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Interested in maladministration. Estd. 2005

offsite link RTEs Sarah McInerney ? Fianna Fail?supporter? Anthony

offsite link Joe Duffy is dishonest and untrustworthy Anthony

offsite link Robert Watt complaint: Time for decision by SIPO Anthony

offsite link RTE in breach of its own editorial principles Anthony

offsite link Waiting for SIPO Anthony

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Human Rights in Ireland
Promoting Human Rights in Ireland

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Lockdown Skeptics

The Daily Sceptic

offsite link News Round-Up Mon Mar 17, 2025 01:11 | Richard Eldred
A summary of the most interesting stories in the past 24 hours that challenge the prevailing orthodoxy about the ?climate emergency?, public health ?crises? and the supposed moral defects of Western civilisation.
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offsite link BBC Accused of ?Jaw-Dropping Propaganda? for Hamas With Israeli Hostages Video Sun Mar 16, 2025 19:00 | Richard Eldred
The BBC has been accused of "jaw-dropping propaganda" after airing a video portraying Hamas's hostage unit as "guards" providing "good treatment" to Israeli captives.
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offsite link Care Watchdog: Girls Should Share Rooms With Boys Who ID As Female Sun Mar 16, 2025 17:00 | Richard Eldred
Scotland's care watchdog has sparked outrage by saying vulnerable girls in care must share rooms with boys who self-identify as female.
The post Care Watchdog: Girls Should Share Rooms With Boys Who ID As Female appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Chancellor Spending Hundreds of Thousands on Legal Fees Defending Her VAT Raid on Private Schools Sun Mar 16, 2025 15:00 | Richard Eldred
Rachel Reeves is spending hundreds of thousands on top barristers to defend her VAT on private school fees, as parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) mount a landmark legal challenge.
The post Chancellor Spending Hundreds of Thousands on Legal Fees Defending Her VAT Raid on Private Schools appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

offsite link Mandates Matter Sun Mar 16, 2025 13:00 | Dr James Allan
Winning elections is pointless without real change, says Dr James Allan. Right-wing leaders must take bold stances on immigration, Net Zero and the culture wars ? playing it safe will only lead to failure.
The post Mandates Matter appeared first on The Daily Sceptic.

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Voltaire Network
Voltaire, international edition

offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?124 Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:56 | en

offsite link "Kristallnacht" against the Alawites in Syria Sat Mar 15, 2025 05:38 | en

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offsite link Voltaire, International Newsletter N?123 Fri Mar 07, 2025 14:41 | en

offsite link Arab League summit for Gaza Fri Mar 07, 2025 11:53 | en

Voltaire Network >>

Spring meeting for Bishops

category dublin | crime and justice | news report author Wednesday March 10, 2010 12:39author by religiousabusetruth Report this post to the editors

The Bishops met this week in Maynooth for their 3 day spring meeting. Attending the meeting was Ian Elliott, chief executive of the church’s child protection watchdog, the National Board for Safeguarding Children (NBSC). Speaking on the Vatican’s recognitio, he said it could be something of a hindrance. Though the Vatican has not given its recognitio to any framework documents or guide lines the Church has come up with since 1996. He felt at one stage the recognitio granted in America could be used as a contribution to the solution but since has shifted stance.
Kevin takling to student at Maynooth 09-03-10
Kevin takling to student at Maynooth 09-03-10

Sounds like we are already at that point where everything is at a stand still. It’s very hard to work with an organization that holds true to keeping silence on child abuse. It will also be another two years before any report is ready for publication by the NBSC..
Concerns were also raised in question the Churches response to the authorities where information on their offenders is passed to the Garda and to the HSE. All contact with the State and the HSE must be written and in verbal to prove the fact you have done it.

There are still known criminals at large that with held information to a crime from the State authorities. It is illegal to with hold information to a crime. These criminals can be charged under article 7 section 2. Kevin Flanagan was outside the Seminar College in Maynooth protesting this point. He had a placard showing the Bishops who with held information. Many students stopped to wish him well and thanked him for what he was doing. Over a 150 students signed the petition.

Another protest took place for an hour out side the college on Monday morning by two protestors asking the bishops to stop fooling the faithful.

The Religious abuse truth stand is at the GPO, O’Connell St. every Saturday from 12.30 till 4pm to take signatures.

Stop fooling the faithful
Stop fooling the faithful

author by kevin flanaganpublication date Thu Mar 11, 2010 09:26author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 087 269 2524Report this post to the editors

thanks to the students of maynooth for there support on tuesday its seems the bishops are not listening so we will have to take firmer action please contact us at [email protected]

author by religiousabusetruthpublication date Thu Mar 11, 2010 18:28author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 087 269 2524Report this post to the editors

Religious Abuse Truth are calling on everyone to join us on Easter Sunday by placing childrens shoes at the altar with a message of protest to the Bishops. We hope by this symbolic event will make the Bishops more aware of how people really feel on ground level.

author by religiousabusetruthpublication date Thu Mar 11, 2010 21:45author email religousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Vatican cannot be trusted while its doors remain closed on child abuse. Its history of abuse goes far back into five centuries and its records kept hidden in the vaults of the Vatican.

Bishop Christopher Jones ought to remember the pain and suffering children had to suffer at their barbaric hands. Working hand in hand the institutions, those entrusted to care for the most vulnerable and weakest of our society, carried out the most atrocious barbaric acts. The vow of silence was demanded from the Vatican. The Church, State and Government gave it.

How could children call out for help? When the very institutions in place to protect them obstructed their freedom. To say that society at large is some how to blame for the abuse that exists is hypocritical when all evidence shows the Catholic Church closed any door for help. The Church pressurised for silence and got it. This allowed some victims who were abused to go out and abuse again to repeat the pattern; where help in time would have saved many young lives. It was carried back to the family home. Sexual and violent abuse took place as much in the family home as it did in the church. The Churches discipline in the family home was carried out by parents devout to the church.

Our society is a melting pot of corruption, cover ups, alcoholism, addiction, murders, rape, child abuse and suicides. A response to decades of rape, pillaging, social inequality and terror. Alcohol became the escape from our pain. More terror inflicted on families who’s spouse becomes drunk and violent. Alcoholism was our only solution for hope.

Bishop Jones was right on one issue when he said “It’s only now, for the first time ever, that victims have been given a voice to publicly express their pain and their suffering. And, before that, for centuries, no one spoke”.

The Irish people were silent for long enough, but that is only because those who could have had it stopped, stayed silent.

It is the first time we have been able to express our pain and suffering and express we will. We will not be terrorised because of this, we will not be silenced because of this. All who were affected by the systematic abuse that went on, have to live with it for the rest of their lives. We have carried the burden long enough.

While the head of your Church allows silence to be kept on child abuse you can never be trusted. Rape, abuse and murder of children can never be allowed to continue because of the code of secrecy. Nor can this code of practise be used to allow perpetrators and collaborators of these crimes to remain free.

Until justice is served, we at religiousabusetruth will remain in public, calling for charges to be brought to those that with held information from the Garda. Child protection is paramount above those who would prefer to be kept out of the picture from the history of their culpability.

Contact: [email protected] © 2010

Stop fooling the faithful protest
Stop fooling the faithful protest

author by kevin flanaganpublication date Mon Mar 15, 2010 07:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

we at [email protected] are holdin a protest on easter sunday at the procathederal in dublin for the victims of child abuse we are askin people to bring a pair of children shoes a s a token to all the cover ups by the church contact at above address

author by donkylemorepublication date Tue Mar 16, 2010 14:51author address author phone Report this post to the editors

We read now that the pope was also involved in an investigation into child abuse when a bishop, as I understand it. His brother was evidently also involved .
So now we have a caucus of bishops and a cardinal who traveled to Rome to discuss something they claimed as a shock to the Church.
ow we know that cardinal Brady was involved in something he has unambiguously stated would be a resigning matter,,
But the '' that was then and this is now '' excuse has now been thrown at us... as has the outrageous suggestion that the church is being unfairly victimized , as pedophilia also occurred in other institutions ..like the family.. - why is the church being selected out unfairly !,

I am over 60 yrs of age . I still cling on to the vestiges of religion I have managed to adhere to. I pity the genuine holy men who pray , venerate , sacrifice , and see their grey and white haired congregations diminish and die off ,
The youth have long abandoned the church , but not because of pedophilia - more for their own hedonistic reasons - They are probably impervious to what all the fuss is about , and care less .
The whole system is bankrupt now. It needs a top down reformation . But reform if it comes , will come too late.

author by Betty Holstein - Anti-small town mentalitypublication date Wed Mar 17, 2010 23:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

In a small little town, once called the "Blackpool" of Ireland, the cover-up is still going on aided by none other than an infamous solicior aptly rated in the Hall of Shame.

My friends, do not be fooled that the church is alone they are working across boundaries with doctors and those in the legal profession (half of whom are finally getting there just desserts).

Together we must stand up to these sickos and those in the so called order and punish them for the suffering they put people through by taking there land and assets off them. The house of horrors in Dalkey is a prime example of the same SICK cover up that the church are involved in.


author by religiousabusetruth - religiousabusetruthpublication date Fri Mar 26, 2010 09:49author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 0872692524Report this post to the editors

Religious abuse truth were out again on Wednesday to support the Fire & Ice protest at the Pro Cathedral in Dublin. Protestors tied baby shoes to the railings in memory of the children that had died at the hands of the church. The Irish Times reported that 147 pairs of shoes were tied to the raiings, representing the 147 children who died in Letterfrac. Survivors from all over Ireland and the UK took part in the march. FIre and Ice are also calling for a criminal investigation. Survivors who spoke, told of the horrors of their abuse and the continued effort by the State and Church in delaying cases in the HIgh court. Many victims are still waiting over 15 years to get their cases into court.

Religious abuse truth will be holding another protest at the cathedra on Easter Sunday 4/4/10 at 11am. We are asking people to bring a pair of childrens shoes to be placeat the church altar. We are also asking people who cannot attend to bring a pair of shoes to their local parish on Easter Sunday.

Religious Abuse Truth are at the GPO evrey Saturday 12.30 - 4.00pm to collect signitures calling for a full criminal investigation into the Catholic Church in Ireland.

Kevin Flangan, Barry Clifford at the March.
Kevin Flangan, Barry Clifford at the March.

Protester tying shoes to the railings at Pro Cathedral..
Protester tying shoes to the railings at Pro Cathedral..

March arrives at KIldare St.
March arrives at KIldare St.

Protest out side Daíl Eireann.
Protest out side Daíl Eireann.

March on O'Connell St.
March on O'Connell St.

author by religiousabusetruthpublication date Sun Mar 28, 2010 12:30author email religiousabusetruth at gmail dot comauthor address author phone 0872692524Report this post to the editors

RELIGIOUS ABUSE TRUTH are holding a symbolic protest at the Pro Cathedral, Marlborough St. Dublin 1 at 11 am on Easter Sunday 04/04/10.

Religious abuse truth are calling everyone to bring along a pair of Childs shoes to represent all the children who were horrifically abused, murdered and tortured by the religious of the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland.

We must never forget the voices of the children who were never heard by staying silent ourselves.
We must never stay silent while allowing those who perpetuated these crimes remain unaccountable to face trial.

More reports of abuse come in on a daily basis; a testimony of the scale of abuse of children throughout the world had to endure. The Vatican's code of practice on child abuse is to keep it secret.

No more oaths of silence, secrecy or cover-up.

We can no longer carry this burden for the crimes committed against us, justice must be served now.

Let now the voices of the young girls and women who suffered in the Magdeline Laundries for nearly a centaury; let them now be heard. Release the records!

Religious abuse truth is calling for a full International criminal investigation into the Roman Catholic Church in Ireland.

Please show your support Easter Sunday at the Pro Cathedral 11am, this is not just an Irish problem, it is global.

Ensuring the safety of children is our responsibility, please act responsibly and bring a pair of shoes. Children of all ages suffered, so it will not matter what size shoe you bring.

If you cannot attend, please bring a pair of shoes to your local parish on Easter Sunday.

Thank you

Religious Abuse Truth

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