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international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday November 14, 2011 19:27 by pat c
Jean Shaoul outlines the role that Saudi Arabia is playing in the Imperialist war plans against Iran. The lack of democracy in Saudi Arabia has never bothered the US. Full text at link.
Saudi Arabia’s key role in seeking to destabilise the Ba’athist regime of Bashir Assad has become the centrepiece of an attempt by Washington to cobble together an anti-Iranian alliance, aimed more generally at suppressing the Middle Eastern masses. Saudi Arabia, the world’s leading oil producer and exporter, has the largest known oil reserves in the world. This has brought untold wealth to the Saudi ruling family and its more than 20,000 princes. The House of Saud keeps power by a system of brutal repression that outlaws all public protests, strikes and expressions of dissent, combined with its championing of an extreme version of Sunni Islam, Wahhabism. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday November 14, 2011 19:19 by pat c
Chris Marsden reports on Arab League to suspend Syria and exposes the hypocrisy of some of the despots who voted in favour. Full text at link.
The vote by the Arab League to suspend Syria brings a step closer the possibility of external military intervention into what is already a de facto civil war. A meeting in Cairo Saturday told Syria it will be suspended from the Arab League and face sanctions if it does not end its crackdown on anti-government protesters. A total of 18 countries agreed to the suspension, beginning Wednesday. Only Syria, Lebanon and Yemen voted against, with Iraq abstaining. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Monday November 14, 2011 13:26 by pat c
“Mobilizing against Inequality: Unions, Immigrant Workers and the Crisis of Capitalism”
Thirty-Fifth Countess Markievicz Memorial Lecture by Lowell Turner Professor of International and Comparative Labor, Cornell University Tuesday, November 22, 2011, 13.00 – 14.00 National College of Ireland, Mayor Street Upper, Dublin 1. read full story / add a comment
international / arts and media / event notice Sunday November 13, 2011 21:22 by The Shed
SHE-D 43 GARDINER LANE DUBLIN 1 (off Mountjoy Sq South)
DOORS @ 9:00pm DONATION @ SHE-D: 5:00 MBSV's Subject suggested for November is: CARL JUNG Art/printing interaction MANGLE with GERARD GREENE Ireland (bring in your ideas for monoprints, absorbent/printing paper, equipment and colors if you have any) PERFORMANCE/READING MOTHERS by MCBETT and TUULA VOUTILAINEN read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Sunday November 13, 2011 19:39 by Karina
Michael D is showing his true colours ahead of 2016 proving he does not deserve to be leading commemeorations for that event in history. Isn't it time to start organising an independent committee to commemorate 1916 and to boycott State activities? After all there is little to celebrate for this sorry Republic: a new form of colonial dependancy to international financial capital, a republic that surely does not cherish her children equally, which is a satellite of the UK, a westbrit elite sold out to the Queen and bankers. To sum it up, a republic which is the contrary to everything the 1916 patriots wanted. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Sunday November 13, 2011 17:22 by Setanta
Veteran Irish Republican and Human Rights Activist, Bill O'Brien (Dublin and Donegal), takes on Former Fine Gael TD, Paddy Harte over the latter's promotion of the wearing of the British Poppy and the glorification of war.
Bill will also be on Ocean Fm Radio on Monday 14th November 2011, on the Niall Delaney show at 9.05am. Paddy Harte has been requested to come on and discuss the issues - no doubt the arch imperialist will avoid the opportunity to debate. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Sunday November 13, 2011 16:04 by passer by
After the March there were some fantastic speeches on topics such as Ireland pulling out of the Euro and grassroots Democracy at Occupy Dame St yesterday shows up United Left Alliance and SWP lack of action on very important issues read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Friday November 11, 2011 19:47 by pat c
The IPSC Stall with the CRH Wall is going ahead this Saturday, 12th November. From 11 am to 4 pm at the top of Grafton Street. It would be great if you could come along and help with the stall and leafleting. You could even act as a checkpoint soldier or as Palestinians.
Or just give out leaflets! Come along even for just an hour. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Friday November 11, 2011 17:59 by joe
Mahdi al-Harati , a Dublin-based Libyan who has been prominent at IAWM and ISPC demos for a number of years ,was outed as a CIA asset by the Sunday World last week after his home was robbed and a large quantity of CIA cash stolen from a cupboard there. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Friday November 11, 2011 13:36 by Paddy Hackett
Gurdgiev makes the false assumption that capitalism isa rational system that serves the interests of all citizenry if rationally organised. Like the reformists on the Left he believes that a reformed capitalist social system can advance the interests of the capitalist class, middle and working class. In this way he is an idealist reformist who mistakenly believes that reason (ideas) can determine social reality.
To achieve economic recovery he argues that that there must be a massive reduction in state spending on a scale that makes past and present governments' reductions look lilliputian. He shows here his failure to understand the nature and function of state spending under capitalism. read full story / add a comment
dublin / racism & migration related issues / event notice Thursday November 10, 2011 16:45 by Africa Centre Dublin
Dance the night away to great African Music! read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Wednesday November 09, 2011 14:44 by pat c
Seminar: Eyal Clyne, ‘The Tent Protest Movement in Israel’
Tuesday 15 November, 19:00-21:00 Robert Emmet lecture theatre, Arts Building, TCD Organised by the MPhil in Race, Ethnicity and Conflict, Department of Sociology Further information: David Landy, dlandy@tcd.ie read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Wednesday November 09, 2011 10:07 by Connolly Soviet
The Last Friday Comedy Club has found a new venue. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Tuesday November 08, 2011 19:16 by lily
''This is the film the corporate- colluded state hopes you never watch. This is the film the non-profit industrial complex hopes you never watch. Watch this film.” read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / press release Tuesday November 08, 2011 13:56 by robert green
Robert Green stands ALONE in a Stonehaven Court accused of "breach of the peace"
for reporting the TRUTH. If you can get there please attend your presence
and support is NEEDED in this landmark case.
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international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Sunday November 06, 2011 21:39 by Robert Fisk
I turned on the television in my Damascus hotel room to witness a dreary sight: all the boys and girls of BBC World wearing their little poppies again.
Bright red they were, with that particularly silly green leaf out of the top – it was never part of the original Lady Haig appeal – and not one dared to appear on screen without it. Do these pathetic men and women know how they mock the dead? I trust that Jon Snow has maintained his dignity by not wearing it.
http://www.independent.co.uk/opinion/commentators/fisk/....html read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Saturday November 05, 2011 21:59 by John Throne and Richard Mellor.
How the movement can be expanded and taken forward
Oakland City Council's phony concerns exposed. How can we broaden the OWS movement? The most important achievement of the OWS movement so far is that it has shifted the national debate about the economic crisis. OWS has put the hedge fund managers, banks, speculators and other wasters who are responsible for the mess we are in on the defensive. The OWS movement has also reintroduced the tactics that built the Unions and the civil rights movement in the Apartheid South-----mass direct action and defiance of the law----and has brought the nature of the system to the front burner. Capitalism, the so-called free market and possible alternatives to its madness are being discussed by millions of Americans. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Friday November 04, 2011 14:30 by pat c
War preparations against Iran continue. In the US, legislation, which includes sanctions against Iran's Central Bank and strict curbs on official diplomatic contacts between Washington and Tehran, was approved unanimously by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the House of Representatives.
The first bill, the Iran, North Korea and Syria Nonproliferation Reform and Modernization Act, would impose penalties against any individual or company – foreign as well as domestic – that has facilitated the transfer of equipment that could be used in Iran's nuclear programme. It also would bar access to the U.S. of any vessels that have visited ports of any of the three countries in the last two years. Among other provisions,the second bill would sharply reduce the president's authority to waive existing sanctions against any individual, company or country doing business with Iran; expand existing sanctions against companies that sell Iran refined petroleum to include any barter transactions; and impose sanctions against any individual, company or country that conducts a transaction with the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which is believed to control as much as 40 percent of the Iran's national economy. Sanctions are war by other means. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Friday November 04, 2011 00:00 by Grupo Raíces (Grúpa Fréamhacha)
Documentary Screening and Discussion with Javier Orozco, Colombian Refugee and Trade Unionist. Tue. 8th Nov. Galway Public Library, Augustine St., 6pm read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday November 03, 2011 10:23 by Solidarity
Members of Catholic Worker communities, Anonymous, Veterans for Peace, anti-war, freedom of information and Occupy London activists gathered outside the High Court/ London in solidarity with Julian Assange on Wed. Nov 2nd.
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