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Imprisoned Iranian Trade Unionists
Here is a list of imprisoned Iranian Trade Unionists. In Iran Free Trade Unions are illegal and workers who attempt to organise to defend their conditions are imprisoned flogged and murdered. You can take steps to to help these workers as the one thing the Mullahs fear is publicity. Copy the list into an email and send it to the Iranian Embassy demanding that these workers be released and their safety guaranteed.
Send emails, faxes and letters of protest to:
The embassy of the Islamic Republic of iran,
72 Mount Merrion Avenue, Blackrock, Co. Dublin,
[email protected]
Tel: 01 288 5881 / 01 288 0252. Fax: 01 283 4246. 1. Mansour Osanloo – Currently at Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj City near Tehran. Osanloo is President of the Executive Committee of the Tehran Bus Workers’ union. He is has been in prison since 12 July 2007.
2. Ebrahim Madadi – Currently at Evin Prison. He is the Vice President of the Tehran Bus Workers’ union.
3. Saeed Torabian was arrested by the security forces on 9 June 2010 and his whereabouts are currently unknown. He is the spokesperson of the Tehran Bus Workers’ union.
4. Reza Shahbi was arrested by the security forces on 12 June 2010 and his whereabouts are also unknown. He is the treasurer of the Tehran Bus Workers’ union.
5. Pejman Rahimi, a union activist in Khuzestan, southern Iran, was sentenced to one year imprisonment and 40 lashes by the Ahwaz Public Court on 17 April 2010 on charges of disrupting public order. The verdict was announced on 31 May. He was previously sentenced to 5 years in prison for supporting the workers at the Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Factory and the Ahwaz Tubing Factory.
6. Mehdi Farahi Shandiz was arrested and transferred to the notorious Kahrizak prison during a visit to the Revolutionary Court to retrieve his personal belongings on 8 June 2010. He is a 50-year old teacher and a worker activist. His belongings were confiscated last year after he was detained on the anniversary of International Workers’ Day (May Day).
7. Abolfazl Abedini Nasr was sentenced to 11 years of peremptory confinement on 11 May 2010. He is a journalist and a labour and human rights activist. Abolfazl is a key person who has assisted the Haft Tapeh union in the last 3 years.
8. Mohammad Olyaiefard, a lawyer for the Haft Tapeh and Tehran Bus Workers’ Union, was arrested on 1 May 2010 and is currently in detention. He has been sentenced to one year in prison in the past.
9. Alireza Hashemi, secretary general of the Iranian Teachers’ Organization.
10. Abdolreza Ghanbari, a school teacher in Pakdasht Varamin and online professor of the Payam e Nour University, was arrested at his home in Pakdasht on 4 January 2010. He was charged with ‘Moharebeh’ (enmity towards God) for receiving emails from an armed opposition group to which he does not belong. His subsequent death sentence was confirmed by Tehran’s Appeal Court, Branch 36. In detention at the Evin Prison, Ghanbari has been interrogated for 25 days in a row under duress. In 2007, he was detained for 120 days and sentenced to a six-month suspension from teaching and exiled from Sari to Pakdasht.
11. Esmael Abdi, a school teacher member of the Iranian Teachers’ Association of Tehran, was arrested on 19 May 2010. Four officials from the Ministry of Intelligence searched his house and took his computer, notebook and some literature. They cut the wire of his landline phone and told Abdi’s partner to keep his detention a secret. Abdi remains in detention in an unknown location. According to his relatives, his arrest is the consequence of an interview he gave to foreign media on National Teachers’ Day.
12. Rasoul Bodaghi is another member of the Iranian Teachers’ Trade Association of Tehran who is in detention. He was transferred from the Evin Prison to Rajai Shahr Prison in Karaj on 10 May 2010, and was reportedly beaten very severely by two prison officers on 26 May 2010.This experience has caused a dramatic deterioration in his health, and yet there is no report of when his trial might take place.
13. Hashem Khastar is a retired teacher suffering from kidney disease who has already served more than a third of his prison sentence, yet he is still not allowed to go on leave and visit his family. This alone is against the governing rules for prisoners in Iran.
List of Jailed Iranian Journalists following the 2009 Elections and who remain in jail in June 2010
14. Ahmadi Amoee ,Bahamn: freelance journalist, first arrested on 20 June 2009 released on 18 March 2010 and arrested again on 30 May 2010
15. Eslampour, Mohammadali: Chief Editor of Navaie Vaght, arrested on 3 February 2010
16. Bastani, Masoud: Chief Editor of Jomhouriat website, arrested on 25 June 2009
17. Baghi, Emadeddin: Chief Editor of Jomhouriat newspaper, arrested on 28 December 2009
*Released on 23 June 2010, according to Amnesty International
18. Bordbar, Babak: photographer, arrested on 28 December 2009
19. Beheshti Shirazi, Alireza: Chief Editor of Kaleme Sabz newspaper, arrested on 28 December 2009
20. Behavar, Emad: freelance journalist, arrested on 10 March 2010
21. Pour Abdollah, Mohammad: freelance journalist, arrested on 13 February 2010
22. Saghafi, Alireza: freelance journalist, arrested on 1 February 2010
23. Khansari, Mahboobe: Kargozaran newspaper, arrested on 31 May 2010
24. Davari, Mohammad: Chief Editor of Sahamnews website, arrested on 8 September 2009
25. Derakhshan, Hossein: freelance journalist, arrested on 1 November 2008
26. Dormanki, Khalil: freelance journalist, arrested on 30 December 2009
27. Dehghan, Mostafa: freelance journalist, arrested on 1 January 2010
28. Rafiei Foroushani, Reza: freelancer journalist, arrested on 26June 2009
29. Ronagh Maleki, Seyed Hossein: freelancer journalist, arrested on 13 December 2009
30. Zeidabadi, Ahmad: freelancer journalist, Roozonline columnist, arrested on 13 June 2009
31. Saharkhiz, Isa: freelancer journalist with Roozonline website, arrested on 3 July 2009
32. Salimi, Omid: freelancer photographer, arrested on 14 June 2009
33. Shahidi, Hengameh: freelancer journalist, first arrested on 30 June 2009 and released 1 November 2009 and arrested again on 28 February 2010
34. Samimi, Keivan: Chief Editor of Name magazine, arrested on 13 June 2009
35. Ghasemi Kermanshahi, Kaveh: freelancer journalist, arrested on 3 February 2010
36. Karami, Mahboube: freelancer journalist, arrested on 2 March 2010
37. Godarzi, Kouhyar: freelancer journalist, arrested on 20 December 2009
38. Gahsetooni, Motjaba: freelancer journalist, arrested on 4 March 2010
39. Laripour, Niloofar: Chelcheragh magazine, arrested on 2 February 2010
40. Lavasani, Seyed Masoud: freelancer journalist, arrested on 26 September 2009
41. Mafi, Hamid: freelancer journalist, arrested on 9 February 2010
42. Mahzadeh, Javad: Yas e No newspaper, arrested on 21 October 2009
43. Matinpour, Saeed: freelancer journalist, arrested on 11 July 2009
44. Mahmoodian, Mehdi: Norooznews website, arrested on 16 September 2009
45. Malihi, Ali: Etemad newspaper, arrested on 9 February 2010
46. Mehrabi, Ehsan: Etemad Meli newspaper, arrested on 6 February 2010
47. Nazar Ahari, Shiva: freelancer journalist, arrested on 14 June 2009 released on 23 September 2009 arrested again on 20 December 2009
48. Naghi Pour, Nasor: freelancer journalist, arrested on 2 March 2010
49. Noorani Nejad, Hossein: Norooznews website, arrested on 28 August 2009
50. Nourizad, Mohammad: freelancer journalist, arrested on 20 December 2009
51. Visme, Azam: Parlemannews website, arrested on 31 May 2010
52. Mirdamadi, Mohsen: Norooz newspaper, arrested on 11 July 2009
53. Armin, Mohsen: Former member of board of the Association of Iranian Journalists, arrested on 10 May 2010
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Comments (10 of 10)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10The Iranian government has promised that Mansour Osanloo is to be freed, but have not given a date. They also have not said when or if the rest of the imprisoned trade unionoists are to be freed.
• When will Mansour Osanloo be released?
• When will you return Farzad Kamangar's body to his family for burial?
• When will Iran stop the harassment of trade unionists and begin to respect democratic and independent trade unions?
• Where are the other detainees being held and what possible justification can there be for their arrests?"
Iranian woman faces death by stoning
Under Iranian sharia, the sentenced individual is buried up to the neck (or to the waist in the case of men) and stoned.
Embassy of Iran in Ireland
Iran Embassy , Ireland 72 Mount Merrion Ave., Blackrock Co. Dublin ireland. Phone: +353-1-2885881 +353-1-2880252 +353-1-2882967. Fax: +353-1-2834246 ... › Embassy Row
Dear Indymedia,
Will you please ask your contributers to contact Iranian embassy IMMEDIATELY and make their voices heard in solidarity with the Iranian woman.
I would be very grateful if you could put this topic up on your website. It is very urgent. Thanking you.
Marie-Therese O' Loughlin
OpheliaBenson @ is presently duscussing The banality of inappropriateness
Statement from Iranian Trase Unionists. More info at link.
The Syndicate of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs (Vahed) Bus Drivers vehemently condemns extended arrest and increased pressure on Mr. Saeed Torabian and Reza Shahabi
Today, July 05, 2010 (14th of Tir, 1389), marks the 27th day of the arrest of Saeed Torabian and the 24th day of the arrest of Reza Shahabi. Throughout this time, Reza Shahabi has contacted his family by telephone only once. On the afternoon of the arrest of Saeed Torabian, security agents descended upon his mother’s home and thoroughly inspected it. Mr. Torabian suffers from heart disease and was hospitalized last year due to a heart attack. He has not been heard from since his arrest, and noone has any knowledge of his fate or whereabouts.
In the meantime, on 9 of Tir, 1389 (Wed. 30 June 2010), Mr. Mansour Osanloo was charged with new crimes and transferred to Branch 6 of the Karaj Judiciary. In addition, an individual representing himself as a security agent has been telephoning Mr. Reza Shahabi’s wife and stating that she needs to report to a particular branch of the Security agency in order to answer questions that could potentially enable agents to release (!) Mr. Shahabi. Another member of the Vahed Syndicate has also been contacted and summoned in a similar manner.
The Syndicate of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs (Vahed) Bus Drivers expresses grave concern for the physical condition of Mr. Torabian, and warns against efforts to pad his record and Mr. Torabian’s record with new false charges. In addition, the Syndicate also warns against the opening of a new case or filing new charges against Mansour Osanloo, and vehemently condemns any extension of prison terms and increased pressure upon the members of the Syndicate’s Board of Directors and their family members.
The Syndicate further demands the immediate and unconditional release of Messrs. Torabian, Shahabi, Madadi, and Osanloo, and other imprisoned workers.
With hopes of the expansion of peace and justice throughout the world,
The Syndicate of Workers of the Tehran and Suburbs (Vahed) Bus Drivers
14 Tir 1389 (5 July 2010)
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani will not be stoned
She may be executed instead.
More repression of workers in Iran.
Two Haft Tapeh Sugar Cane Company workers have been sentenced to one year in prison by Branch No.1 of the Revolutionary Court in Dezful, in Khuzestan province, south-western Iran. Alireza Saeedi and Behrooz Mollazadeh, who were charged with “insulting the leader”, i.e., Ayatollah Khamenei, were both handed down one-year prison sentences.
These two labour activists were detained by the security forces in December 2009 and then released after a bail of 70 million rials ($7000/€5430/£4536) was paid.
The existence of a satirical clip on a mobile phone is said to be the crime of these two labour activists.
Translation: Iranian Workers’ Solidarity Network
Source: Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA)
Open letter to the BBC By Maryam Namazie, September 8, 2010
The reason the Islamic regime of Iran is branding her a murderer and denying sentences of death by stoning for adultery is because
of the international campaign in her defence and against the medieval and brutal punishment of stoning.
Courtesy of Ophelia Benson.
More on Ashtiani
The regime wants to fool people into thinking Ashtiani is safe; she is not.
Courtesy of Opelia Benson
Remember us! a letter from Ashtiani’s children
“We don’t really know what would have become of us if we didn’t have Mr. Kian in Iran, and you abroad.”
Maryam Namazie asks: whose culture?
Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani’s culture (educated until 5th grade) who ‘wants to live’ or that of the Islamic regime of Iran that wants to kill her?
Fella says sharia is just fine
“Rules on such things as adultery or fornication function almost entirely as moral exhortations.” Oh really?
Courtesy of Ophelia Benson @ http://www./
Ashtiani forced to do another tv “interview”
The judiciary system, the state television, and the diplomatic system have been mobilized against an imprisoned woman.
Ashtiani’s son refused visit again
At Tabriz prison he was told: “Sakineh is still not permitted to visit with you. Stop bothering us and don’t come back.
Courtesy of Ophelia Benson @