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national / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday December 15, 2004 11:57 by pat c
The Irish Football Association has said that it is "stepping up" the fight against racism in football. It is holding a training day for players, coaches and referees. IFA community relations officer, Michael Boyd, said the association was committed to fighting racism and other problems in the sport. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / other press Wednesday December 15, 2004 11:15 by Astrid Essed
With this article I want to express my worriness about the recent violation of the rights of Mohammed B, the suspect of the murder on the Dutch cineaste van Gogh, which is not only an attack on his rights, but can also lead to a further erosion of the Dutch judicial system, which is based on the protection of the rights of a defendant and a fair trial. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Wednesday December 15, 2004 04:44 by Stephen Peacock
The U.S. Dept. of Defense plans to have 10,000 Bibles published that will contain military photos and text inserts. Click on the below link to access the article, which appears in the current issue of SoJo Mail, the online, biweekly news update of Sojourners magazine (Sojourners retains all rights to this article by former Washington, DC reporter Steve Peacock, who is seeking feedback from his Irish brothers and sisters across the Atlantic.) read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Tuesday December 14, 2004 17:14 by Chesley Hicks
Donald Rumsfeld and several other high-ranking US officials could be tried in Germany for war crimes committed in Iraq. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / other press Tuesday December 14, 2004 17:01 by Mumia Abu-Jamal e-mail: [email protected]
Under the emergency law the US Patriot Act, what were illegal measures of oppression under the secret service program have been legalized. Persons opposing the Iraqwar or other decisions of the administration were beaten up, attacked with pepper spray, arrested under false charges. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 14, 2004 12:49 by Oisín
James Connolly is probably the single most important figure in the history of the Irish left. He was an organiser in the IWW in the USA but in Ireland is best known for his role in building the syndicalist phase of Irish union movement and for involving the armed defence body of that union, the Irish Citizens' Army in the 1916 nationalist insurrection. This left a legacy claimed at one time or another not only by all the Irish left parties but also by the nationalists of Fianna Fail and Sinn Fein. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Tuesday December 14, 2004 11:46 by A Librarian
Sunday the 19th of December at the UnaWarehouse (formerly Spacecraft) we will be hosting a *potluck* with films, fun, and some colouring. Bring a dish or dessert to share. Fun starts from early afternoon. We also thought we'd ask our friends to come with a *new* unwrapped gift to be donated to children whose mothers are staying at Haven House in Phibsboro. Gifts should be appropriate for kids up to 13yrs. Haven House is often overlooked in xmas charity time because it is a hostel for homeless women. (Alternately, gift donations can be left in at Red Ink Books & Zines/Murder City Records on Fownes Street in Temple Bar) Ring or text us for more info. Check out the Bad Books website for a map to the location and for more information on Haven House. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday December 14, 2004 10:50 by Kieran O'Sullivan
Please take emergency action on this issue. read full story / add a comment
louth / anti-war / imperialism / other press Tuesday December 14, 2004 06:43 by Brian Vernon
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A portrait of President Bush using monkeys to form his image led to the closure of a New York art exhibition over the weekend and anguished protests on Monday over freedom of expression. "Bush Monkeys," a small acrylic on canvas by Chris Savido, created the stir at the Chelsea Market public space, leading the market's managers to close down the 60-piece show that was scheduled to stay up for the next month. read full story / add a comment
national / politics / elections / opinion/analysis Monday December 13, 2004 23:36 by John McDermott
Fierce speculation rages as to the carry on of one Martin "Cu"Cullen ,Fianna Fail,s hound from hell ,and the environmentalists nightmare Nemesis.! read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / other press Monday December 13, 2004 22:08 by io
all those years of careful economic management, the UNION with Europe, the cetlic tiger, the equal pay for men and women, the great education opportunities, the Piggies back of Ansbacher, the glory of the outer Blaskets, the death of Veronica, the epitaph. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / press release Monday December 13, 2004 21:16 by EU
EU fails in democracy read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / other press Monday December 13, 2004 21:13 by Simon
Arthur may have had views on these worldly things; I don’t know he never said, too late now I guess, because he’s dead. In the inner city west, just a park bench when wet or under a tree when fine a homeless man without a postal address. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday December 13, 2004 17:34 by mick
Christmas party in Axis Centre Ballymun. Music ,poetry ,ideas . All welcome . Building support for Palestine in Ballymun area. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Monday December 13, 2004 15:35 by ali la pointe
Activists with the anti racism network in the north were last week circulating an email encouraging people to "share their feelings" with Mary Lloyd, Managing Director of Homefinders Belfast, the racist estate agency that barred black, chinese and other minority ethnic families from applying for homes. The email initiative came after Homefinders threatened to take a court order out against the ARN for picketing their offices last week. The message reads; read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday December 13, 2004 14:18 by Steve
4 Peace activists found not guilty of criminal trespass at Alliant Tech, manufacturer of cluster bombs and depleted uranium weapons A Victory for Conscience and International Law read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Monday December 13, 2004 13:26 by James R
Something is seriously amiss in education. Inequality of access is rampant and it doesn't take a genius to figure out that the latest Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) report and bouts of rhetoric from the government are going to do little to solve it. Beaten back two years ago, the government is once again trying to introduce fees, this time dumping the idea onto the OECD. Meanwhile, back home it uses its own shoddy track record in tackling educational inequality as a justification. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday December 13, 2004 13:17 by DG
Iraq Instant Weight Loss™ Program U.S. Soldiers have lost thousands of pounds overnight using this proven system! read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / other press Monday December 13, 2004 12:33 by pat c
George Galloway's decision to stand for election in east London has been criticised by Ken Livingstone. Mr Galloway, who was expelled from Labour for comments about the Iraq war, is to contest the seat in Bethnal Green and Bow for the Respect coalition. The mayor said by standing against sitting politician Oona King he was simply targeting the wrong politician. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / other press Monday December 13, 2004 11:52 by iosaf with one of his little hats on, hurling in the ditch.
a reminder that the exploitation of children by using them as workers, is ILLEGAL not only in Ireland but in Holy Ulster as well, (where until only thirty years ago they weren't even allowed use a public park on sunday) but throughout the European Union and the world at large. Millions of children around the world miss out on their childhood as a result of poverty. Poverty deprives them of the capabilities needed to survive, develop and thrive. It prevents them from enjoying equal opportunities. It makes children more vulnerable to exploitation, abuse, violence, discrimination and stigmatization. read full story / add a comment |