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dublin / politics / elections Saturday May 10, 2014 13:20 by 1 of Indymedia
The Euro and local council elections take place on Fri May 23rd and nationwide there are 11 MEPs to be elected to represent Ireland Euro elections will also be taking place across Europe for a grand total of 751 seats in the European Parliament. Regrettably the European Commission which is composed of 28 non-elected and appointed commissioners and is besieged by thousands of lobbying firms working for the private sector, is probably reckoned to have more power. Yet despite this Europe matters because at least 70% of our legislation comes from there and practically most of the regulation in a diverse range of areas originates from Europe and some of the more background regulation has its origins with corporate lobbyists with the aim of using heavy regulation to put smaller competitors out of businesses by greatly increasing the relative costs for smaller businesses. The main political parties of Fianna Fail and Fine Gael constantly tell us they are pro business and for jobs and the economy. In fact they are for big business, privatisation, outsourcing of jobs, lower wages, less social safety net and their support of big business and corporations constantly results in the suffocating of small business which are the very areas that lead to most employment.
Candidate Website Links: | | | |
international / environment Wednesday March 19, 2014 21:53 by T
It was three years on March 11th since the triple nuclear meltdown at the Fukushima plant in Japan in 2011. This article attempts to try and give an picture of the situation today and to show that the accident is still an active event that will take many decades to cleanup and it is anything but over. Remembering What HappenedIt is three years since the accident on March 11th 2011 at the Fukushima power station complex. There has been surprisingly little coverage of it in the mainstream media compared to the Chernobyl accident in 1986 at the time. As most people know, the accident was a result of an earthquake which caused the tsunami which flooded the Fukushima site and knocked out the backup diesel generators used for cooling the plants and that is how the story goes. The first report many people heard was that they were using sea-water to cool the reactors. This in itself was frightening because sea-water and cooling of nuclear reactors should not be in the same sentence, ever and it can only mean one thing -the situation is desperate, everything has failed and since sea-water would destroy the reactor vessel and fuel rods it means its the very last resort at trying to stop a meltdown.
Related Links:
The explosive truth behind Fukushima's meltdown |
Fukushima Investigation: “Within one day complete meltdown and melt through occurred” — “There is no way that gov’t did not know this” (VIDEO) |
Worse than Chernobyl: The inner threat of Fukushima crisis |
Fukushima Diary | | -radiation maps |
Hatrick Penry - Plume Gate |
Fukushima Emergency what can we do? |
Fukushima meltdown appears to have sickened American infants |
Unexpected Mortality Increase in United States Follows Arrival of the Radioactive Plume From Fukushima. Is There A Correlation? |
Canada and U.S. cut back radiation reporting |
The Truth About Radiation and the Fukushima Meltdowns |
Cryptome Photos Series of Fukushima |
There is no way to stop Fukushima radioactive water leaking into the Pacific |
ENE News on Japan Nuclear Accident |
Toxic Tokyo Cesium Air Danger - Japan Burn Radioactive Debris - Arnie Gundersen Interview. Oct 2011 |
Plume models from ASR Ltd of radiactive cloud from Fukushima |
Global Atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from the Fukushima-Daichii nuclear power plant |
National Diet of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission |
international / anti-capitalism Thursday March 06, 2014 23:08 by fred
![]() Professional sniper -similar to the ones used
by agents acting for US & EU to murder policemen and civilians in Kiev and then blame 'massacre' on the government and use as prop in media war
Another leaked phone call. This time between the Estonian FM and Catherine Ashton. It would seem to indicate that the same shooters on the rootops in Ukraine were shooting people on BOTH sides.
Related Indy Links:
"Fuck the EU" - Conclusive proof that the US is meddling in the affairs of a soverign country |
Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Declare that Power Comes Out of the Barrels of their Guns |
The Ukraine Deception -Towards the New World Order |
Clashes in Ukraine signal escalation of US-EU intervention
Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev During the turmoil of the coup by the neo Nazis in Kiev which happens to be the home of one of the largest viable Jewish communities outside Israel, the synagogues in Kiev came under petrol bomb attack but likely the building didn't burn down. Given the outright racist nature of these thugs and the fact that the coup leaders on the first day of power hung a huge banner of Stepan Bandera the World War II Nazi collaborator who helped send 900,000 Jews to the gas chambers. When those in power celebrate these type of people, it should send a chill down your spine. Chief Rabbi of Ukraine Urged Jews to Flee Kiev After Attack on Students
national / crime and justice Saturday February 15, 2014 02:20 by fred
![]() Garda Ombudsman, under fire
from forces of corruption? It was suspected that offices of the GSOC (garda siochana ombudsman commission) were being bugged. Shrouded in secrecy, they brought in specialists from the UK under advice from their equivalent body in the UK, the IPCC. These specialists did a high tech sweep of their offices under cover of darkness and a report was created which suggests that it was extremely likely that highly sophisticated bugging of the office had occurred. Government and high ranking gardai have closed ranks and are trying to spin this as a problem with GSOC instead of addressing the strong possibility that GSOC was bugged and who would want to do that and have access to do so except the gardai themselves. If true this is a grave issue. It is believed in some circles that this bugging may be related to investigations by GSOC into the case of large scale heroin importer Boylan who it is alleged has been working with gardai and has "magically" evaded conviction in the face of overwhelming evidence of trafficking huge amounts of drugs. This affair may go right to the top and has the potential to sink this government External Links: Black Ops Being Run Off The Books | The Gardaí And The Drug Dealer | The Appalling Vista | thread on GSOC preparing report on drug case collusion | IMSI-Catcher | Court Report On “rape-tape” Sergeant Being Awarded €33,0000 | Garda shell booze controversy airs at Belmullet court | Sullivan: Ombudsman investigation 'about protecting Gardaí' | Jail! | gardai denigration of McKenna funeral must be condemned | Release of Garda exposes Corrupt Two - Tier 'Justice' System | Students Occupy Department Of Finance | 600 March Against Garda Violence at Student Demo Last Week. | An Undercurrent of Malpractice and Deceit | Lies, Lies And More Lies - Garda Corruption Systemic | The ministry of injustice, administering injustice near you sometime soon | The McBrearty Tapes | Terence wheelock case - interview with family member | Another death caused by Garda Hospitality? - The parents of John Moloney demand an independent inquiry
national / anti-war / imperialism Thursday January 23, 2014 00:14 by Justin Morahan
Magaretta D'Arcy, a 79 year old peace activist who is also undergoing cancer treatment was arrested at home in Galway but NOT for bankrupting the country and saddling it with billions of debt, NOT for corruption and other white collar crime, but for the crime of having a conscience and actually caring about her fellow human beings. That's correct. In this country you can destroy it in all sorts of ways and you will be fine as no banker, politician, developer, bond holder or other types of people who have been involved in economically destroying this country, and causing widespread austerity, hardship and misery which in itself has led to many suicides and so forth. None of these people have come before the courts or been jailed. However for the really serious crimes of still having your humanity at 79 and doing something about it instead of shutting up and doing nothing, for these crimes, the state will bring the full force of the law against you and will always find some narrow argument to shut out the wider context of your action, to convict you and get you quickly behind bar. In that way the state quickly ensures that this dangerous contagion doesn't spread and it serves as a lesson to all as to what might happen to them. Magaretta D'Arcy, a 79 year old peace activist who is also undergoing cancer treatment was arrested at home in Galway.
Demo in Support of Margaretta D'Arcy outside Limerick Prison on Fri 24th Jan at 5pm.
Fri 14 Mar, 06:02 The Insanity Moves Up Another Notch as EU Legalises Use of Crushed Insects in Foods 22:20 Wed 18 Jan 0 comments
Army Abducts Five Palestinians in Nablus and Jenin Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:52 | IMEMC News Soldiers Injure Many Palestinians Near Bethlehem Tue Feb 25, 2025 02:15 | IMEMC News Three Newborns Die Due To Extreme Cold At Gaza Hospital Tue Feb 25, 2025 01:56 | IMEMC News Army Abducts A Palestinian, Assaults His Son, In Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 09:01 | IMEMC News Israeli Colonizers Burn Agriculture Room Near Hebron Mon Feb 24, 2025 08:52 | IMEMC News |