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international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Wednesday July 20, 2016 18:55 by Greg Williams
Cardinal Peter Turkson, president of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, called on a United Nations development summit to address debt, tax, trade and environmental policies that impact poverty. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / news report Wednesday July 20, 2016 18:09 by Greg Williams
A United Nations global development summit begins its fourth day of difficult negotiations in Nairobi, Kenya. read full story / add a comment
dublin / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Wednesday July 20, 2016 10:04 by Ciaron O'Reilly
with Pitstop Ploughshares Deirdre Clancy, Damien Moran & Ciaron O'Reilly VENUE Teachers Club, 36 Parnell Square W, Dublin 1 ENTRY: Free or Donation to defray costs of staging the event. Facebook page read full story / add a comment
international / eu / opinion/analysis Tuesday July 19, 2016 12:08 by VOID NETWORK / athens / greece
“The parliamentary regime leaves everything to the decision of majorities; how shall the great majorities outside parliament not want to decide? When you play the fiddle at the top of the state, what else is to be expected but that those down below dance”? - Karl Marx, The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, IV (1852) read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday July 17, 2016 11:45 by lasc
The recent deaths of activists in Oaxaca involved in the teachers' strike have once again placed Mexico in the spotlight on the question of human rights abuses, and there seems to be no end to the spiralling number of the disappeared. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / opinion/analysis Friday June 17, 2016 17:24 by Shannonwatch
Shannonwatch have recorded an unusual number of US military aircraft at and overflying Shannon Airport since June 4th. This time period coincides with the preparations for NATO Anaconda-2016 military exercises in Poland which are being conducted from June 7th to 17th. (See list below) The 10-day military exercise [1], involves 31,000 troops and thousands of vehicles from 24 countries. The Guardian [2] described it as follows "The largest war game in eastern Europe since the end of the cold war has started in Poland, as Nato and partner countries seek to mount a display of strength as a response to concerns about Russia's assertiveness and actions". The UK Independent [3] said it was one of the biggest exercises on NATO's eastern flank since the end of the Cold War, and was a move likely to put further strain on the already-tense relations between the Kremlin and the West read full story / add a comment
national / bin tax / household tax / water tax / press release Friday June 17, 2016 17:13 by pbp
AAA-PBP Motion calls for Ministerial order to cap charges and reinstate waivers for low income families Dail debate and vote to take place next week on AAA-PBP motion calling for immediate government action to prevent planned increase in waste charges Next week, the Dail will debate and vote upon a AAA-PBP Private Members Motion calling for an immediate Ministerial order to prevent private waste companies from implementing the planned dramatic increases in household waste charges. The motion submitted today by AAA-PBP will be debated in the Dail next Tuesday Bin charges are set to rise by between 100 and 200%. These charges will inflict an unsustainable burden for hard pressed households if the proposed increases by private waste companies are implemented and will undoubtedly lead to a dramatic increase in illegal dumping. read full story / add a comment
antrim / environment / event notice Monday June 13, 2016 21:52 by anon
An oil and gas company called Infrastrata has been given a fifty year lease to drill less than 400 metres from a reservoir at Woodburn near Carrickfergus - on public land within our water catchment. At no point were we consulted. The consequences of unconventional drilling on health and the environment are well documented. This is why it has been banned all over the world - from France to Germany, Wales to Nova Scotia.. We all live downstream.. We all share the same water table. This is a cross community all islands event with representatives from across the water and across the border who are facing or have faced similar challenges. read full story / add a comment
dublin / arts and media / event notice Sunday June 12, 2016 23:41 by Dublin Film Qlub
.................................................................................................................... DUBLIN FILM QLUB SEASON SIX: FUNCTIONAL FAMILIES ...................................................................................................................... Our new season continues with... read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / news report Friday June 10, 2016 15:19 by Greg Williams
The House passed Puerto Rico debt crisis legislation 297-127. The Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability Act now heads to the US Senate for approval. read full story / add a comment
dublin / history and heritage / event notice Tuesday June 07, 2016 22:55 by anon
As part of a series of public talks organised by the community based Dublin South 1916 Centenary Committee we would like to invite the people of Rathfarnham, Churchtown, Ballinteer, Sandyford and Dundrum to come to what is expected to be a very interesting and informative talk that will be delivered by Donal Fallon,our guest speaker for this public talk in the area as part of our 1916 Centenary Celebrations. read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / press release Tuesday June 07, 2016 22:10 by Shannonwatch
On Wednesday June 1st a US Air Force Dornier C-146A Wolfhound, 11-3075, sat on the tarmac at Shannon Airport being watched carefully by an Irish army patrol. It had come from Grand Canaria - Las Palmas in Spain, and on Thursday it travelled on to St John's Newfoundland. Its call sign was REACH1042. The aircraft is operated by the US Air Force 524th Special Operations Squadron which is part of the 27th Special Operations Wing. This Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC) unit flies a fleet of non-standard transport aircraft in support of special operations. Their missions, which are typically covert, include insertion, extraction and resupply of special operations forces. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Tuesday June 07, 2016 21:49 by Tony Lowes
The Implementation Committee for the Espoo Convention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context has found that Britain has not met its obligations to discuss the impact of a nuclear accident with?the affected public in other countries, including Ireland. The findings are expected to be confirmed at the next plenary session in Minsk in June 2017. read full story / add a comment
international / politics / elections / news report Friday June 03, 2016 17:30 by Greg Williams
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau releases new rules governing "payday" lending - high interest loans that impact low-income communities. read full story / add a comment
dublin / health / disability issues / opinion/analysis Friday June 03, 2016 03:15 by Wayne Flanagan Tobin
On Thursday evening 2nd June 2016 I attended a meeting in St. Augustine’s school in Blackrock where parents expressed outrage at the withdrawal of the Saint John of God Community Services Supports on a phased basis commencing in September 2016. The school was described as a “centre of excellence” for its vocational programme which has had a very positive impact on the lives of many children with special needs in South Dublin, Wicklow and surrounding areas. read full story / add a comment
national / worker & community struggles and protests / press release Thursday June 02, 2016 00:08 by pbp
Scrap FEMPI now; payback time for workers. People Before Profit will today propose a motion to the Dail to abolish the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest legislation (FEMPI). FEMPI is the most anti-worker legislation in the history of the state. read full story / add a comment
cork / worker & community struggles and protests / other press Wednesday June 01, 2016 23:10 by CHASE
And so to fundraising...Following a grueling Oral Hearing process, incurring significant legal, engineering and technical expertise costs and expenses, once again it’s time to fundraise. A lot of money has already been raised (and thank you for your support in this regard) and additional fundraisers are being organised around the harbour, which are listed below These will be kept up to date on the Fundraising Events Calendar web page, so if you are organising a fundraiser please email us and we can add it into the Events page and publicise on facebook. read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Wednesday June 01, 2016 22:57 by foie
As the European Commission begins infringement proceedings against Ireland for failing to complete the designation requirements for its Special Areas of Conservation, it proposes to close another investigation into the protection of the fresh water pearl mussel on the basis of commitments given by the Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht and Coillte Teo., the State Forestry Board. read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Monday May 30, 2016 11:06 by Solidarity
VID (2 mins)-Julian Assange 2000 days arbitrarily detained in England: statement by former anti-war prisoner of U.S Ciaron O'Reilly read full story / add a comment
national / anti-war / imperialism / news report Wednesday May 25, 2016 10:36 by Justin Morahan
Peace activists were arrested after they had sprayed a red cross on runway and arrived at a US jet to examine it for arms. read full story / add a comment |