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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link There?s No Such Thing as ?Green? Industry Sun Mar 16, 2025 07:00 | Ben Pile
The collapse of Swedish battery startup Northvolt shows once more that there is no such thing as 'green' industry, says Ben Pile. Industry needs lots of cheap energy ? something that China has and Europe doesn't.
The post There’s No Such Thing as ‘Green’ Industry appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link News Round-Up Sun Mar 16, 2025 01:23 | Will Jones
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link Have We Finally Reached Peak Woke? Sat Mar 15, 2025 17:51 | Will Jones
Have we finally reached peak woke? Have we developed a vaccine to the woke mind virus? Like a dying religion, it's certainly in retreat. But some disciples of Wokus Dei are still clinging on.
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offsite link Migrant Who Sexually Assaulted Woman Stays in UK After Claiming He is Gay Sat Mar 15, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
A Pakistani man who was convicted of sexually assaulting a woman and lived in Britain illegally for 11 years was allowed to stay after he claimed he was gay, despite offering no evidence.
The post Migrant Who Sexually Assaulted Woman Stays in UK After Claiming He is Gay appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Reform Would Win Local Elections ? But Angela Rayner Cancelled Them Sat Mar 15, 2025 13:00 | Will Jones
Reform UK would be on course to win in May?s local elections ? except Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner has axed key votes. "They're terrified of us. The whole system is rotten," the party said.
The post Reform Would Win Local Elections ? But Angela Rayner Cancelled Them appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

offsite link "Kristallnacht" against the Alawites in Syria Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:38 | en

offsite link Is Donald Trump managing the possible collapse of the ?American empire??, by Thi... Tue Mar 11, 2025 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

Voltaire Network >>

international / anti-capitalism / other press Monday August 12, 2013 13:45 by Turing   image 1 image
Critique started in May 1973. It was announced at the first national conference at Imperial College, a conference addressed among others by Ernest Mandel, Ralph Miliband and Hillel Ticktin. Some 500 people attended. The first issue had a print run of 2500 which quickly sold out. The issues of the 70s used to sell around 4-5000 copies very largely in bookshops in the UK, the Continent of Europe and the USA. As the USSR began to mutate the focus of the journal changed to a critique of capitalism. Throughout its focus remained on political economy and the need to reinvigorate Marxism given its Stalinist degradation.

As the first Virtual Special Issue of Critique, we have selected articles which have either formed the basis of the work of the journal or which complement it. In the first instance Critique sought to develop a more credible modern Marxist theory of the USSR and of the Cold War. With that it needed to update the theory of a socialist/Communist society. In turn, the journal turned to a critique of existing Marxist theory of capitalism and so to the question of decline and to finance capitalism. read full story / add a comment
Cars traffic along the road at saturday.
international / arts and media / opinion/analysis Saturday August 10, 2013 12:44 by Michael Carmen   image 1 image
Almost every often and awhile, in 2008 sometimes nervous that the restos would over-reserve, thinking that Pat Benatar or Screw Driver is boozing around the area where a reggae bar is located. read full story / add a comment
Blown Away
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Saturday August 10, 2013 07:11 by Brian Clarke   text 2 comments (last - monday august 12, 2013 15:26)   image 3 images   video 3 video files
Last night, and over the last number of months, I have been mezsmerized, watching the British PSNI paramilitary police operate in Belfast. They did a good job in very difficult circumstances. It is not easy for me to admit that but credit where credit is due, they did a good job.Now I will make a lot of enemies, by saying that. I understand that!. Some people will accuse me of being a traitor and a Tout for saying that. They would be wrong. I have put my life on the line, as a matter of principle on this. I am no angel but that is a fact.
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Zoos, prisons for the innocent...always
dublin / animal rights / opinion/analysis Friday August 09, 2013 23:02 by Bernie Wright   image 1 image
AFAR wish to condemn the incident at Dublin zoo which occurred two days ago which left a two year old child unconscious, and with deep stomach and arm injuries caused by an animal attack by a Tapir . Apart from the obvious stupidity of allowing a child into an enclosure confining a wild animal with their young, Dublin Zoo is guilty of imprisoning, confining, drugging and using wild animals for profit on an ongoing basis.
They [Dublin Zoo] admit themselves on their website that tapirs are always found near water and usually run into rivers to escape predators such as the jaguar. Where could this Mother and newborn escape to in the Zoo enclosure, to flee from what most likely was perceived as a threat from hearing the human child scream.
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international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Monday August 05, 2013 14:10 by Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL)   text 1 comment (last - monday august 05, 2013 17:02)   image 3 images
BARELY two weeks after the death of Antonio “Dodong” Petalcorin, the transport leader who was murdered by a paid assassin in Davao City, another local leader of NCTU-APL in Cotabato City was gunned down in a brazen daytime attack again, which makes a mockery of justice and underscores the reign of impunity in the country.

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Thanks to Racheal Healy
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday August 04, 2013 19:42 by Mick Healy   text 3 comments (last - sunday august 25, 2013 15:28)   image 3 images   video 3 video files
A very interesting public Meeting will take place in the Cobblestone Pub 77 Kings Street North, Smithfield Dublin 7. read full story / add a comment
national / crime and justice / news report Sunday August 04, 2013 15:20 by Ernie O'Malley   text 2 comments (last - tuesday august 06, 2013 07:18)   image 1 image   video 1 video file
those who oppose the take over of republicanism by 'former' pia men of newco are being threatened and shot. soe of those shot were involved in crime, crime that was supported by those who now claim the are involved in a 'clean up'. those being shot and threatened also not coincidently oppose the take over by outside forces. thos ebeing threatened include a mother of a fallen volunteer. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Sunday August 04, 2013 12:00 by Fusion Sundays   image 1 image
Part of the protest outside Minister Deenihan's office on August 1st, 2013
international / miscellaneous / opinion/analysis Friday August 02, 2013 00:51 by Protect the Irish Hare   text 3 comments (last - friday august 02, 2013 15:23)   image 6 images
The Irish Hare has endured enough from the so-called "sportsmen" who use it as live bait in a sick bloodsport... read full story / add a comment
Abu Ghraib's Irish Guineapig Martin Corey
international / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday July 31, 2013 16:41 by brionOcleirigh   text 5 comments (last - tuesday august 06, 2013 21:06)   image 7 images   video 4 video files
These forms of Irish internment torture, which Britain was found guilty of torture, by the European Court of Human Rights, became known as the 'Five techniques,' which the British promised not to use again but instead they trained American personnel in their application, for use in places like Abu Ghraib later on. read full story / add a comment
dublin / gender and sexuality / event notice Wednesday July 31, 2013 14:14 by Turing   image 1 image
Part two of 'What is feminist Economics' event - we will delve deeper into some of the questions raised on 17th august and also discuss the article 'Cuts Are a Feminist Issue' by the Feminist Fightback Collective see

6:30pm, 4th September 2013 @ Seomra Spraoi,10 Belvedere Court, Dublin 1 read full story / add a comment
Raif Badawi, whose liberal-minded social website angered Islamic authorities, was sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes
international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday July 31, 2013 14:00 by Turing   text 1 comment (last - wednesday july 31, 2013 18:13)   image 1 image
What is Obama going to do about this?

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia - The editor of a Saudi Arabian social website has been sentenced to seven years in prison and 600 lashes for founding an Internet forum that violates Islamic values and propagates liberal thought, Saudi media reported on Tuesday.

Raif Badawi, who started the "Free Saudi Liberals" website to discuss the role of religion in Saudi Arabia, has been held since June 2012 on charges of cyber crime and disobeying his father - a crime in the conservative kingdom and top U.S. ally.

Al-Watan newspaper said the judge had also ordered the closure of the website.

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national / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Wednesday July 31, 2013 11:48 by fred   text 4 comments (last - thursday april 03, 2014 17:11)   image 1 image
Government is currently rolling out a national biometric ID card scheme ostensibly to help stamp out welfare fraud. It currently holds facial data and signature data. However the card is extensible and designed to hold other data in the future. (No doubt they started with the least offensive biometric measurement! )
It has been stated that these cards may act as driving licences etc in the future. It is a national ID card by the back door. Expect it to be issued to everyone. How can government justify such expensive schemes in times of recession without a murmur from the MSM?? And where are the protests against this attack on our civi8l liberties in the wake of the NSA / UK mass surveillance scandals? read full story / add a comment
Will minister allow more of this?
national / environment / press release Monday July 29, 2013 22:41 by Ban Hare Coursing!   text 1 comment (last - friday august 02, 2013 00:32)   image 6 images
Protest outside Minister Jimmy Deenihan's office (Department of Arts and Heritage) in Kildare Street (Between Dail and Dept of Agriculture)...1pm to 2pm...August 1st. All Welcome!

...Calling on Minister Deenihan NOT to license another season of hare coursing cruelty!

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Beatriz Etxebarria upon her arrest -- her sexual torture began that day
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Sunday July 28, 2013 17:21 by Diarmuid Breatnach   image 1 image
Torture of Basque poltical activists is endemic in the Spanish state. Of the 21,000 Basques arrested since 1960, 10,000 have been tortured, according to a Basque historical memory organisation in a recent statement. Some of the tortures, in particular of women, have included sexual humiliation, stripping, sexual handling and penetration by objects. read full story / add a comment
antrim / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday July 28, 2013 13:18 by IPSC   image 1 image
IPSC Palestine Day 2013: The Ongoing Nakba – 65 Years Of Oppression, Apartheid And War Crimes

Speakers: Jeremy Corbyn MP, Robert Ballagh and Bill Rolston

St Mary’s University College, Falls Road, Belfast – Thursday 8th August, 1pm-9pm

1.00- 3.00pm: Exhibition, Palestinian food, information, books, scarves/flags football shirts

3.00-5.00 pm: Film Five Broken Cameras (Winner 2012 Sundance World Cinema Award)

7.00 -9.00 pm: Evening panel discussion, ‘Join The Campaign, Boycott Israel’ read full story / add a comment
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday July 28, 2013 13:14 by IPSC   text 9 comments (last - thursday december 05, 2013 20:52)   image 1 image
At 5.30pm on Thursday 1st August, the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) will hold a demonstration at The Spire on O’Connell Street in Dublin to protest Israel’s biggest act of ethnic cleansing since 1967, as part of an international day of action called for by Palestinians. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Friday July 26, 2013 11:28 by PM, APL, Sentro-Nagkaisa   image 5 images
Three years ago, President Aquino promised to substantially reduce poverty, create quality and secure jobs, and end the reign of impunity, among others. He promised “inclusive growth”. Workers have had enough of these broken promises. read full story / add a comment
Irish Peace Process?
international / rights, freedoms and repression / opinion/analysis Thursday July 25, 2013 18:01 by Brian Clarke   text 6 comments (last - tuesday july 30, 2013 06:31)   image 6 images   video 6 video files
'All this is doing is undermining the Peace Process and it doesn’t benefit anyone except those who want the Peace Process to fail' Seán Crowe Provisional Sinn Fein Member of Parliament. While separately Pat Doherty British Sinn Fein's Member of the Parliament In London stated:

“John Downey is a member of Sinn Féin and a long-time supporter of the Peace Process. The decision to arrest and charge him in relation to IRA activities in the early 1980s is vindictive, unnecessary and unhelpful. read full story / add a comment
dublin / miscellaneous / event notice Monday July 22, 2013 20:35 by Ciarán   image 1 image
Table Quiz to fund raise for the Connolly Youth Movement
Teachers Club
Parnell Square,
Dublin 1. read full story / add a comment
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