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New Latin American century (part 2): Nixon, Pinochet, Brazil, Chile, US bases, declassified files

category international | history and heritage | news report author Tuesday August 18, 2009 00:25author by iosaf Report this post to the editors

Nixon discussed overthrow of Allende with the figurehead of the Brazilian military dictator within 3 years of Pinochet's Coup

The US National Security Archive has in the last hours presented unto us its National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 282.”. There is both tension & worry in the two South American states with the largest and best equipped military forces, Chile & Brazil at the decision of Colombia to host 7 US bases as reaction to the decision by Ecuador not to renew the US lease on its “Manta base.
In the last week the 6th democratically elected president of Brazil, Lula called for a meeting with Obama to discuss the US bases and said "the climate of unease disturbs me". Indeed the Brazilian government had already refused US overtones to use its base at Recife. I really think a considered glimpse at these new declassified files might be of interest to readers As such this article on the 6th Brazilian military dictatorship figurehead and Nixon follows my text yesterday entitled “The new Latin American century, FARC, arms races, US bases & sundry fibs”.
Dec 9th 1971 - Medici in a civilian suit met Nixon & they plotted - but how much?
Dec 9th 1971 - Medici in a civilian suit met Nixon & they plotted - but how much?

What might not sound like good holiday reading is in fact a bunch of pdf files which show us declassified documents, memos, scraps of typewritten paper & transcripts of antiquated magnetic reel tapes.

Despite the juicy subtitle attached to this latest series of declassification as

Brazil Conspired with U.S. to Overthrow Allende
Declassified U.S. Documents Show Richard Nixon and Brazilian President Emilio Médici Discussed Coordinated Intervention in Chile, Cuba, and other Latin American nations "to prevent new Allendes and Castros"
Secret Back Channel established between Presidents
Brazilian General Accused U.S. of Asking Brazil to "do its dirty work"

The file take a really long time to download and many elements of it require cross-referencing with previous "electronic briefing books" from 2003, 2006 and last year. There are also the usual big black marker lines etched its seems across as many pages as possible which I & I suspect many of you too, suspect that these type of people only use the black marker to make us all as suspicious as possible about what really is as clear as water.

I'm talking spring water in bottles not the cryptosporidium shite you get out of the average Irish tap.


First a little global as well as local background so you appreciate what sort of workload and themes of chit-chat were going on in the White House as well as on our own little island at the time.

Ireland was in the 3rd year of her “troubles”. RTE had broadcast for the first time in colour, the happy occasion being a Eurovision bash held in Dublin. (we won those things even back then). The “Irish Women’s Liberation Movement” had given feminism a bad name amongst devout Catholics when in May they had publically and ostentatiously brought a CIE train load of condoms to Connolly station from Belfast to protest the illegality of contraception in the Eire state. & of course internment had been introduced in the northern statelet.


The White House didn’t really give a fig for any of this and the attention of the Nixon presidency was elsewhere. December 1971 began unhappily on its 3rd day with a brief 13 day war between India & Pakistan, which then existed in two seperate regions either side of India. It was a war which was to lead quickly to the creation of what we now call Bangladesh. The President of the USA was Richard Nixon and at the time of the "cold war" the USA supported the Pakistani side as a tactical olive branch offered to the People's Republic of China with whom Nixon's envoy Kissenger had opened secret channels after vising Pakistan in July, '71 which would lead to the "Nixon in China" event of February 1972.

It is astounding that with all that on the presidential plate, the day after ordering the US 7th Fleet to move towards the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean, Nixon had time to meet with the head of the Brazilian state, Emilio Medici and as newly de-classified memos inform us this week, discuss the overthrow of Castro and the liquidation of popularly elected socialist Chilean President Salvador Allende.

In spite of the civilian clothes he wore at the meeting as illustrated, Medici was head of the Brazilian state as the sixth supposed “president” of the military dictatorship which followed the junta of 1969. He had been head of the Brazilian military intelligence service and general of one of its army divisions.

If you bother to go to this pdf file
you will learn how Richard Nixon told the leader of Brazil's most repressive military junta that they :-

“must try and prevent new Allendes and Castros and try where possible to reverse these trends.”

Now at first there is nothing new in any of this for the casual reader or those interested in offering night classes on Latin American history or the tireless work of the United States to foment democracy and human rights globally since winning the world's economic, political and cultural system back off in the dim days of 1945. The National Security Archive de-classifications of 2006 gave us this tape transcript from the White House on September 16th 1974, five days after the coup d'etat by Pinochet against Allende had taken place.


Nixon: Nothing new of any importance or is there?
Kissinger: Nothing of very great consequence. The Chilean thing is getting consolidated and of course the newspapers are bleeding because a pro-Communist government has been overthrown.
Nixon: Isn’t that something. Isn’t that something.
Kissinger: I mean instead of celebrating – in the Eisenhower period we would be heroes.
Nixon: Well we didn’t – as you know – our hand doesn’t show on this one though.
Kissinger: We didn’t do it. I mean we helped them. [garbled] created the conditions as great as possible.
Nixon: That is right. And that is the way it is going to be played.


Of course the idea that Kissinger & Nixon had this conversation is hardly new either. Kissinger’s public reaction to the Pinochet coup and murder of the legitimately elected Allende is a line which though currently deemed “apocryphal” (yet hair-raisingly never denied by Kissinger), “I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people” ; is to my mind as iconic a quotation as the image of Pinochet in his sunglasses. We need not even dwell on the fact that Kissinger as 8th holder of the post “national security advisor” whence these regular “national security archive declassifications” come is also the only major person living who is mentioned or indeed not mentioned in-depth in these drips and drops of historical source material.

Nonetheless, we are getting much closer to knowing who wanted and who didn't want to do the Dirty Work in Chile as well as elsewhere which puts the role of the SOA (School of the Americas) as well as the much more mysterious "ODESSA" in context and also helps us to understand the background influences which cobbled together the military juntas if not of Brazil, certainly in Chile and later on elsewhere in South America.

After all, not one of us can learn that the military putschists are known as “gorillas” and not notice that behind Pinochet’s iconic sunglassed photograph stood many other men who would in a short time acquiesce as every other military junta did (with the exception of the Argentine) to a figurehead presidency and not wonder how many of the little dogs wanted to be top dog.


This declassified set of CIA documents tell us that Medici had proposed that Brazil assist the USA to stop the “trend of Marxist/leftist expansion” . It really makes one wonder what was meant by that word “trend” when one considers in hindsight, that the only real trend in Latin America of the 1960's and 1970's was the creation of fascist dictatorships, the plentitude of jobs offered ex-NAZI SS members and the appalling poverty of the masses.

“The President said that it was very important that Brazil and the United States work closely in this field. We could not take direction but if the Brazilians felt that there was something we could do to be helpful in this area, he would like President Médici to let him know. If money were required or other discreet aid, we might be able to make it available. This should be held in the greatest confidence.”


The latest declassification thus also show us on the note of "discretion" that Nixon established a "back-channel" with the Brazilian military junta which would side-step the usual diplomatic channels and of course accountability. But before explaining more about the discretion let's enjoy the gossip between monsters back in the days when Henry Kissinger sat in the office next door to the Oval Office wanking to his "power is an aphrodisiac" song.

"The two also participated in a discussion of the potential to undermine the populist Peruvian President General Velasco Alvarado by publicizing the allegation that he had a lovechild with a mistress—she was a former “Miss Peru”—in Paris, according to General Vernon Walters who also attended the Médici/Nixon meeting."

But back to the discreet, "back channel" a moment.

Nixon “hoped we could cooperate closely, as there were many things that Brazil as a South American country could do that the U.S. could not.” & thus proposed Henry Kissinger as his secret back-channel interlocutor with the Brazilian military dictatorship. In return the Brazilians named Gibson Barbosa who was the main diplomat for the Brazilians back then.

The contents of all "back channel" communication between the USA and Brazil or Nixon and Gibson Barbosa are covered up in a big black marker.
! -!-!-!


On which note the files also show the limit even then of the US sponsored "School of the Americas" military academy of such infamy and the actual organisational efficacy of Operation Condor. I may be going out on a limb on this, but I reckon we are beginning to scrape evidence of yet another level of merry evil beyond what we "take for granted".

The Brazilian General Vicente Dale Coutinho is quoted as stating “the United States obviously wants Brazil to do the dirty work”. That quotation is being reported in commercial press and even subtitled the publication from the National Security Archive. It is no question about it a striking line and almost makes you think there was resistance amongst the Brazilian junta to playing the yankee/Dixie empire game. But that particular general died suddenly whilst on military exercises in the beginning of 1974 in the nazi style wonderland of Brazilia the generals had built in the jungle. Whilst the other South American dictatorships worried about US trade and took advice on sunglasses and baiting operations, the Brazilians simply built a shiney city worthy of Hitler and carved up their land to grow crops. Curious little difference.

Coutinho was to be replaced by one of the most hard-line Brazilian gorillas Sylvio Frota who in turn would be exonerated for his role in the dictatorship during the democratic period by the right wing party which preceeded Lula's welcome arrival. (Oh and how many youngsters complain that Lula didn't do enough). The complaining Coutinho headed up a very efficient bunch of torturers and intelligence ghouls as of course had the president of Brazil sitting down with Nixon and Vernon Walters in the Oval Room. But he hadn't sent any of his officers to SOA training courses. Indeed less than 25 graduates of SOA were sent by the Brazilian military before the junta and only one police man thereafter.

Coutinho's replacement after his horrible accident was Sylvio Frota as I have already mentioned. Frota likewise did not seem to put extra-ordinary effort into supporting the SOA training projects by sending off happy little officer cadets to learn about electrodes, uncomfortable postures, unfeasible object penetration in private orifices and the whole baggage of the “punishment / reward” SS interrogation style.

Think about torture a moment.

If you have had your body tortured for days I doubt would you say no to a back rub and a plate of warm grub, would you? Hey – there was always the chance of a one way helicopter ride to see the Ocean or jungle. Who could refuse? Or that lovely cool breeze caressed chair by the open window?

This strange lack of US complicity in the Brazilian dictatorship despite the at first obvious news value of this release (that the US wanted to use Brazil) is the thing that really begs my atention.

SOA were busily doing their notorious stuff all over the continent yet their Brazilian connection did not continue after 1969. There was only one key graduate, a police officer and torturer. So........ who taught or was teaching the Brazilian military their tricks? & why did the Brazilian military go off the USA so quickly despite these happy chats if not the US?

oh well you'll have to wait for the next declassifications to learn that. tantalizing isn't it?

oh yes - who helped the Brazilians do their dirty work?


____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ & Such dirty work it was.
____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Everyone wants to go to the fiesta
____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nobody wants to stay clean up.


As I wrote here before just before and during the death of Pinochet, the good Catholic people who prayed for a week outside of the military hospital where Pinochet died could only do so because he had been granted bail of 1905$ by the democratic government of Chile in December 2006. Thus did he leave house arrest and spend one week exactly in a military hospital some 35 years after Nixon and fascist Brazil met up and began their plotting and discussions of the dirty work . Those good catholics prayer for his soul because they knew there had been a serious possibility that Latin Americans in general and Chileans in particular would become Communists.

If they had become communists, people would have stopped believing in God. Once God went, Heaven and Hell would have gone too. In no time there would have been no need for a clergy or Church. Knock in Ireland would have been a waste of an airport. With Communism people would have lost faith in God & the threat of eternal Hell-fire & damnation would have been lost. So torture was a last resort of pious & holy people. They had no other choice to defend their God than attach electrodes to peoples' genitals & bury them in nameless graves.

We really must have no doubt that torture was a last resort of pious & holy people, and not the cynical criminals who page by declassified page snarl their euphemisms at us.

Agosto Pinochet's curate give him the last rites of the Catholic tradition. He got the last rites because Communists didn't get human rights. It all made sense. Agosto Pinochet old man who had fought for Hell's preservation using little known medieval & alchemist techniques of demonology : He hid tons of gold that communists would have used to build hospitals & schools.

With Communism people would have lost faith in God & the threat of eternal Hell-fire & damnation would have been lost. They would have attempted a materialist based utopia where people had health services, got decent wages, had schools & didn't just disappear. The priest & the RC priestohood with all their wafer & water, book & bell could still forgive him & like him in the name of all good Catholics. One of the most trusted cardinals of Ratzinger's papacy could say his mass as he died a free man, outside of prison, named and feted.

He got to look at the open door and walk to it and leave the stadium, game over.

Sources :-

Additional reading :-
Emílio Garrastazu Médici
Chile Coup d’etat September 11th 1973
the Military Junta of Pinochet

the Military Junta of Brazil 1961
the Military dictatorship of Brazil
Richard Nixon
US national security advisors

Vicente Dale Coutinho, Mario Gibson Barbosa, Silvio Frota & many others at present only boast wikipedia entries in Portuguese :-

The Roman Catholic church existed "comfortably" with the dictatorships of Operation Condor in Latin America
The Papal Nuncio (ambassador of the Vatican state) to Chile from 1977, Cardinal Angelo Sodano became a close friend of Pinochet. In later life he would assume the position of “prime minister of the Vatican”, as such he met with the last US national security advisor Condoleeza Rice, technically against Vatican rules whilst the Polish pope lay dying. As confided aide to Ratzinger he has continued to play a pivotal role in RC Latin American policy.

from our IMC ireland archives
“Pinochet given bail to vindicate existence of Hell”

Last article of the series :-

The new Latin American century, FARC, arms races, US bases & sundry fibs

Related Link:

He didn't really need the sunglasses to be terrifying. That was a psychological detail "wee advice".
He didn't really need the sunglasses to be terrifying. That was a psychological detail "wee advice".

author by Edward Horgan - Shannonwatchpublication date Tue Aug 18, 2009 09:59author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This is good research and information Iosaf.
Meanwhile back at Shannon airport in so-called neutral Ireland a number of US soldiers are now permanently based at Shannon, to help oversee its latest military transit base.
Monitoring of US aircraft by shows that at least 1082 aircraft directly associated with the US military were refuelled at Shannon during the 12 month period 1 August 08 to 31 July 09 and in the region of 10,000 US military associated aircraft passed through Irish airspace.
The number of armed US soldiers who have passed through Shannon airport since 2001 in connection with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is now approaching 1,500,000. All this is in contravention of international laws on neutrality, particularly the Hague Convention V on Neutrality. Why this is important is that these two unlawful and unjustified wars have caused the deaths of over one million people, including over 250,000 children.
An international peace conference is taking place at Shannon on Sat 5 Sept 09, see details at Its purpose is to highlight the ongoing abuse of Irish neutrality by the US military and Irish complicity in war crimes and torture rendition flights.
There will also be peace camps at Shannon and other related activities at Shannon over this weekend and thereafter, up to and beyond the Lisbon Treaty Referendum. The intention of these activities is to expose the lie that the Lisbon Treaty will in some way protect the so-called "Ireland's traditional policy of military neutrality".

US warplane being guarded by Irish soldiers at Shannon on 10 Aug 09
US warplane being guarded by Irish soldiers at Shannon on 10 Aug 09

Related Link:
author by iosafpublication date Wed Aug 19, 2009 21:36author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Thank you for the compliment Ed but honestly all the material in this current series I'm writing is on public record and my attempts to peruse and then present that material fall far short in effort and courage of those who like yourself never tire from collating evidence at first hand on site.

My series is concerned is expounding a thesis which I touched upon in the comment fields which resulted from my article predicting a coup d'etat in Honduras earlier this summer. Using a series of illustrations I attempted to communicate my conviction that the foreign policy of the USA in Latin America hinges on the interests of a lobby which though as I put it is in "Obama's back yard" has little support for him or perhaps more worryingly is not to see its greed curtailed by his administration. Thus as Latin American leftists themselves speak of the "yankee empire" I have attempted to depict what I see as the "dixie empire", which I wrote before "exists external to and parallel of any presidency".

We may understand the mechanisms which gave rise to Shannon by examining the processes which gave rise to any supposed invitation or more properly acquiescence by a sovreign state to the US military & naturally vice versa .

This week Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State of the USA denied that Colombia has agreed to host 7 bases.

= The new Colombian US bases are no more bases than Shannon is a US base.

from the BBC report :- "She said the accord would respect Colombian sovereignty and other countries would not be affected. It would not lead to a significant increase in US troop numbers, she said. Speaking after talks in Washington with Colombian Foreign Minister Jaime Bermudez, Mrs Clinton said the agreement would not lead to the creation of US bases in Colombia.
"It does provide the United States access to Colombian bases but command and control, administration and security will be Colombia's responsibility," she said. "Any US activity will have to be mutually agreed upon in advance. The United States does not have and does not seek bases inside Colombia." She also said there would be "no significant permanent increase in the US military and contractor presence in Colombia" and that other countries would not be affected.
"This is about the bilateral co-operation between the United States and Colombia regarding security matters within Colombia," she said. Under the deal, the US military will be able to operate on Colombian soil to tackle drug-trafficking and terrorism. Mrs Clinton said the threats were very real and that the US was "committed to supporting the government of Colombia in its efforts to provide security to all its citizens". Mr Bermudez said developing "more effective mechanisms of co-operation" would benefit both Colombia and the region."

Now if we examine the chronological passing of cause and effect which more often than not distracts us from true tactics and strategy as presented to us by the BBC itself three days before we read - Washington wants to use Colombia as a regional hub for operations to counter drug-trafficking and terrorism. The US has been forced to look for a new base for such operations after Ecuador refused to renew the lease on its Manta base, which the US military was using.

If we are to believe the fibs, then before Ecuador's Manta base (which wasn't a US base either) was worse than these new 7 Colombian bases because it was used as a regional hub which of course according to Clinton the new bases won't be?

Then I wonder at the decision of Brazil as I wrote above to refuse US overtones to use its base in Recife.

* If the USA are using the same arguments across the board for these "counter narcotic operational deals" then why are they all so far apart?
Recife in Brazil is on the Atlantic coast at 8° 3′ 14″ South , 34° 52′ 51″ West - just for example 3 hours flight from the "FARC motherbase".
Manta in Ecuador is on the Pacific coast at 0° 59′ 0″ South , 80° 45′ 0″ West - just for example a mere 12 minutes flight from the "FARC motherbase".

* If each of those bases is only to be used in accord with the sovreign wishes of the host state - then how come 7 bases in Colombia makes up for 1 lost in Ecuador and 1 not gained in Brazil?


Ed Horgan of "ShannonWatch" and "PANA" (of the comment above) knows as well as I do because we have exchanged correspondence on the subject over the years, before and since our knowledge was vindicated by the EU report on rendition flights - that the USA used a host of airports both civilian and military since the first presidency of Bush. Readers in Ireland may naturally only think of Shannon and thus not prioritise the Azores, Balearics, Canary islands, Portugal, Iceland etc. On this very newswire we have evidence of troop transport as well as collated evidence of fights to Gitmo as well as dark prisons. Even more worrying we have one records of one plane which was passed through Gitmo, my home state of Spain, Shannon and ended up crashed in the Yucaton desert with over 4 tons of cocaine on board.

We are local people who if we notice "aught odd" tend to only raise a suspicious eyebrow at what is closest to us.

which is what it is all really about.

The more destinations on the US fly-in & fly-out list there are across this world, does not neccesarily mean the greater likelihood of the US invading or doing dirty work across the world. The Bush presidency was at heart so terribly conservative and reactionary in that it actually bogged itself down to the suffering and slaughter of untold hundreds of thousands. The USA doesn't need to invade anywhere. The USA has never ceased to do dirty work. But the USA sits on a cultural system which tempts its citizens, first class or second class, privileged or subject to examine its actions. If only to get a reputation like Ed and "Shannonwatch" today or read pages of pdf with the best bits deleted like me some forty years later.

The more strands to their web the harder it is to see the giant ungoliath spider.

I daresay, & it is my thesis to expoud so - there are in fact more than one or even a few ungoliath spiders in the web now.

Last article of the series at this link
the series is ongoing & there ought be a new component soon.

author by iosafpublication date Sun Aug 23, 2009 02:07author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Tarso Genro, the Brazilian minister for Justice has confirmed that the 1979 Amnesty granted hundreds of members of the military dictatorship & junta period which ruled Brazil from 1964 and 1985. Many will wonder at those dates and how an Amnesty could be granted in the middle of military rule which applied not only to torturers for 15 years before but also it seems apply to tortures for the 6 years following. Or as if torturers simply went away once democratic rule was restored to Brazil.

Even though right wing elements in Brazil protest the upturning of the military dictatorship's own Amnesty laws and not only complain that the past is the past - far off - back then - but suggest that prosecuting the torturers of the last century will demoralise the modern day Brazilian armed forces . They don't seem to have to got to the stage of mobilising their checks and balances on Lulu's regime. For as we note, Lulu had to suffer the appointment of a military dictatorship era minister as speaker of the Brazil's democratic senate.

Are the torturers and their agenda and their dreams lost to the past?

Tarso Genro, the Brazilian minister of Justice softened his stance on the past by assuring he plans to end torture in his prison system and by his armed police today.

Oh such idealism!

Oh how idealism works both ways.......

Is the dream of a fascistic South America bled dry of its resources simply a nightmare the stains of which have been thoroughly washed from the bed linen generations ago?

On the shelf next to me as I write, there is a book by the now 89 year old veteran Catalan anarchist, Eduardo Pons Prades, which in its 398 pages details tortures, atrocities and murders commited in the 9 years which followed the "restoration of democracy" in the Spanish state. Amongst the pages are found names of career torturers and murderers who had spent part of their CVs honing their skills in Brazil, Argentina and Chile. If I look out the window, I see a three storey apartment which was the first "penthouse" built by a Barcelona bourgois family. I see its trees, hanging garden which now overlook a 4 star hotel's swimming pool perched up on an 8th floor terrace. I see its collonades and closed windows. Visitors to my home always notice this extraordinary villa plonked on top of a building and wonder at it. They wonder even more when I tell them the history of the family, dynasty indeed who own it still but have not set foot in it for more than half a century. Their eyebrows raise when I tell them about one of the backers of not one but both Spanish 20th century dictatorships, who then dabbled in NAZI germany's infiltration of South America and to the close of the world war 2 were discreetly asked to leave Franco's Spain as he attempted to reorientate his regime from support for Hitler to "being left alone" by the USA. My visitors then ask me how sure I am when I tell them that the dynasty helped Paraguayan dictator Alfredo Stroessner take control of the Colorado party which formed with the military the twin pillar of his regime as one party state from 1947 to 1962. Even after he had gone into exile in Brasillia, the Colorado party and its backers continued to rule that state until the election of a Roman Catholic bishop, Fernando Lugo in 2008. So then I take out the law firms list for South America and some old curled newspaper clippings and a few photocopies of names and addresses & within a few minutes my visitors begin to see history in a very different way.

The New Latin American century has so much to teach us. After all it is not as local and easy to parochialise as Europe. It's not as boring as Africa. It doesn't have the difficulty of understanding names and religious factors as the Middle East. It doesn't make us feel stupid like Asia. So, I tell all of ye. Fidel Castro was right.................

Empire, world domination and robots by 2020

forget about Obama - nothing's changed.

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