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national / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Monday June 27, 2005 00:50 by Miriam Cotton
You might be forgiven for thinking that the election of two women presidents had firmly established respect for the contribution that women can make to Irish public life. A review of the media coverage of Kathy Sinnott makes you realise, sadly, that we have some way to go. You’re left wondering exactly whose interests some newspapers exist to serve because it is unlikely to be the large – if silent – majority of offended readers who are actually very grateful for Kathy Sinnott’s efforts on their behalf. Thankfully, for the thousands of disabled people and their families, who have benefited from Sinnott’s determination, she is sanguine about this. read full story / add a comment
national / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Monday June 27, 2005 00:47 by Miriam Cotton
Dan Boyle doesn’t represent any West Cork constituency but he is TD for Cork South Central, which is not a million miles away. His voice is increasingly influential in national and south western regional policy-making and he is also Party Chief Whip, Spokesperson for Finance & Social & Family Affairs, Community, Rural Development and the Islands. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday June 27, 2005 00:37 by redjade
''On Thursday, I received orders from the Army mobilizing me for Operation Iraqi Freedom. These orders followed an earlier set, cut on Tuesday, which transferred me from the Army's individual ready reserve into the 101st Airborne Division.'' read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Sunday June 26, 2005 23:33 by rory hearne
8 rich men destroying the world V thousands protesting for a better world Who won? What will result? Where now for the movements against poverty and war? read full story / add a comment
leitrim / miscellaneous / news report Sunday June 26, 2005 19:01 by R. Ellis
SLIGO MAYOR alderman Declan Bree paid tribute to Leitrim socialist Jim Gralton, during a recent visit to New York. Speaking at the Leitrimman's grave in Woodlawn cemetary in the Bronx, Bree said that Gralton personified all that was positive about the Irish and American labour movements. "He was a life-long socialist and trade unionist and a fighter for the rights of ordinary people. Jim Gralton was a working class hero," said the Sligo mayor read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday June 26, 2005 17:34 by Paul McAndrew
Monday 25/07/05 The Other Place Queerscreen: Grand reopening with "A Cinematic Evening with Anne Bancroft presentation by Max Le Kain and Torch Song Trilogy", The Club at the Other Place, 6.30pm followed by an evening of Lounge music upstairs in Grub Café Bar read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / news report Sunday June 26, 2005 16:03 by JM
Synopsis of why local people oppose this development and details of new High Court Order. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism / press release Sunday June 26, 2005 11:21 by Global Women's Strike, Ireland
For several years the Global Women’s Strike has protested with many others the inclusion of warplanes in the annual Salthill air show, polluting our skies and shaming those of us who live in Salthill with its investment in killing machines. This year, the organisers have invited the participation of several military planes including from the US while publicly proclaiming themselves ‘as anti-war as the next man’.... read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Sunday June 26, 2005 00:43 by Saoirse in America
Sinn Fein/IRA have admitted that it shot dead a teenage schoolgirl in Derry 32 years ago and blamed it on the British Army. The admission puts to an end one of the most notorious pieces of Republican propaganda promoted over the past three decades - the the "Brits" murdered a "wee girl" on her way to the shops to buy milk for her mammy. The admission is the harbinger of Sinn Fein/IRA withdrawal from criminal behaviour, it is shoped. read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / news report Saturday June 25, 2005 21:48 by Terry
Shell’s latest move in driving people from their homes happened at 4pm today, Saturday, June 25th. read full story / add a comment
national / public consultation / irish social forum / other press Saturday June 25, 2005 20:07 by James Sorensen
Review of Renewable Energy technologies for the elimination of the energy crisis and for Real Sustainable economic Development. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Saturday June 25, 2005 18:20 by liam o'connor
Although plans for a South African style Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Northern Ireland have not yet come to fruition, some of the tangled threads of the troubles are at last being straightened out. A case in point is the IRA's admission that it was one of its snipers who killed schoolgirl Kathleen Feeney in Londonderry in 1973. More than 30 years after the incident, the IRA has finally decided to come clean. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Saturday June 25, 2005 16:07 by Tom Lonergan
Buswell’s Hotel, Molesworth Street (off Kildare St.); Wed 29th of June at 7.30pm A delegation of Irish politicians recently visited Palestine and were horrified at what they saw there. Green Party TD John Gormley declared: “What we witnessed on our trip this weekend is worse than the apartheid regime in South Africa.” Of course they saw little signs of the Israeli “disengagement” we hear so much about in the media. SPEAKERS: John Gormley TD (Greens) Senator Terry Leyden (FF), Senator John Paul Phelan (FG) Aengus O Snodaigh TD (SF). read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / news report Saturday June 25, 2005 16:02 by M.M.mcCarron
A very sucessful press conference was held recently to help the nation understand the Erris and Rossport issue in Mayo. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Saturday June 25, 2005 14:46 by seedot
A map showing the deaths in Iraq by country since 20th March 2003. Excellent visualisation. read full story / add a comment
international / summit mobilisations / press release Saturday June 25, 2005 01:50 by Labour press Hack
In the build up to the G8 summit and the mobilisation campaign of the Make Poverty History Campaign Labour Youth has announced its intention to donate 0.7 per cent of its budget to Overseas Development Aid. read full story / add a comment
international / public consultation / irish social forum / other press Friday June 24, 2005 23:18 by Henk Ruyssenaars
It's not only their genocide in Iraq and Afghanistan: in England twenty-two-thousand old people died as a result of the cold last year. In Brussels however, the British PM shamelessly lied about his country as 'supporting a social Europe'. read full story / add a comment
national / summit mobilisations / press release Friday June 24, 2005 18:03 by Dissenter
This is a general list of items Dissent! Ireland encourages you to bring. When packing, please keep in mind that it will almost deffinetly rain. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / other press Friday June 24, 2005 17:53 by Dissenter
This is a general list of items Dissent! Ireland encourages you to bring. When packing, please keep in mind that it will almost deffinetly rain. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / event notice Friday June 24, 2005 16:33 by EYFA
Ecotopia which took place in Co. Clare in August 2002, see: http://www.csn.ul.ie/~environ/ecotopia/ http://www.paschhoff.com/ecotopia/index.html in Ukraine in August 2003 and in Holland in August 2004, see: http://www.ecotopia.nl/index.php?mode=photos is taking place this August in Moldova. read full story / add a comment |