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international / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Thursday December 22, 2011 10:28 by Paddy Hackett
The capitalist crisis can provide the working class with the opportunity to forcefully take power. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / news report Wednesday December 21, 2011 10:34 by Karina
Now Michael D has gone a step further from his ceremonial role in supporting war-mongering. He is openly feeding the feel-good factor for the FG-Labour government anti-social economic and political decisions. At a time of extraordinary hardship for the people of Ireland caused by the regressive and pro-business politics of Labour and FG, he comes out to send a Christmas message of "hope" in economic recovery. It is surely strange for a so called "socialist" and "progressive" to come out in such base way to support the fact that his government has passed the burden of the crisis onto the shoulders of the ordinary people of Ireland. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 20, 2011 12:30 by Sean Crudden
Maybe the time has come again to look inwards instead of outwards. Like we did in the early and mid 1950’s. Let us not wait for the prompt from hypocrites from abroad. Create liberty, equality, fraternity; for all mental patients in Ireland. And for everyone in Ireland including children about to be born now around the Feast of The Nativity. read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 20, 2011 12:00 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
It’s January. It’s freezing. Christmas emptied the coffers and now the bills are starting to bite. As the government cuts the eligibility period for the Fuel Allowance, it’s time to tell the government that we’ve had enough! read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday December 19, 2011 23:53 by pat c
Christopher Hitchens has departed the mortal coil. He used to to be a true anti-imperialist but ended as a supporter of Imperialism. Unlike other ex leftists however Hitch held on to a lot of his radical views and didn't disown his past (like Martin Amis did). But does this balance out his support for the slaughter in Iraq? Sean Fenley pens a critical obituary. read full story / add a comment
dublin / education / event notice Monday December 19, 2011 14:41 by LASC
Latin America Solidarity Centre is running courses in Latin American Spanish & Brazilian Portuguese from January 23rd to April 2nd. A Charla Latina course will run on Thusdays from 6:00-7:30pm. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday December 19, 2011 08:46 by Free Bradley Manning!
Bradley Manning's Military Tribunal Article 32 (pre-military trial hearing) began a Ft. Meade Maryland on Friday Dec 18th.,continued through the weekend and continues into this week. A callout for solidarity action on Bradley' 24th. birthday - Saturday Dec 17th. was answered in 40+ locations throughout the United States and around the world. In London 60 folks gathered in solidarity with Bradley outside the U.S. embassy. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Sunday December 18, 2011 19:17 by Saoirse
At its December meeting the Ard Chomhairle of Republican Sinn Féin called on people not to register in January for the 100 Euro property tax. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / opinion/analysis Saturday December 17, 2011 01:14 by Jolly Red Giant
Today, at Kazakhstan’s independence day, more than 3000 people assembled peacefully in Zhanaozen, to promote the demands of the oil workers who have been on strike since May. Police and special forces attacked the meeting and opened fire on the strikers and their families. By around 10 a.m., London time, 50 had already been killed, with at least 500 more wounded. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Friday December 16, 2011 17:41 by pat c
Eveyrday life is a struggle in Occupied Palestine, but not just for adults. Even getting to school is a dangerous activity for children,
.The Qurduba School in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron is once again a target for harassment by Israeli occupation forces, as new restrictions on freedom of movement bring a wave of settler attacks and soldier violenceEstablished in 1984, the Qurduba School sits surrounded by five Israeli settlements on a hilltop in central Hebron. To get to school every morning, pupils between the ages of 6 and 13 — and their women teachers — must navigate a maze of checkpoints and dangerous settler-inhabited streets. . read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Friday December 16, 2011 17:14 by David Douglas
David Douglass reports on how some English Anarchists slid down a slippery slope with their support for Islamic rebels in Libya. Full text at link.
On Sunday November 6 I was confronted out of the blue by a political development in anarchism which knocked me off my feet. Surrounded by comrades in a fairly well attended meeting of the Northern Anarchist Network and the North East Anarchists at the Bridge Hotel in Newcastle, I listened with jaw dropping to the item on the agenda marked ‘Libyan Solidarity Campaign’. The ‘Support Nato bombing tendency’ is how I would roughly designate it. I subsequently traced back this disturbing development to Ian Bone’s blog. Ian, a long standing comrade of mine, founder of Class War and many great initiatives, surely could not be the origin of this absurd and reactionary viewpoint? read full story / add a comment
national / education / news report Thursday December 15, 2011 11:15 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
One of the most disgusting and sick cuts in the Budget is the cuts to disadvantaged schools :-(
Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn has told the principals of disadvantaged Primary schools that the government will press ahead with plans to cut hundreds of teaching posts in their schools. Absolutely appalling! read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / opinion/analysis Thursday December 15, 2011 10:09 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
I fully support Independent TD Thomas Pringle's call on people to support a campaign not to pay this hideous Household Charge (Poll Tax!!!). Mr Pringle says he will not register for the tax, nor will he pay it. Well done Thomas Pringle :-) At last we have we have some principled TDs in An Dáil Éireann who are prepared to suffer personally for their beliefs they know are in Our Country's And People's best interests. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Thursday December 15, 2011 07:46 by An Draighneán Donn
On Sunday, the 18th of December, 2011, at 2pm in the Garden of Remembrance, Dublin, The People of Ireland will have the opportunity to pay their respects to the memory of their friend, comrade and great support, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, and to the memory of all the Noble Patriots of Libya and Ireland, who have made the ultimate sacrifice to defend their countries from imperialist attack and domination.
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national / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday December 14, 2011 16:13 by Gadaffi solidarity
Independent commemoration for Col Gaddafi. read full story / add a comment
VID & REPORT - British Veterans Vigil for Bradley Manning –CALLOUT–for Solidarity Actions on Dec17th
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Wednesday December 14, 2011 12:17 by Veterans for Peace
Tuesday Dec 14th. Veterans for Peace UK and supporters held a vigil for Bradley Manning at the U.S. Embassy in London. Bradley begins a pre-trial hearing on Friday at Fort Meade, Maryland/USA. Bradley faces charges that could lead to a lifetime in prison.
We call for you to join us and others in solidarity with Bradley- Saturday 17th of December, 1400hrs at the U.S. Embassy. Please join us or initiate solidarity actions in your locale.
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international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 13, 2011 21:37 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
As an Activist Campaigning And Protesting Against Injustice Everywhere I'm thrilled to find myself joined by people all over the country and the world in a new movement--the Occupy Movement -- with a common message that we must focus our resources on jobs, health care, education and other vital human needs rather than war and corporate greed. read full story / add a comment
kildare / education / opinion/analysis Tuesday December 13, 2011 20:19 by skippy
Offered a place on a postgrad course unable to continue due to budget 2012. no job no hope and no independant money to do the masters. Also I have family dependants, so it really feels like a sentence in regards to my future or rather the undermining of career to be financially independent, alas its not going to happen. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Tuesday December 13, 2011 18:25 by Pól Ó Cionsalígh
I stand in full solidarity with the brave participants of Occupy Los Angeles and I support the immediate release of all protesters.
As of this writing, close to 300 people have been held on up to $5000 bail for simply practicing their first amendment rights of assembly and freedom of speech. This is unacceptable. All protestors should be freed. read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday December 13, 2011 16:08 by John Dennehy
Zartis, the new social recruitment software service, today announced that Bill Liao, previously co-founder of German social network, Xing, will join its Board of Directors. Liao will be joined on the Board by Irish entrepreneur, Jonathan Grey. SOS Ventures, the venture capital and investment firm managed by new Dragon, Sean O’Sullivan, AIB Seed Capital Fund and Jonathan Grey have also invested in AssemblyPoint Limited, the holding company which owns Zartis. read full story / add a comment |