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international / politics / elections / other press Thursday March 08, 2012 12:53 by Yassamine Mathe
Yassamine Mather writes on the latest rather odd elections in Iran: how would you like it if all candidates for the Dail had to be approved by the Catholic Church? In these elections which were confined to conservatives, Khamenis faction won 75% of the seats leaving Ahmadinejad isolated. What does this mean for the people of iran? Yassamine says: For now, the supreme leader has got his way. Craven ‘reformists’ will not stop him; and imperialist sanctions, sabotage and war will only make things worse. Only the Iranian masses can put an end to this blood-soaked regime. Full text at link. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / news report Wednesday March 07, 2012 23:44 by indigoshaman
Teagasc, the agriculture and food development authority in Ireland, have applied for a licence to grow Genetically Modified potatoes in Ireland. Their application arrived on 27/2/2012 and the public has until 27/3/2012 "to make representations" about the application. read full story / add a comment
kerry / anti-capitalism / event notice Wednesday March 07, 2012 14:48 by Seán
SPEAKER: JOHN MOLYNEUX Thursday 8th March 1. Meeting at The Malton Hotel,Killarney @ 6PM 2. Meeting at The Grand Hotel,Tralee @ 8PM read full story / add a comment
national / eu / opinion/analysis Tuesday March 06, 2012 19:41 by O.O'C.
The Government's announcement of a referendum on the so-called "Fiscal Compact Treaty" (properly titled the Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union/TSCG) calls in question its original intention to introduce the quite different European Stability Mechanism Treaty (ESM) to the Dáil for approval of its ratification on Tuesday or Wednesday next, or else sometime in the present pre-Easter Dáil term, as the Taoiseach recently announced. read full story / add a comment
World Water Forum Attendance Reportedly Down as Activists Ramp Up Preparations for Alternative Forum
international / environment / press release Tuesday March 06, 2012 16:09 by FAME - LASC
The World Water Forum (WWF) and the Alternative World Forum (in French: Forum Alternatif Mondial de l'Eau –FAME-) are going to take place from the 12th March in Marseille, France. Governments, organizations and civil society will gather to discuss, reflect on, and take important decisions about the future water. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday March 05, 2012 21:40 by GALWAY ALLIANCE AGAINST WAR
The Galway Alliance Against War has learnt that the British military display team, the Red Arrows, will perform during the Volvo Ocean Race Finale in Galway on July 1st. Another “war outfit” has also been invited, but has not yet confirmed. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Monday March 05, 2012 18:58 by Lurgan
As new details emerge which show that eight armed undercover British soldiers were targeting Sam Marshall at the time of his death in March 1990, a book to be launched this week will reveal further details. The murdered man's relatives say , "As a result of information and facts concerning Sam’s killing which we have discovered in recent times, we are now convinced that members of British state forces, including British military intelligence and the Special Branch, were directly involved in the planning and commission of his murder. We also believe that British government ministers are aware of that fact. read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Monday March 05, 2012 18:43 by Prisoner Solidarity Group
INTERNATIONAL WOMANS DAY-FREE MARIAN PRICE Protest in solidarity with Marian Price to mark International Womans day. @ 4:30 daunt sq Cork City. read full story / add a comment
antrim / worker & community struggles and protests / event notice Monday March 05, 2012 17:35 by Martin O'Rourke
SIPTU concerned about the massive job losses suffered and keen to ensure the C&V sector gain the recognition they deserve for their excellent work have organised a celebration of their work in Stormont. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / opinion/analysis Monday March 05, 2012 02:13 by O.O'C.
We should work for a powerful No vote in the referendum on the Permanent Austerity Treaty, but we should also not be distracted from the anti-democratic process that the Government is using to bring the European Stability Mechanism into being read full story / add a comment
national / consumer issues / news report Sunday March 04, 2012 17:28 by john lagan
Successive Irish governments have overseen the fluoridation of public water supplies since the practice commenced in 1964. This form of mass medication is supposed to benefit the nation's teeth. Today 97% of Europe's water supply is fluoride free, including Northern Ireland, as this practice has been widely discredited. Eire remains the only country to fluoridate its entire public water supply. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Sunday March 04, 2012 14:18 by pat c
The American peace activist Cindy Sheehan talks about her anti-war activities and her support for the Miami Five. Liberty Hall 6pm TCD 8 pm. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / other press Friday March 02, 2012 14:17 by Sam Malone
Congratulations to Ian Bailey who eventually scored a victory in the Supreme Court yesterday, ultimately at a huge cost to the State. The questin is what will happen to the perpetrators of the frame up of Ian Bailey, particularly the Gardai. Surely this frame up can not become another cover up. Minister Alan Shatter you need to take focus of what is going on in the Justice and Legal System. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-capitalism / news report Thursday March 01, 2012 20:00 by koindim
We are a group of citizens who have come together from a variety of political backgrounds with a common purpose: the pressing need to articulate a coherent and persuasive critical voice that will be heard loudly both inside and outside Greece. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Thursday March 01, 2012 15:15 by pat c
James Turley writes about the Imperialist campaign against Syria and asks where the Left and the Anti-War Movement are. Full text at link. It is clear at this point that the Syrian uprising - met with such ruthless brutality by the Ba’athist regime - is in the process of being transformed into some kind of civil war. It is equally clear that imperialism has taken sides against the government of Bashar al-Assad. What is less clear is who exactly is fighting the Ba’athists.... All this raises the question: where is the workers’ movement and the left? In Syria, alas, it is hardly in a position to challenge the Islamists for dominance of the uprising. Its largest sections, especially the Syrian Communist Party, are hopelessly compromised by the regime. To the left of the ‘official communists’, there are only small, nascent organisations, which as yet lack visible penetration into society at large. The uprising has involved political strikes, but not on any large scale.... read full story / add a comment
international / eu / opinion/analysis Wednesday February 29, 2012 18:49 by cropbeye
If there is a vote on the Euro compact campagainers should not go up a blind alley. A lot of Irish Government and establishment figures dont actually know much about the workings of Europe in depth when you scatch the surface. Dont waste time on them. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday February 29, 2012 16:28 by Uisceoin
Seomra Spraoi, 10 Belvidere Court, Dublin 1. Doors offically open from 6pm to 11pm (may go a little later if mood is good and volunteers have enough energy) no door charge We hope to gather in Seomra Spraoi to share beo, sceal, craic agus ceol (food, stories, fun/laughs/mischief and music). The main aim of the event is to raise awareness of the issues around health&safety and environmental desecreation, which have been troubling the good people of Erris and dividing the communities of the 'Rossport area' for over a decade now, in the hope of inspiring people to think about the different ways that solidarity can be offered. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Wednesday February 29, 2012 13:25 by O.O'C.
After they had agreed the final wording of the intergovernmental agreement—the "Treaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union"—the member-states of the euro area pronounced that the treaty “represents a major step towards closer and irrevocable fiscal and economic integration and stronger governance in the euro area,” which they claimed “will significantly bolster the outlook for fiscal sustainability and euro area sovereign debt and enhance growth.” According to the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, the euro-zone member-states have set themselves on an “irreversible course towards a fiscal union.” She told an international gathering at Davos: “We have to become used to the European Commission becoming more and more like a government.” read full story / add a comment
kerry / miscellaneous / event notice Wednesday February 29, 2012 13:17 by Kieran
The anti-household charges campaign in Kerry continues with a Public Meeting in Tralee, *North Kerry* Speakers are Joe Higgins TD and Councillor Brid Smith Venue: Grand Hotel, Tralee (in the ballroom) Date: Thursday 1st March @ 8PM read full story / add a comment
dublin / bin tax / household tax / water tax / event notice Wednesday February 29, 2012 11:58 by D_D
Campaign Against the Household and Water Taxes Public Meeting 'Don't Register - Don't Pay' read full story / add a comment |