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News Round-Up Thu Mar 13, 2025 01:18 | Richard Eldred
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25the slumber giant awakes.
Hopefully the realisation that they have been backing the criminal zionist enterprise for 60 years will finally sink in and with the excuse of the financial crisis the US will cease all military aid to Israel.
We live in hope!
I'd give the CBS video a 9 out of 10 'thumbs up' - I have been sending it around to friends in the last few days.
It is remarkable for a number of reasons - especially since it is from CBS, which has always had a pro-Israel bias.
Perhaps gazasympathiser and others didn't see the real agenda in the piece - promoting Tzipi Livni as a 'moderate' in Israeli politics.
She just killed a thousand+ palestinians a couple weeks ago
and now she is presented as the moderate by CBS.
Perhaps that's just RealPolitik Israel-style, but I for one don't see anything moderate about war-criminality.
Other than that, it is a great little piece of journalism.
Tzipi Livni = Moderate War Criminal (but democratically elected, like Hamas)
Yes, last Sunday's 60 Minutes report was a refreshing change from the American narrative of the Gaza assault that is spewed endlessly over the airwaves. Bob Simon, the presenter, was interviewed by Charlie Rose (a serious talk show host) a few weeks prior to this and he pulled no punches in relation to what was going on in Palestine. I was interested, therefore, in seeing if his report matched what he was saying. Overall, it did. However, I don't think this will signal a change in American reporting on the situation -it hasn't stirred up any comment or controversy as far as I can see. Support for Israel is so ingrained here that a report like this would be considered an aberration, and the pro-Israeli lobby is so strong that it swings into action at any hint of the truth being told. Still, 60 Minutes does have a big audience so anything helps. On another note, but related, I am fascinated at the deafening silence on the part of celebrities here in relation to the Gazan slaughter. They are never off the media espousing all kinds of human rights causes, but not one of them has uttered a word about Palestine.
I agree that the report did try to "reposition" Livni.
However, in the context of the rest of the report only the most gullible would buy it.
The treatment of the families imprisoned in their own houses in the hills above Nablus as human shields for the "brave" IDF soldiers was particularly damning and inhuman.
We are no strangers to this use of human shields and the report was ugly reminder of the worst excesses of the Brits who did similar things in West Belfast and Crossmaglen.
The truth is starting to filter out. It is not before time.
"Let justice role down like water. And righteous like an ever flowing stream "
We must all do our bit to keep this issue in the media.
The TRUTH must be told about the 8 yr non-stop barrage of 10,000 Missiles that massacred innocent Jewish Civlians in Israel targeted by Hamas-resulting in children with no legs-children left orphans, mothers with razors in their hearts from dirty bombs in a Pizza parlor-dead babies, pregnant women, old relig men coming out of synagogues, Yeshiva brochers-on and on and on and on!!!!!! I lived in Jerusalem and eyewitnessed these things from 2000-2 during the Intifada-while serving as a missionary there!
Every day Arabs illegaly entered Israel dressed up like IDf or Orthodox Jews in order to board buses and blow them up. They also targeted babies, mothers with children, Relig people, teenagers, kindergardens, synagogues, Reli holiday celebrations- always targeting civilians.
The whole time I lived there- the ARABS were ALWAYS the agressors- and only targeted CIVILIANS. The Israelis- on the other hand- always targeted Hamas Leaders only -that were responsible for the attacks- after they happened. The Israelis were NEVER the agressors.
I lived in the Arab Christian Quarter -and watched Arab TV. They constantly lied every day and reversed the TRUTH. what ever the Arabs actually did- the Arab TV claimed that the Israelis did it. It was the exact opposite of the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!
Unfortunately most Arabs believe these lies. Arabs doctor up and fake photos. On the Other hand- I read the Jerusalem Post every day- and their reporting was balanced and truthful!!!!!!!
You have to live there to see what is actually going on!!!!!!!!!!
"Hamas, Son of Israel: The Israelis birthed and nurtured their Islamist nemesis"
Amid all the howls of pain and gnashing of teeth over the triumph of Hamas in the Palestinian elections, one fact remains relatively obscure, albeit highly relevant: Israel did much to launch Hamas as an effective force in the occupied territories. If ever there was a clear case of "blowback," then this is it. As Richard Sale pointed out in a piece for UPI:
"Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years. Israel 'aided Hamas directly – the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization),' said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic [and International] Studies. Israel's support for Hamas 'was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative,' said a former senior CIA official."
"Hamas history tied to Israel"
...some in Israel saw some benefits to be had in trying to continue to give Hamas support: "The thinking on the part of some of the right-wing Israeli establishment was that Hamas and the others, if they gained control, would refuse to have any part of the peace process and would torpedo any agreements put in place," said a U.S. government official who asked not to be named.
"Israel would still be the only democracy in the region for the United States to deal with," he said.
All of which disgusts some former U.S. intelligence officials.
"The thing wrong with so many Israeli operations is that they try to be too sexy," said former CIA official Vincent Cannestraro.
According to former State Department counter-terrorism official Larry Johnson, "the Israelis are their own worst enemies when it comes to fighting terrorism."
"The Israelis are like a guy who sets fire to his hair and then tries to put it out by hitting it with a hammer."
"They do more to incite and sustain terrorism than curb it," he said.
'J Street members are writing letters of support to Bob Simon'
'J Street supports diplomatic solutions over military ones, including in Iran; multilateral over unilateral approaches to conflict resolution; and dialogue over confrontation with a wide range of countries and actors when conflicts do arise.'
The CBS piece was a watershed but it has to be seen in light of the subtle but important changes that have been happening on the ground in the US with regard to the relationship with Israel. The publication and subsequent reception of Walt and Mearsheimer's book The Israel lobby two years ago was also unprecedented. Most books critical of Israel and the special relationship are burried and go unreviewed by the important publications. Not so with this one, it got loads of play and the message was unambigious. AIPAC and the Israel lobby are bad for America and bad for Israel. Similarly with Jimmy Carters two recent books. Lots of media coverage for a position that is essentially pro palestinian and completely outside what has been the mainstream vernacular. The resulting attacks on Carter have done more for him than for Israels apologists.
Polls consistently show that young American Jews view Israel completely differently to their parents, this is reflected in things like the Daily Show which, while moderately Zionist, is increasingly shrill about Israeli exceptionalism and criminality. Young Jews don't see themselves as having any real relationship with Israel at all. more and more of them are picking up European passports they are entitled to rather than Israeli ones and a whole generation has been influenced by the likes of the ISM. You now also have George Mitchell, a lebanese christian, as the presidents man in the Middle East. Mitchell has form with the Israelis and they arent pleased with him. Obviously theyv'e less to worry about with HRC in state, but nevertheless the ground is ready for an increasingly estranged relationship to develop. Much depends on Obamas view of it. But Israel definitely put him on the spot by attacking Gaza just before he came in, attempting to force his hand. Im not holding my breath but watch this space.
As Americans become aware of Israeli oppression of Palestinians in the Occupied Territories, they may begin to push their elected representatives to end the United States's financial, diplomatic and military support for Israel's illegal occupation of the West Bank.By the truth comes in-front of everyone.
America has no changing attitude. America is still the single biggest impediment at the UN to bringing any solution about for the Palestinian people. Taken in the context of the slaughter and mayhem in Iraq and Afghanistan brought about by the US it must be conceded that America is still the main problem in the Middle East. Its support for the facist zionist entity is a weeping sore.
Yesterday they claimed to pledge 900million to rebuild Gaza and in fact pledged nothing to Gaza and did more to punish the Gazans whilst sending money to help the PA in its efforts to accommodate Israeli expansionism in the West Bank.
Protected by the US Israel gets to sit on the sideline of a conference to rebuild Gaza sneering at the donor countries who are footing the bill for it's belliegerence. All the while smug in it's own contemptible knowledge that it wont let a single block into Gaza anyway. There should be no donor conference, Israel should pay for it's own damage. That should go without saying.
Two thirds of the US money is going to the PA in the West Bank and the remaining third will not be allowed to pass to Hamas so it also goes to bolster the Israel friendly PA:
-- State Department spokesperson Robert A.] Wood said that the breakdown of the $900 million was: $300 million for "urgent humanitarian needs" in Gaza; $200 million to help the Palestinian Authority meet its budget; and $400 million for the authority's programs to improve governance, security and economic development. --
In this article there is also a link to a video interview with the ridiculous Tony Blair in which he inadvertently sums up the entire attitude of the International community to the Palestinian people. When asked by the reporter did he think there would be problems in dealing with the new right wing Facist government currently being formed in Israel Blair's response was that we will have to deal with whoever the Israelis have elected and that there is no point in presuming that there will be problems. This is in relation to the Likud Party who stand on a platform of denial of a two state solution and a denial of the possibility of Palestinian Sovereignty. Which is basically a denial of the right of the existence of Palestine. But Blair will accept this as the legitimate democratic choice of Israelis and foresees no problems.
The Government of Israel flatly rejects the establishment of a Palestinian Arab state west of the Jordan river.
The Palestinians can run their lives freely in the framework of self-rule, but not as an independent and sovereign state. Thus, for example, in matters of foreign affairs, security, immigration and ecology, their activity shall be limited in accordance with imperatives of Israel's existence, security and national needs.
Do you lot not realise that the more extreme position that has been taken by Hamas et al
has driven the Israeli electorate further to the minimilistic Right .
You called the Israelis names they did not deserve for years and now having provoked them
they are the monsters of your own imagination .
Constant pricking and tormenting has produced the worst situation
Do you lot not realise that the present Israeli government started this most recent conflict to drive the Israeli electorate further to the minimilistic Right?
The Israeli politicians are igniting the situation for their own purposes - as is the Hamas.
{The karmic wheel turns, once again.}
Red Jade
At least you have admitted that Hamas has some faullts -now thats an advance !
Have a good day , Sean Og
Because of Hamas Israelis are running to the right?
Have you ever heard the vitriol poured by Israelis and Zionist Americans on Yasser Arafat ? The moderate.
When Fatah were in power there was no partner for peace so settlement building and occupation went on unabated.
Now they have no partner for peace in Hamas so they continue settlement building and kidnapping and torturing etc.
Israeli society has a deluded bitter streak of unrestrained and unprecedented viciousness about it. Its as though you took a spoilt agressive child and let it do whatever it wanted for a few years. Sooner or later the child will lose the ability to know right from wrong.
Israel is a sociopath - Israel needs therapy.
Vincent --- Doctor heal thyself
Look in the mirror and see the horror and the morror
To find out more about the absolutely racist nature of zionism:
READ an online copy of an out-of-print book by Israeli historian Lenni Brenner
Zionism in the Age of the Dictators: A Reappraisal
see also
51 Documents: Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis
wherein Brenner shows common roots of, and collaboration between, Nazism and Zionism in post WW1 Europe
The Plot to Stigmatize "51 Documents" on
To be a Zionist, one must also be an Anti-semite: Chaim Weitzmann
Hamas would not exist if Israel had not helped create it, in an attempt to defeat Palestinian aspirations of being treated like humans, by the old divide and conquer strategy.
I suspect MI5 created the RIRA to do exactly the same in NI.
"Hamas is a Creation of Mossad"
Caption: Video Id: 4Z6vMAoFwf4 Type: Youtube Video
Embedded video Youtube Video
If Hamas is a Zionist creation, then surely we must boycott the Hamas government as such to rid the world of this filthy Zionist creation.
Israel did not create Hamas. Sometimes people say that they did out of ignorance and other times people say that Israel created Hamas to use that notion as yet one more method by which to delegitimise the political will of the Palestinian people. But its not true.
Israel may have created or been instrumental in creating the social conditions in which Hamas could take root and Israel certainly created the political conditions in which Hamas could grow and nurtured those conditions in order to provide Hamas with a suitable environment .
But Israel did not create Hamas any more than the US created Al Queda.
Ah, I see, well then we should boycott the Hamas government as the filthy terrorist creation that it is.
. . . or lying when he said
here's the proof
Is this what is meant by people who try to find comfort in the incorrect assertion that Israel created Hamas.
" Hamas' popularity rises after Israel's Gaza war! ",7340,L-3683681,00.html
--- Hamas' popularity among Palestinians has risen sharply since a three-week Israeli war in January devastated the Islamist-ruled Gaza Strip, an opinion poll released on Monday showed ---
Israel has repeatedly helped to boost Hamas popularity through direct and indirect support or as is seen here through sheer pig-headed malice towards Palestinians.
Its very hard for some people to accept that the closest thing that the Palestinians have to a government and a resistence movement also happens to be fundamentally Islamic.
When people say "Israel created Hamas" what they mean is what they say.
It is a documented FACT that Israel gave financial help to Hamas to develop it's networks amongst the Palestinian people. Without Israeli help it is unlikely Hamas would have emerged as major force in Palestinian Politics
THAT is what they mean when they say "Israel created Hamas"
I really fail to see why you have such a hard time understanding plain English. Perhaps English is not your first tongue in which case your inability to understand plain English becomes a bit more understandable. Maybe you first learned to speak another language (French, Russian or maybe even Hebrew, I don't know) before you learned to speak English? that might explain your total inability to understand basic simple English sentences.
So Vincent: To summarise, in very simple English:
That is the end of today's Free English Lesson, Vincent.
It is clear that some people have difficulties in accepting Hamas as the legitimate representatives of the Palestinians. Even people who have always traditionally been aligned with Palestinian demands for justice shirk away from legitimising Hamas due to their Islmic credentials.
In this instance the claim that Israel created Hamas is being put forward in a void as if to suggest that it makes no difference where thay came from we should just accept it. Well its simply not true and the implications of allowing such an assertion to stand uncontested, even in an apparently irrelevant chat like this are damaging to Palestinian democracy.
Ramzy Baroud, in a very recent article, Entitled : " Was Hamas the Work of the Israeli Mossad? " rubbishes the assertion that Hamas is an Israeli creation calling it "simply Hogwash ".
Mr Baroud also explains that: " some progressive and leftist circles are also uneasy regarding their own perception of the Islamic movement. "
He clarifies the importance behind the assertion for the Palestinians in that : " The mere suggestion is consequential, for not only does it discredit one single faction, but implies that Palestinians are deceived into thinking that they actually have some control over their collective destiny. ... "
Putting things a bit more in context he goes on to claify that : " .. "Hamas" finally made its official appearance in 1987, taking the transformation of the Islamic movement in Gaza one step further, with the birth of the first Palestinian Intifada. Nearly two decades later, Hamas enjoyed a landslide victory in Palestinian elections, another testimony to its phased and calculated growth. "
Anybody wishing to make comments on this issue should at least read this article, if nothing else.