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The Pat Kenny Fundamentalist Show

category national | environment | opinion/analysis author Sunday January 31, 2010 10:23author by Dave Donnellan Report this post to the editors

Pat Kenny has lost the plot on Climate Change. As has been noted on previous Indymedia articles Pat Kenny's position on the coming climate catastrophe is “It's all been blown out of proportion.” But could he be right? Maybe the whole thing is a storm in a teacup. I certainly hope he's right. But let's take one example...
Gravity Satellite Ice Sheet Mass Measurements
Gravity Satellite Ice Sheet Mass Measurements

On a piece this week Pat Kenny interviewed Ray Bates, adjunct professor of meteorology in UCD, on the issue of Climate Change. During the interview Kenny at one stage said all the predictions about climate change were based solely on climate modeling. (Untrue!) He then proceeded to discredit climate modeling and therefore QED climate predictions are nonsense. What he failed to inform listeners is that climate predictions are based on three sources: Paleoclimate studies, modeling and current measurements. Of the three modeling is the least reliable but paleoclimate studies and measurements of what is happening at the moment are also crucial. Paleoclimate studies using analysis of Siberian ice cores for example can give us a picture of the climate over hundreds of thousands of years giving an important chronological perspective within which to see what is going on today is so unusual. Current measurements are telling us, for example, that sea temperature is rising every year. This is one of the most accurate indicators of climate warming.

So on the Pat Kenny Show with professor Ray Bats Paleoclimate Studies and current measurements of climate disappear down fundamentalist climate-denying black hole.

Pat Kenny got his facts wrong too and it's a good example how climate-deniers twist information. At one stage Pat Kenny said “The Antarctic ice sheet is actually increasing.” to which professor Ray Bates replied “Yes, the Antarctic sea ice is actually increasing.” So what's the problem? The problem is illustrated by the Gravity Satellite Ice Sheet Mass Measurements (see above) which measures the amount of ice at the poles. It tells a very different story. I contacted Ray Bates and Pat Kenny to ask them what data they had based their assertions on. Neither replied. It's clear from the graph that over the period both the Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets are melting. In 2009 the ice sheet increased in mass slightly but seen in the context of the overall trend it's clearly an anomaly. Yet this anomaly is raised up on the Pat Kenny fundamentalist Show and presented as fact.

So what's at stake exactly? Well if the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets melt sea-level will rise 6 metres. Yes, 6 metres. We don't have to go to some low-lying island in the Pacific to imagine what the effects will be. Imagine a 6 metres rise in Dublin! The city centre will disappear. It may take a few centuries but it's what we do in these decades that can make a difference. The tipping points are close (if not already past) beyond which it won't matter what we do as the climate changes will be out of control and it won't matter.

In the meantime Pat Kenny should be charged with crimes against humanity. What is happening on his show is nothing short of insane.

author by Gerard Murphypublication date Sun Jan 31, 2010 16:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

While I am not overly aware of the climate change debate I do agree with charging Pat(me fein and my elite right wing buddies) Kenny with not only crimes against humanity, but crimes against the elderly, the unemployed, those on minimum wage etc in Ireland. Has any one noticed how Kenny et al in RTE, have been instrumental in generating an agenda of cutting public sector pay, unemployment benefits, third level grants, minimum wage, you name it and Pat and his buddies will herald the policies of IBEC, ISME, and with the help of the Indo, lash into the poorest in our society, of course distinctly forgetting who got us into this mess. btw I see Pat has already begun to ease Mr McEvaddy back into the limelight (is that not the guy who described the greedy 10 at Anglo who cost the taxpayer 300 million as national heroes) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

author by Anonpublication date Sun Jan 31, 2010 20:27author address author phone Report this post to the editors

....and be charged for crimes against humanity??? YOU'RE INSANE!!!!! What about freedom of speech. You sound like a demented christian from the middle ages. G.W is supposed to be science. Science by its very nature has to be open to the utmost scrutiny!!! Charge somebody for questioning a field of science??? Whats wrong with you.

author by paul o toolepublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 10:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Freedom of the press is a misnomar...

RTE (Refuse to Tell the Electorate) have paved the way for all government policy including bin charges water charges, Toll Charges M-50. they have covered up more corruption than pol pot by running dead end 'investigations' , which investigate the lives of those who expose the corruption.... rather than those responsible..
Cover ups include
The Stardust-48 dead,
Corrib Gas-540 billion euro theft,
Shannon Military airport,-support for genocide.
Jason Wheelock-Garda cover up-murder.
Clerical Sexual Child abuse.
Mc Brearty- Garda coverup-murder.

Feel free to point out more of RTE 's deliberate government corruption protection......
Pat Keny, Joe Duffy, Ryan Turbidy, Marianne Finnucane, Gerry Ryan, Miriam Doyle, George Hook, Michael Geaham, PaulReynolds ...... All play their part in providing the grease with which government walks away un molested from every crisis they create instead of providing un biased media cover for the people to decide...

author by Noodlepublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Ok, has anyone read anything about an ice age recently? God the public are such lambs, but whos to blame them when it seems that the truth just is not the way to go. wake up people, the dinosaurs didn't die of boredom.

author by Dave Donnellanpublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 20:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

There is a good site for all the key indicators on climate change set up by Makiko Sato & James Hansen at http://www.columbia.edu/~mhs119/ . James Hansen is a world authority on climate change and well used to debunking climate denier's myths.

Related Link: http://www.columbia.edu/~mhs119/
author by donkylemorepublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 01:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Soralr maxima/ minina
These are supposed to influence weather by allowing ionic particles - chlorine for example through to our atmosphere- in the absence of the suns gravitational pull thses ionic particles penetrate the earths stratosphere and cause dew in from of cool air to coalesce round them causing cloud , which in turn reflects back the solar energy and allows the earth to cool.
And as Groucho Marx would say '' Of course the reverse is perfectly true too''

author by Still Somewhat Anonymous!publication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 17:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Even a lot of mainstream media are covering this now...


THE lies, the untruths, the paranoid statements, the political point-scoring, the abuse of power, the secretive communications and the cover-ups - not to mention the huge cost to the taxpayer.

No, I don't mean the Chilcot Inquiry.

Though let's face it, that liars' convention should have been sponsored by Dulux given the amount of whitewash being used.

Nope. On this occasion my ire has been drawn to the rather inconvenient truths that have been uncovered, or should I say forcibly squeezed, from those whose main purpose in life has been to hysterically overstate the facts on the supposed threat of man-made global warming.

Leaked emails now claim that Professor Phil Jones and his University of East Anglia team - who report to the all-seeing, all-believing Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - have been for years covering the real facts of global warming.

In order to keep the reality hidden from sceptics, especially Climate Audit, he allegedly asked for emails to be deleted, data altered and on one occasion convinced the university not to release information to Climate Audit because of "the types of people" they were.

How many other shenanigans he's been up to one can only guess.

But any attempt to cover up vital data on such a sensitive and important subject has now convinced me and many others that global warming is just global paranoia.

Three years ago I sat, watched and listened carefully to Al Gore as he explained in layman's terms how we were in a global crisis.

That we had to change our ways or quickly go the way of the dinosaurs.

That the planet was choking itself to death with pollution and large areas would become new deserts.

That the ice was melting and sea levels rising at an unprecedented rate.

That the water salinity was becoming so diluted, marine life was threatened and would die out, species after species would soon become extinct and ultimately so would we!

Gore was very convincing and I left that room totally bricking it, terrified of what was to befall our planet and my children's children.

I was convinced that he was right and I and many others were wrong and guilty of stupidly ignoring his very inconvenient truth.

Plus I had also watched The Day After Tomorrow!

Not now. Prof Jones' leaked emails have finally convinced me that climate change is one huge global con.

The glaciers haven't all melted nor are they likely to in the next 100 years, the polar bears are not dying off but may have in fact multiplied, the salinity of the oceans isn't likely to change any time soon, sea levels are not rising any faster than they normally would and deserts are not forming over Southern Europe.


The real data seems to suggest that whatever is happening to the world is not man-made but a natural cycle.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for greener and cheaper fuel alternatives.

I am also for cleaner air, cleaner seas and saving our rainforests.

I like polar bears and penguins, I do not want our planet turned into one big polluted tip.

But I do expect those charged with explaining what is happening to the Earth to conveniently tell the truth whether they like it or not.

And not hide or delete the data and be inundated with demands under the Freedom of Information Act.

So if they really want to gain our respect and support then they should stop acting like some oily politician, stop ducking and diving, tell the truth and get on with their vital jobs.

author by Even more Anonymous than before! - The Telegraphpublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 18:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

AGW theory is toast. So’s Dr Rajendra Pachauri. So’s the Stern Review. So’s the credibility of the IPCC. But if you think I’m cheered by this you’re very much mistaken. I’m trying to write a Climategate book but the way things are going by the time I’m finished there won’t be anything left to say: the battle will already have been won and the only people left who still believe in Man Made Global Warming will be the eco-loon equivalents of those wartime Japanese soldiers left abandoned and forgotten on remote Pacific atolls.

Here’s the latest development, courtesy of Dr Richard North – and it’s a cracker. It seems that, not content with having lied to us about shrinking glaciers, increasing hurricanes, and rising sea levels, the IPCC’s latest assessment report also told us a complete load of porkies about the danger posed by climate change to the Amazon rainforest.

This is to be found in Chapter 13 of the Working Group II report, the same part of the IPCC fourth assessment report in which the “Glaciergate” claims are made. There, is the startling claim that:

At first sight, the reference looks kosher enough but, following it through, one sees:

This, then appears to be another WWF report, carried out in conjunction with the IUCN – The International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The link given is no longer active, but the report is on the IUCN website here. Furthermore, the IUCN along with WWF is another advocacy group and the report is not peer-reviewed. According to IPCC rules, it should not have been used as a primary source.

It gets even better. The two expert authors of the WWF report so casually cited by the IPCC as part of its, ahem, “robust” “peer-reviewed” process weren’t even Amazon specialists. One, Dr PF Moore, is a policy analyst:

My background and experience around the world has required and developed high-level policy and analytical skills. I have a strong understanding of government administration, legislative review, analysis and inquiries generated through involvement in or management of the Australian Regional Forest Agreement process, Parliamentary and Government inquiries, Coronial inquiries and public submissions on water pricing, access and use rights and native vegetation legislation in Australia and fire and natural resources laws, regulations and policies in Indonesia, Vietnam, Thailand, South Africa and Malaysia.

And the lead author Andy Rowell is a freelance journalist (for the Guardian, natch) and green activist:

Andy Rowell is a freelance writer and Investigative journalist with over 12 years’ experience on environmental, food, health and globalization issues. Rowell has undertaken cutting-edge investigations for, amongst others, Action on Smoking and Health, The Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, IFAW, the Pan American Health Organization, Project Underground, the World Health Organization, World in Action and WWF.

But the IPCC’s shamelessness did not end there. Dr North has searched the WWF’s reports high and low but can find no evidence of a statement to support the IPCC’s claim that “40 per cent” of the Amazon is threatened by climate change. (Logging and farm expansion are a much more plausible threat).

Watts Up With That provides a further, worryingly long list of the non-peer-reviewed papers from the World Wildlife Fund cited as evidence in the IPCC’s Fourth Assessment report. Time, it asks, for the IPCC to be stripped of its Nobel Peace Prize?

We can but dream.


author by Polar Barepublication date Thu Feb 04, 2010 13:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Some more evidence for Global Warming. Full text at url.

Global warming makes trees grow at fastest rate for 200 years
By Steve Connor, Science Editor
Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Forests in the northern hemisphere could be growing faster now than they were 200 years ago as a result of climate change, according to a study of trees in eastern America.

The trees appear to have accelerated growth rates due to longer growing seasons and higher concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Scientists have documented the changes to the growth of 55 plots of mixed hardwood forest over a period of 22 years, and have concluded that they are probably growing faster now than they have done at any time in the past 225 years – the age of the oldest trees in the study.

Geoffrey Parker, a forest ecologist at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Centre in Edgewater, Maryland, said that the increase in the rate of growth was unexpected and might be matched to the higher temperatures and longer growing seasons documented in the region. The growth may also be influenced by the significant increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide, he said.

"We made a list of reasons these forests could be growing faster and then ruled half of them out," Dr Parker said. The study, which is published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, suggests that northern forests may become increasingly important in terms of moderating the influence of man-made carbon dioxide on the climate.

Dr Parker and his colleagues have carried out a detailed census of the trees on a regular basis since 1987, measuring every tree and sapling that has a diameter of more than 2cm (0.78in). They calculated that the forest is producing an additional two tonnes of wood per acre each year, which is equivalent to a tree with a diameter of two feet sprouting up in the space of a year.

Related Link: http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/climate-change/global-warming-makes-trees-grow-at-fastest-rate-for-200-years-1886342.html
author by Polar Barepublication date Thu Feb 04, 2010 13:19author address author phone Report this post to the editors

articles from a reliable site.

World's Glaciers Continue To Melt At Historic Rates
By Juliette Jowit


Latest figures show the world's glaciers are continuing to melt so fast that many will disappear by the middle of this century

Glaciergate Was A Blunder, But
It's The Sceptics Who Dissemble
By Robin McKie


Inaccurate claims predicting Himalayan meltdown have handed gainsayers a big victory. But nothing material has changed

The IPCC Is Not Infallible
By Real Climate


All that the "Glacier Gate" tells is that like all human endeavours, the IPCC is not perfect. It is important to realise that the error doesn’t mean that Himalayan glaciers are doing just fine. They aren’t, and there may be serious consequences for water resources as the retreat continues

author by Polar Barepublication date Thu Feb 04, 2010 13:52author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The deniers will keep spinning but so does the Earth as it gets warmer and warmer. The truth will out.

US 'climategate' scientist all but cleared of misconduct

18:41 03 February 2010 by Catherine Brahic

A prominent US climate scientist at the centre of the "climategate" leaked email controversy has been virtually cleared of professional misconduct by an internal university inquiry.

Michael Mann of Penn State University featured regularly in the more than 1000 emails that were hacked from the University of East Anglia (UEA) in the UK last November. His emails and comments have since then featured in countless blogs and news articles. Some have claimed the emails reveal that mainstream climate scientists have massaged data in order to demonstrate that climate change is caused by human activities.

The scientists in the emails, including Mann, have also been accused of seeking to prevent the publication of sceptical research in academic journals.

Penn State University opened an inquiry into Mann's behaviour in November, shortly after the emails were leaked into the public domain. After sifting through 1075 emails and focusing on 47 that were deemed relevant to public allegations of misconduct by Mann, the inquiry has, by and large, cleared his name.


For the full Inquiry report: http://www.research.psu.edu/orp/Findings_Mann_Inquiry.pdf

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