow to put directly to Minister Varadkar the points that the workers on the picket line made to me about this dispute. It is undeniable that Minister Varadkar supports the wholesale privatisation of Bus Eireann and is willing to use his position in government to help engineer that end. I want to put to him directly points that were made to me about the levels of six figure executive pay in the firm, recent pay hikes these top brass have obtained and the €70 million that has been banked by CIE. It has been raised with me and party colleagues by some of the workers that the government want the company to financially sink as a prelude to selling it off. read full story / add a comment |