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offsite link News Round-Up Thu Mar 13, 2025 01:18 | Richard Eldred
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Dublin agrees to UK request for extradition of 7/7 documentary maker

category international | rights, freedoms and repression | news report author Thursday April 02, 2009 16:56author by K. Harris - nmn Report this post to the editors

A Dublin judge has conceded to the extradition of a man for the crime of posting a DVD to the judge of a 7/7 terror trial in the UK.

William Hill, 60, was been remanded in custody on Thursday, 2 April 2009 for a minimum of 15 days by the High Court judge Justice Michael Peart, pending extradition to the UK. Mr Hill, who has lived in Ireland for the past 10 years, can appeal the decision, which would postpone any extradition until the results of the appeal.

Mr Hill, who calls himself Maud ‘Dib after a character in the science fiction novel and film Dune, posted a DVD containing his documentary 7/7 The Ripple Effect, with no covering letter, to the UK London bombings terror trial judge as he says he is is convinced that a miscarriage of justice was about to take place in the UK trial. The documentary has been freely available on the Internet for the past year.

The posted copy was not given to the judge, to whom the package was addressed but was instead given straight to police, which resulted in an extradition request to the Irish authorities. The UK wants to charge Mr Hill with an attempt to ‘pervert the course of justice’ which carries a maximum term of life imprisonment.

Friends of the arrested man have on their website called on people to anonymously post copies of the documentary to High Court judges in Ireland and to the trial judges in the UK, and to the prosecution and jury foreman.

The website claims that as nothing was sent with the DVD posted to the trial judge except the documentary itself, which contains mostly footage compiled from broadcast television, Mr Hill was in effect expressing his opinion, which is not a crime and the right of which is guaranteed under international laws to which both the UK and Ireland are signatories.

author by whats nextpublication date Fri Apr 03, 2009 09:49author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Seems to me that posessing an infromed consience and having the wherewithall to act on that concience as is the duty of any upstanding citizen in any country is against the law now.
Dissemenating information, vital to the wellbeing of the nation is illegal.

Big Brother Is Watching YOU!

author by The Ripplerpublication date Fri Apr 03, 2009 21:02author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Regarding the 7/7/2005 terrorist attacks in London, let us look at the facts, and what we were told, and compare them. Then, using Ockham’s Razor and common-sense, let us see what conclusions are to be drawn, so we can all understand what most likely really did happen that day.

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author by Mr Manpublication date Sat Apr 04, 2009 02:28author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Seems to me that posessing an infromed consience and having the wherewithall to act on that concience as is the duty of any upstanding citizen in any country is against the law now.
Dissemenating information, vital to the wellbeing of the nation is illegal.

Big Brother Is Watching YOU!"

But he wasn't disseminating information, he sent the DVD to the Judge for the purpose of changing his mind. He was/is free to disseminate info. Theres nothing new or orwellian about stopping the public from influencing legal proceedings.

author by text your answer to...publication date Sat Apr 04, 2009 11:43author address author phone Report this post to the editors

If you read the broadsheets or listen to Pat Keny, Joe Duffy, RyanTurbidy, Miriam O'Callaghan, Charlie Bird, Mark Little or Gerry Ryan youd think we lived in paradise with a few minor difficulties, But if you go look a little closer rather than watch Eastenders, Coronation Street, Liverpool, Man-U, BB,LB, BBLB, and the plethera of muck called entertainment youd see sinister goings on. Resulting in a compliant , complacent, immobilised public, and a media who are silent when told and a courts system rife with government intervention.

"The war in Iraq is all about peace' (2.3 million dead)
"We will preserve Scrine Valley 'for the record'." (Destroyed Tara).
"The Shell project will benefit the people of Ireland". (560 billion given away / e100,000/person).
Irish radio is the happiest place on earth if you close your eyes.

Nothing is untouched with the corrupt hand of government if there is a euro to be had out of it. And it succeeds in this corrupt course because people are to willing to accept its leaders with their freedom from accountability and actually have a vail of respect for them.

author by Dannypublication date Sat Apr 04, 2009 19:25author email watchmanontherock5 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Hello K,

It is John Anthony Hill, not William Hill.

Thank-you for posting the news.

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author by Dannypublication date Sat Apr 04, 2009 19:30author email watchmanontherock5 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

On the 2nd April 2009, at 11:00 AM in Court 11 of the Four Courts building in Dublin, the judge Mr Peart breaks his word by not watching 7/7 Ripple Effect before issuing a verdict, as he said he would do; but that doesn't stop him from issuing the verdict anyway and ordering Muad'Dib's surrender to the British "authorities" in 15 days time. And he does not have an excuse since envelopes containing DVD's of 7/7 Ripple Effect were mailed to him from all around the world (which he stated he did not open. Why not Mr Peart? Didn't you say you wanted to watch it?). Mr Peart also does not allow Muad'Dib to speak during the trial. It is reported by some who attend court, that Mr Peart acts like a different person from 2 weeks earlier, as if he has been "gotten to". In view of his actions, this would seem a strong possibility.

The crimes committed against Muad'Dib by the Irish and English "authorities of INjustice" now include:-

1. Handing mail to people it was not addressed to (to the policy enforcers).

2. Burgling Muad'Dib's home.

3. Stealing Muad'Dib's computers.

4. Stealing Muad'Dib's printer.

5. Stealing Muad'Dib's DVD-burner.

6. Stealing several documents belonging to Muad'Dib, including those forming part of His legal Defence.

7. Kidnapping Muad'Dib, and putting Him in prison for nearly 10 days.

8. Exacting a ransom of 3500 Euros in order to let Muad'Dib go.

9. The judge taking away Muad'Dib's right to freedom of speech by not allowing Him to discuss anything other than personal matters with people in England and Wales as part of the ransom conditions, preventing Him from discussing 7/7 with people in those countries.

10. The judge breaking his word and not watching the film at the centre of this dispute, before issuing the verdict.

11. The judge once again taking away Muad'Dib's right to freedom of speech, by not allowing Him to speak in the trial.

12. Re-incarcerating Muad'Dib on the 2nd April 2009, where He still remains, 12 days in prison and counting.

Talk about "perverting the course of justice"! What was Muad'Dib's "crime" again? - Sending a free DVD with the TRUTH to a courthouse of so-called "justice"! Only the BLIND cannot see reality - that Muad'Dib committed no REAL "crime" but has had PLENTY REAL crimes committed against Himself.

author by Dannypublication date Sat Apr 04, 2009 19:42author email watchmanontherock5 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Mr Man said:-

But he wasn't disseminating information, he sent the DVD to the Judge for the purpose of changing his mind. He was/is free to disseminate info. Theres nothing new or orwellian about stopping the public from influencing legal proceedings.

Do you have any proof that the judge had already made up his mind; and was not hearing the trial open-mindedly, nor looking at all the evidence unbiasedly; in order to then make it possible for his mind to be "changed"?

If so, please share with us.

Also, what part of "John sent the DVD because he believes those men are innocent" do you NOT understand?

author by Debrapublication date Mon Apr 06, 2009 17:16author address author phone Report this post to the editors

The verdict for sending the DVD resulting with an order to imprison and extradite seems extreme.

So perhaps it may have something to do with John's research uncovering that Elizabeth "2" was crowned on the fake Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) and is therefore not the legitimate monarch; or perhaps with John's pin-pointing the location of The Ark of the Covenant at the Hill of Tara, which the authorities refuse to let Him dig a mere 2 meters by 2 meters of grass for (and then they go and build a huge road through the area).

author by .publication date Mon Apr 06, 2009 17:24author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"uncovering that Elizabeth "2" was crowned on the fake Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) and is therefore not the legitimate monarch; "

There is no such thing as a legitimate monarch. No stone in the world gives anyone the right to rule anyone else.

author by rationalpeasantpublication date Mon Apr 06, 2009 22:23author address author phone Report this post to the editors

This article concentrates on portraying Mr Hill as a victim of a miscarriage of justice. It avoids spelling out the full story of what Mr Hill is doing and claiming. A perusal of his support site shows that the beliefs of Hill and his supporters are absolutely daft. They believe that he is none other than Elijah from the bible.

In 1988 he "served a High Court Writ upon the British Parliament, at court in the City of Sheffield, demanding that He be acknowledged by Parliament as the Rightful British-Israel King". For those of you who studiously avoid things like the bible maybe I can fill you in on one or two things. According to the bible Elijah is supposed to come back and prepare the way for Jesus and his second coming. Mr Hill seems to have confused the two roles and claims to be BOTH Elijah and Jesus. Not that this will make any difference to rational people, but it offers some insight into the kind of delusions that many theists suffer from.

Rather than being some kind of freedom fighter or advocate of truth, Mr Hill is clearly suffering from religious mania combined with bizarre delusions of grandeur. Instead of sending him to prison the kindest thing the courts can do is ensure that he receives the care he obviously needs.

author by anonpublication date Wed Apr 08, 2009 01:46author address author phone Report this post to the editors

"Mr Hill is clearly suffering from religious mania combined with bizarre delusions of grandeur."

Those whom the enemy wish to destroy they first make mad in the eyes of others.

Given your right to hold and express your opinion, regardless of the person's alleged state of mind in your eyes, are the matters presented in the documentary illusions, delusions?

Have you even seen it?

Despite the fact that the train that "bombers" were alleged to have caught from Luton was in fact cancelled and yet the authorities STILL insist they caught it; despite the fact that identical explosions at the identical locations formed part of a coincidentally pre-arranged mock terrorist attack organised by the government - is this all the
ramblings of some madman?

Or does it not seem more likely that whoever is telling you this tripe is mad? Open your eyes.

author by skeptomaniacpublication date Wed Apr 08, 2009 17:26author address author phone Report this post to the editors

It is easy to label people as madmen or women when they shake this delicate fabric of society, which we call civilised, from its corners -and challenge the beliefs of all that toil under this mantle of delusion called 'civility' or 'democracy', as they call themselves the sane ones living in the delusion.
The facts are there, just because you cant believe them dosent mean that there not true. If you think that British Justice is above reproach, well, that is your first mistake.
We live in a sick world, kept sick by the unwillingness of the masses to act in concert for change, the relative comfort of our present existence is paramount to all else and ensures the continnuance of the corruption. If 7/7 in london was not at least partly executed with the help of British intellegence then all the facts in this film are created as a conspiracy -of a conspiracy theory. Truth is, there is no conspiracy, its a fact,

author by Debrapublication date Wed Apr 08, 2009 21:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

23:69. Or do they not recognise their Messenger, that they deny him?
23:70. Or do they say, "He is possessed"? Nay, he has brought them the
Truth, but most of them hate the Truth.

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author by Dannypublication date Wed Apr 08, 2009 22:39author email watchmanontherock5 at hotmail dot comauthor address author phone Report this post to the editors

Rather than being some kind of freedom fighter or advocate of truth, Mr Hill is clearly suffering from religious mania combined with bizarre delusions of grandeur. Instead of sending him to prison the kindest thing the courts can do is ensure that he receives the care he obviously needs.

"What would Christ do if He could see? What would He, who rode on a donkey, think about the luxurious car, with the ornate throne as a seat? What would He say, if He saw the portfolio of the Vatican (stock-market) shares? What would He do if He saw all the treasures of the Vatican, treasures which could be used to alleviate ignorance by improving education? What would be His reaction to the comfortable lives of the members of the Curia? If Christ suddenly appeared in the middle of St. Peter's Square and said: "Leave your riches and follow me," I wonder how many would. I'd like to know what would happen to Him if He knocked on the Vatican door saying: "You speak in my name. You invoke me. I have come to tell you that you are misinterpreting my teachings." But I know exactly what would happen. The authorities would instantly call the Roman police, in accordance with the Lateran Agreements of 1929, and accuse Him of being anti-establishment, and of disturbing the peace. He would not be judged as before, however, but sent to a mental ward and classified as a maniac impersonator of Jesus Christ." - Monsignor Semprione

No prizes for guessing whose side you're on, therefore.

author by kh - newsmedianewspublication date Sun Apr 26, 2009 15:10author address author phone Report this post to the editors

John Anthony Hill, a.k.a. Maud'Dib has been released on bail following his arrest and imprisonment in Dublin on a UK extradition warrant.

Mr Hill, who posted a copy of his documentary of the July London bombings, 7/7 The Ripple Effect, to the trial judge, is being sought by the UK authorities for 'attempting to pervert the course of justice' by sending the unaccompanied video to the judge, who incidentally never received it.

It is not know at this stage what further developments are to take place in the case.

See related stoies:

author by john smith - nom de guerre - freedom, life, liberty and justice for ALLpublication date Wed Sep 09, 2009 03:57author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Let us ALL send a copy the DVD to ALL judges in the UK . Then let them try to convict people of it.

author by jan jan 63publication date Wed Sep 09, 2009 08:00author email mccarney_john at yahoo dot frauthor address worldauthor phone Report this post to the editors

Improved context for EU-NATO cooperation.
This is because of President Sarkozy’s stated intention to re-integrate France
into NATO’s military command, and because the Bush administration declared its
support for a strong EU defence policy during 2008. or rather vis virsa

In the meantime President Obama should start
talking "informally" to EU governments about concrete ideas to improve EU-NATO
cooperation on missions and capabilities,

cant upload file,, try this link[tt_news]=1175&tx_ttnews[backPid]=133&cHash=497a481ca9

author by TruthRipplepublication date Sat Jan 14, 2012 13:56author email author address author phone Report this post to the editors

Released: 5th of November, 2011. Muad'Dib's latest hard-hitting documentary about the innumerable crimes of the Ashke-Nazi Banksters.

From their historical origins down to their planned genocidal future, Muad'Dib tracks who THEY* are, how THEY operate, and most importantly, how to get rid of them once and for all.

Muad'Dib is calling on millions of people to peacefully surround the Houses of Parliament in London, England -- on the 5th of November, 2012 -- to clean it of corruption and treason, making it a day that present and future generations will never forget.

After being wrongfully arrested and falsely and maliciously imprisoned for making His "7/7 Ripple Effect" film and defending innocent people, Muad'Dib is back with no mercy for those who've shown none to others.

Cutting to the root of the problem, with the only solution. Come and be part of it.

For those of you that are DOers rather than talkers, please see the flyers at the download link below and do your utmost to distribute them far and wide. Both UK and USA versions are included.

* The Hierarchy Enslaving You – THEY.

Caption: Video Id: y8KRGLlF_E4 Type: Youtube Video
NBC Ripple Effect

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