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national / eu / press release Saturday February 01, 2014 18:51 by Don MacThomais
The European Commission is changing the European Union’s plant legislation , apparently to enhance food safety across the continent. This move has sparked a heavy opposition from many, saying that the measure will threaten seed diversity and favour large agrochemical businesses. This new law creates new powers to classify and regulate all plant life anywhere in Europe.This would see cancer giving foods propping up the cancer medication business in Ireland The “Plant Reproductive Material Law” regulates all plants. It contains restrictions on vegetables and woodland trees, as well as all other plants of any species. It will be illegal to grow, reproduce, or trade any vegetable seed or tree that has not been been tested and approved by the government, more specifically the “EU Plant Variety Agency.” [...] The new law basically puts the government in charge of all plants and seeds in Europe, and prevents home gardeners from growing their own plants from non-regulated seeds. If they did, they would now be considered criminals. read full story / add a comment
international / eu / other press Thursday January 30, 2014 20:20 by O. O'C
![]() Peoples News issue no. 98 Date: 26 – 1 – 14 Table of Contents below THE PEOPLE’S NEWS contains comment on developments in the EU from an Irish and democratic perspective Back issues of the newsletter are available from the website The Peoples Movement Blog The Peoples Movement Facebook page read full story / add a comment
international / eu / press release Wednesday January 29, 2014 16:21 by Don MacThomais
A recent Channel 4 documentary showed that a drone shot down in Sudan after taking part in several government operations against civilians and rebels contained a carburettor apparently made in Tillotson's Tralee plant. The EU exports billions of euros' worth of weaponry and other military hardware every year. Below are details of these exports broken down by source and destination country, year, and type of goods. Click on individual values to filter results. Link : Licensed goods: Arms export licence figures are provided for all EU countries. These cover items on the Military List (equipment that is definitely for military use) but do not include Dual-Use items (equipment that could be for military or civil use). Exported goods: Most countries have also provided figures for the value of exported goods. Germany and the UK are notable exceptions. Figures indicate known values and are inevitably incomplete due to the differences in reporting between countries. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Tuesday January 28, 2014 14:49 by Hares Boys
Five Palestinian teenagers are facing life imprisonment for a crime that never happened. A settler car accident labels them as "terrorists". Fight for justice for the Hares Boys! read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday January 28, 2014 00:45 by Anthony Ravlich
The UN by crossing a line to authoritarianism and creating ‘neoliberal absolutism’ means the Rule of Law they promote is not based on reason but rather elite interests. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / other press Sunday January 26, 2014 02:19 by ISP Sleuth
How many have noticed that in the quiet hours of night/early morning their Eircom email accounts become unavailable? And that is on a regular daily, or nightly as it is, occurrence. read full story / add a comment
dublin / gender and sexuality / event notice Saturday January 25, 2014 19:32 by Lady&trans*Fest Dublin
Lady&trans*Fest Dublin is a bad-ass queer/feminist D.I.Y. weekender festival happening 28,29,30th March Wimmin&trans* organised, the event is celebrating feminist-queer-trans* arts & culture, with music, theater, workshops, films, spoken word, and discussions. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Friday January 24, 2014 19:28 by Arielle Retrosi
Washington, DC - Heads of state, financial ministers, celebrities and representatives from many of the worlds most powerful corporations are meeting in Davos, Switzerland for the 2014 World Economic Forum. This year's theme of the forum is "The Reshaping of the World: Consequences for Society, Politics and Business." The Forum has focused on income inequality, the impacts of low economic growth and climate change. In advance of this year's forum Oxfam International released a report that noted that the world's 85 richest individuals have as much wealth as 3.5 billion people or half the world's population. read full story / add a comment
After the Lockout Commemorations – Trade Union Organising in 2014 and Beyond - Saturday 25th January
dublin / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Friday January 24, 2014 19:14 by Paul Kinsella
After the Lockout Commemorations – Trade Union Organising in 2014 and Beyond - Saturday 25th January 13 Jan 2014 The Dún Laoghaire 1913 Commemorative Committee has announced details of a workshop/seminar entitled “After the Lockout commemorations - Trade Union Organising in 2014 and beyond” to be held in the Dún Laoghaire Club, Eblana Ave, Dún Laoghaire on Saturday 25th January from 2:30 – 5:30p.m. The workshop/seminar is open to all – whether union member or not - and is intended as a forum in which people who are interested in organising in their workplaces and communities can share ideas and learn from each other. According to the organisers “The last 6 months have seen many events held to mark the centenary of the 1913 Lockout and the heroic battles waged by Dublin’s workers for union recognition. As the period of commemoration draws to a close, this workshop/seminar aims to bring together a number of people involved in on-the-ground organising today to look forward rather than back - to share skills, analyse problems and discuss the type of trade unionism that is needed 100 years after the Lockout battles.” read full story / add a comment
limerick / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Thursday January 23, 2014 21:52 by shannon-watch
Demo in Support of Margaretta D'Arcy who is serving a 3 month sentence in Limerick Prison for refusing to remain silent about the US military use of Shannon. Date: 24th January Time 5 - 6pm We plan to keep on supporting peace activist Margaretta D'Arcy as she serves time in prison. And we'll keep on repeating her demand - GET THE U.S. MILITARY OUT OF SHANNON. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / press release Thursday January 23, 2014 16:49 by Don MacThomais
International Parental Child Abduction is not a new trend as globalization bring people into a social setting normally not experienced in previous years . Relationships develop of course and love ,children and break ups are also to be expected. The removal of an Irish infant from Ireland is a crime under International law and the Non Fatal Offences Against the person Act under the Irish Statute book. There is also an international agreement called the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Parental Child Abduction which the Irish State signed in 1980. The issue surrounding this legal instrument outside of the EU is vague with countries such as the USA providing little or no support to victims of this cruel crime and Irish Department of Foreign Affairs complete reluctance to challenge the USA whom citizens are responsible for the abduction of Irish infants born in Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Thursday January 23, 2014 15:43 by Carl M.
This interview with Yassamine Mather from Hands Off the People of Iran appears on the BBC Persian Service . The broadcast coincides with the third year of the Arab Spring . read full story / add a comment
dublin / eu / event notice Thursday January 23, 2014 10:34 by protester
This Saturday at 9.00am sharp outside EU House on Molesworth street I will be protesting against the EU / Governments Blue Star Programme in Primary Schools , the training day for teachers who are taking part in the programme takes place there from 9am-3pm and I want to show my opposition to what they are doing. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / press release Tuesday January 21, 2014 13:55 by Weldon
The series looks at the influence that the industrial dispute had on several different artistic disciplines from Literature and Song to Poetry, Drama and History. read full story / add a comment
kildare / miscellaneous / event notice Monday January 20, 2014 14:55 by R
Féile Bríde 2014 will look at issues of life, light and liberty with perspectives from our partner Abjata Khalif of the Kenya Pastoralist Journalists Network; from Fergal Anderson linking food sovereignty issues locally and globally, as a ‘small farmer’ from the West of Ireland; and Donal Dorr will be joined by a woman with personal knowledge of the issue of human trafficking to explore the meaning of slavery, sovereignty and sustenance. read full story / add a comment
international / animal rights / press release Friday January 17, 2014 18:43 by Sue Anthony
A colossal pod of 250 plus Bottlenose dolphins including babies, juveniles and one baby albino dolphin is being held captive overnight in the cove right now. It will be a total of 19 hours before they will endure the torture of being ripped from their family and selected for captivity. Those not selected will be slaughtered for human consumption. read full story / add a comment
waterford / arts and media / event notice Thursday January 16, 2014 21:36 by anon
David Rovics in Downes Pub, Waterford, Tuesday, Jan 21st 2014 American singer-songwriter David Rovics plays in Downes Pub, Waterford on Tuesday, Jan 21st 2014 Rovics has been a modern Bob Dylan, singing songs about the Iraq War and social justice issues. Rovics started out as a busker in Boston’s subways before concentrating on his craft and recording albums. He has self-released all his recordings, and has also made them available as free downloads. He is also a writer for left-wing newspapers and magazines. His music has been featured by the BBC and other TV stations. read full story / add a comment
antrim / arts and media / event notice Thursday January 16, 2014 21:28 by anon
David Rovics at the Realta, King Street, Belfast. 8pm on Jan 18th 2014 American singer-songwriter David Rovics plays in Realta, King Street, Belfast on Saturday Jan 18th 2014 at 8PM Rovics has been a modern Bob Dylan, singing songs about the Iraq War and social justice issues. Rovics started out as a busker in Boston’s subways before concentrating on his craft and recording albums. He has self-released all his recordings, and has also made them available as free downloads. He is also a writer for left-wing newspapers and magazines. His music has been featured by the BBC and other TV stations. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Tuesday January 14, 2014 21:32 by newsmedia
Greedy ISPs move to cash in on providing tiered Internet access Judges at a federal appeal court in Washington have dealt what could well be a mortal blow to the freedom of the Internet. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday January 14, 2014 07:52 by Anthony Ravlich
Noam Chomsky's response to UN's 'Global Crime Against Humanity' which is described in my recent article, 'A Great World can be achieved by Great States ensuring global ethical human rights'. It also contains my reply. read full story / add a comment |