"Most food from Israel is irradiated to lengthen shelf, not human life"
Outraged and revulsed at the wanton butchery in Gaza and wanting to do more than wring our hands in impotent empathy, a number of concerned people and activists two weeks ago formed a flying picket and for the last two Saturday's protested outside Galway stores selling Israeli products (and one pro-Zionist fast food eatery), urging shoppers with conscience to boycott Israeli goods and food stuffs until such time - to mention just a few our concerns - as Israel complies with international and humanitarian law, UN resolutions, Fourth Geneva Convention, withdraws from the Occupied Palestinian Territories and dismantles its illegal West Bank colonies
With the manager and deputy manager of Aldi's in the Galway and Westside Shopping Centers confirming that their stores no longer stock and sell Israeli goods our campaign now has a fair wind in its sails, however, further confirmation is needed.
"M&S shoppers who care about their physical as well as ethical health should note that most food from Israel is irradiated to lengthen
shelf, not human life; M&S were the first to introduce Israeli avocados to Britain and specially-bred crustacea from Israel fill the stomach-churning M&S “prawn with mayo” sandwiches. M&S has a long history of involvement with the State of Israel, dating back to its founders’ support for the Balfour Declaration". See link.
Another flying picket is planned for this Saturday; assemble outside Woodie's DIY store, Headford Road at 12 noon.
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