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Dracula budget sucks blood from workers
national |
worker & community struggles and protests |
press release
Tuesday April 07, 2009 21:51 by Eugene Mc Cartan - Communist Party of Ireland cpoi at eircom dot net James Connolly House, 43 East Essex Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2: 01 - 6708707 or 0879733414

A budget for the rich
Dracula budget sucks blood from workers
The Communist Party of Ireland in a statement on the budget presented by the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, described it as a Dracula budget, designed to suck the blood from workers so as to give a transfusion to bankers, stockbrokers, tax-avoiders, and property speculators. These parasites will all sleep well and will be celebrating the fact that their interests have been well looked after by “their government.” COMMUNIST PARTY OF IRELAND
7 April 2009
Press Statement on Budget
Dracula budget sucks blood from workers
The Communist Party of Ireland in a statement on the budget presented by the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, described it as a Dracula budget, designed to suck the blood from workers so as to give a transfusion to bankers, stockbrokers, tax-avoiders, and property speculators. These parasites will all sleep well and will be celebrating the fact that their interests have been well looked after by “their government.”
The party went on to state that the budget had all the hallmarks of being constructed within the narrow neo-liberalist mindset of the Department of Finance, the EU Commission, and the European Central Bank.
Those people and institutions that bear a heavy responsibility for the present financial crisis, as distinct from the general crisis of global capitalism, will be the net beneficiaries of this budget.
The establishment of the National Asset Management Agency to buy the bad bebts of the banks is nothing more than a means of shifting the burden of debt from those individuals and institutions that created the crisis onto the backs of working people. The Government is sacrificing the future of the country and lumbering future generations of workers and their children with massive debts in order to maintain the political and economic status quo. This approach is to give a blank cheque to the financial backer of Fianna Fail.
Working people will see their living standard reduced; they will be saddled with increased levies; and from 1 May the early child-care supplement will be halved and by the end of the year abolished. In addition, child benefit will be means-tested or even taxed in the budget for 2010, and the Christmas bonus will not be paid.
There were no original ideas for creating a single job or for stemming the avalanche of job losses. The natural resources of the country will remain in foreign corporate hands.
Instead of propping up bad banks we need to establish a state-owned and state-controlled National Development Bank and to concentrate capital to begin the necessary reorientation of national development towards an economy centred on the needs of our people. Statement ends.
Eugene Mc Cartan
087 9733414
01 6708707
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Comments (2 of 2)
Jump To Comment: 1 2And very well said BUT we voted Fianna Fail into government did we not ?
We are getting our just desserts whether we like it or not , instead of screaming poverty next time around we should be screaming for leadership of
the highest calibre considering what we allow these scroungers to pay themselves and the manner in which they let the Banksters walk all over us.
When Will We Ever Learn , what did our parents tell us in regard to who we allow to hold our money ?
Notice no figures given for cuts to defence -
yet last year the Irish Army recieved in excess of 1 billion euro...
And Search and Rescue are contracted out... the Army doesn't cover contingency anymore.
This is an area no-one is talking about.
would it come under Public Sector???
Methinks they didn't want the contrast of the 1bn euro figure with the rest of the figures which are all much smaller...
what are they spending 1billion on???
Inflated Salaries, hi-tech gadgets, riot/crowd control vehicles, tanks....not things connected with the irish army's role or mission statement
Also no repairs on National or regional roads, but the Mootorway show must go on, to fill up the Toll-Troll bank accounts
And bye-bye 'other transport projects' and a half-reliable public transport system
(with 3 children myself, I'v already got a car - I can't travel on public transport anymore - it costs too much,
there are too many bus/train changes, and I often can't get where I need to go anyway)
Cutting the Xmas bonus is a nice touch...Santa won't be visiting us this year unless i go to a moneylender...
.I wonder have they cut their own Xmas bonus?