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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday April 15, 2014 12:32 by 1 of Indymedia
Buried in the DLC CC website is a notice inviting members of the public to have their say in the 2016 - 2022 development plan. These are types of plans throughout the country that have been shaped, influenced and manipulated by corrupt developers in the past and probably will continue to do so in the future. The consultation period has already been in operation for over a month since March 19th and continues until May 14th. This is the public chance to have their say. However DLR have been very coy about this and have given very little publicity about it. It appears you have to know about it in order to find out about it. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / news report Friday April 11, 2014 20:54 by Arielle Retrosi
The annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings are focusing on the role of high debt burdens in both global economic recovery and increasing inequality. At the onset of the meetings, the G24 released an IMF statement noting that the IMF's failure to implement quota reform and the outcome of the US Supreme Court Argentina/NML Capital case impacts global inequality. read full story / add a comment
dublin / environment / event notice Friday April 11, 2014 00:20 by Environment
Lakelands Windfarm Information Group We are a group of residents from the greater Mullingar area who are concerned about the proposal to build a large scale windfarm overlooking the town. Our Mission is to help and inform every member of our community about the development of this large scale industrial windfarm, in an open and honest way. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / press release Thursday April 10, 2014 16:45 by Arielle Retrosi
Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20 read full story / add a comment
cork / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday April 08, 2014 23:34 by IVCO
Historical Exhibition of Irish War of Independence artifacts. FREE ADMISSION Easter Saturday, April 2014. The south parish Community Centre Sawmill street,Cork city. to 5pm read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Saturday April 05, 2014 19:37 by Seán Ó Murchú
Cork Airport is being left in the lurch while other Irish airports receive new services. read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday April 02, 2014 19:23 by Jim O'Connell
OUR WATER IS NOT FOR SALE! Public Meeting Featuring: Bolivian Water Campaigner MARCELLA OLIVERA Maldron Hotel John Redmond St. Cork Thurs 3rd April 8pm read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Wednesday April 02, 2014 04:32 by Seán Ó Murchú
Occupied Six Counties ‘Tourist Board Campaign’ Or as the brits say ‘Northern Ireland Tourist Board Campaign’ Yes, it’s April 2nd 2014 so no catch. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / press release Tuesday April 01, 2014 19:59 by Dublin Film Qlub
Season Four of the Dublin Film Qlub, “Burning the Closet!”, continues with… NIGHTHAWKS Dir. Ron Peck, 1978 Starring: Ken Robertson, Tony Westrope, Rachel Nicholas Language: English read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Monday March 31, 2014 09:33 by I. Greene
Not unexpectedly Martin Callinan was forced to stand down as head of the Gardai on 25th March 2014. Throughout 2013 I have written a number of articles concerning malpractices within the Garda organisation and particularly the questionable management style of (former) Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan. While Callinan was eventually forced from office, the ‘mess’ created during his term will take years to cleanse, indeed if ever. That will only happen when there is accountability. Amongst the outstanding bad practice issues are multiple claims of Gardai mishandling of a number of serious cases involving abduction, assault and murder that are being presently looked at by a Senior Barrister and now we are told that people have been maliciously prosecuted previously, it is frightening. However, if former Garda Wilson or others are in possession of such detail he must divulge it to the relevant authority. read full story / add a comment
dublin / politics / elections / event notice Saturday March 29, 2014 22:18 by JM
socialists, workers and elections Learning from the Argentinian experience read full story / add a comment
antrim / politics / elections / event notice Saturday March 29, 2014 22:13 by JM
socialists, workers and elections Learning from the Argentinian experience read full story / add a comment
international / environment / other press Friday March 28, 2014 16:00 by T
Recent research has found a link between the use of the Monsanto weed-killer Roundup which is used with all GM crops. It is used because the genetic material added to GM crops makes them resistant to Roundup. Normally any crop sprayed with too much weed killer not only kills the weeds but begins to kill the crop. The use of GM crops allows you to spray even more of the stuff. Residues of Roundup has to be on and in the plants and this is where the research picks this up. read full story / add a comment
longford / environment / event notice Friday March 28, 2014 15:53 by NWT
Our previous two volunteer days in Farnaght earlier in the year had to be cancelled due to the weather so there's a lot to be done. On the day we will be planting a new hedge and checking on how our previously planted trees are doing. Farnaght was first planted over ten years ago and the birch in particular has shot up making this reserve a great place to visit to see how quickly native woodland can be established. Bring Suitable clothing and lunch. read full story / add a comment
cork / environment / event notice Friday March 28, 2014 15:46 by IWT
The event is Free and it is recommended to wear warm clothing a rain coat and comfortable shoes. This walk is led by Conor Kelleher from Cork County Bat Group in conjunction with Irish Wildlife Trust Cork branch for Lifelong Learning Week. Conor will talk about different bat species, the importance of bats in nature, their diet and their habitat. We will also demonstrate how to track and identify bats by using a bat sensor. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday March 28, 2014 14:22 by Anthony Ravlich
Describes the 'Profound' Arrogance of bureaucratic elites at the UN in disregarding history, as if they 'know', to reinvent human rights to emphasize elites rather than individuals. Discussion with Islamic academic on global ethical human rights. read full story / add a comment
galway / arts and media / event notice Wednesday March 26, 2014 08:24 by Over The Edge
BOOK LAUNCH: THE GHOST IN THE LOBBY by KEVIN HIGGINS @ The 2014 Cúirt International Festival of Literature with Mick Wallace TD Sunday 13th April – Galway Arts Centre, 47 Dominick Street- 4:00pm read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Tuesday March 25, 2014 17:27 by Arielle Retrosi
Jubilee USA Network, a religious anti-poverty coalition, along with 78 other religious and development groups filed with the US Supreme Court in the case between Argentina and NML Capital read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Tuesday March 25, 2014 13:03 by KM
Looks as if the Ukrainian fascists are starting to outlive their shelf life. Just like the Brownshirts in The Night of the Long Knives they will be cut down by their masters. The hunter gets the bird, the dog that retrieves it gets a pat on the head, in the end a bullet in the head. Videos at he link below. Notorious Ukrainian right-wing militant leader Aleksandr Muzychko, also known as Sashko Bilyi, has been shot dead during a police raid against his gang, confirmed Ukraine’s Ministry of Interior. Muzychko was killed in Rovno, western Ukraine, where he coordinated actions of local groups belonging to the nationalist Right Sector movement. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Sunday March 23, 2014 22:25 by shannon-watch
At a News Conference in Buswell's Hotel today (Saturday, March 22, 2014), immediately following her release from Mountjoy Prison, peace activist, artist and human rights campaigner, Margaretta D'Arcy, discussed her nine weeks in both Limerick and Mountjoy Prisons and the reasons for her arrest. Ms D'Arcy continues to refute the charge that she and her co-defendant, Niall Farrell, were interfering with the 'proper use' of Shannon Airport by going onto the runway in October 2012 and again in September 2013 (for which a second trial is pending). They were in fact highlighting the 'improper use' of Shannon Airport by the US military, who have colonised an Irish airport. Since 2003, over 2 million US soldiers and their weapons and thousands of US military aircraft and cargo planes have transited Shannon Airport on their way to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and elsewhere. The Government of neutral Ireland has 'improperly' facilitated these movements of troops and weaponry - which could easily have included killer drones and depleted uranium - through Shannon, and failed to inspect any of these military cargos. They've also never inspected any of the CIA planes implicated in illegal rendition flights. read full story / add a comment |