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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
Voltaire NetworkVoltaire, international edition
galway / history and heritage / event notice Thursday April 19, 2012 20:06 by John Cunningham
6.30 pm, Mechanics Institute, Middle Street, Galway Three short interesting talks from three lively and highly original historians John Borgonovo: Irish Women, American Sailors, and Catholic Vigilantes in Cork, 1917-1918 . Sonja Tiernan: ‘Drunkenness, immorality, misery and frequently suicide;’ the protection of barmaids and the defeat of Winston Churchill by Countess Markievicz an Eva Gore-Booth. . Niall Whelehan: ‘The Boys’: young men and Ribbonism in post-Famine Ireland. Admission charge is 8 euros (6 concession). Booking via Town Hall, 091-569777. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Thursday April 19, 2012 14:03 by Yassamine Mather
On Saturday April 14, Iran attended talks on its nuclear programme with six world powers in Istanbul. In the end, this ‘summit’ was little more than talks about talks - to take place in May in Baghdad. The uneasy stand-off continues and the strong possibility remains of an attack on Iran within months. Indeed, the outcome of the meeting has provoked a degree of cynicism, with press outlets in the US, the UK and Israel pointing out that Syria now seems to have learned the ‘Iran method’ - that is, agree to talks simply to buy time and postpone intervention. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / news report Wednesday April 18, 2012 13:17 by O.O'C.
Legal Proceedings have taken by Thomas Pringle TD, member of the Dáil for the Donegal South-West constituency, challenging the Irish Government on fundamental aspects of a far-reaching amendment to the EU treaties. Both the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Treaty and the Stability, Coordination and Governance in the Economic and Monetary Union (Fiscal Compact) Treaty are under consideration. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / opinion/analysis Wednesday April 18, 2012 13:00 by O.O'C.
A referendum on the Fiscal Treaty (‘SCG’/Stability, Coordination and Governance) is to be held in Ireland in May but the related European Stability Mechanism Treaty (‘ESM’) is not to be similarly scrutinised, much less put to the people for approval. Yet both treaties are explicitly linked and interdependent. According to the ESM Treaty both treaties are ’complementary’. The ESM Treaty is illegal under EU law as it stands and is therefore unconstitutional, being in breach of existing EU treaty principles which have been approved by the Irish people in previous referendums and are now part of our law. read full story / add a comment
national / eu / press release Wednesday April 18, 2012 12:23 by O.O'C.
Constitutional challenge in Ireland by Independent TD to the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) Treaty and the Art.136 TFEU amendment to the EU Treaties purporting to authorise this Stability Mechanism. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday April 17, 2012 23:37 by Laurence Cox
Final call for applications for 2012-13 read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Tuesday April 17, 2012 18:38 by Laura Farrell
DCU invites Irish technology decision makers, entrepreneurs, SMEs and start-ups to the Helix, DCU for Get Digital: The National Conference on Cloud Computing and Commerce. This free event will take place on 25th April between 1pm and 6pm. 15 business leaders and experts will speak on cloud computing and the commercial opportunities for Irish businesses and the Irish economy. Cloud computing is one of the fastest growing segments and a significant part of the overall market for information technology and services and can reduce both the upfront and maintenance costs for ICT in most businesses. read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Tuesday April 17, 2012 14:05 by Latin America Solidarity Centre
Venue: LASC, 5 Merrion Row, Dublin 2 Date: Friday 27th of April 2012, Time: 6.30 pm read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday April 17, 2012 10:49 by WISEup (Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England) 4 Bradley Manning
RSVP - 5 pm Tuesday April 24th. *"Free Bradley Manning" Vigil at U.S. Embassy, London *Please RSVP if you can - helps us organise the event! ** If you can't make it to London or Ft. Meade, consider standing publicly whereever you are in solidarity with Bradley Manning! *** Bradley was shipped trhough Shannon Airport to the war in Iraq. His maternal grandfather came from Dublin. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Monday April 16, 2012 23:28 by Sian
April 17 is the International Day of Peasant Struggle, commemorating the massacre of 19 peasants struggling for land and justice in Brazil in 1996. Every year on that day actions take place around the world in defense of peasants and small-scale farmers struggling for their rights. European civil society organizations and movements are asked to come together to recognize International Day of Peasant Struggle and to amplify their demand for European and global Food Sovereignty in a week of action and vibrant demonstrations. Below is the is the list of actions and press release from some members of the growing movement for Food Sovereignty in Ireland to mark this important day. read full story / add a comment
national / miscellaneous / press release Monday April 16, 2012 21:49 by Food Sovereigngty Ireland
Irish working group on Food Sovereignty ***Groups across Ireland organize activities to mark 17th April, International Day of Peasant Struggle of Via Campesina ***Irish company involved in landgrabbing ***30,000 hectares of publicly owned land now privatized in Serbia by Irish investors read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / other press Monday April 16, 2012 19:59 by pat c
The UN deploy monitors but the US is preparing for a military intervention in Syria. The Fundamentalist opposition have little support within Syria and have publicly boasted of their intent to Ethnically Cleanse Christians and Alawis, this doesn't seem to bother their Western backers. Full text of article by Niall Green at link. Despite the claims of the United States and its allies that they are seeking a peace deal and humanitarian relief in Syria, the Annan mission and the presence of foreign observers constitute a political fraud. They are a smokescreen behind which the imperialist powers and their regional proxies are advancing their agenda of regime-change in Damascus. read full story / add a comment
cork / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Monday April 16, 2012 15:13 by S.C.
Our current social control social order is making drugs and morality illegal. We were born in world controlled by our separation from the garden of Eden. The herbs of the world were given to us for our responsibility and the beasts, were given for for stewardship not the other way around as we were not beasts. read full story / add a comment
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / press release Sunday April 15, 2012 15:19 by prisoner solidarity group
Independent protest in solidarity with republican POWs Cork City read full story / add a comment
national / eu / opinion/analysis Saturday April 14, 2012 12:02 by O.O'C.
Peoples Movement campaigns: against any measures that further develop the EU into a federal state; and to defend and enhance popular sovereignty, democracy and social justice in Ireland. read full story / add a comment
dublin / racism & migration related issues / event notice Friday April 13, 2012 23:42 by Laurence Cox
Public talk with Rhetta Moran of RAPAR (Manchester) read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Thursday April 12, 2012 14:56 by Rachel
The 13th Irish Latin American Film Festival 2012 Latin America, in short films and documentaries, will once again be accessible to audiences in Belfast, Dublin and selected screenings at other locations in April. Admission is free but space is limited and attendees are requested to arrive in time for the screenings. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Thursday April 12, 2012 14:44 by Rachel
The 13th Irish Latin American Film Festival 2012 Latin America, in short films and documentaries, will once again be accessible to audiences in Belfast, Dublin and selected screenings at other locations in April. Admission is free but the screenings spaces are small and attendees are requested to arrive in time for the screenin read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday April 11, 2012 11:11 by Amnesty 1
In today's Russia human rights defenders and independent journalists are threatened, harassed and even attacked. The murder of Anna Politkovskaya in October 2006 shocked the world. Yet for every Anna, there have been many less widely known journalists killed for their work across Russia. Many of these deaths were never properly investigated. read full story / add a comment
national / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday April 11, 2012 09:32 by LASC
LATIN AMERICA WEEK 2012 From 10th to 21st April 2012 read full story / add a comment |