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The Tara Symposium and

category international | history and heritage | opinion/analysis author Sunday November 01, 2009 14:51author by Tara Tara Tara Report this post to the editors

The Mound of the Hostages...
Excavation 1950's
Excavation 1950's

The Tara Symposium in UCD last weekend included some fascinating papers by academics from Ireland and abroad. Many of the papers read out related to the Mound of the Hostages. I attended on the Saturday and listened to the following discussions relating to the Mound:

Stone Usage at the Mound of the Hostages.

Biography of the Neolithic Body: tracing pathways, cist 11, Mound of the Hostages, Tara.

The burials behind the orthostats at the Mound of the Hostages- parallels and implications.

Tara Boy- Burial four in the Mound of the Hostages.

The context of the Bronze Age cemetery in the Mound of the Hostages.

During one of these discussions a speaker pointed out that one of the sills inside the Mound is in need of preservation due to considerable erosion. He looked quite concerned and appeared incredulous at his recent discovery at such an important location. His timely warning brought to mind a night time walk on the Hill recently when I, along with other Tara Protectors stopped by the Mound of the Hostages to inspect how badly the entrance currently appears.

JP Fay told us that after the excavations in the 1950’s they put topsoil down first instead of subsoil and now water is seeping through the topsoil thus causing the interior erosion mentioned by the Tara Symposium speaker as mentioned above. JP recommends that it all be cleaned back and dry stone walls erected at the entrance on each side for reinforcement. He says that the Mound also needs an air breather pipe for ventilation.

It is obvious to the naked eye that something is amiss with the Mound of the Hostages so I hope to highlight this here. We cannot allow such an iconic structure to fall into disrepair. For all the fine lectures delivered at the Tara Symposium, I for one am most grateful for the attention drawn to the problem of erosion within the Mound and now also to JP for sharing his opinions on why it happened in the first place and what can be done to remedy the situation.

Some photos from the Symposium:

Related Link:

Mound of the Hostages
Mound of the Hostages


JP Fay
JP Fay

In better days
In better days

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Sun Nov 01, 2009 15:18author address author phone Report this post to the editors

An additional treat was an unscheduled paper on Rath Maeve. The speaker told us of a frantic phone call in 2007 which led to the current ongoing archaeological investigations at Rath Maeve. The phone call instigated by Tara Protectors and subsequently feautured reports here on Indymedia highlighted the destruction of the area through farming. The speaker confirmed that a huge amount of damage has occurred and it would be impossible to estimate what has been lost. However, many features have been discovered through the survey and geophysics which had not been previously known. Some of these can be seen in the second photo below. Survey work is ongoing even up to last week when a team of archaeologists were seen taking measurements there and we look forward to reading the full written report on this beautiful Rath as soon as it is published. It is also hoped that Rath Maeve will now enjoy some additional protection from invasive farming methods.

Rath Maeve embankment
Rath Maeve embankment


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author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Sun Nov 01, 2009 15:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Another surprise during the Symposium was the speaker on LiDAR and Geophysical surveys telling us that their work would not be published in the public domain for some time and that it would be distributed to academics only meanwhile. He didnt agree with that and neither do I so here is a selection of photographs that I took at the Symposium of their top secret work. Now us ordinary folk can see the newly discovered features too :) Tara belongs to the public afterall...







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author by thegreenspirit - privatepublication date Mon Nov 02, 2009 13:01author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thanks for that Carmel but I feel that I should add the following
On Saturday October 31st I was on Rath Lugh. The Samhain Sun shone through the trees there, the leaves on the beeches have turned gold and the entire rath is carpeted with them. Some wonderful fungi were to be seen too. However I also seen that someone has being cutting and clearing paths through the woods there, perhaps motorcycle paths it was rumored, to facilitate the local youths who use the rath for motorcycle fun. One of these paths cuts right across the Mound of the Druids, the protected national monument.
Coillte who owns the wood have a mission statement in which they promised to safeguard and protect site of archeological importance, here on Rath Lugh they allow motor and quad biked be rode across a very ancient site. Perhaps they have even cleared the paths for this despite the many appeals and warnings that they have received about Rath Lugh and its historic importance.
If so then it makes a mockery of the preservation order put into place by John Gormley in 2008 and all the recent waffle about how the valley is going to be a world heritage site, a site of special conservation and how our government is finally going to do its duty and safeguard the Tara Complex because of its national and now European importance.

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Wed Nov 04, 2009 08:21author address author phone Report this post to the editors

What is the "Tara Complex" ?

Tara Tara Tara

Minister Gormley publishes Ireland's draft World Heritage Tentative List

2nd. November 2009.

Mr. John Gormley, T.D., Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government published today, (2nd. November 2009), Ireland's draft new Tentative List of potential nominees to the World Heritage List. The draft list has been compiled on the basis of the work of the Expert Advisory Group established by the Minister. The List sets out for each property a description, justification of outstanding universal value, UNESCO Operational Guidelines criteria met, statements of authenticity and integrity, and a comparison with other similar properties.

Commenting on the draft list the Minister stated "The World Heritage List has evolved considerably since its inception. It is now much more difficult to meet the UNESCO requirements for inscription. I believe that the draft list contains a list of those Irish properties which are of outstanding universal value and which meet the UNESCO inscription requirements".

The Minister added that "The nomination of any property, from the new Tentative List, for inscription on the World Heritage List will only take place after consultation with relevant stakeholders and interested parties. It is envisaged that such consultation will take place through a partnership forum established for each proposed nomination".

The Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government is now inviting comments on the draft new Tentative List. The deadline for the receipt of comments and submissions is 5 p.m. on 23rd. December 2009.

Copies of the draft new Tentative List may be downloaded from the Department's website and may also be obtained by contacting the Heritage Policy and Architectural Protection Section, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, telephone numbers 01-8883956 & 01-8883954.


Draft Tentative List - Ireland 2009 (Alphabetical Order)

The Burren
Céide Fields and NW Mayo Boglands
The Monastic City of Clonmacnoise and its Cultural Landscape
Dublin - A Georgian City and its Literary Tradition
Early Medieval Monastic Sites (Clonmacnoise, Durrow, Glendalough, Inis Cealtra, Kells and Monasterboice)
The Royal Sites of Ireland (Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex and Tara Complex)
Western Stone Forts

Media queries:
Press and Information Office
Tel: (01) 888 2638 (direct)
(01) 888 2000
E-Mail: [email protected]
Web site:

Related Articles:
Draft Tentative List 2009 - Short Description of Properties (pdf, 3,301kb).
Outgoing MEP questions delay of proposed sites - for Ireland's UNESCO Tentative List.
Tara Landscape for UNESCO Tentative list.
Ireland's World Heritage - Review of Tentative List.

Related Link:
author by TaraTaraTarapublication date Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This sign appeared in the Car Park in the last couple of weeks much to the bemusement of regular visitors. Pay who exactly? Meath Co Co? What and why????????

Dictionary definition of Patron:

pa·tron (pā'trən)

1. a person who is a customer, client, or paying guest, esp. a regular one, of a store, hotel, or the like.
2. a person who supports with money, gifts, efforts, or endorsement an artist, writer, museum, cause, charity, institution, special event, or the like: a patron of the arts; patrons of the annual Democratic dance.
3. a person whose support or protection is solicited or acknowledged by the dedication of a book or other work.
4. patron saint.
5. Roman History. the protector of a dependent or client, often the former master of a freedman still retaining certain rights over him.
6. Ecclesiastical. a person who has the right of presenting a member of the clergy to a benefice.

One that supports, protects, or champions someone or something, such as an institution, event, or cause; a sponsor or benefactor: a patron of the arts.

A customer, especially a regular customer.

also (pä-trōn') The owner or manager of an establishment, especially a restaurant or an inn of France or Spain.

A noble or wealthy person in ancient Rome who granted favor and protection to someone in exchange for certain services.

A slave owner in ancient Rome who freed a slave without relinquishing all legal claim to him.

One who possesses the right to grant an ecclesiastical benefice to a member of the clergy.

A patron saint.

Ya what now?
Ya what now?

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Mon Nov 09, 2009 17:32author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The following photos were taken by Keerie Murray at sunrise Nov2 and Nov 5th 09. You can get an idea of how the sun's rays traverse the stones inside the mound. I have never seen pictures like these of the Samhain sun inside the mound and extend heartfelt thanks to Keerie for sharing them.

Mound of the Hostages dawn 2-11-09
Mound of the Hostages dawn 2-11-09

Sun enters the chamber 2-11-09
Sun enters the chamber 2-11-09

Also 2nd Nov
Also 2nd Nov

5-11-09 as sun exists the chamber
5-11-09 as sun exists the chamber

author by Morriganpublication date Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Kyrie has sent this link for more information on the Mound of the Hostages

Related Link:
author by Charles Burgesspublication date Tue Nov 10, 2009 20:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If I'm not mistaken I seem to remember Conor Newman mentioning in a 2006 lecture that the pillar standing in An Forrad and now known as the Lia Fail was moved there from a position in front of the entrance to the mound of the hostages. He described how at a certain date in the eightfold year (which I couldn't remember until now but which is apparently solar Samhain) the light from the sunrise would strike the pillar and instantly cast a shadow into the entrance of the mound. As the sun continued to rise the shadow would withdraw. So there was this sort of earth-sun consummation suggested as well an idea of drawing energy out from the mound into the pillar through the bridge created with the shadow.

Not sure if he (or anyone else) has published this but I've always thought it was intriguing and pretty unusual.

Thanks for the fascinating pictures,


author by tarapixiepublication date Fri Nov 13, 2009 08:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Please go to the link below to see politube video of the Samhain sunrise 09 at Cairn L Loughcrew.

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author by Morriganpublication date Fri Nov 13, 2009 09:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Amazing video! I love the music, who is it? Thank you for creating such a beautiful piece of film.

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Mon Nov 16, 2009 18:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Major announcement: Martin Brennan to return to Ireland after a quarter of a century


Author of "The Boyne Valley Vision" and "The Stones of Time" to speak about his forthcoming book

Martin Brennan is delighted to be returning to Ireland after an absence of 25 years.
Pioneering author Martin Brennan, whose work changed the way the world looked at Newgrange and the Boyne Valley monuments, is set to return to Ireland for the first time in a quarter of a century.

Brennan wrote The Boyne Valley Vision and The Stones of Time, two books which radically altered thinking about Stone Age monuments and which challenged the widely-held academic view that Newgrange and its sister sites were just tombs.

The author, who is living in Mexico where he is currently working on concluding his next book, will headline a conference at Newgrange on Sunday, December 20th, the eve of Winter Solstice. He will reveal fascinating new data from Mexico relating to ancient alignments and the Mayan calendar, and will reveal the resonance and the synchronicity between his discoveries in Mexico and those he made in Ireland in the 1980s.

The conference will be titled "The Boyne Valley Revision" in honour of his first ground-breaking book, The Boyne Valley Vision, and will outline how the theories he advanced over a quarter of a century ago have matured, and how new data from other parts of the world is supporting the idea that the ancient monuments were inspired by the Cosmos.

He will be joined at the conference, being held at The Newgrange Lodge in the heart of the Boyne Valley, by two members of his research team who helped him with his major discoveries - Toby Hall and Jack Roberts. Also speaking will be Anthony Murphy, author of Island of the Setting Sun - In Search of Ireland's Ancient Astronomers, who is a great admirer of Martin Brennan's work. Completing the line-up of speakers will be Sig Lonegren, another acquaintance of Martin, who will speak on 'Earth Energies Then and Now'.

Speaking directly to Anthony Murphy of Mythical Ireland, Martin Brennan said he was excited about coming back to Ireland and delighted to be giving his first talk here in over 25 years. Click here to listen to an audio clip of Martin speaking about the event.

His next book will be called 'Days of Power'. He has discovered fascinating alignments in Mexico, and his work also looks at the correlation between the beginning of the Mayan Long Count Calendar and the construction of Newgrange. As we speak, the famous author is ensconced in the jungle in Mexico preparing for publication of the book some time early in 2010.

The Boyne Valley Revision will take place on Sunday, December 20th, at The Newgrange Lodge. Tickets are on sale now at 65 euro for the day, and can be booked by emailing [email protected] or by phoning The Newgrange Lodge on +353 41 988 2478.* To celebrate Martin Brennan's return to Ireland, a celebratory dinner will be held at the Lodge on the evening of the event. Spaces for this dinner will be limited. The dinner, which will be attended by Martin Brennan, will cost an additional 35 euro. Enquiries to the same email address and phone number as above.

It is hoped that on the morning of Winter Solstice, Monday 21st, Martin Brennan will be accompanied to Newgrange to watch the sunrise.

* One month refund policy applies. For more details contact The Newgrange Lodge

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author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Mon Nov 16, 2009 18:33author address author phone Report this post to the editors

More details- how to get tickets etc. Sounds great!

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author by Patronpublication date Wed Jan 27, 2010 16:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Still no reply to emails and even a registered letter to Meath County Council Navan Area Office requesting an explanation for the car park signage.

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author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:38author address author phone Report this post to the editors

On Saturday 30-1-10 a group of about 20 Tara Campaigners reconstructed the inner circle of the Lismullin Henge. When it was first erected 4000 years ago as an Astronomical Observatory and place of worship the wood used were Ash posts interwoven with Hazel but as this reconstruction was intended to be a temporary structure we recreated it using 2x2 slating latts. Once the circumference was marked out ( with not an inch to spare) we began securing the posts just in time for sunset, then under the full moon we reconvened and held an Imbolc ceremony calling the Ancestors and the Earth to respond to our efforts at making ammends for the terrible desecration wrought uopn the sacred sites of the Valley. After the ceremony it was decided that rather than remove it as was originally intended, we would leave the circle standing and let it serve as a marker for what we hope will become a permanent recreation of the inner circle once the area has been landscaped.

Sincere thanks to all who took part, great job.

Marking out the circumference
Marking out the circumference

Securing the posts
Securing the posts

M3 on left Farm slip road on right
M3 on left Farm slip road on right


As night falls, view from Lismullin Bridge
As night falls, view from Lismullin Bridge

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author by thegreenspiritpublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 12:53author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Nightime at the Henge






author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 13:12author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Pic from Prendergast's presentation at the Tara Symposium


author by Carmel Divineypublication date Mon Feb 01, 2010 17:35author address author phone Report this post to the editors

A modern day Curse of Tara has been unleashed on Ireland by the destruction and desecration of the M3 Motorway through the Tara Skryne Valley. Famously, Seannachaí Eddie Lennihan warned the Govt in early 2007 against destroying the Fairy Forts or endure their curse but an NRA Spokesperson mockingly replied in a national newspaper that they were not concerned, not one bit. Maybe they should have been...

In June 2007 Minister for the Environment Dick Roche signed off on the Lismullin Henge allowing it to be destroyed. Lismullin Henge was a 4000 year old astronomical observatory and place of worship and hailed as one of the most important archaeological finds of the century. Since then Roche lost his job with all its perks and was demoted on the formation of a new Government. He subsequently was held up in the Druids Glen Hotel. Wonder if he has ever heard of a little thing called Karma ?

Martin Cullen the then Minister for Transport nearly got sucked out of a helicopter when the door fell off on one of his extravagantly expensive trips. Look how Bertie fared in the Tribunals and then he broke his leg. Noel Dempsey, the current Minister for Transport famous for his fiasco of an idea on voting machines left the country at the outset of a national emergency proving that we don’t need a Minister for Transport, especially this one. He too, was also shamed in another expenses scandal. The NRA have gone €16 billion over budget on his watch and Ferrovial, the main contractor on the M3 Motorway are €28 billion in debt

The economic woes of the country began in July 07 at the time of the Operation Bedrock arrests. It certainly seems to be part of the curse our Govt has unleashed upon the people through desecrating the sacred sites of the Tara Skryne Valley. In ancient times when a King was guilty of making bad decisions or ruled during the failure of the harvest, he was seen to have brought havoc to the land and to the tribes. He was deposed and replaced, just as this FF and Green government will be for their wanton destruction of our precious heritage.
The summer of 07 was when that destruction started in earnest and was when the weather started to change dramatically too. The Greens came into power and it didn’t stop raining for ten weeks.The M50 and N3 were inundated several times, a warning that the new M3 culverts were inadequate to deal with Mother Nature’s response to the hideous scar on the landscape. Most memorable were the floods of Aug 2008 which occurred two weeks after the crib wall was erected at Rath Lugh. Three feet of water engulfed the area. The chief Health and Safety Officer was seriously injured by a falling tree when felling began at Rath Lugh in 2007 and last year one unfortunate worker was killed when he became trapped at Fairyhouse. There have been many accidents on this stretch of road.

Over at Baronstown they destroyed the famous ancient feasting grounds and gathering place of ancient Harpers. A digger leaving the site, fell off a low loader onto the N3. One of the protesters, extracted a human tooth from the track of the digger. Shortly afterwards the stairs in the National Museum collapsed and even the Irish Independent did an article on the spookiness of it all.

That same summer, several large wasp nests were found throughout the valley. In Celtic Lore the appearance of the wasp was associated with the anger of Mother Earth.

What happens at Tara affects the whole world and this Govt has unleashed something that will have repercussions everywhere for a long time to come especially from the latter part of this year when the road opens.

The moral of the story? Dont mess with Tara. Dont mess with Sacred ground.

Carmel Diviney

author by Tara Tara Tarapublication date Tue Feb 02, 2010 15:44author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The Lismullin Henge reconstruction has been destroyed. They removed the posts and the ones that were too hard to remove they broke near the ends leaving stumps sticking out of the ground. Its bad enough that the sites have been pillaged but to damage our reconstruction ...It wasnt doing any harm there, it's not like they are landscaping any time soon. But hey who would want their karma.

We'll be back!

author by ...goes aroundpublication date Tue Feb 02, 2010 18:22author address author phone Report this post to the editors

I think next time we should use their own wood. They leave so much stuff unguarded now you wouldnt believe it. Then when they come to destroy the ceremonial henge they will be costing themselves some dough :)

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author by thegreenspirit - privatepublication date Wed Feb 03, 2010 08:45author address author phone Report this post to the editors

So our little Henge annoyed them.
Its strange that all despots and dictators wish to eliminate the reminders of what they have destroyed; an almost infantile desire not to be caught or brought to book.
Sad too to see that there was a meeting against the Slane Bypass in Slane on Sunday but few knew.
Will we ever learn that we face a common enemy and that security of numbers will bring all campaigns forward, for all campaigns are in essence the protection of our land from self interest/self gain, hubris and destruction.
I have tried for days no to find out who is making a submission against the by pass and join in but to no avail.
If anyone knows a Slane based group that are opposed to the Bypass then please let me know.

[email protected]

author by Slanepublication date Thu Feb 04, 2010 00:03author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This might help:
Not a local group but prepared by a local

author by Mise Tara 3publication date Fri Feb 05, 2010 12:55author address author phone Report this post to the editors

11 second video of the finished Lismullin Henge reconstruction.

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author by Carmel Divineypublication date Thu Mar 18, 2010 13:00author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This letter was initiated by JP Fay to bring attention to the current disgraceful state of the Hill of Tara under the care of the OPW and Meath Co Co.

JP Fay keeps a close watch on everything that happens on the Hill and hopefully his suggestions will be followed through on. It is being posted here for shame.


Dear Sir/Madam,

The Hill Of Tara, being the most sacred site in Ireland, urgently requires necessary maintenance work to be carried out immediately. We feel this is essential in order to preserve the natural beauty of Tara. It should also be noted that the safety of the patrons who frequent the Hill is seriously compromised due to slippery moss underfoot.

Please see the points below:

1: Soil Sampling

Soil sampling needs to be carried out to determine the mineral composition and associated deficiencies of the soil.
There is considerable moss growth as a result of inadequate maintenance and this is causing a health and safety issue.
We would suggest that granulated lime & slag would help in addition to the above.

2: Grass Harrowing & Grass Seed

The grass needs to be harrowed; at least three runs need to be done as soon as possible.
Fresh grass seed, preferably a breed of grass developed in Scotland needs to be injected into the ground. It must also be noted that a local Farmer has the necessary machinery (he has sheep on a section of the hill)

3: Additional maintenance of Trees & associated fauna

As a result of the Chestnut trees dying in the woods, we propose that the planting of native species (mountain holly, oaks etc), would be more sustainable for the Hill site.
In addition, the planting of bluebells & similar fauna under the trees to stabilise the soil is recommended.
The hedges need to be breasted and cut.

We would also like to enquire about the paths currently being constructed in the woods near the Sloping Trenches. Please provide a detailed plan of action on any works being undertaken on this National Monument site. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

JP Fay,
Carmel Diviney, Secretary Tara Skryne Preservation Group.

author by Amazedpublication date Sun Mar 21, 2010 10:47author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"The Tara Symposium in UCD last weekend included some fascinating papers by academics from Ireland and abroad." (This quote has been taken from the main Article above.)

I'm often amazed by the way that "Tara Symposiums" often (always perhaps these days?) seem to completely ignore some very important parts of the history of the overall "Tara Heritage Complex", accounts of which are referred to in well respected historical documents.

For example, today is the "Spring Equinox" day (on the "top" half of the world), and there are some very clear, important, and powerful links between it and Cairn T (located at Loughcrew which is about 25 miles north-west of the Hill of Tara, and which houses a very ancient "Equinox Detector" that still works very well), King Ollamh Fodhla, and Brehon Law: the very advanced and highly successful legal system which the people of Ireland appear to have lived under for some 2,500 years or so (up to around the mid 1600s), and which was completely different in most respects to our present legal system.

For anybody interested, more on these closely related subjects can be found by "Googling" strings of words such as the following:

Equinox, Cairn T, Tara, King Ollamh Fodhla, Brehon Law

author by TaraTaraTarapublication date Thu Mar 25, 2010 15:14author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Two new videos from Madam K:

Lismullin Henge Reconstruction Imbolc 2010

Lismullin during excavations 2007

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