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national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Friday October 19, 2012 18:37 by Diarmuid Breatnach
We don't have them, not because of any flaw in the Irish character or because the people are supine, or have a high tolerance of distress. We don't have them because revolutionary socialists have not provided the necessary requirements. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Friday October 19, 2012 13:16 by Yassamine Mather
Hopi’s principled opposition to the Iran Tribunal is not because we are soft on the Islamic republic, as our opponents have alleged. On the contrary, we are committed to the revolutionary overthrow of the Islamic regime and all its factions. However, we believe alliances pretending to pursue a ‘non-political’, ‘human rights’ (read rightwing, pro-imperialist) agenda are a serious threat to the future of the revolutionary movement of workers in Iran. Those sections of the left who cannot see (or who pretend they cannot see) the serious risks posed by their collaboration with those involved in regime change from above, such as the Iran Tribunal, will become mere pawns in a game where the winner is international capital (and that inevitably includes Iranian capital). read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Friday October 19, 2012 12:40 by Gale Vogel
Children have been protected in our constitution. Protecting our young is reflected in how our laws are enforced and not only in our legislation. The topic is symptomatic of our society today and is reflected in other areas too and how we all consider one another. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Friday October 19, 2012 11:36 by Elric
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 19 October 2012 Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America Solidarity with Grand Jury Resisters The Irish Republican Socialist Committees of North America stand in solidarity with three anarchist activists who have been incarcerated in a United States federal detention center in SeaTac, Washington for refusing to provide testimony about fellow activists before a federal grand jury. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Thursday October 18, 2012 15:39 by LASC Solidarity
LASC and the Cuba Support Group Ireland are holding the annual Che Guevara Pub Quiz on Thursday 1st Nov at 7pm in the Harcourt Hotel, Harcourt St. Dublin 2. This quiz is one of the main events on the LASC fundraising calendar and is a crucial element in our financial autonomy. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Thursday October 18, 2012 12:12 by Jack Lane
What was 'Northern Ireland' for? That is a question which has never been considered. This book considers what was established in Northern Ireland and why. The why is important. It had—and continues to have—to do with the handling of the bit of Ireland which broke with the Imperial State: an Ireland which had to cope with seeing a national minority misgoverned across the Border. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Wednesday October 17, 2012 18:04 by Socialist Democracy
One can only look on in amazement as sections of the Irish Socialist movement self-destruct over its attitude to one individual, independent TD Mick Wallace. As with many other things, the appearance is not the reality. The frantic denunciation of Wallace, and the equally frantic adulation of him only a few months ago, represent very deep and systemic weaknesses that must be overcome if a working class resistance is to be built. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday October 16, 2012 21:20 by Jack Lane
Book Launch of: The Genesis of National Socialism By T. Desmond Williams
The Genesis Of National Socialism is the magnum opus of Thomas Desmond Williams. He wrote it as a student at University College Dublin. A few years later he was made Professor of Modern History at UCD. But he never as Professor issued a work comparable for substance and quality with what he had written as a student read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / press release Tuesday October 16, 2012 13:42 by Elric
The following article is a release from éirígí's Ballyfermot representative, Councillor Louise Minihan, in response to claims made by a number of Government TDs that those who took part in a ‘Hands Off Our Children’s Allowance’ protest in the area on the 5th October are not representative of the people of Ballyfermot. In recent days a number of Dublin South Central TDs have claimed that anti-austerity protesters are not representative of the people of Ballyfermot. These same TDs, Fine Gael’s Catherine Byrne, and Eric Byrne and Michael Conaghan of Labour, claim to represent Ballyfermot, yet they have consistently voted against the interests of local residents by supporting ‘slash and burn’ cuts to our community. The three government TDs that represent Ballyfermot are strong supporters of: - The bank guarantee scheme which has seen Fine Gael and Labour hand over billions of taxpayer’s money to pay for the greed of the private banks - The austerity programme which has unleashed savage attacks on the people of Ballyfermot over the last number of years read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Monday October 15, 2012 18:09 by Paul Gavan
A number of Home Help workers will be making visits of a different kind this week as they attend a Dáil Debate on Home Help Services. Home Help and Home Care activists who are part of SIPTU’s new “Time to Care” campaign will be attending the two-evening debate on a motion calling on the Government to immediately reverse recent cutbacks in funding for the service. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Friday October 12, 2012 21:27 by Luke Eastwood
A look at what really going on in global politics behind the facade.
Everyone is aware of a multitude of problems that besets our world, however the nature of these problems and why they exist is distorted by the media and by governments all over the world. Our leaders, corporate heads, military top-brass etc. all have a fairly good idea of what is really happening, they just don’t want us – the ignorant masses known as the general public to know what they know. read full story / add a comment
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Friday October 12, 2012 13:07 by Sudhama Ranganathan
So much good happens by way of the tax dollars the people of my home country, America, pay. We pay for emergency services that can keep us and our love ones safe, secure and healthy. We pay for our military which is there to protect the nation and guard against attack, invasion and military aggression against our nation and they also help out in emergency situations. We have social safety nets set up that ensure people still have the ability to get on their feet when and if they fall. read full story / add a comment
longford / housing / event notice Friday October 12, 2012 11:07 by Briggy
Broadcast Alert and Photo Call Notice When- today, 5pm Friday 12th October What- MEP will visit the plagued Gleann Riada Estate, Longford for the first time to see first hand the conditions residents are being subjected too. Residents will give a guided tour and will hold a discussion. Who - Marian Harkin is a group member of ALDE (Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe) group in the European Parliament. Gleann Riada is a housing estate in Longford, Ireland currently owned by NAMA. Where - Gleann Riada Estate Longford, to confirm attendance or for further enquires contact John, 003535 (86) 886 5558 About - Riada read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Thursday October 11, 2012 21:59 by John and Mary
Rally for Choice, Choice Ireland and UCD Pro Choice Society welcome the opening of a Marie Stopes Clinic in Belfast which will give women in Ireland a clear route for accessing legal abortion in the region for the first time. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-capitalism / event notice Wednesday October 10, 2012 18:16 by Luke Eastwood
Although a fun event, protesting against financial corruption and incompetence is deadly serious!
A lunch-time protest outside the Central Bank of Ireland on Dame Street, Dublin. Wed October 31st at 12 noon read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / news report Tuesday October 09, 2012 16:09 by J Keegan
Public Talk and launch of booklet on the 1913 Alternative Ulster Covenant. Video of the event at read full story / add a comment
national / anti-capitalism / opinion/analysis Tuesday October 09, 2012 14:50 by Irish Anti-Imperialist
Ireland and Libya: Two Sides of the Rentier State Paper presented at the 2nd James Connolly Day School, 12th November, 2011, Connolly Books, Dublin. Karl Marx first used the term “rentier state” to describe Britain as a state that lives off the rents on exported capital. Britain exported capital to its empire, and lived off the revenues or rents on this capital. Marx noted that the Working Class in England was very reluctant to seriously oppose the British state, as the rents on capital allowed the state to give the skilled Working Class just enough to make them feel they have something to lose if they rose up against the bourgeoisie. This could not have been the case, if the British state was dependent on revenues from domestic production only. read full story / add a comment
galway / anti-capitalism / event notice Friday October 05, 2012 20:06 by Occupier
Just a reminder that the monthly meeting of Galway City Council will be taking place this Monday the 8th of October at 4pm. Join us at 3:30, Monday the 8th of October at City Hall and demand your right to local democracy. read full story / add a comment
international / environment / news report Friday October 05, 2012 19:59 by Contaminated Crow
Last week two activists from Bhopal in India came to Ireland seeking solidarity and support for their campaign to force the American transnational corporation Dow Chemical to take responsibility for toxic waste abandoned in Bhopal by Union Carbide, which Dow Chemical took over in 2001. read full story / add a comment
national / history and heritage / event notice Friday October 05, 2012 13:46 by Jack Lane
BOOK LAUNCH “IRISH BULLETIN, VOLUME 1” by Brian Murphy OSB Hosted by the ‘1916-21 Club’ at the Pearse Centre, Ireland Institute, 27 Pearse Street, Dublin Friday, 16th November, 8pm. read full story / add a comment |