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national / anti-capitalism Friday November 26, 2010 16:38 by IMC Collective
Around the world countries have been betrayed by their politicians who have worked hand in glove with their capitalist partners to systematically destory each economy and then to hand them over to a private financial elite composed of bankers, investors and speculators and other parasites. From Iceland to Lativa to Greece to Ireland the Financial Coup has taken place. It has already long ago taken place in such countries as the USA where big capital and big finance captured their governments long ago where corporations like Goldman Sachs have their own people in government dictating the bailouts. But many other countries are on the list. The austerity which the capitalists smile down on, have already hit most of Europe especially in countries like Spain, Portugal, Hungary and the UK. The current crisis is the cumlination of a fairly long process starting in the late 1970s when the leading capitalist powers decided to go on the offensive and launched the Neo Liberal era which saw an claw back against all the rights gained by workers in the previous 70 years. At that time they also lent huge quantities of money to corrupt governments in the developing world and this ushered in the era of mega slums and third world debt bringing in the era of financial imperalism allowing the resources of these countries to be hauled away for almost free. continues below
So below we shall document some of the reactions of the Irish people so far:
Reactions and Events (on Indy): Angry students protest against Garda brutality
"An injury to one is the concern of all", according to Free Education for Everyone spokesperson.
Indymedia Links: The now infamous 86,000 hit youtube "blair witch" garda brutality video (login free repost)
Upwards of 25,000 students from across Ireland descended onto the streets of Dublin on Wednesday 3rd November, 2,000 students broke off and occupied the Department of Finance, here are 2 interviews with students present.
Indymedia Links:
dublin / rights, freedoms and repression Wednesday November 03, 2010 21:22 by Andrew - wsm
News is coming in that upwards of thirty students have occupied the Department of Finance in the centre of Dublin with several hundred supporting them in the streets outside. Tens of thousands of students are demonstrating as part of the USI protests against plans to introduce fees, these students carrying out the occupation appear to have broken away from the main demonstration which is taking place around the corner in Merrion square.
Indymedia Links:
dublin / anti-capitalism Monday November 01, 2010 21:26 by Andrew
A larger than expected crowd turned out for last night’s 1% Network Treasure Hunt around the exclusive Aylesbury and Shrewsbury roads in Dublin. In 2006 Shrewsbury Road was the 6th most expensive address in the entire world and it remains exclusively populated by the richest of the 1% who own 34% of the wealth in Ireland.
Indymedia Links: |
Wed 12 Mar, 22:32
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