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Tara under threat from new motorway

category national | miscellaneous | news report author Wednesday August 14, 2002 03:13author by Energy Guide Report this post to the editors

Dalgan Park also in danger

Those of you aware of the beauty and serenity to be found on our national monument the Hill of Tara will be concerned to learn that the noise pollution there is will increase considerably if the proposed M3 Clonee/North of Kells Motorway goes ahead. As it is the traffic passing on the existing Navan - Dublin road is quite audible from many of Tara's sacred sites. Apparently, the proposed M3 will pass within TWO MILES of serene Tara.

The Columban Fathers based in Dalgan Park will have to (Compulsory Purchase Order and all that) give 60 acres of their land to the project. They're not as happy as they were initially with the project now realising the consequences of thousands of cars per week driving through their back garden - a garden which is used by some 60,000 guests/visitors per year. The M3 Environmental Impact study considers it will not impact on them at all! And they're reported to be uneasy with the fact that their neighbouring farmers will now have Compulsory Purchase Orders slapped on them too.

The public oral hearing for those who have already lodged written objections to the M3 is to be held in The Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogheda, Co. Louth at 11:00 am Wednesday 21st August - nowhere near the locals it's going to have the most impact on. There is no public transport from Navan to Drogheda (so my local contact tells me).

I've made no written objection to the M3 (never heard of it actually until last night) but I will be at that meeting to show my support for those who have lodged written objections. And to protect my energetic heritage which has been damaged enough over the years. As a diviner I know the quality of the energy on Tara and am constantly amazed that it has remained so pure in the face of mobile phone/tv masts, electric poles, sewage, roads etc being built around it. This one, given the depth of work that happens in motorway building, is going to have quite an impact on underground streams and overground energy lines and will impact on what is truly a wonderful site.

So, if you can, be there at that meeting. They're spending your money on the Hotel, the salaries of the solicitors, the National Roads Authority etc. to make sure their case wins the day. Now, the McKenna Judgement means the Gov should spend equal amounts of your money in supporting both sides of a public matter. But they're not supporting any objectors with the wherewithal to commission their own env. impact studies, solicitors... The National Roads Authority (a semi-state body not bound by the Freedom of Information Act), is also ignoring the National Development Plan by ignoring the NDP's recommendation to increase public transport options... as uncovered in the last Census.

Those of you with international contacts are encouraged to forward this mail on.

E-mails and/or letters to the Minister for the Environment will let them know that many eyes are watching them...

Dept of the Environment & Local Government, Head Office, Custom House, Dublin 1.
Secretariat to the Minister, Dept. of the Environment & Local Government, Dail Eireann.
[email protected]

Those of you aware of the bigger agenda to disrupt the natural harmonics of earth energy need already know that your support in body and/or spirit will have an impact. Tara, and those living there, will appreciate it.

author by Readyandable - Apublication date Wed Aug 14, 2002 12:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ireland has gone to the dogs. I cannot handle it anymore. If this goes ahead, I am calling for an all out assault to stop it and all the other corrupt, destructive madness our puppet govt. is imposing. Tara is the last bastion of sacred Ireland. Any takers for real (not just flag waving) action???

author by Wellupforitpublication date Wed Aug 14, 2002 14:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I'm well up for doing some serious direct action yet we must realise that lying down in front of the diggers etc. will be too late. We've got to stop this plan getting through at all and my initial direct action will be to go to that meeting.

author by NoWayMotorWaypublication date Wed Aug 14, 2002 16:25author address author phone Report this post to the editors



Thank you for your message. The responsibility for developing proposals
for new motorways rests with the National Roads Authority (NRA) which is an
independent statutory body operating under the aegis of the new
of Transport. All developments undertaken by the NRA must comply with the
code of practice agreed with the former Minister for Arts, Heritage,Gaeltacht and the Islands regarding archaeological heritage - you can
find out more about this by clicking the link below:


If you would like to register you objection with the NRA directly, you
do so using the contact details below.

St. Martin's House,
Waterloo Road,
Dublin 4,
Telephone (+353 1) 6602511
Fax (+353 1) 6680009
Email: [email protected]

Yours sincerely,

Ronan Hession
Private Secretary to the
Secretary General

author by badmanpublication date Thu Aug 15, 2002 11:56author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In general I support the construction of a basic motorway infrastructure between the major towns of Ireland. In general I also think that anybody who starts a sentence with 'As a diviner', is probably mad and I'd say that the traffic sounds from a motorway 2 miles from Tara will be drowned out by the sound of a thousand American tourists 2 feet away. I also wholeheartedly support taking land off the Columban fathers, although they should be paid in bullets not cash. So on the basis of this article I would be more likely to take direct action for the government than against it.

So lets have a few better reasons to oppose the plan?

author by Irishpridepublication date Thu Aug 15, 2002 13:11author address author phone Report this post to the editors

-- We need trains and buses not more roads that bulldoze more trees on our already scarred land. Especially not friggin' privately funded operations that have seen the corporate takeover of Ireland's political and economic infrastructure spiral out of control.

-- I truly believe Tara is an ancient and sacred site of tremendous spiritual and cultural importance. Whether you believe this or not doesn't matter, but at least respect the fact that generation after generation believe it - and particularly those that don't find their spirituality in their pay cheque or stock portfolio.

-- I believe the decisions regarding Ireland's future direction (a la Nice etc..) is being dictated by a high powered corrupt interest group (a la Lowry, Lawlor, Dunne and co..) and it poses a massive threat to any essence of democracy. It is time for public consultation and the allowance of political opposition and participation.

-- I respect the right for anybody to be a 'diviner' or whatever the hell else they choose to call themselves. I don't care if they are commies, anarchists or sons of Charlie Haughey, as long as they are open, honest and willing to work for a better Ireland - as opposed to the culture of bitching and belittling that has left us in conflict and turmoil.

-- Overall, I am sick to the teeth of the corruption and robbery that our government is undertaking in a rush to make Ireland a mini America, covered in concrete, shopping centres and walking zombies. The motorway projects are only part of it. Brown envelopes from friends that provide access to public (yours and mine) resources and assets. I am annoyed as an Irishman to see our constitution breached (and more promises broken) when the Dail signed us up to Nato via PFP, allowed U.S. war troops at Shannon and provided dozens of export licences to companies involved in component mfg. of weapons parts for India, China and beyong. Love war or hate it, breaching our constitution is going too far. And that's not to mention the allowance of GM crops in Wexford and elsewhere. Again, nobody asked me! Voting hasn't worked. Campaigning isn't much better. Radical transformation (which starts with the individual and goes deeper and deeper) is the only way. The system, like cancer, is rotten. It needs to be cut out completely and replaced with a healthy, participatory and transparent alternative - one that is realistic and very very possible.

Moan on my brothers and sisters, but the time is for change and action now and not for squabbling. Direct action for the government indeed!!

author by badmanpublication date Thu Aug 15, 2002 15:06author address author phone Report this post to the editors

That's better, at least you are beginning to put forward some reasons that I can relate to. However the question remains as to how to oppose these type of developments without simply being anti-roads in some type of primitivist way and making the campaigns relevant to the other areas such as privatisation, lack of public transport, environmental degradation, etc... It's not good enough to simply try to stop the road in a blocking action, this will merely alienate the majority of people who know that our transport infrastructure, including the roads, are in a woeful state. So how can we link this development with the broader issues?

author by irishpridepublication date Thu Aug 15, 2002 20:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

that's something many of us (rabble rousing activists) have been struggling to do for a long time. We've been working on combatting the overall philosophy of capitalism and economic and cultural globalisation through various means. There's been factual exposes, protests, pickets, lobbying, campaining....you name it.

My experience (And it is very limited) tells me that the system is quite rotten to the core. It is no use opposing issues in isolation, hence many agitators will see similarities in the 'war on terrorism' and the chronic crusades for roads. Afterall, they are all based on a very fundamentalist and elitest economic and social doctrine - that of, WE ARE THE MASTERS, YOU ARE THE PEOPLE - sit back, be patient, and be abused.

Well no more. We gotta start getting vocal. talking to people about ALL the issues, making the connections between roads, the lack of railways, car pollution and global warming, and the oil industry and war.

I'm not simply talking about tokenist change here - I'm talking about a revolution, or rather, evolution. Because, based on the way things are going - that's what's it's gonna take!!

Now, are you 'with us, or again us?' ---


author by Con Connor - occasioanllypublication date Fri Aug 16, 2002 02:37author email con at irishwizards dot comauthor address 6 Lealand Gardens, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.author phone 01 4578343Report this post to the editors

I personally believe that only public embarassment and the ambition / carrers of the NRA management being put on the line can stop our corrupt, ignorant / arrogant goverment from destroying the landscape setting of TARA. This 100 acres of State Land (ie our land) has a panoramic landscape setting with a quality of uniqueness that is known world wide.

Drown the NRA and the minister with emails I say, e-smother them, direct world attention by the millions and use the names on the lead article to prevent the piece meal degredation concept before they glenofthedownsit on us. It is only an idea at this stage so public pressure can be emailed which will threaten their egos agenda. It is always too late when the first digger rolls in, only a huge no no no from the World at this stage will stop this evil for a few more years.....

As a Wizard and Diviner I am very much aware that there are beautiful and balanced life force energies at Tara, even today. It is free to walk on this low hill at any time of the day or year.
It is precious.

Irish poets prevented devout Isrealites from digging for the Ark of the Covenant early in the last century and even today there is an individual seeking permission every year to dig for the Ark at Tara. We must protect Tara.

It is still possible to connect intensely with higher vibratory realms at Tara, even for beginer. This is the invisible world that the system tells you isnt there, well it is and its magic still works nicely at Tara today.

A new road will threaten or destroy the energetic balance at Tara by the intensity of its disharmonic resonance. They will tell you that no such thing as energetic balance exists and that is true for them, but I will tell you that it does exist and that it is what makes Tara still truely sacred today. Maybe this is what they seek to switch off - a balanced source of Light for the soul. Make noise from around the world my friends and send it to the fools who would destroy our temples.

The Healer Well of the Dark Eye is being tidied up by the local Tara Action Group with distaste from Duchas. It is being done nicely and visitors should mention it to the shop staff and the friendly staff at the interpretive centre.

"world opinion kicks NRA ass"
is the headline I want to see.....
[email protected]

author by housewife ready4action - Irish country womenpublication date Fri Aug 16, 2002 14:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

OK let's have organisation!!!

Any group/individuals ready to coordinate a campaign?

Who can I contact? Names, no's, emails, website?? lets e-blast, fax, occupy meetings, demos, press releases, public info, stalls, grassroots, direct action it all up!!!


author by TARA DRUMFEST - ACCIDENTALpublication date Fri Aug 16, 2002 20:42author email EVERYONE at EARTH dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Would'nt it be strange that if by spontaneous magic a large gathering of drum owners had an impromtu drumfest at the Boyne Valley Hotel, Drogedha, 11 pm, Wed, 21st Aug.
Wouldnt it be nice if nobody actually organised it and it just happened in a big way....
I could just about see the covers being removed from many drums at about two minutes to eleven and the lobby and hall to the conference room being resonated with the deadly serious drum beat overwhelming the public event.
Good for radio and tv listeners and viewers...
Personally, I'm busy on that day - so I will not organise anything, I expect organic growth in the public declaration to protect TARA only if it gives a cool sound and visual bite......

author by DoireBoypublication date Mon Aug 19, 2002 19:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Lads and lassies, if I am going to charge down from Derry to drum me arse off, I wanna know that the heads are gonna be here beatin' to the same tune...if ya catch my drift.

So are we doin' it? promoting it? Or is it another magical idea that lands in the bars of Ireland along with all the other dreams and plans....?

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