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national / eu / event notice Tuesday December 03, 2013 10:49 by dublin man
I will be protesting outside the Dail on Thursday 5 December 2013 if anyone wants to come along, My Protest is against EU rule in Ireland . read full story / add a comment
national / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Monday December 02, 2013 22:07 by Sean Crudden
The United Nations' convention on the rights of persons with a disability does not confer any particular right on anyone. As a mental patient I have no more rights with it as I might have without it. However the UNCRPD has a political effect. The Irish Government must repeal the Lunatics Act of the 19th century to make Irish Law consonant with the UNCRPD. That old act is long and detailed and makes elaborate provision to prevent the exploitation of lunatics i.e. mental patients. But, it seems, a new law is required introducing assisted decision making by patients rather than providing an authority to make decisions on our behalf. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Monday December 02, 2013 20:54 by Dublin Film Qlub
A VERY NATURAL THING Dir. Christopher Larkin, 1974 Starring: Robert McLane, Curt Gareth Saturday 21 December 2013 2:30 pm (doors open at 2pm) Film Qlub The New Theatre Temple Bar Dublin 2 Day membership: €8 Free tea and Coffee read full story / add a comment
kildare / education / press release Monday December 02, 2013 20:52 by Steve
Below is a statement released by the Maynooth Schools Group this morning. We are having a public meeting tonight (2nd December) to formally commence the campaign to reject the two school model that the Minister and KWETB plan to implement in Maynooth. Indymedia are more than welcome to come along. Our facebook is for more information. The Maynooth Schools Group met last night and have reviewed all that has happened to date regarding the new school in Maynooth. We have decided that we completely and formally reject the proposals of the Minister for Education and Skills, Mr Ruairi Quinn and the KWETB's plans of implementation to build two fully vertical and separate schools on the same site in our town. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Sunday December 01, 2013 17:53 by AV. Fitzgerald
Margaretta and Naill are due to attend Ennis District Court on Monday 2nd December 2013 at 11 am, to face the totally absurd charge that they “DID INTERFERE WITH THE PROPER USE OF THAT AIRPORT BY GOING ON THE RUNWAY WITHOUT PERMISSION.” read full story / add a comment
national / environment / other press Sunday December 01, 2013 00:08 by T
This report comes from the Galway Advertiser and is posted on Ireland Against Salmon Website. It concerns the case of the proposal to build a massive salmon farm of 1,126 acres in Galway Bay and it seems the commercial pressures to build it had undue interest. The so called scientific basis for granting permission was based on two 'scientific' papers which were completely flawed in their conclusions and one can only come to the conclusion that it was to suit what they were designed to do, to give a fig leaf of respectability to the proposal. Once again it shows how the intersection of money and anything corrupts. And in this case both the environment and the reputation of science in this particular area, loses out. For those not in the known, the giant infestations of sea-lice that these fish farms cause with 10s of thousands of fish in close proximity to each other, cause devastation to the stocks of wild salmon threatening to wipe them out. A public enquiry could result from allegations of flawed and suppressed information regarding controversial proposal to construct a massive salmon farm in Galway Bay. The allegations have already led the EU Commission to re-open an investigation on the farm and demand explanations from Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney. EU Environment Commissioner Janez Potocnik re-opened Pilot Investigation 764/09/ENV1 following claims of “fundamental errors” in the analysis of key papers by the Marine Institute in Oranmore regarding the sea lice threat to wild salmon posed by intensive salmon farming; allegations that information from Inland Fisheries Ireland on the scale of damage caused to wild fish from lice was withheld by the Department of Agriculture; and perceived refusals by the Minister for Agriculture Simon Coveney to answer questions in the Dáil on the fish farm. read full story / add a comment
leitrim / environment / event notice Saturday November 30, 2013 18:52 by ffi
Campaigners will gather at Leitrim County Council offices on Monday Dec 2nd, 4pm, to demand Leitrim County Council insert a clause into the county development plan, that states, unconventional oil and gas exploration and extraction is banned in County Leitrim. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Thursday November 28, 2013 17:53 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
On November 19th the Tánaiste (Vice-Prime Minister in Ireland) Eamon Gilmore, addressed the parliamentary questions raised by TDs Maureen O’Sullivan, Clare Daly and Seán Crowe, in relation to growing concerns about the escalation of political repression in Colombia. In recent months, scores of left-wing activists, trade union organisers, protesters and human rights’ defenders have been murdered. Many more have been imprisoned, injured and harassed. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday November 28, 2013 16:38 by z
Pvt Manning Benefit |Gig Templebar Gallery & Studios (Entrance opp. Ha'penny Pub) 10 euros / 5 unwaged read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / other press Wednesday November 27, 2013 22:40 by T
Tom Gilmartin, the Sligo born developer who made his fortune in England and returned to Ireland in the 1980s to do something here ran into the wall of corruption and greed and refused to bow to the FF and FG gobeens, died this week and was buried on Tuesday Nov 26th. Gilmartin ended up being one of the key witness in the planning tribunals which looked into planning corruption in the Dublin councils. They did not look at the corruption in the other councils all around the country and we can be 100% sure, it was just as rampant there as well. He was one of the few people with any sense of integrity from that class and despite being vilified and no doubt many legal threats made, he stood his ground. Without his persistence, it may never have reached the public record the depth of cronyism and corruption that was present throughout the ranks of Fianna Fail -the party that led this country to ruin, and also to a slightly lesser extent the same with FG. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Monday November 25, 2013 23:55 by T
The headlines have recently reported that the Royal Bank of Scotland owners of Ulster Bank in Ireland carried out widespread fraud and engaged in forcing customers who were repaying their debt and otherwise healthy, into going out of business and this allowed the bank to pick up their assets namely their properties at a fraction of the true costs. They carried out this financial terrorism mostly against small firms who were too small to defend themselves. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Monday November 25, 2013 18:50 by foie
The European Commission is to reopen the EU investigation into salmon and sea lice closed in September of 2012. The investigation was prompted by submissions from Salmon Watch Ireland and the Friends of the Irish Environment to the Commission in 2009. The closure of the investigation without the ‘express views’ of Inland Fisheries Ireland which the Department of Agriculture denied it held led to a series of ‘Requests for Redress for Maladministration’ lodged by Friends of the Irish Environment to two Irish Government Departments and the European Commission. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / other press Monday November 25, 2013 18:43 by Dublin Cumann 32CSM
The Dublin Cumann are collecting for the P.O.W's throughout the Christmas period. A little goes a long way to help out our P.O.Ws and there families at this difficult time of year. Go raibh mile maith agaibh, Beir Bua. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Monday November 25, 2013 18:31 by Anthony Ravlich
The Occupation - often with good hearts but heads not straight due to the 'divide and rule' which stems from the UN. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / news report Monday November 25, 2013 18:20 by Dublin Cumann 32CSM
The Dublin Cumann of the 32CSM are appealing to the public to help out with donations for our help the homeless appeal we are running throughout the Christmas period. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Sunday November 24, 2013 18:50 by Mark and Kathryn Llewellyn-Jones
In a recent story on this website it was reported that a number of companies who had acted as agents for Metro Property Group in Detroit are facing litigation and/or have ceased trading. Comments on this story were posted by an individual named Finn in which he or she openly accuses the plaintiffs in the lawsuit of serious criminal activity and bankruptcy. In May this year the Irish company, Brendan Investments, publicly backed Metro Property Group in Detroit and the individual named Finn appears to be posting on the company's behalf. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Saturday November 23, 2013 12:05 by Hugh Murphy
The Attorney General for Northern Ireland John F Larkin QC had called for an end to inquires into the Troubles and the death of civilians. However, this is not the first time the so-called rebel has refused to support an inquiry into innocent deaths. I transcribe below two letters I got from him. This man wrote these letters - fully aware that the several solicitors in Belfast took who took on this case would do nothing - and the last one Norman Shannon sat on it until it became Statute Barred. How can the legal system, both in Belfast and Dublin get away with this cover up. read full story / add a comment
galway / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday November 21, 2013 23:19 by Fia
Enda Kenny will be in Galway attending the Christmas market, to turn on the lights. Does the City Council/Chamber of Commerce not see the IRONY in this? read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / news report Wednesday November 20, 2013 22:56 by John McNamer
This article examines a recent request to the International Criminal Court asking for an investigation of alleged war crimes by Canada in relation to complicity in torture and complicity in illegal extraordinary rendition of detainees. The article appeared in the Canadian Civil Liberties newsletter Rights Watch, and can be found at the address at the bottom. The original article contains hyperlinks which access the full request to the ICC and all attached documentations. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / news report Wednesday November 20, 2013 16:31 by Friend Of Forests
ABC Disney is involved in propaganda for the treekilling industries despite the forest fires, drought, global heating, burning of animals and birds and other hazards of the lumber industries. read full story / add a comment |