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international / rights, freedoms and repression / other press Wednesday February 10, 2010 17:35 by Drew
Below are excerpts translated from a leaflet by the Communist Party of Iran (Marxist-Leninist-Maoist) . Dated 5 February, it was put out on the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the people's uprising that toppled the Shah in 1979. Full article text at the link. As millions of Iranian people all over the country await 11 February their hearts are beating hard.. Brave women and men are planning to turn that date into a decisive day. The enemy is also planning to stay in the field and not lose its perilous balance. The chants of "Down with the Islamic Republic of Iran!" will come from the heart and find echo in other hearts. Over the last eight months the Iranian people's anti-regime movement has significantly inspired the people of the Middle East and other parts of the world. They too are enthusiastically looking forward to 11 February. The Western imperialists and Russia and China who are all as reactionary as the Islamic Republic are already speculating about "Iran after 11 February" and expressing their concern about the "future of the Middle East and Iran" – which means concern about their interests in Iran and the Middle East! read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / arts and media / press release Tuesday February 09, 2010 15:23 by Fred Johnston
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The Western Writers' Centre has succeeded in providing their third literary festival in Gort, Co. Galway, blending music and poetry read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / crime and justice / other press Tuesday February 09, 2010 03:11 by Anti-Zionist
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Israeli use of 'third country' passports is widespread. They have been known to use Canadian, British, New Zealand, Austrailian and of course Irish, Passports in the course of carrying out their illegal murders around the world. What is the Irish Gov't doing to protect the reputation of it's citizens travelling abroad? read full story / add a comment ![]()
clare / anti-war / imperialism / event notice Monday February 08, 2010 21:51 by Shannonwatch
Regular monthly vigil at Shannon Airport, just before the airport entrance. read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / education / feature Monday February 08, 2010 18:03 by Shelver
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From Wednesday the 27th to Sunday the 31st of January, the Rossport Solidarity Camp hosted a wind power workshop. Local people and campers united to learn metal work, wood work and electronics to produce a fully functional 2.4 meter diameter wind turbine, now supplying power to the off-grid Rossport Solidarity House. The use of farmer's shed for the week was kindly by donated which was the perfect base for the workshop. The course was led by V3 Power, a workers co-operative based in Nottingham specialising in teaching courses in how to build DIY wind turbines. read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday February 08, 2010 15:32 by Kev
Would you like to come along to the next Dublin Branch meeting of the Ireland-Palestine Solidarity Campaign? read full story / add a comment ![]()
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Monday February 08, 2010 15:23 by Kev
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Khalil Shaheen from the PCHR, a Gaza-based human rights organisation will speak and answer questions about the current situation in Gaza, and Hilary Minch from IPSC will speak of her experiences as part of the Gaza Freedom March. read full story / add a comment ![]()
cork / anti-capitalism / event notice Sunday February 07, 2010 22:56 by gav.
fundraiser for the camp in mayo. read full story / add a comment
international / education / other press Sunday February 07, 2010 19:08 by John Cornford
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Prof Chris Knight of the Radical Anthropology Group really sticks the boot into Chomsky. He weighs Chomskys credentials in the balance and finds then wanting. Full text at link. Chomsky was about to deliver a lecture in Delhi. Setting aside the usual niceties, his host - a certain professor Agnihotri of Delhi University - introduced the visiting speaker with a challenge. He was bewildered that a person “so deeply touched by human suffering” could ignore the roots of both happiness and suffering in his scientific work. Noam Chomsky, continued the professor, insisted on viewing language as a “purely biological cognitive system” unconnected with “sociological power-games”. But isn’t language a key tool used by the powerful to deceive, exploit and oppress? How can Chomsky turn a blind eye to such things in his linguistic research?[8] read full story / add a comment ![]()
cork / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday February 07, 2010 18:22 by Anne
Hopi in Cork will follow the successful meeting (report below) with a continuing programme of solidarity. We will hold a week of action from February 13-20. This will include street stalls, meetings and other fundraising activity. An organising meeting will take place this coming Tuesday February 9, at 7.30pm at Solidarity Books in Douglas Street. For further information and to get involved, contact me on 086 23 43 238, at [email protected] or via www.hopi-ireland.org read full story / add a comment ![]()
mayo / rights, freedoms and repression / event notice Sunday February 07, 2010 16:06 by Shelver
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Judge Rory MacCabe is due to hear 14 Shell to Sea related cases scheduled for next Tuesdays sitting of Castlebar circuit court. The stakes are high: Five people are appealing prison sentences imposed last year, and may go directly to jail if they lose their appeals. Despite the vindication of the campaign by An Bord Pleanála - who in November rejected over half of Shell's latest on-shore pipeline route on safety grounds – those who have rightly campaigned against the project over the years continue to be dragged before the courts, and may well be unjustly imprisoned after Tuesday’s court in Castlebar. Shell, along with the Government, Gardaí and judiciary would like the event to pass silently, people to go to prison quietly and serve as an example of what can happen if you stand up for your rights. This is a summary of the cases to be heard, as a reminder of how unjust the situation in Mayo still is. read full story / add a comment ![]()
galway / arts and media / event notice Sunday February 07, 2010 16:03 by Western Writers
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French poet Colette Wittorski reads from here work in Charlie Byrne's Bookshop, Middle Street, Galway on Thursday, February 18th, at 6pm. Admission free. She will read from 'Northern Lights,'a dual-language collection of her work with translations read by Fred Johnston, published by Lapwing Poetry. Le poète français Colette Wittorski récitera de son oeuvre dans la Librairie de Charlie Byrne, la Middle Street, Galway, jeudi, le 18 février, à 18.00. Entrée gratuite. Elle récitera de 'Northern Lights/ l'Aurore boréale,' une collection de langue duelle avec des traductions lues par Fred Johnston. read full story / add a comment
mayo / environment / news report Saturday February 06, 2010 18:16 by RSC
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Shell to Sea members have challenged Ministers Ryan and Ó Cuív to ensure the dismantling of 92 metres of pipe which has been laid onshore at Glengad without any planning, as stated by An Bord Pleanála [1]. They also called for the resignation of Bob Hanna of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG), within Eamon Ryan's Department, for his completely inappropriate attempt to unduly influence the board at a time when the application is under consideration and the board is not accepting submissions. read full story / add a comment
international / crime and justice / press release Saturday February 06, 2010 12:55 by Mairtin Og Meehan
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The REPUBLICAN NETWORK for UNITY (RNU) spokesperson, DANNY MCBREARTY, responding to the concerns of nationalist residents of areas targeted for Orange sectarian parades, asks” whether the DUP has been given ’product’ in the form of changed procedures designed to ease the way for Orange feet to march down nationalist roads.” read full story / add a comment
Top Climate Adviser To Irish Government Admits Climate Change deniers are "winning the propaganda wa
national / environment / opinion/analysis Saturday February 06, 2010 06:48 by carbonman
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How the Irish Taxpayer is being misled into the necessity of a carbon tax by an agenda of false and exaggerated science by influential scientists and environmental catastrophists. read full story / add a comment ![]()
international / anti-war / imperialism / feature Friday February 05, 2010 19:09 by José A. Gutiérrez
On January 28th, we had the chance to have a telephone talk with Camilla Chalmers, from the Plateforme Haïtienne de Plaidoyer pour un Développement Alternatif (Haitian Platform in Defence of an Alternative Development, PAPDA), in Port-au-Prince. Here we transcribe the questions and answers we could exchange in spite of the natural difficulties of communication in these circumstances. We believe his opinions represent a contribution to understand what’s really going on in Haiti, they contradict the official version of the media and give us a very precise notion of the type of solidarity that the Haitian people need –and that we should not fail to give. read full story / add a comment
international / worker & community struggles and protests / news report Friday February 05, 2010 15:45 by libcom
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Less than 24h after the announcement of the hardest austerity measures in the history of the greek republic, strikes have erupted in the public sector. read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / arts and media / event notice Friday February 05, 2010 15:02 by Fred Johnston
Renowned Irish-harper PAUL DOOLEY will perform at the Pádraig Ó Moráin reading, Saturday, March 27th, at Gort Public Library read full story / add a comment ![]()
national / animal rights / press release Friday February 05, 2010 13:17 by Bernie Wright
Re. Misinformation about the Greyhound Industry being fed to Senators Segment of discussion:DENIS O DONOVAN FF.. A trainer may have a number of bitches on his premises for the sole purpose of racing. Such a person would be licensed by the IGB, the Irish Greyhound Board, and upon the conclusion of a racing career the owners take charge of his or her greyhound. In such cases, the trainer is not managing greyhounds for the purposes of breeding per se. Some of these points are very valid and should be considered. It should also be remembered that under current coursing rules and regulations, all stud dogs and brood bitches are DNA, deoxyribonucleic acid, profiled. There is a register of all matings and litters born, the adult greyhound name and transfers of ownership etc. These points should be borne in mind. read full story / add a comment ![]()
cork / miscellaneous / event notice Friday February 05, 2010 11:58 by Alan M.
Thee life and times of Howard Zinn: the historian, activist, and author of several classics including "A Peoples History of the United States". read full story / add a comment |