How to get to Ecotopia.
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Thursday August 08, 2002 22:07
by jimmy

Everyone, this is how to get to ecotopia. If you're not sure about it check out the website on for the full list of things.
It might not happen here again for another 15 years so dont miss the chance to be in a beautiful relaxing place with lots to do and great people to meet and fab food served up. Hope to see each and everyone of you there at some stage ,it runs for 2 weeks!
The address of Ecotopia 2002 is: Bealkelly Wood, Tuamgraney, Co. Clare, Ireland.
Bealkelly Wood is located on the road between Ogonolloe and Tuamgraney. This is the R463 which goes from Killaloe along the Western shore of Lough Derg as far as scariff in Co. Clare.
There are two ways to get there; by bus or hitching.
One bus a day on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday pass the site, two busses on Tuesday and Friday and no bus on Sunday. Tell the bus driver to let you off at Ecotopia. We have told them you are coming:-)
Mon - Fri: Depart Limerick bus station at 5:30pm, arrive Tuamgraney 6:30pm.- 345*
Tue & Fri: Depart Limerick bus station at 1:30pm, arrive Tuamgraney 2:30pm.- 323**
Sat: Depart Limerick bus station at 1:15pm, arrive Tuamgraney 2:15pm.- 346***
Tue, Fri: Depart Nenagh bus station at 1:40pm, arrive Tuamgraney 2:30pm. - 323**
Killaloe which is 8 miles south of the site is better served by bus.
Mon - Sat:
Depart Limerick bus station at 8:20pm, arrive Killaloe 9:00pm. - 323
Depart Limerick bus station at 3:00pm, arrive Killaloe 3:55pm. - 323
Depart Limerick bus station at 5:30pm, arrive Killaloe 6:22pm. - 345*
Mon - Fri:
Depart Limerick bus station at 1:30pm, arrive Killaloe 2:15pm. – 323
Depart Limerick bus station at 1:00pm, arrive Killaloe 1:40pm. - 323***
Depart Limerick bus station at 5:30pm, arrive Killaloe 6:15pm. - 323
*same bus.
**Same bus between Killaloe & Tuamgraney!
***Don't confuse these!
If you are taking the bus from Dublin check in advance if it is worth your while alighting at Nenagh or Birdhill to take bus number 323 to Killaloe or Tuamgraney. From the North (Galway, Portumna or Ennis) busses are very irregular with one bus from Ennis every Thursday and one bus from Gort every Friday.
The cost of a one way ticket from Limerick to Tuamgraney is not too expensive but if you are travelling from another part of Ireland include this leg in your ticket to make it cheaper!
The site is 20 miles North of Limerick on the Scarriff road. Ask for directions from the bus station or city centre towards "the island" and then walk out the Killaloe road. From here it is a straight 20 miles to the site. You should pick up a lift in no time. If coming from Dublin you may want to chance hitching from Birdhill to Kilaloe. From the North make for Scarriff.
Its then 3 miles south on the road to Limerick. If you are stuck ring 087 7732508 0r 087 2320437 and we will help you out. We may even collect you!
The site lies 2km West of Ogonnolloe and 3km East of Tuamgraney. If coming from Tuamgraney you head out the KIllaloe road to the first bad bend and view of the lake. You take the first left after that. To be precise a small gravelled lane runs North from the main road some 300m to the gate (Grid Reference R671825) into Bealkelly Wood. Another small gravelled lane runs South from the main road at this point, and in the South West quadrant of this cross roads is a small aphid chewn copse of Sitka Spruce.
The little sitka spruce copse has a black post and rail fence around it. Look out for the black & green celtic knot!!!
Warm and rainproof clothes, Good Walking/working shoes/boots
An open mind!
NB::: **To make life easier:**
Tent, Sleeping bag/blanket/mat, Bowl, spoon, mug, sun screen, hat, sunglasses,working clothes, passport, torch, mosquito repellent.
To make life better:
Natural shampoo/soap, Musical instruments and song lyrics, Books, videos, leaflets, pen and paper, posters, t-shirts, ideas for workshops, swimming suit, volleyball, condoms, frisbee, camera.
Cars - if you can avoid them.
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All persons attending ecotopia *must* register. It's easy and takes two minutes. The required personal details are name, address or email address, and country of origin. Go to
Any questions you have with regard to registration can be answered by sending an email to [email protected]
Mon - Sat:
Depart Limerick bus station at 8:20am, arrive Killaloe 9:00am. - #323
Cost of owt to site is about 7 euros.
You can ring Limerick
bus station on 061 31333 or Galway 091 562000.
The site is 20 miles North of Limerick on the Scarriff road. Ask for
directions from the bus station or city centre towards the Corbally road,
then turn right and over the bridge at Barrys Cross. From here it is 20
miles to the site, towards Scariff. You should pick up a lift in no time.
If coming from Dublin you may want to chance hitching from Birdhill to
Killaloe . i.e. do not go all the way to Limerick city but stop/get off
the bus at Birdhill. There is a signpost with a Celtic knot here!
The site lies 2km West of Ogonnolloe (coming from Ogonnolloe the site is
on the right) and 3km or 1.8 miles East of Tuamgraney. (Tuamgraney is a
small village directly after Scariff when heading south.) If coming from
Tuamgraney you head out the Killaloe road to the first bad bend (i.e. it
has one of those metal crash barriers on the left) and view of the lake.
Very soon after this you take the first left. (To be precise a small
gravelled lane runs North from the main road some 300m to the gate (Grid
Reference R671825) into Bealkelly Wood.) Look out for the beautiful
colourful triangular sign with celtic knot!!!
Just in case it was not fully clear from above
NO CARS , NO CARS, NO CARS, NO CARS......BUS IT, HITCH IT, WALK IT, CYCLE IT.......there is very little parking space.....
hi there ecotopia people!
> i am coming to the site tomorrow and i was just wondering if there are
> any organised tours, groups of people with spare seats or other possible
> lifts from dublin tomorrow in the afternoon that you have heard of? maybe
> you could post to the ecotopia mailing list? people can write me here
> (until tomorrow 15:00):
> thanks! meinhard. :)
- farming area -> respect for locals and landowner
- children
- hygiene
- eating, preparing food with energetic dogs leppin' around isn't very pleasant
- corners of tents are often seem like convenient toliets for dogs
- they are natural hunters, chasing away or killing wildlife if left unrestrained.
- dogs are naturally territorial animals and hence inevitably fight amongst themselves when they come into the same space.
do go if you can at all...i did't mean to stop anyone from going, i was just pointing out the reasons why i imagine dogs aren't going to be particularly welcome.
Is there room for a 7 seater people carrier? I am going to drive down to ecotopia with 7 people for the weekend of the 17th and 18th. If there is no room at the campsite I'll have to leave it somewhere else. If we were forced to take public transport/hitching it would probably not be worth our while to come and since most of us work we don't have the luxury of spending longer there. Also without cars how will we get to Shannon for the action on the 17th?
I think the discouragement of cars is fine in principle, but you must remember that we live in a country with a laughable public transport system where getting to Lough Derg and back from Dublin or Belfast would take the best part of a weekend. So if cars are to be totally banned, it means that workers are being effectively excluded.
After 8 pages of personal info on the online registration page, I got:
The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /english/registration_online.html.
and don't you guys think there is far more danger of drunkards pissing on yer tents than my very small doggie. Wind will do more to interfere with cooking than small dogs.
alcohol allowed?
How bout drugs?
Fucking digereedoos?
yes I guess!
But no dogs
I dont want a utopia without (wo)mans bestest friend
People,are you independant?Then determine whats best for you and has minimal negative effect on others.
If you have no way to get there but to drive, make the journey worth it by having a full vehical rather than a half empty one.If you are travelling from somewhere and you think someone nearby or on the way needs a lift, give them one.
With the dog situation,I think too many rules being set down exclude potential visitors to the site. Your own judgement is what you should go by. But note the reasons mentioned -they are to cater for and ensure many people are happy and safe for the time.
I thought all drugs are banned from site?
Planet before people
never trust a hippy