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The SakerA bird's eye view of the vineyard
Public InquiryInterested in maladministration. Estd. 2005
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international / worker & community struggles and protests Sunday May 01, 2005 14:48 by Gearoid O Loingsigh
From The Newswire: Extract: "The plan of action is mere representations. During the boycott campaign, it was said that Siptu’s blaming the boycott for possible job losses was Siptu signalling in advance that it had no intention of fighting any such losses. Here we have the living proof. Now that real job losses are on the cards we have a muted reaction from Siptu. If they put half the effort into fighting these losses that they put into running an they might just go somewhere. Their reaction contrasts starkly with that of Sinaltrainal whose leadership have not only fought job losses but they even went on hungerstrike. There is no fear of Liberty Hall skipping breakfast for their affiliates in the Naas Rd bottling plant. The victims in this situation are the workers in the Naas Rd bottling plant who were led up the garden path by the union bureaucracy who encouraged them to engage in a campaign to protect the company’s image and more importantly its market share. Their thanks for this loyal service is the scrap heap and the union which so encouraged them to do so has nothing to say except that its is disappointed and that it “raises serious concerns about the strength of the Government’s commitment to the manufacturing sector of our economy.” Complete Article at Link Below . . .
mayo / environment Saturday April 30, 2005 17:06 by Terry
As was said during the planning hearings - 'you can't build a refinery on a bog - that's free advice.'
national / crime and justice Thursday April 28, 2005 17:02 by JW
From the newswire (our correspondents are everywhere)!:
He said that there was a culture of expediency in the Circuit Court, where a case could be heard in a week that might take months to argue in the High Court. He then spoke about the different parties in the Supreme Court: solicitors; barristers; jurors; witnesses; and the judge. Given the audience he had (mostly aspiring solicitors and barristers) his discussion of solicitors and barristers was limited to comparing and contrasting them as careers rather than their functions in court. He also told his audience that they “probably know more law than [he] does, as one forgets so much of it after graduation, but compensates for this with experience and practice.” Judge Moran had some interesting things to say about jurors though! He described the Jury System as a slow, expensive system that evolved by accident. He also said that “the jury system is not something we would invent if we were starting from scratch today”. He disagreed with the view expressed by some that a Jury is somehow the “democracy on the ground” of the judicial system. He explained how in earlier times jurors had to be householders, “people who were considered safe, and reasonably pro-establishment.” He said that now many such people will beg to be excused from jury duty because of work, children or holidays, and that “juries tend to be mostly made up of unemployed or retired people”.
international / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday April 27, 2005 00:02 by Justin Morahan
Extract From Report: On Friday, 22 April, at a morning vigil at the Paris Park, protestors held portraits of Mordechai Vanunu and signs that read "We are all Mordechai Vanunu" and "Wherever we are, Vanunu Is" along with the names of the places from which the delegates had come. The vigil was followed by a slow procession to the Sharon HQ where an attempt to hand in or read a letter was prevented by Mossad, Ann Patterson acting as negotiator. Police escorted the delegation back to the Park where Justin read the signed letter publicly. It was later posted to Mr Sharon in the post tray at the College of St George.
dublin / history and heritage Saturday April 23, 2005 11:44 by Joe Black
![]() ![]() ![]() One year ago, on Mayday 2004, the summit of the EU heads of state took place in Farmleigh House in the Pheonix Park. The entire park was filled with surveillance cameras, ringed with fences, draped with barbed wire, buzzed by helicopters, rigged with motion detectors and surrounded with riot police. In the end water cannons were deployed to keep a protestors out of the park History is normally written by the winners and it is common to find each new generation of radicals having to rediscover the stories of those who went before them. Thus, it is not surprising that many of those who protested last year probably were unaware of the history of battles between radical movements and the state that the park played host to in the past. While the park hosts many of the symbols of power in Ireland - past and present - from the monument to the arch-reactionary Wellington, to the US-ambassador's residence and the Garda Headquarters, it has also seen its fair share of opposition. The invincibles assasinated the British Secretary there in 1882, it was the site of many early 20th century trade union ralies and the magazine fort in the park was captured at the start of the 1916 rising and was raided again by the IRA in 1939. The phoenix park is, in many ways, a symbolic battleground for the soul of Ireland.
In recent years radical movements in Ireland have re-energised Mayday in Dublin. This year, even without the pomp and grandeur of the EU heads of state, a series of radical events are planned to span the weekend. A festival of radical opposition that is once again bubbling to the surface. And once again the Phoenix Park is on the menu. Mayday Radical Events: Anarchist 1st of May picnic in Phoenix Park | DCTU May Day Demonstration - Solidarity with Migrant Workers including a Get up stand up block to help organise the unorganised | Reclaim the Streets |
Tue 11 Mar, 17:08
Army Abducts Five Palestinians in Nablus and Jenin Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:52 | IMEMC News Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians Near Bethlehem Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:15 | IMEMC News Three Newborns Die Due To Extreme Cold At Gaza Hospital Tue Feb 25, 2025 01:56 | IMEMC News Army Abducts A Palestinian, Assaults His Son, In Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 09:01 | IMEMC News Israeli Colonizers Burn Agriculture Room Near Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 08:52 | IMEMC News |