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Comments (8 of 8)
Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8The Israeli troops were involved in the incident when Anderson was hit by the tear gas canister should be properly investigated with no whitewash but that is unlikely.
That said however the Islamic Party of Israel is a party of Islamic extremists who were not interested in peace but the replacement of democratic Israeli society with a Taliban style Muslim state and the explusion of all Israeli Jews from Israel.
They are no different than the collection Islamic lunatics who are in power in Gaza and who the alternative for a Palestinian people caught between the jaws of Israeli military might and the greasy hands of brutal PLO gangsters.
People like the Andersons who are campaigning for peace between Israelis and Palestinians should not be sharing the same platform as religious whackjobs.
The only future for Israelis and Palestinians is a two-state solution - two democratic states which are at peace and terrorism is no more.
The Islamic Party of Israel should have no part in that future.
I see that this atrocious attack was ordered by none other than the notorious war criminal Avi Dichter.
Dichter is wanted in connection with a string of atrocities and crimes.
The guy is afraid to get on an airplane at this stage because he doesnt know if the police will be waiting for him at the other end of his journey.
The taliban have their problems but orthodox jews are pretty daft too. Plus as a state they have 200+nukes, conscription and seem to have no problem iniating war on their neighbours and using illegal weaponry. Also they show a great disrespect for world opinion (and in this case, the press). They are a rogue state.
Also, I hope you are equally scathing about the other lot of religious whackjobs that want to stop africans using condoms hence potentially causing thousands more extra unnecessary slow unpleasant deaths from aids.
It's easy to pick on one lot of religious nuts but to be balanced, you must see them all for the dangerous loonies they are and fear them all equally!!
It's not any one religion that is the problem really. It's the meme that believing something on faith alone without questioning it is a virtue that is dangerous and is at the root of most of these diseases of the mind
I am opposed to all religious whackjobs.
But at the moment the Islamic whackjobs are a bigger threat than all the others right now.
I had the pleasure of attending a debate with Anjem Choudary last year who was all in favour dressing all women like nuns, stoning homosexuals and giving beer drinkers floggings. There are hundreds of millions of these loonies across the Middle East and they want nukes.
As an ardent atheist I would rather I threw my lot in with the Jews, Hindus, Christian crazies and Catholic condom fanatics before those untamed headhacking nuts.
The Palestinian cause should not be used to give oxygen to jihadist lunatics.
You haven't provided any information that would back your claim that the "Islamic Party of Israel is a party of Islamic extremists who were not interested in peace but the replacement of democratic Israeli society with a Taliban style Muslim state and the explusion of all Israeli Jews from Israel."
The 'Islamic party of Israel' does not exist. I assume you mean the United Arab List and Ta'al which are active participants in Israeli politics and support a two state solution.
No, Jim means the Islamic Movement as referenced in the original article but he got the name of the organisaiton wrong.
But i'd still like to see him highlight the facts that lead him to claim that this " party of Islamic extremists who were not interested in peace but the replacement of democratic Israeli society with a Taliban style Muslim state and the explusion of all Israeli Jews from Israel."
Perhaps he could compare them with the ideology of Avigdor Lieberman the Foreign Minister in waiting for the new Facist Likud Government of Israel. Or to Shas the religious ultra-orthodox taliban style party who are also in the new fascist government of Israel.
Letters to the Jerusalem Post, mocking Anderson and patronising his family, make it painfully clear of the level of arrogance and ignorance among Israelis and the contempt they feel for freedom of speech when attempted by people trying to assist Palestinians in getting their rights realised.
One person says: " These groups encourage naive people like Anderson to take the long trip from their countries for the purpose of taking part in disorderly, often life-and-limb-threatening rallies against a fence which has reduced suicide-bombing deaths of Israeli citizens to almost nil. "
Another contributor says : "These people are international political hooligans and should not be tolerated any more than international football hooligans are. Arrest them and deport them."
The assumption being that Anderson is naive because he was unaware of the policy of the israeli army to shoot to kill and maim on a regular basis at this peaceful protest. And that the life and limb threatening activity Anderson was engaged in when he was shot was the insanely dangerous act of photography. The wall to which she refers may or may not be effective at stopping suicide bombing against Israeli interests but it would have the exact same effect had it actually been built in Israel and not on Occupied Palestine. A small detail that makes the damn thing illegal and decreed to be so by International Law and the subject of the protest in the first place. It's also apparently OK to shoot peaceful protestors in the head but football hooligans should be arrested and deported when they go on violent riot in the warped Israeli outlook whereby anything goes against palestinian sympathisers. I dont think Anderson' parents would be distressed if their son had been arrested or deported for taking the photos, its the being shot in the head part that has caused the terrible situation they are all in.
There is a mountain to climb for the Palestinians who are facing a deeply bigotted and hateful Israeli public who are entrenched in very ignorant position in relation to the most basic rights they are trying to realise. The Andersons like the Corries can expect no sympathy from the Israeli government or people.