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national / anti-war / imperialism Friday June 04, 2004 00:00 by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group
"I was wondering why there was a Garda helicopter over the area on Saturday morning. I went up to my local shopping centre to use the cash machine, (which told me I was so broke I couldn't get to the corner if it cost 10c to go around the world). When I turned around, there was Mary Harney and her husband with local PD TD Tim O'Malley, and council candidates Bridget Teefy, Jim Hickey, and other hangers-on although I didn't spot her sister-in-law Isobel Geoghan (sister of IBEC boss, Brian, Mary's hubby) who is running in Ward 4 in Limerick. There was nobody else around, just the PDs and me. . . . ." Click below to continue reading
national / anti-war / imperialism Monday May 31, 2004 22:54 by Indymedia Ireland Editorial Group
Plans are breaking out like a sudden summer heat rash for protests to mark the visit to Ireland in late June of possibly the most unpopular individual on the Globe - GW Bush.
Nationwide protests calling for 'troops out of Iraq' planned for the 26th and 27th June will also greet him as he arrives back in the USA from his short visit to the West of Ireland. These protests will take place in a country in which public dissent is under a sustained and unprecedented attack from the Republican Administration. Ireland is in a unique position in all of this. It is traditionally friendly territory for US presidents. A large majority of the population do not want Bush here at all. He happens to be arriving in Shannon Airport - a place that symbolises Irish Government complicity in the illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq - where the rubber literally hits the road. All the ingredients are in place for a massive series of protests in the Global spotlight. The whole World WILL be watching. What's more there is no sign so far of any Mayday-style orchestrated state/media moral panic campaign to put a dampener on protests. A once in a lifetime opportunity is there for the taking. So what is planned? This is where the problems seem to arise. So many things are planned that it is all a little confusing at first glance for the uninitiated. So in the interests of clarity here is a full breakdown of events which have been planned so far that we at IMC IRL are aware of. Please add details of events not covered in the comments below this feature and we will add them in.
galway / anti-war / imperialism Thursday May 20, 2004 22:59 by Indymedia Editorial Group
Mary Kelly, an Irish nurse and mother of four, peacefully disarmed a USAF warplane in Shannon on Jan 29th 2003 by taking a hatchet to the nose-cone installation. Having failed to convince a jury to convict her on June 30th 2003 Mary now faces prosecution on June 15th by the Irish State for acting according to the dictates of the Nuremburg Convention. Supporters have been active in many cities around Ireland. The following is a brief roundup of the tremenduous support this brave and principled activist is receiving. From the Newswire: Report from Tommy D:
The peak moment of the day was when five preteen/teenage girls, daytripping from Portumna in the Vibrant City, offered to distribute the leaflets to passing pedestrians, when appraised of Mary's disarming of the war plane. Yet another primo moment was when a guy who stopped at our stall affirmed that he "was against her attack on the plane last year, now I'm for it." The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Group were out in strength commemorating Nakhbah Day (the planned ethnic cleansing of their land in 1948 by the Zionists) centering their activity around the stall. Galway Alliance Against War also gave themselves an outing and didn't stint their support for Mary, with one of their activists, dressed as one of the tortured of Abu Ghraib prison, eliciting strong condemnation of the American human rights abuses in Iraq. To boot, an activist from Galicia, did his stuff for Mary as well. Fair play, Jose ! This Saturday, along with all Saturdays leading up to her trial, another stall is planned. What about activists in Cork, Limerick, Kilkenny, Dublin, etc doing something similiar???? Now is not the time for fiddling and farting about when, as it were, Mary is about to burn." Fairview Against the War, MAMA and Global Women's Strike will be holding a stall in Ennis every Saturday from 12:30pm in Ennis until Mary's trial on June 15th. See Mary Kelly's website for more information
national / anti-war / imperialism Tuesday May 11, 2004 19:56 by Indymedia Editorial Group
The Gardai meanwhile are already involved in a police operation in the area of Shannon and have been knocking on residents doors. Police also recently heavily outnumbered protesters in Cork who turned out early in the morning to greet the Republican cabinet member Tommy Thompson. In an opinion piece (which went unpublished in the Irish Times) Fintan Lane who took part in the protest assesses the lessons of the recent Mayday protests for those planning to lay on a protest when Bush arrives in late June. While the IAWM and AWI compete for space in the media and on the ground in the run-up to the visit others discuss tactics and the value of a populist approach Latest Security Update From Shannon
national / arts and media Monday May 10, 2004 21:55 by Captain Blue
"On October 2 1969 the then British Ambassador to Dublin, AW Gilchrist wrote to AKK 'Kevin' White in the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The letter quoted the then Proprietor of the Irish Times, Major Thomas B. McDowell, as referring to Douglas Gageby, the Editor, as a “renegade or white nigger”. This was a reference to Gageby’s coverage of “northern questions”. The letter quoted Major McDowell, a member of the Judge Advocates Department of the British Army, as asking 10 Downing Street for guidance in cancelling out the editor’s views and in eliminating “unauthorised” news items further down the chain of journalistic command. The British authorities released the letter under the ‘30 Year Rule’ in late 1999. As he promised when he signed off the last time (Thursday, Apr 29 2004, 1:38pm) , Captain White has mobilised the intelligence corps in order to discover who suppressed publication of the “renegade.. white nigger” letter in January 2000. While the intelligence corps of most armies tries to plug information leaks, ours unplugs them. The Captain tasked me (Blue) and my team with doing whatever was necessary to get to the bottom of this matter. I wish to report that the chaps have come up trumps and have unearthed the person responsible for sitting on the British Ambassador’s October 2 1969 letter."
Captain Blue Continues his Tale Here >>
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