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Galway : Boycott Israeli Goods Campaign Continues Apace![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Most food from Israel is irradiated to lengthen shelf, not human life" Outraged and revulsed at the wanton butchery in Gaza and wanting to do more than wring our hands in impotent empathy, a number of concerned people and activists two weeks ago formed a flying picket and for the last two Saturday's protested outside Galway stores selling Israeli products (and one pro-Zionist fast food eatery), urging shoppers with conscience to boycott Israeli goods and food stuffs until such time - to mention just a few our concerns - as Israel complies with international and humanitarian law, UN resolutions, Fourth Geneva Convention, withdraws from the Occupied Palestinian Territories and dismantles its illegal West Bank colonies With the manager and deputy manager of Aldi's in the Galway and Westside Shopping Centers confirming that their stores no longer stock and sell Israeli goods our campaign now has a fair wind in its sails, however, further confirmation is needed.
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Jump To Comment: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Taking our cue and inspiration from "anonymous activists" in Israel who set up a website (see link) outing senior Israeli political and military leaders accused of sanctioning and committing war crimes in Gaza in the recent brutal assault, today, activists tacked up some 40 Wanted posters downloaded from their site.
With journalist Jonathan Cook reporting http://www.jkcook.net/Articles2/0368.htm#Top that about 300 human-rights organisations have jointly prepared a 37-page dossier of evidence to be presented to the International Criminal Court in the Netherlands, the International Atomic Energy Agency investigating claims by Saudi Arabia that depleted uranium shells were used in Gaza, the UN special rapporteur on the occupied territories, Richard Falk, stating “There is a well-grounded view that both the initial attacks on Gaza and the tactics being used by Israel are serious violations of the UN charter, the Geneva conventions, international law and international humanitarian law,” and a "senior Israeli official" telling Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper: “As far as the international arena is concerned, Israel is entering what is probably its darkest era.” now is the time to spearhead an effective boycott and not allow the palpable groundswell of public revulsion out there towards Israel's war crimes ebb away.?
Black Milk of Israel
Black milk of daybreak we drink it at sundown
we drink it at noon in the morning we drink it at night
we drink and we drink it in the cellar lit by the white phosphorus of our
we dig a grave in the breezes there one lies
A man lives in a house a Tel Aviv house he plays with serpents he writes
he commands for dusk to fall on Palestine your olive hair
he writes it and steps out of doors and the stars are flashing he
whistles death out
he whistles his Palestinians out in earth has them dig for a grave in a cellar lit by purity in
he flashes
Black milk of Israel we drink it at night
we drink it in the morning at noon we drink you at sundown
we drink drink you
A man lives in a house a White House he plays with Zionism he writes
he commands for evil to fall on Palestine your rainbow hair
Your ashen hair we dig a grave in the breezes there
one lies free
He calls out dig deep dig for
he grabs at his belt he waves it in our eyes his eyes are
dig deeper
Black milk of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink it at noon in the morning we drink you at sundown
we drink and we drink you
a man lives in a house a Washington
your ashen hair Fatima he prays with serpents
He calls out more sweetly pray death death is a master from
Tel Aviv
he calls out more darkly now stroke your prayer beads further then as smoke
you will sink into air
then a grave you will have in the clouds there one lies as amnesia
Black day of daybreak we drink you at night
we drink you at noon death is a master from Israel
we drink you at sundown and in the morning we drink and we
drink you
death is a master from its eyes are it shreds with dense inert metal the beast’s aim never dims
a man lives in a house your hair
he sicks his slavering on to us he dreams us amnesia in the air
he plays with serpents and daydreams death death is a master from
Your hair Fatima your rotting hair
But in what way, shape, or form are they "pro-Zionist"?
If what you mean is that they won't join your boycott --- well they CAN'T. For example -- if your demand is that McDonald's closes it's Israeli branches (mind, I wish they would, I hate McDonald's) under pressure from you -- a demand "you join our boycott against Israel or we'll boycott you too", if they complied they couldn't do business in the US!
Remember -- our tradition/definition of "boycott" only allows primary boycott -- not secondary, tertiary, etc.
your an idiot!!!!! DO YOUR RESEARCH !!!!!!
Do you care to comment, and add some info, instead of attacking Mike Novack and calling him names?
can anyone tell me what Israeli products Woodies stock? I am emailing from England and wondering if we can add these to the products we're already boycotting here?
All those cowardly rats in the Wanted posters we now know what you all look like, so beware we will track you down and one by one we will bring you to Justice, keep looking over your shoulders wherever you are, from now on you are the Hunted are no longer the hunters, of innocent men, women,and children. Justice will prevail,as good prevails over all that is evil.
No IDF replies.
Is mise Le Meas
But in what way, shape, or form are they "pro-Zionist"?
" McDonald's is the largest and best-known global food service retailer with more than 30,000 restaurants in 121 countries.
McDonalds chairman and CEO Jack M. Greenberg is an honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., of Metropolitan Chicago. "
You mean a business is "pro-Zionist" if it employs people who are "Zionists"?
Well then I will repeat what I said. They can not comply with your demand, not if it meant that they had to close down every MacDonalds in your country. It'd be that or cease operations in the US.
Illegal here in this country to comply with your (apparent) demand "fire all the Jews".
Didn't used to be that way here. A hundred years ago plenty of businesses didn't hire Jews and it was legal. Of course many buinesses back then also sported NINA on jobs advertisements (No Irish Need Apply). I'm actually old enough to remember the tail end of that period when only a few holdout areas left and a bit ironic ended up working the last few decades of my working days in an industry that did not hire Jews as recently as when I had gone to uni (it influenced what scholarships I chose among the ones I qualifeid for).
Sorry but I can't boycott Israel,I don't agree with some of its actions,but I feel for the Palestinans who have suffered under Hamas.100 members of Fatah were killed during Cast Iron lead by Hamas.Christians,Gay men and Liberal Muslims are all targeted by Hamas.
Hamas are scum,I know most people boycotting Israel have their hearts in the right place,but most of the staff on Israeli farms are actually Israeli Arabs and Russian and Ehiopian Israeli's.
They will loose their jobs and as someone who knows what its like to loose a job.I am not going to go out and purposely boycott Israel and put Israeli Arabs on the Dole.
I know I will recieve a flood of abuse,but I recently watched a video on youtube taken by a British Muslim at a Pro Palestinan march.It was scarely.Look for Muslims attack Police in London.It should come up. Its nine minutes long that opened my eyes.
If you approve of the Israeli butchery of Palestinian civilians then by all means buy Israeli products.
However, be sure in the knowledge that your money will :
1. buy bombs and bullets
2. expand settlements stealing yet more land from Palestinians
3. cause innocent civilians to deprived of their livelyhoods and lives
It is touching to see some of our resident zionist trolls bleat about Israeli farm-workers losing their jobs.
Unsurprisingly there is no concern for Gazans who have ZERO employment, ZERO economy and no food owing to the their jailing as an entire population in the Gaza concentration camp.
The only thing they have in abundance is Israeli brutality, butchery and murder.
Boycott Israel and end the suffering.
So gazasympathiser according to you buying goods from Israel is the equivalent to supporting the Israeli state's military actions against the Palestinians. According to you people who buy products from Israel (that's the majority of people in most Western societies) are complicit in the crimes of the Israeli government in Gaza. That's an irrational rant not a coherent argument.
You arguments are deeply flawed.
You say that by buying Israeli goods that your money will -
1. buy bombs and bullets
2. expand settlements stealing yet more land from Palestinians
3. cause innocent civilians to deprived of their livelyhoods and lives
These claims are false.
If I was to buy an orange grown in Israel, a portion of the profit from the sale of that orange will go to an Israeli exporter, who will pass part of it on to an Israeli farmer. They will then pay a portion of their share of the profit onto the Israeli government in tax. Will this tax money which orginated from me be used towards all of the things you say? No.
If you were to do some research you will find that the money which funds the Israeli governments actions, and the IDF doesn't come from the sales of its exports. This money comes from the US government!
You are far more likely to indirectly be supporting the funding of the Israeli state's action in Gaza and the West Bank if you buy US goods rather than Israeli goods.
You are definitely helping in a very indirect way to fund the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan by buying commodities produced by US multinationals as well as its military funding for Israel, Egypt and Turkey.
You also wrote "It is touching to see some of our resident zionist trolls bleat about Israeli farm-workers losing their jobs." The person who wrote about the farm workers mentioned an important fact that many of these farm workers are Palestinians. Ironically you have dismissed the rights of Palestinians living in Israel as being irrelevant. You also have accused everyone who opposes your views of being Zionists which is blatantly false.
Your arguments are emotional ranting, irrational, illogical and inconsistent. The people of Gaza could do without support from the likes of you, because you will only damage their struggle for freedom.
According to the Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago (Chicago Jewish Community Online) website, McDonalds Corporation whose global HQ is based in Oak Brook just outside Chicago is a major corporate partner of the Jewish United Fund and Jewish Federation.
According to the Boycott Israel Campaign (see link) "through its Israel Commission, the Jewish United Fund "works to maintain American military, economic and diplomatic support for Israel; monitors and, when necessary, responds to media coverage of Israel". http://www.juf.org/jewish_identity/ji_connect_home.asp
The Jewish United Fund runs "Fun-filled Summer Family Missions to Israel" where families get to "visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers" and "visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat and see the important work we are doing there" - Kiryat Gat, is built on ethnically cleansed stolen Palestinian land; the villagers of Iraq Al Manshiya and Al-Faluja were ethnically cleansed 1949 in contravention of International Law. Through its "Partnership to Israel" programme, the Jewish United Fund provides $1.3 million annually to help the development of Kiryat Gat and to promote further illegal settlement there ... In the Jewish United Funds outreach program they pay for Christian leaders and American high school kids to visit Israel and be fed Zionist lies ......Walk in the steps of your ancestors and view the amazing excavations at the Southern Wall ... Stop at Mt. Hertzel where Yitzak Rabin is buried ... Visit our sister city, Kiryat Gat and see the important work we are doing there ... Visit an army base and meet with Israeli soldiers ... Learn the important history of the Golan Heights ...
McDonalds then chairman and CEO, Jack M. Greenberg,was an honorary director of the American-Israel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Inc., of Metropolitan Chicago, however, with a new President and Chief Operating Officer, Ralph Alvarez, and McDonald's still prevaricating on its Zionist ties, it's unclear at this stage how deep they are .?
Further, on 19th Jan 2004, the Mossawa Center for the Civil Rights of Arab Citizens in Israel accused McDonald's of being "racist, discriminatory and gravely serious, and cannot have any justification whatsoever. This is beyond the fact that it is, of course, against the law" when the supervisor, of its Ramle eatery in Israel, Hazem Natche, sacked one of his employees, Abeer Zinaty, for speaking Arabic - her native language - "with Arab clients who addressed her in their own language, which is also their shared native language, and because she occasionally spoke in the Arabic language to some of her colleagues, at work, who are also Arabic-speakers" http://electronicintifada.net/bytopic/251.shtml Mossawa addressed Hazem Natche with "an urgent and irrevocable request, that you stop the degrading, disgraceful and hostile behavior towards the Arabic- speakers among your employees."
In a subsequent Electronic Intifada investigation, journalist Jonathan Cook wrote: Despite the subsequent claims of the company that the sacking of Zinaty had nothing to do with her speaking Arabic, Natche himself contradicts that position. In a handwritten letter to a local Arab newspaper, sent on February 5 by McDonald's PR company in Israel, Tikshoret Asakim, he justifies his decision on several grounds including that: "Abeer Zinaty spoke Arabic to her Arabic co-workers while she was on duty, even though Abeer knows that Hebrew is the language for interpersonal communications at work, in order that her colleagues whether new immigrants or Jews understand the orders sent to the kitchen.
With companies "shy to show their support for the Zionist state, BIG managed to save this image before it was "quickly taken off" the JUF website
Buying Israeli = bullets, bombs, bloodbath
Israel spent 7% of its GDP in 2008 on defense over and above US military aid
Many of the farms producing Israeli foodstuffs sold in Ireland and elsewhere are in the occupied West Bank even though the products are labeled as Israeli in contravention of EU excise and customs regulations I might add.
So buying Israeli supports ethnic cleansing and apartheid in the West Bank.
Buying Israeli supports the zionist project in all of its worst aspects and undermines peace.
Like the South African majority the Palestinians want justice and peace not apartheid and second class citizenship.
The Palestinians themselves have called for a boycott of Israel as have many Israelis and the Jewish diaspora.
They are prepared to accept all that entails.
Support Palestine, support peace, support the boycott!
Differences between Israel and South Africa.
South Africa the minority whites persecuted black people.Seperate schools.Benches,buses, lack of education and shitty homes.
Israel.Israeli Arabs are a minority.They are can go to the same schools.Same buses.Sit at the same benches.Eat in the same restaurant.Lie on the same beach.And Israeli Arabs can go to University like evrey other Israeli.Israeli Arabs are Israeli Ambassadors.Politicans and Solicitors.
Israel recognises Islamic coUrts to deal with family disputes and Israel recognises the Islamic Calender.Israel has two Languages Hebrew and Arabic.Both are officall Languages.
I spent six months in Tel Aviv.Volunteering with an International Gay rights group.I worked with Palestinan men who have fled Gaza,because of Hamas.I heard their stories.Or beatings and rape.ForCed Marriages and Beatings.I listened while they spoke and I thaught of these young gay men and women were so strong.They would most defiently be dead if it was not for Israel.Israel has the most progressive gay rights that even would make the Dutch look conservative.
You are tOtally one sided.Totally Biased.
You don't believe in two states.You want one state.How can Jews live under A religion that wants they slaughtered.Ok yes preach that the Koran is full of lines stating love the people of the Book.IE Christians and Jews.
If so why is Bethlehems christian population dropped so much.Why are they moving to Nazareth in Israel.Or East Jerusalem.They know they are safe in Israel.To practice their religion.
Hamas slaughtered 100 Fatah members in Gaza during Operation Cast Iron.
Funny the anti Israeli RTE never reported that.
You people are hypocrits and need to realise that if you were true peace lovers.you would hate Hamas.You would burnt Hamas flags:If your anti War you ask boths sides stop.But you only ask one.
The "Jewish Federation" is the Jewish united charities campaign -- like the "United Way"
I am not saying that NONE of the member agencies (individual charities) have ANY connection to Israel but any such wouold be the exceptions in the list. The agencies aren't even all (or in most places mainly) Jewish only agencies and quite a few of them have few if any Jewish clients. The agency might be associated with the "Federation" for historical reasons -- thus a long existing soup kitchen in what was once a Jewish neighbohood 70 years ago might still be a Federation supported agency even though the neighborhood went through several population transitions. Same with hospitals, old age homes, social service agencies, etc. At the same time many supported agencies in the list are specifically Jewish (say Hillel Houses at colleges).
Corporations in geographic areas where the Federation is a major umbrella charity would give to its campaign as well as to the United Way campaign. In other words, just the parts of the US where there are (or were) large concentrations of Jews. The Jewish women's umbrella charity Hadassah supports agencies at home as well a strong concentration in Israel (but since their agencies are pretty much all hospitals, old age homes, and special schools, etc. you might not want to attack that one).
Were you perhaps confusing The Jewish Federation of Charities with The Jewish National Fund? That umbrella campaign organization IS focused on supporting agencies in Israel, and some of those you might find objectionable.
Depending on how you want to come across, mistakes of this sort could be serious. You might get disbelieved when you say "I'm not against the Jews, not an antisemite, just against Israel".
Novack: When idiot winds have stopped blowing the bats in your belfry hither and thither, your thoughts, please, on the view that in Israel "killing Arabs is a sure crowd-pleaser" (Norman Finkelstein) http://www.counterpunch.org/finkelstein01282009.html and "Few of us," wrote Arthur Miller, "can easily surrender our belief that society must somehow make sense. The thought that the state has lost its mind and is punishing so many innocent people is intolerable. And so the evidence has to be internally denied." The bleak irony of this should be clear to all in Israel, yet its denial has emboldened a militarist, racist cult that uses every epithet against the Palestinians that was once directed at Jews, with the exception of extermination - and even that is not entirely excluded, as the deputy defence minister, Matan Vilnai, noted last year with his threat of a shoah (John Pilger) http://www.newstatesman.com/middle-east/2009/01/israel-...-bush
A self-hating Jew, perhaps, as regards the former, an anti-Semite, perhaps, regarding the latter.?
Novack, this was an informative and intelligent response - thank you.
Unfortunately TD's supporters are already responding in the predictable way attack and speak in gibberish
'Benny K (supposedly of )Gush Shalom' is just the latest example.
Novack says: 'Depending on how you want to come across...' and, yes. This is the point isn't it? Without constraints, what does TD really want to say?
Israeli Jews overwhelmingly support the stripping of Palestinian Israelis of their citizenship and their ethnic cleansing, also, the broad mass of Israeli Jews supported the recent genocidal attack on Gaza, what hope for a people whose collective conscience has been twisted into something inhuman, whose militarism even ancient Sparta would fear. What hope for Palestine at the mercy of such a rabid Rottweiller.?
"Being a good Christian has never detracted from being a good Palestinian nationalist, and vice-versa"
The economic persecution of the Palestinian people as a whole by the Zionist state has lead to a decline in numbers due to economic migration
Christians are not persecuted by other Palestinians.
The parish priest of Gaza has been particularly outspoken in his criticism of the Israeli murder and brutality in Gaza.
"From the valley of tears, from blood-drenched Gaza, whose one and a half million residents have been robbed of the joy they once had in their hearts, I send you these words of faith and hope.
My brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus, what you see and hear on your television screens is not the complete painful truth about what our people in Gaza are going through.
Their suffering is so widespread over our land that no television or radio could report the whole truth about it.
The brutal siege on Gaza is a storm that escalates by the hour; it is not only a war crime but a crime against humanity. "
Support peace, support the rights of the Palestinian people, support the boycott of all Israeli products and services!
So because one priest says it ,Its true. Then why did 600 Christians leave Gaza for the West Bank during the Christmas hols and refuse to return.They said they could not live under Hamas.
Wake up,If that priest said Hamas were bad and criticised them.Their would have been a few Hamas people knocking on his door and he would dissapear for good.
Seriously like at least if you want to make a point think about what your saying.The Pro Palestinan movement don't want to publicly criticise Hamas or indeed admit Christians are persecuted.I saw not one Flyer or placard criticsing Hamas
Hamas are terroising their own people.
I suppose you will deny the fact a number of Jordanian Red Crescent lorries were robbed by Hamas.And then distributed by hamas army officals to Hamas members.
They are doing what Mugabe's government do.They are torturing and Killing all those that don't agree with them.Or live by their rules so Fatah,Gays.Christians.Liberals are all targeted.The reason the international community is concerned about aid or money is because oF the theft.There has been billions pumped into Gaza and West Bank.By America,Canada,EU and shock Horror Israel.Yet that money rarely reaches those that need it.Its put into banks in Switzerland and the Middle East.Hamas don't really care about being a government.They didn't start building schools,hospitals etc.They did sfa.
They are no frieNds of the Palestinan's. The Palestinans have a right to self government and an Independent state.They must be allowed trade with the world.But people say Israel holds Gaza under Siege.Well Part of Gaza is connected to Egypt.So are the Egyptians also holding Gaza under siege too,
Palestinans need a Mandela or A Gandhi an Aung San Sui Ki or Desmond Tutu.They need someone who brings peace ,and like what Mandela and Tutu promoted was reconcillation rather than tit for tat.You did this so we will do that.It has worked so well and healed the scares of Apartheid.Which are still raw.Take for instance Apartheid Police in Robin Island.Are tour guides With former political prisoners.It works well.People start to trust.
Like Protestants and Catholic children up North went on weekends away.It start to bring change.The Adults will never truely trust but the children are the futher.
I have seen Israeli-Palestinan children camps.They work very well and although a drop in an ocean its a step towards peace.
All of the Christian denominations present in Gaza and the West Bank have been unanimous in their condemnation of the genocidal attacks by Israel and the murder and death rained on innocent Palestinian civilians, women and children.
The movement of people from Gaza to the West Bank before the murderous Israeli onslaught has everything to do with the Christian Palestinians knowing the Israeli form and avoiding the bloodbath.
There is a long tradition of economic emigration by the Christian community in Palestine which again has nothing to do with their Muslim neighbours and everything to do with the murder and collective punishment they are subjected to by the Israelis!
Oh for gosh sake.Can you use google.Look it up.The Christians are leaving Jordan,Egypt,Iran,Iraq,Syria,Lebanon. Why because of Islamic Extremism.Even David Norris who is Pro Palestinan has spoken in the Oireachtas Commitee on Foreign Affairs.About the situation for Christian across the Middle East.
Did you ever read a book.Called Forbidden Love.Yup its about a girl,Who is Muslim who falls in love with A Christian.Her family kill out and kill her in an Honour Killing.
Christian Denominattions are also very concerned about the mass exodus of Christians from Gaza and The West Bank.
Why in the Last five years has there been a massive rise in Christians moving to Israel,from the West Bank.Bethlehem's christian population has shrunk so low.Beit Jala the tradition Christian town.Has now moRe Muslims than Christians.
These Palestinan Christians are not just moving to Israel.Guess what.As Arabs they are not obliged to join the army.Yet a massive number are.
Christians have more rights in Israel than Ireland.Where the Orthodox,Catholic and Modern
Calenders aslong as the Islamic calender are all recognised as offical calenders in Israel.
You people are so one sided.You totally pick one lines and hang off it.
As I already said.People in Gaza have no human rights thanks to Hamas.Criticising Islam is punishable by death.
So any priest who spoke out and criticised Hamas.Would more than likely be slaughtered in Hours.
NoW go to google and type in Hamas son converts to christianity.Read his comments
He says Israel should not trust Hamas.And says if he returned to Palestine.He would be killed.
It is litterly from the horses mouth.He criticises Hamas and Islam.And voices support for Israel
"Christians have more rights in Israel than Ireland"
Given that you have so little understanding of Ireland and Christianity in general and are so fond of Google I'd suggest you look up the Irish expression gobshite.