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Saturday March 21, 2009 20:16
by Contaminated Crow

A quiet week: a cremarorium, a mast, a windfarm and a sand-pit
An Bord Pleanala have approved plans by Illaunamanagh Ltd. to erect a 1 million Euro crematorium in Shannon, Co. Clare, despite objections from the local mayor and residents and a recommendation from the Bord’s inspector that the proposal be refused. (Clare Champion 20/3/09, p.3; Limerick Leader 21/3/09, p.15).
An independent councilor in Ballina,. Co. Mayo has announced she will appeal to An Bord Pleanala the recent granting of planning permission to the ESB to erect a mast at its proposed new sub-station at Abbeyhalfquarter, Ballina. Councillor Mary Kelly, who had objected to the mast on behalf of local residents, said she had been in and out of hospital last year and was consistently asked by a consultant was she certain she had not been exposed to high levels of radiation, but had been advised that the existing heavy voltage pole at the bottom of her garden was safe. ‘Somewhere down the line it will be proven that these [masts] are unsafe’ she said. (Western People 17/3/09, p.15).
Concern has been expressed at an application by Flemmingstown Wind Development Group to erect 18 wind turbines in the Annauscaul area of Co. Kerry. So far only one objection has been made by a member of the public but An Taisce has written to Kerry County Council noting ‘Windfarms are totally unsuited for this highly scenic area because of their high visibility and significant negative effect on the landscape.’ (Kerryman (sic) 18/3/09, p.9)
Wexford County Council has given planning permission to Declan O’Connor for a sand-pit at Glentire, The Ballagh, Co. Wexford despite objections from 13 local residents concerned at dust and noise pollution. Similar sand-pits have been opened in Blackwater and Screen recently despite local opposition. (Enniscorthy Guardian 18/3/09, p.5; Wexford People 18/3/09, p.9).