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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13"A demonstration in memory of the victims" ???
We are not dead yet, leastways not all of us.
These victims were being laughed at by the clergy sitting in wait at Buswells Hotel opposite Dail Eireann, on june 10th.. As the clergy hypocritically state their wish to 'help in any way we can' ....the march they attended to recieve the petition from the silent march prior to arrival at government offices was jeered , laughed at , and ridiculedby the very people claiming their wish to help and make ammends.
Comments like...theyll never show up......shure no one will attend......and....they couldent organise a (fill in the blanks).
This is the level of remorse they show those whos lives they destroyed. Those they relentlessley tortured, raped, kidnaped, enslaved, murdered and beat sensless over the years of their confinement in religious institutions....all in the name of god...their saviour .
The damage done can never be counted or taken back, and even now when you see the public display of humility by CORI and the rest of the religious on our tv's and hear the diatribe on radio and their seeming willingness to address this criminal issue, to continnue with the torture by jeering and taunting those who have been seeking justice on the day the victims themselves chose to deliver their petition, surely ammounts to nothing less than contempt.
Contempt for the law, justice, morality, ethics, their position in society and most of all, contempt for the victims themselves.
They have been protected from ever being brought to justice by their partners in this crime...the Irish Government.
Noel Dempsey said...We gave them a platform so they could tell their stories'....This is not justice- this is insult.
For justice to prevail their must be a court hearing and punishment appropriate to the crime, and Justice LA Foy s request for this to happen was also denied this. So the victims of the state and the religious orders who carried out this decades of criminality are protected by the state from their right to seek justice.
What did the Clergy in Buswells hotel do when they realised that there were nearly 7,000 marchers rounding the corner and heading up to the gates of Dail Eireann to deliver their petition - the representatives of the criminal rapists and paedophiles that they protected for decades- they ran. They fucking ran.
In the name of God....they ran, only two of the original eighteen stayed.
Why do people still attend Mass? Why do they go hear a Church or donate a cent to these people?
The Dublin Diocese report will soon be out and be as bad as the rest.
These men are still alive and well and living the life of reilly in our midst lying and abusing and cheating like they always did protected by the church, living in nice homes provided by the Church, having a cushy life and wanting for nothing and when things get hot they are sent off on a nice paid holiday until things cool down.
Therefore hit then where it hurts in their pockets. They care more about their money and wealth than they do about us fellow human beings,. They have built themselves up to be Gods that nobody can touch not the law nobody. They live in their ivory towers and don't care a sxxt for any of us so why do we still throw money into their baskets in their Churches when they sit on theirs in the banks and foreign investments and won't pay out to those who were abused.
Then those who got a few shillings from them have been bound and gagged again they cannot say anything about what went on in the redress board so they have abused us all over again. That is not justice. It is just heaping on more pain and still not giving us justice or punishing those abusers.
Wake up close down the Churches hold protest marches to every Church every Sunday all over the country and shame them.
They say there are some good Priests. If there are they are few and far between. Do we see any of them out walking on protests and solidarity with us the abused. No we don't they are hiding in their nice comfy homes laughing at us and counting their collection plates each weekend and adding more to their comfy way of life.
Please please do as I say walk in protest to every Mass. Sit outside the Church grounds with our banners. Never let them forget.
If any of these men had any backbone they would walk out of the Church and get themselves an HONEST job.
People still go to Mass because they are loyal to Christ's teachings, to good priests and nuns, and to the faith of their mothers and fathers. Remember, not all in the Church are corrupt; some religious do much good.
Social Services in the UK also oversaw a lot of child abuse, but it must be reformed from within & without, rather than closed down entirely.
If Christian Teaching tells us one thing, it is to Ignore corruption, turn the other cheek or is it a blind eye. The Church, without ONE priest standing out from the crowd to condemn the criminals are all subserviant to this criminality, typical of institutional culture herd mentality. The church has raised a bunch of cowardly followers, liken to sheep, of its own sense of power and place which is upheld and maintained by the lavish lifestyles afforded these so called shepherds and paid for by us, who know they could loose it all in a second if they speak out.
Should these paedophiles be forgiven, no, they should be convicted.
They should be given the rope and publicly hung and an example made that the next one who attempts to turn an innocent child into a petrified, shamed, terrified dinzen of a human for the duration of their life, will get the same.
Anyone who gives a child a lifetime of torment, self doubt, self harming, dysfunction, prone to alcoholism and drug addiction to cope with the trauma, and for the rest of his/her life carry the torment of this abuse, for one Catholic priests or Christian Brothers sexual gratification, ought to be castrated.
Their silence speaks volumes to us all.
Individually and collectively they have all betrayed this nation and should be shut down, disbanded, and if they should be alowed to exist at all they should Never be allowed to come near children.
Im actually against the death penalty, but in the case of paedophiles i make exceptions. If they were to be hanged, I for one would volunteer to do the hanging.
It is quite pathetic to see Archbishop Diarmuid Martin on the tv news with QUIVERING bottom lip he is so upset by the Clerical Abuse.
That is a bit hypocritical to say the least when he knows for a fact there are today bully Parish Priests in local Churches in the Dublin Diocese psychologically abusing and bullying Parishioners in his care and His Grace knows the full story and does not give a fig.
We all know there are ALL KINDS OF ABUSE physical, psychological etc. each of which are EQUALLY damaging to those at the receiving end and it hurts the VICTIM just as much and DAMAGES THE CHURCH.
It is the old story, cover ups, hide the guilty abusing bullies, no care for the abused, let the boys with the robes and Roman collars carry on.
It is enough to make a pig sick to see the sheer disregard for those continuing to be abused by the Clergy. Nobody will ever get justice from the most corrupt organisation in the world where each man is just concerned with saving his own skin.
We think there are going to be no shortage of volunteers in the next life who want to spend eternity basting with oil these rotten men on fire spits in HELL. It is the only possible justice for the lot of them because we will get no justice in this life while we are still living and fighting for justice.
Mull over that Your Grace and don't bother with the QUIVERING bottom lip it is as pathetic as the empty words that you would stand for justice in the Dublin Diocese when you conned us all those years ago on your arrival as Archbishop of Dublin. What a sad day for the Diocese. Just another person to carry on the betrayal of those in the Church.
You cannot buy forgivenss with money. Money means nothing. The dignity of the person is what matters and you have stolen that from so many.
The news last night showed the first monument in USA to Clerical abuse A MILLSTONE WITH A CHAIN - that is what should be tied around the necks of all the abusers and Parish Priests and they should be cast into the sea from the cross at the top of Bray Head - the most fitting place in the Dublin Diocese!
"They should be cast into the sea from the cross at the top of Bray Head."
St. Patrick cast the snakes into the sea.
Now is the time to cast the rest of the reptiles into the sea.
Given the amount of suffering that has been caused by abuse in church run institutions the level of anger against the church is entirely understandable. However I would take issue with Paul O'Toole when he writes "If Christian Teaching tells us one thing, it is to Ignore corruption, turn the other cheek or is it a blind eye."
The phrase 'turn the other cheek' is often misinterpreted as an invitation to aquiescence in the face of abusive behaviour. The opposite is the case. In Middle Eastern culture The first slap with the palm of the right hand was always towards a socially inferior individual. For the person slapped to "turn the other cheek" meant the abuser would need to slap the second time with the back of the right hand. The left hand is only used for ablutions in the Middle East. This gesture was always reserved for equals. So to 'turn the other cheek' is a provocative, 'in your face' gesture saying 'If you want to do that again you'll do it to me as an equal'. It is an example of risky non-violent direct action which seeks to shame the abuser into taking ownership of his actions.
To suggest that Jesus Christ or anything he taught could be in any way used to support the abuse that has occurred at both an individual and institutional level is without foundation. That is not to say that a most profound corruption has not crept into the church at both an individual and institutional level ... it most definitely has.
The Church has made another grave mistake.
They should have cancelled THE YEAR OF THE PRIEST and instead made it THE YEAR OF THE ABUSED.
This entire year should be spent entirely in looking after and assisting the abused in any way possible.
The only thing regarding Priests that should happen this year is the rooting out of the entire rotten lot of them and severe punishment and excommunication for ALL the abusers AND THOSE WHO COVERED UP THE ABUSE.
Even the Vatican needs a complete clear out right from the top. They have had damning documents hidden away in their dusty rooms for half a century and knew what was going on with their corrupt abusers around the world and did nothing about it and just hoped it would go away.
The Church is such a sick and corrupt institution that it should be disbanded.
We are Monastic Nuns with a small presence here in Ireland, so we see all this with horror. Almost having to wear a sign WE ARE NOT IRISH, and as we wear the full habit, we are getting flak from both Irish Sisters and some very hurt people. Yes, these orders should be disbanded; although God is doing this already as they are dying at a speedy rate. In ten years they will be no more...Last week I met accidentally an old Sister from a tiny order not involved in the abuse. Like so many, she is in denial; blaming an anti-Catholic media. I gently pointed out that they were anti-abuse, but she started getting very upset so I changed tack rapidly. In compassion. We also know eg Poor Clares who are innocent of abuse, and if they did know? What could they have done? Trapped in this corrupt Church here?We need to purify without anger; else we will be as unjust as the abusers and the cover ups have been. Ir is not easy; just now there is not a priest here we feel we can trust and that is common now. We need to be positive also and build the ordinary folk up with our purity and honesty.
It is very hard for me to understand the awful brainwashing of those living in Ireland by the Catholic Church who still cannot see the wrong the Church have done. Those who are in the 50 to 70+ age group who will not say a bad word about any member of the Catholic Church even the abusers after ALL the evidence of abuse that is there. It is quite shocking to know that this brainwashing from birth has been so well done by the corrupt worldwide cult that is the Catholic Church that people still think every member of the Church is a saint and should not be penalised for all the abuse that has happened worldwide in the last 60+ years. I personally know of a local family whose sons were abused by the Christian Brothers and those boys, now men who hate the Church and their own children likewise, have their elderly parents more committed to the Church than ever in spite of their sons and grandchildrens ruined lives.
When the Catholic Church brainwashed us they were the best in the business at doing it and that backed up by money, power, legal teams means they can get away with all the past and future abuse and know they will survive because of those who are zombie Catholics and follow in their wake approving everything they do even the abuse and ruin of our children and grandchildren.
No other CULT or organisation that had done a fraction of the wrongdoing that the Catholic Church has done would be ALLOWED TO EXIST BY LAW so why are the Catholic Churches not forcibly closed down as you would any corrupt and immoral organisation.
They don't allow open prostition in most civilised societies but what the Church did and continues to do is the exact same they did not go and pay adults for sex they did worse they use children free for sexual abuse without their consent and then beat them to a pulp afterwards and came back again and again to do the same to the poor unfortunate children.
The law of the land the Gardai were no better or the Health Services, justice system and Courts and let us not forget the Politicians. They all knew what was going on and did nothing to stop it.
You could not find worse in Soddom and Gomorrah but at least it was wiped off the face of the earth. Time the abusers in the Clergy, legal system, health system got the same justice.
THERE SHOULD BE PROTEST MARCHES TO EVERY CATHOLIC CHURCH EVERY SUNDAY AS A REMINDER OF THE ABUSE. They should NEVER be allowed to forget what they have done to the children of Ireland.
Justice is coming down the tracks slowly but it is coming...... said...
Amazing how those who wear the Roman collar will object to evidence at legal hearings that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that they are having a relationship with a female and that they don't only object they have the POWER, THE MONEY, THE LEGAL TEAMS AND THE MIGHT OF THE CHURCH with them to supress the evidence.
When you can hear the Roman collared one talking about going on holidays with "the little woman", about her coming "out to stay with him tonight", her telling him several times that "she loves him and how he takes great control of her life" and then how he wants to keep that control by taunting her with another female.
That evidence is available for all to hear, parties to be identified and the Church can get away with hiding it.
Several newspapers have this evidence and are afraid for the moment to use it because the Church will sue them but it will come out mark my words. There are more hearings coming up when the evidence will be there again.
If it does not come out this time and hit the front pages then there are ways and means and we won't be giving up until we have success and the truth prevails and comes out.
Makes it more interesting that the FEMALE IS A NUN and her Superiors were made aware of the goings on but said she was an adult and they have no control over her relationships. Lover boy is a Priest.
A book is in the offing and hopefully will be a best seller. Ghost writer has been very helpful.
I am growing increasingly sickened and enraged the more I read and listen to the the church's hollow mealy-mouthed response to the rape, murder and torture detailed in the Ryan report.
It struck me that metaphors like moral monoply, moral bankruptcy, moral currency coupled with the reluctance to revise the financial terms of the 'sweet-heart deal' added to the current recession all lead themselves to the dissemination and growth of the following meme.
There's a short definition, on wikipedia under 'internet meme', the term was coined by Richard Dawkins in his book 'the selfish gene'.
What I'm suggesting is sending notes in the collection plates, dues etc, collection etc. One side would look like an ordinary five or ten euro at a cursory glance, the other side would have lines to write a message on, and would have ' moral notes' 'currency null and void' (metaphors of accountability, bankruptcy, 30 pieces of silver etc)etc legible in a light large font. The idea is to have these either available to print from a website, a sheet of them double-sided so they are ready to cut out, or have them dropped in the door, ready for people to use and then for Catholics or non-Catholics to write a message on the back, fold them in half and drop them in the collection plates, they should look realistic until touched or closely inspected when tallied up. Ideally of the type you see used to advertise, no fear of them passed off as legal tender.
They are legal in the US, status would have to be checked for Ireland.
The sickening fact is that this abuse is still going on. Until recent times staff working in charity organisations, in particular from FAS schemes have been mistreated in these organisations, and senior staff have turned a blind eye while they bad their pockets with large salleries.
The present apology hides the fact that the abuse continued, afterall there was no difinative point of recognition and change, It simply has not occured.
We have asked people to come forward with incidences of abuse from many years ago, but have we asked is this still going on, or has further incedences occured in more recent times.
For the institutions that originated in those old cathelic established stuctures, what changed in the interveining time to suggst that the abuse has stopped ?
It would seem responsible to ask, and to ask those that might be most vulnerable....
Do we know for a fact that scheme workers in charitable organisations are not being harrased ?
Do we know for a fact that children are now safe in institutions or schools ? Have we asked or investigated this ? Have we put in stuctures and facilities that we have confidence in ?
We should not just focus on the past, but ask questions about more recent abuse and whats going on now.