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offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link News Round-Up Sat Mar 15, 2025 00:33 | Toby Young
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
The post News Round-Up appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Don?t Expect Abolishing NHS England to Change Anything Fri Mar 14, 2025 17:05 | In-house doctor
Keir Starmer dramatically announced the closure of NHS England this week. But don't expect anything to change, says the Daily Sceptic's in-house doctor. It's returning us to the NHS pre-2012, which was no better.
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offsite link Starmer Set to Relax Ban on Hybrids in Electric Car Climbdown Fri Mar 14, 2025 15:00 | Will Jones
Keir Starmer is set to relax a?planned 2030 ban on hybrid cars?amid warnings that electric vehicle sales requirements are threatening the viability of the UK car industry.
The post Starmer Set to Relax Ban on Hybrids in Electric Car Climbdown appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link No. 10 Slaps Down Reeves After She Blames Trump for UK Economic Woes Fri Mar 14, 2025 13:12 | Will Jones
Downing Street has contradicted Rachel Reeves with an insistence that Donald Trump?is not responsible for the UK economy's dire straits, despite the Chancellor earlier indicating the US President was to blame.
The post No. 10 Slaps Down Reeves After She Blames Trump for UK Economic Woes appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Mark Steyn?s Vanquishing of Michael Mann Continues Fri Mar 14, 2025 11:00 | Tilak Doshi
Mark Steyn's last laugh against climate scientist Michael Mann keeps getting louder. Now, in an eviscerating judgment, a judge has ruled that Mann and his counsel acted in "bad faith" to an "extraordinary extent" during the libel trial against Mark.
The post Mark Steyn?s Vanquishing of Michael Mann Continues appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

Lockdown Skeptics >>

Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Is Donald Trump managing the possible collapse of the ?American empire??, by Thi... Tue Mar 11, 2025 06:59 | en

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

offsite link The position of Republika Srpska on the current constitutional crisis in Bosnia ... Thu Mar 06, 2025 11:21 | en

offsite link The agony of the ?political West?, by Thierry Meyssan Thu Mar 06, 2025 04:20 | en

Voltaire Network >>

The strugle goes on...
international / environment / news report Monday November 18, 2013 17:08 by RSC   image 1 image
This is a message to confirm that at the moment there is no physical camp base, nor is there other “camp” accommodation in the area. The continuous presence that solidarity camp provided since 2005 has ended, at least temporarily. read full story / add a comment
Frank Conroy
national / anti-capitalism / event notice Sunday November 17, 2013 18:53 by Frank Conroy Commemoration Committee   text 1 comment (last - sunday november 17, 2013 18:59)   image 1 image
The Frank Conroy Commemoration Committee presents the second annual Frank Conroy Commemoration. read full story / add a comment
The Bolivarian Revolution
waterford / anti-capitalism / event notice Sunday November 17, 2013 13:40 by Munster Council CPI   text 1 comment (last - sunday november 17, 2013 14:50)   image 1 image
Announcement of Public Lecture organised by The Munster Council of the Communist Party of Ireland. read full story / add a comment
national / indymedia ireland / press release Saturday November 16, 2013 23:57 by IMC Collective   text 116 comments (last - thursday december 12, 2013 13:09)   image 4 images
Indymedia Collective statement over the recent revelations concerning former editor Pat C read full story / add a comment
Free the Arctic 30!
international / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Saturday November 16, 2013 19:25 by Shelver   text 1 comment (last - sunday november 17, 2013 01:57)   image 3 images
About 25 people gathered today outside the Shell refinery construction site at Ballinaboy, Co Mayo, in a show of solidarity with 30 environmental activists who are currently imprisoned in Russia. The gathering was part of a global day of action to free the "Arctic 30" as they have become known worldwide since they were captured nearly two months ago while protesting against Gazprom and Shell moving an oil rig into the Arctic. read full story / add a comment
mayo / rights, freedoms and repression / news report Friday November 15, 2013 13:09 by Rossport Solidarity Reporter   image 1 image   video 1 video file   audio 1 audio file
Judge Denis McLoughlin presided over yesterdays monthly sitting of Belmullet district court. Amongst the defendants were 5 people up on charges because of their opposition to the Shell Corrib gas project. Of the Shell related cases only one was heard, resulting in John Monaghan being convicted and fined E350 and disqualified from driving for one year. Of particular note in this case was that some of the evidence that was used to convict Mr Monaghan, came from Sgt Dermot Butler, who was one of the named Gardaí that a former Shell subcontractor claimed helped to transfer the alcohol that he delivered to Belmullet Garda station on behalf of Shell. Also of particular note was that one IRMS security guard also confirmed that IRMS had a practice of profiling certain members of the local community and other campaigners.

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national / environment / feature Thursday November 14, 2013 22:47 by Fracking watch   text 4 comments (last - tuesday january 28, 2014 17:41)   image 2 images   audio 1 audio file
The Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is sponsoring an invite only fracking workshop in London this Friday 15th Nov 2013 as part of its long term plan to introduce fracking in Ireland. It has already commissioned research to help 'determine best practice guidelines to regulate the shale gas industry in Ireland' (all their own words). There is no hint here fracking will NOT be allowed whatever the findings. This same body though is immune from prosecution under Irish law (See Box 1 below) making a mockery of it's regulatory role. read full story / add a comment
Oscar Lopez -striking worker who shot four times by multiple gunmen in a local bar
international / worker & community struggles and protests / other press Thursday November 14, 2013 14:46 by   image 1 image
Another trade unionist murdered in Colombia.
Striking Nestle worker and trade union organiser, Oscar lopez, was shot four times by multiple gunmen in a local bar. ‘Sinaltrainal’, his trade union had been locked in a bitter dispute with Nestle over union recognition and report receiving several death threats via text message from a right-wing paramilitary group, ‘Urabenos’- the day before Lopez was murdered. The messages read, “We are going to chop you up” and “Death to all Communists” read full story / add a comment
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Thursday November 14, 2013 10:12 by Free Asange! Free Manning!   text 2 comments (last - tuesday november 19, 2013 06:35)   image 1 image
DONATE to the Pvt Manning Family Fund - and win a Rugby League World cup 2013 football signed by Julian Assange!

*The above site & bank account has been set up to defray the costs of Pvt. Mannng's Wales based family in their tranatlantic
visits to the one they love imprisoned in Ft. Leavenworth read full story / add a comment
Oliver Corr launches Expac Radio on Wednesday 13th November 2013
national / miscellaneous / press release Thursday November 14, 2013 10:12 by Future Resolutions   image 1 image
Peace III funded project launches an Internet radio facility
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international / environment / opinion/analysis Thursday November 14, 2013 08:25 by Akbayan, Aksyon Klima, Yeb Sano   image 4 images
It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.

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Fifth appointament with the Night Talks on Latin America
dublin / environment / event notice Wednesday November 13, 2013 13:13 by Latin American Solidarity Centre (LASC)   text 1 comment (last - friday november 15, 2013 11:03)   image 1 image
When: Thursday 21st November, 6.30pm

Where: LASC, 5 Merrion Row, Dublin 2
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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Wednesday November 13, 2013 00:34 by IPSC   image 1 image
To mark International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, on Friday 29th November the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign is proud to host a unique evening exploring how Palestinians and internationals use art as a method of both cultural and political resistance to Israeli occupation, apartheid and colonialism. The event will begin place at 7pm in The Pearse Centre (aka The Ireland Institute), 27 Pearse Street, Dublin 2 (map here -
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international / crime and justice / opinion/analysis Tuesday November 12, 2013 02:07 by Anti racism and anti animal cruelty   text 33 comments (last - saturday november 16, 2013 06:07)   image 9 images
I am involved with a number of groups that focus on opposing animal cruelty and from time to time I receive details of what people involved in controversial practises are getting up to. In particular I receive occasional information concerning what appears on a website called "Greyhound Nuts", a site that deals with aspects of Ireland's greyhound industry but specialises in promoting hare coursing.

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international / environment / press release Monday November 11, 2013 12:18 by Akbayan (Citizens Action Party)   text 1 comment (last - wednesday november 13, 2013 13:26)   image 5 images
Akbayan Partylist, through its #Akbayanihan Relief Drive, is again calling on the public for donations and volunteers to help the victims of super typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda).

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dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Friday November 08, 2013 15:01 by IPSC   image 1 image
On Thursday 5th December there will be a fundraiser pub quiz in aid of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign. It will start at 7.30pm upstairs in the Merchants Arch Bar, 48/49 Wellington Quay, Dublin 2.

Cost for entry is €10 per person, with teams of 4/5 maximum. Great prizes and Raffle.
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national / environment / other press Thursday November 07, 2013 22:23 by T   text 3 comments (last - friday november 08, 2013 20:03)   image 1 image   1 attached file
The plan for a huge number of wind turbines is not just running into trouble. It seems it could turn out to be a bit of a white elephant. The drive is coming from the UK because the population density is so high they are running into continual problems with objections and as a result they are unable to meet their own promised obligations for the percentage of renewable energy. But they have done a deal with the Irish government to use the 'empty' midlands of Ireland to build thousands of wind turbines and transfer the power by cable to the UK.

To many these seems like corporate colonialism and the though of all the billions in investment with the chance to then quickly sell complete wind farms on has all the worst kinds of people involved and the Irish government and their friends have been so eager to get hands on this that the Irish government has incredibly not even carried out a Cost Benefit Analysis of the whole thing.

With wind farms if the site is not windy enough and too many turbines are put on the site, it can result in a situation where they do not meet the targets for power output and hence revenue and it can result in the venture not covering its costs properly -i.e. making a loss. This has happened quite a bit in the interior locations of various countries as the strongest and most consistent wind generally occurs on coastal sites. And Colm McCarthy, the ‘Bord Snip’ economist, has already described the drive to build wind farms all over Ireland as another potential ‘Nama’. read full story / add a comment
1913: Na Gaeil agus an Stailc Mhór
antrim / history and heritage / event notice Thursday November 07, 2013 19:41 by Ciarán   image 1 image
Dé Sathairn 16ú Samhain, 12.30in
i gCultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich
Bóthar na bhFál, Béal Feirste read full story / add a comment
national / environment / press release Wednesday November 06, 2013 22:29 by IWT   image 2 images
The Irish Wildlife Trust (IWT) has written to management of Glenveagh National Park expressing its concern that large areas of sensitive habitat are being destroyed illegally and for commercial purposes. The Park, which is one of only six in Ireland and is home to rare species such as the Golden Eagle, Red Grouse and Red Deer is of immense biodiversity, landscape and economic value. The IWT surveyed four areas in October of this year where machines were being used to extract large volumes of turf on a commercial scale. There is also extensive illegal dumping of tyres and household debris within the boundary of the Park. New drains have been created, designed to dry out the blanket bog habitat to facilitate turf extraction. Blanket bog is a priority habitat under the EU Habitats Directive and the affected areas lie not only in the National Park but within zones designated as Special Area of Conservation and Special Protection Area. The IWT believes that this is occurring without any regulation or controls but has asked the NPWS to clarify this. To-date we have received no response. In addition, blanket bog habitats lie outside the scope of the much discussed Management and Restoration Plan being discussed by the Peatlands Council (dedicated to midland raised bogs only). read full story / add a comment
Mehr reported that Gen Jamali-Paqaleh was killed "in the recent days"
international / anti-war / imperialism / news report Tuesday November 05, 2013 14:50 by Turing   image 1 image
In the spirit of Internationalism and Anti-Imperialism, General Jamali-Paqaleh died fighting the lackeys of US Imperialism and Zionism. Brig Gen Mohammad Jamali-Paqaleh of the Revolutionary Guards was buried with full honours in Kerman.

He had volunteered to "defend the Syrian people against terrorists" and "protect the [Shia] holy shrine of Sayyida Zainab" outside Damascus, the semi-official Mehr news agency said. read full story / add a comment
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